860 research outputs found

    Turbochargers in motorsport

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá využitím turbodmychadel v motorsportu, nejmodernějšími použitými technologiemi a regulacemi pro jednotlivé soutěže. Dále porovnáním technologií použitých vzhledem k civilnímu užití.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the use of turbochargers in motorsport, latest used technologies and regulations for each competition. Furthermore, the thesis compare technologies used in relation to civilian use.

    Transforming into Men Who Matter: Increasing Empathy in Domestic Abuse Treatment

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    Men referred to domestic abuse treatment are typically involuntary clients, ranging from being legally mandated to being under significant pressure from others to attend. Such treatment programs have mixed results in achieving change in abusive behaviours. Most programs emphasise taking responsibility for abusive behaviour by examining the precursor thinking beliefs and values, with less attention paid to learning new interpersonal skills that replace antisocial behaviours with prosocial alternatives. Empathy provides a measurable moderator of moving beyond simply acknowledging responsibility for past abuse into learning and applying prosocial relationship enhancement skills with their treatment cohort, families, and significant others. This paper describes a program that builds empathy skills through a series of program and mentalisation tasks that include routine client feedback using the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS). Evidence of increased retention and statistically significant changes in empathy using the Social Empathy Index are provided from a previous study examining the same program. The practice and research implications for domestic abuse clients and other involuntary populations are discussed

    A comparison of structure and properties of S355J2H steel after a heat treatment in a tunnel furnace or in a walking beam furnace

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    Import 23/08/2017Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá porovnáním výsledných hodnot meze pevnosti, meze kluzu, tažnosti a absorbované energie včetně metalografických vlastností a chemického složení trubek reálných zakázek, vyrobených na středisku Malý Mannesmann provozu Válcovna trub- TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY a.s. (dále jen Válcovna trub) v závislosti na typu normalizační pece. Jako zkoumaný materiál byla vybrána ocel „C“ jakosti S355J2H. Zcela náhodně byly vybrány rozměry trubek o průměru 88,9 mm a 114,3 mm, oba ve stěnách 8,8 mm, 14,2 mm a 22,2 mm. Pro potřeby vyhodnocení mikrostruktury byla použita přeražená tělesa zkoušky rázem v ohybu, kde byly porovnány parametry jako je podíl fází, velikost zrna, rovnoměrnost struktury a řádkovitost.This bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of the resulting values of the ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation at fracture and absorbed energy including metallographic properties and chemical composition of the real orders pipes produced at the Small Mannesmann plant of the Válcovna trub- TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY a.s. (hereinafter referred to as the Válcovna trub) depending on the type of the normalization annealing furnace. The "C" grade steel S355J2H was selected as the material under investigation. The dimensions of tubes with a diameter of 88.9 mm and 114.3 mm, both in the walls 8.8 mm, 14.2 mm and 22.2 mm, were randomly selected. For the purpose of evaluating the microstructure, the fractured bodies were used from notch toughness test, where parameters such as phase proportion, grain size, structure uniformity and degree of banding were compared.636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívýborn

    The importance of algal tests for ecotoxicological evaluation

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na studium řasových testů. V rámci práce byla provedena rešerše shrnující poznatky o veškerých způsobech testování ekotoxicity na řasách. Práce se zabývá stručným popisem řas, jakožto testovacími organismy a jejich využití v testování ekotoxicity.This bachelor thesis is aimed at the study of algal tests. Within the frame of this thesis I have performed a literature research into findings about all possibilities algal tests in ecotoxicity. This work is engaged in short description green algae, as a testing organisms and their usage for ecotoxicological evaluation.

    21st Century Ottoman: The Ottoman Turkish Linguistic Revival in Digital Affinity Spaces

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    In 2014, the Turkish National Education Council recommending teaching Ottoman Turkish as a mandatory subject in all high schools. Since that time, this historical register of the Turkish language has been making a popular comeback. This is especially true online, where participants are creating and sharing new content written in Ottoman. This article examines evidence of the revival of Ottoman Turkish in digital “affinity spaces” in order to show it is not only being excavated, but is developing independently from its own historical past. In taking into consideration new calligraphic styles, the political and cultural subtext of memes, and the rewriting of modern Turkish back into the Ottoman lexicon, this paper will identify the form of Ottoman emerging in digital spaces as a unique new iteration of the language

    Transition of cavitating flow to supercavitation

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    Bakalárska práca sa skladá z dvoch častí. Prvá časť sa venuje rešerši. Zaoberá sa objasnením základných pojmov kavitácie a súčasnému poznaniu v oblasti super- kavitácie. V druhej experimentálnej časti sa venuje procesom prúdenia Venturiho dýzou pri prechode z vyvinutej kavitácie do superkavitácie. Cieľom bolo preskúmať hysteréziu, ktorá nastáva zmenou smeru prechodu. Na objasnenie javu sa porovnali statické a dynamické charakteristiky získané z merania a vizualizácie na hydraulickom okruhu s kavitačnou tryskou.Bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to research. It deals with clarifying the basic concepts of cavitation and current knowledge in the field of supercavitation. The second, experimental part is devoted to flow in Venturi nozzle in the transition from developed cavitation to supercavitation. The aim was to examine the hysteresis that occurs with a change of transition direction. To clarify the phenomenon were compared static and dynamic characteristics acquired from the measurement and visualization on the hydraulic circuit with cavitation jet.

    Control system for the hardening furnace

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    Predmetom tejto práce je vytvoriť riadiaci systém kaliacej hlbinnej pece a navrhnúť reguláciu teploty. Je uvedený popis funkcie a konštrukcia pece. Ďalej sú porovnané súčasne inštalovaný riadiaci systém B&R 2005 a navrhovaný systém B&R X20. Súčasťou práce je aj ekonomický rozbor návrhu. Teplota v peci je riadená algoritmom, ktorý by mal čo najpresnejšie sledovať zadanú teplotnú krivku v každej zo šiestich sekcií pece pri procese zahrievania obrobku.Subject of this work is to create control system for abyssal hardening furnace and project regulation of temperature. The function and construction of furnace is introduced. Next there are compared currently installed control system B&R 2005 and designed system B&R X20. Part of the work is economic analysis . Temperature in the furnace is controlled by algorithm, which should accurately follow given temperature curve in each of six section in process of heating workpiece.

    Měření silových účinků el. proudu

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    Import 03/11/2016Bachelor thesis deals with force effects of electric currents that arise in the profiled busbars. The first part is dismantled theory of the origin of these forces. The basic principles of these forces and the theory of strain gauges. The second section describes the implementation of practical part of the whole scheme further measurements and members that I will use. This calculation and verification of the calculations, comparing the measured values. The last part is made exemplary laboratory task for future measurements younger students.Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá silovými účinkami elektrického prúdu, ktoré vznikajú v profilovaných prípojniciach. V prvej časti je rozobratá teória vzniku týchto síl. Základné princípy týchto síl a aj teória o tenzometrií. V druhej časti je popísaná realizácia praktickej časti, ďalej schéma celého merania a členov ktoré budem používať. K tomu aj výpočet a overenie výpočtov porovnaním s nameranými hodnotami. V poslednej časti je zhotovená vzorová laboratórna úloha pre budúce merania mladšími študentmi.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn

    Non-anguimorph Lizards of the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene of Florida and Implications for the Reorganization of the North American Herpetofauna

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    Paleokarst deposits from the Oligo-Miocene of northern Florida preserve undescribed herpetofaunal remains that fill important temporal and geographic gaps in our understanding of Cenozoic lizard evolution. Here I describe and discuss the non-anguimorph lizard diversity of the Brooksville 2 (Ar2) and Miller (He1) local faunas to test for patterns of regional and latitudinal provincialism in the contemporary North American record. Collectively, the sites are significant for documenting 1) extralimital occurrences of the tropical clades Anolis and Corytophaninae, 2) a substantial temporal range extension of the modern southeastern endemic Rhineuridae, 3) the earliest record of eublepharid gekkotans from North America, and 4) the early Miocene arrival of “cnemidophorine” teiids from South America. This work complements recent studies of older, Eocene lizards by others and lends paleontological support to aspects of the tropical conservatism hypothesis: lineages now confined to the tropics were present at higher latitudes when megathermal climates were more extensive

    Attrition in the Treatment of Men Who Batter: A Closer Look at Men's Decision-Making Process About Attending or Dropping Out of Treatment

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Chovanec, Michael George, Ph.D., Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 1995, Marriage & Family Therapist/Adult Day Treatment Coordinator, Scott County Mental Health Center, Adjunct Faculty Member, Augsburg College - "Attrition in the Treatment of Men Who Batter: A Closer Look at Men's Decision-Making Process About Attending or Dropping Out of Treatment"The Ohio State University College of Social Wor