336 research outputs found

    Parasitoids of Polistes myersi Bequaert, 1934 (Vespidae, Polistinae)

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    Information about parasitoids of neotropical vespids is scarce. Parasitoids collected from 43 colonies of Polistes  myersi Bequaert, 1934 and one ofPolistes erythrocephalus Latreille, 1813 are reported from an Andean region of Colombia.  Colony parasitism rates in P. myersi ranged from 35 % to 57 %, being higher in colonies with more cells; however, the number of parasitized colonies did not differ when considering the mean number of adult wasps (8.2 vs. 8.1 respectively). Parasitoidism ranged from one up to four species per colony. P.  myersi parasitoids were: Seminotalaeviceps (Cresson, 1879) (Trigonalidae); Signiphora polistomyiella Richards, 1935 (Signiphoridae); Elasmuspolistis Burks, 1971 (Eulophidae, Elasminae); and a new species of Xenos(Strepsiptera, Xenidae). The latter three are first records for Colombia. P. myersi and P.  erythrocephalus are the first host reports for the trigonalid S.laeviceps. We also report an unknown Tachinid fly species of the tribe Blondeliini attacking P. myersi

    CXCR-4 expression by circulating endothelial progenitor cells and SDF-1 serum levels are elevated in septic patients

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    Background: Endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) numbers are increased in septic patients and correlate with survival. In this study, we investigated, whether surface expression of chemokine receptors and other receptors important for EPC homing is upregulated by EPC from septic patients and if this is associated with clinical outcome. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from septic patients (n = 30), ICU control patients (n = 11) and healthy volunteers (n = 15) were isolated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. FACS-analysis was used to measure the expression of the CXC motif chemokine receptors (CXCR)-2 and − 4, the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) and the stem cell factor receptor c-Kit. Disease severity was assessed via the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II. The serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α and angiopoietin (Ang)-2 were determined with Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assays. Results: EPC from septic patients expressed significantly more CXCR-4, c-Kit and RAGE compared to controls and were associated with survival-probability. Significantly higher serum concentrations of VEGF, SDF-1α and Ang-2 were found in septic patients. SDF-1α showed a significant association with survival. Conclusions: Our data suggest that SDF-1α and CXCR-4 signaling could play a crucial role in EPC homing in the course of sepsis

    CXCR-4 expression by circulating endothelial progenitor cells and SDF-1 serum levels are elevated in septic patients

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    Background: Endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) numbers are increased in septic patients and correlate with survival. In this study, we investigated, whether surface expression of chemokine receptors and other receptors important for EPC homing is upregulated by EPC from septic patients and if this is associated with clinical outcome. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from septic patients (n = 30), ICU control patients (n = 11) and healthy volunteers (n = 15) were isolated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. FACS-analysis was used to measure the expression of the CXC motif chemokine receptors (CXCR)-2 and − 4, the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) and the stem cell factor receptor c-Kit. Disease severity was assessed via the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II. The serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α and angiopoietin (Ang)-2 were determined with Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assays. Results: EPC from septic patients expressed significantly more CXCR-4, c-Kit and RAGE compared to controls and were associated with survival-probability. Significantly higher serum concentrations of VEGF, SDF-1α and Ang-2 were found in septic patients. SDF-1α showed a significant association with survival. Conclusions: Our data suggest that SDF-1α and CXCR-4 signaling could play a crucial role in EPC homing in the course of sepsis

    Compassion fatigue and burnout in healthcare facing of grief and death in hospital

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    Este artĂ­culo pretende identificar y analizar en la literatura la producciĂłn relacionada con la fatiga por compasiĂłn y el agotamiento psicolĂłgico presente en el personal sanitario que brinda atenciĂłn y cuidado a personas durante los procesos de muerte y duelo de pacientes y sus familiares, respectivamente. Esta es una revisiĂłn integradora en las bases de datos JSTOR, ProQuest, Medline (vĂ­a PubMed), LILACS y Google Scholar en el periodo 2005-2018. La revisiĂłn permitiĂł la identificaciĂłn de tres cuerpos importantes de producciĂłn acadĂ©mica: trabajos de corte cualitativo que describen el fenĂłmeno; los que desarrollan escalas y herramientas de mediciĂłn del problema; y los que describen estrategias desarrolladas frente al mismo. En los contextos hospitalarios al personal de salud que acompaña a persona durante el proceso de muerte se le impide demostrar sentimientos y vivir el duelo por la pĂ©rdida de sus pacientes. Los trĂĄmites administrativos, la despersonalizaciĂłn sanitaria, el nĂșmero de pacientes a cargo y la baja conciencia en relaciĂłn con la muerte regulan de cierta forma lo acontecido, impidiendo que exista por parte del personal de salud descarga de sentimientos, llevĂĄndolos a presentar agotamiento psicolĂłgico y fatiga por compasiĂłn. Palabras clave: Agotamiento Profesional; Muerte; Duelo; Personal de SaludQ3To identify and analyze in the literature the production related to comparison fatigue and psychological exhaustion present in healthcare personnel who provide care and attention to people during the death and grief processes of patients and their families, respectively. Integrative review in the JSTOR, ProQuest, Medline (vĂ­a PubMed), LILACS y Google Scholar databases in the period 2005-2018. The review identified the identification of three important bodies of academic production: on the one hand, qualitative studies that describe the phenomenon, secondly, those that scale and measurement tools of the problem and finally those that analyze strategies developed against the same. In hospital settings, health personnel accompanying a person during the death process are prevented from showing feelings and mourning the loss of their patients. The administrative procedures, the depersonalization of health, the number of patients in charge and the low conscience in relation to death regulated in a certain way, what happened, preventing health personnel from unloading feelings, leading them to present psychological exhaustion and fatigue. out of compassion. Keywords: Professional Burnout; Death; Grief; Health Personnel.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9132-0557https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SH-SFzMAAAAJ&hl=eshttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000274801&lang=esRevista Internacional - Indexad

    Characterization of the Interaction between the Cohesin Subunits Rad21 and SA1/2

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    The cohesin complex is responsible for the fidelity of chromosomal segregation during mitosis. It consists of four core subunits, namely Rad21/Mcd1/Scc1, Smc1, Smc3, and one of the yeast Scc3 orthologs SA1 or SA2. Sister chromatid cohesion is generated during DNA replication and maintained until the onset of anaphase. Among the many proposed models of the cohesin complex, the core cohesin subunits Smc1, Smc3, and Rad21 are almost universally displayed as tripartite ring. However, other than its supportive role in the cohesin ring, little is known about the fourth core subunit SA1/SA2. To gain deeper insight into the function of SA1/SA2 in the cohesin complex, we have mapped the interactive regions of SA2 and Rad21 in vitro and ex vivo. Whereas SA2 interacts with Rad21 through a broad region (301750 aa), Rad21 binds to SA proteins through two SA-binding motifs on Rad21, namely N-terminal (NT) and middle part (MP) SA-binding motif, located At 60-81 aa of the N-terminus and 383392 aa of the MP of Rad21, respectively. The MP SA-binding motif is a 10 amino acid, a-helical motif. Deletion of these 10 amino acids or mutation of three conserved amino acids (L385, F389, and T390) in this ahelical motif significantly hinders Rad21 from physically interacting with SA1/2. Besides the MP SA-binding motif, the NT SAbinding motif is also important for SA1/2 interaction. Although mutations on both SA-binding motifs disrupt Rad21-SA1/2 interaction, they had no apparent effect on the Smc1-Smc3-Rad21 interaction. However, the Rad21-Rad21 dimerization was reduced by the mutations, indicating potential involvement of the two SA-binding motifs in the formation of the two-ring handcuff for chromosomal cohesion. Furthermore, mutant Rad21 proteins failed to significantly rescue precocious chromosome separation caused by depletion of endogenous Rad21 in mitotic cells, further indicating the physiological significance of the two SA-binding motifs of Rad21

    Association of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis with Multiple Sclerosis in Sardinian Patients

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    Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection is highly spread in the ruminant herds of Sardinia, in the Western Mediterranean. The objective of this study was to investigate prevalence of MAP infection in association with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) using clinical specimen from patients and controls. We analyzed samples for the presence of MAP specific DNA and to demonstrate humoral response to a MAP protein (MAP2694), a predicted homologue of the T-cell receptor gamma-chain/complement component 1 of the host. We found presence of MAP DNA in 42% of the MS patients and an extremely significant humoral immune response revealed by the MS patients against the MAP protein. In our opinion, this is the first report that significantly associates MAP infection with MS. Further studies will be required to confirm if MAP could be one of the triggers of MS, according to the molecular mimicry theory, in susceptible (and genetically at risk) individuals

    Secondary fibrosarcoma of the brain stem treated with cyclophosphamide and Imatinib

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    Radiation-induced midbrain fibrosarcoma is a rare, highly aggressive tumor, which is associated with poor prognosis. We present the case of a 48-year old man with brainstem fibrosarcoma 20 years following radiation therapy received for a pituitary tumor. We discuss this case in the context of the diagnostic criteria for these tumors, and previous reports of secondary and primary sarcomas of the central nervous system

    Cryptic Leishmania infantum infection in Italian HIV infected patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a protozoan diseases caused in Europe by <it>Leishmania (L.) infantum</it>. Asymptomatic <it>Leishmania </it>infection is more frequent than clinically apparent disease. Among HIV infected patients the risk of clinical VL is increased due to immunosuppression, which can reactivate a latent infection. The aims of our study were to assess the prevalence of asymptomatic <it>L. infantum </it>infection in HIV infected patients and to study a possible correlation between <it>Leishmania </it>parasitemia and HIV infection markers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One hundred and forty-five HIV infected patients were screened for the presence of anti-<it>Leishmania </it>antibodies and <it>L. infantum </it>DNA in peripheral blood. Statistical analysis was carried out by using a univariate regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Antibodies to <it>L. infantum </it>were detected in 1.4% of patients. <it>L. infantum </it>DNA was detected in 16.5% of patients. Significant association for PCR-<it>Leishmania </it>levels with plasma viral load was documented (p = 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our area a considerable proportion of HIV infected patients are asymptomatic carriers of <it>L. infantum </it>infection. A relationship between high HIV viral load and high parasitemic burden, possibly related to a higher risk of developing symptomatic disease, is suggested. PCR could be used for periodic screening of HIV patients to individuate those with higher risk of reactivation of <it>L. infantum </it>infection.</p

    A retrospective study on IVF outcome in euthyroid patients with anti-thyroid antibodies: effects of levothyroxine, acetyl-salicylic acid and prednisolone adjuvant treatments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anti-thyroid antibodies (ATA), even if not associated with thyroid dysfunction, are suspected to cause poorer outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analyzed: (a) the prevalence of ATA in euthyroid infertile women, (b) IVF outcome in euthyroid, ATA+ patients, and (c) the effect of adjuvant treatments (levothyroxine alone or associated with acetylsalicylic acid and prednisolone) on IVF results in ATA+ patients. One hundred twenty-nine euthyroid, ATA+ women undergoing IVF were compared with 200 matched, ATA-controls. During IVF cycle, 38 ATA+ patients did not take any adjuvant treatment, 55 received levothyroxin (LT), and 38 received LT +acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)+prednisolone (P).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of ATA among euthyroid, infertile patients was 10.5%, similar to the one reported in euthyroid women between 18 and 45 years. ATA+ patients who did not receive any adjuvant treatment showed significantly poorer ovarian responsiveness to stimulation and IVF results than controls. ATA+ patients receiving LT responded better to ovarian stimulation, but had IVF results as poor as untreated ATA+ women. Patients receiving LT+ASA+P had significantly higher pregnancy and implantation rates than untreated ATA+ patients (PR/ET 25.6% and IR 17.7% vs. PR/ET 7.5% and IR 4.7%, respectively), and overall IVF results comparable to patients without ATA (PR/ET 32.8% and IR 19%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These observations suggest that euthyroid ATA+ patients undergoing IVF could have better outcome if given LT+ASA+P as adjuvant treatment. This hypothesis must be verified in further randomized, prospective studies.</p
