194 research outputs found


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    Analisi delle dinamiche di segregazione e discriminazione dei Rom e Sinti nela societĂ  italiana contemporanea. Ruolo delle istituzioni, dei partiti politici, dei mass media e del discorso quotidiano dominante nella produzione e riproduzione del razzismo. Percorsi per una interazione interculturale possibile fra Rom e Sinti e societĂ  maggioritaria

    Effect of storage on biochemical and microbiological parametersof edible truffle species

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    The effects of different storage treatments on the most common edible truffle species, such as Tuber magnatum and Tuber borchii (white truffles), Tuber melanosporum and Tuber aestivum (black truffles), were analysed. Biochemical and microbiological profiles were monitored, in order to evaluate possible alterations during truffle preservation. After harvesting, some fresh samples were kept at 4 C for 30 days, other samples were frozen at 20 C for one month, thawed and preserved at 4 C; the remainder were autoclaved. The biochemical parameters studied were sugar and protein content, the activity of some enzymes involved in the central metabolism of the fungi and the electrophoretic pattern of soluble proteins. Total mesophilic bacteria were also counted. The results obtained showed that the storage at 4 C is the treatment that best preserves the biochemical and microbiological characteristics of fresh truffles. Black truffles were more resistant to biochemical spoilage than the white ones, while T. magnatum was the most resistant to microbial spoilage

    Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2’s activation in transgenic mice fed with high dosage of fish oil.

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    Some fatty acids, such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and n-3 fatty acids modulate immune and inflammatory response in ruminants and monogastrics; their supplementation alters fatty acids profile of meat and milk, enhancing their nutritional quality. However, it is still unclear if their addition causes oxidative damage to animals. Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) plays an important role in cellular defenses against oxidative stress, indeed it produces a rapid induction of its target genes involved in antioxidant response. The aim of the project is to investigate the activation of Nrf2 in luciferase reporter mice fed different amount of n-3 PUFA in the diet (7,5% lard, 7,5% tuna oil, 20 % lard and 20%tuna oil). Forty-eight reporter mice are divided into three groups: male, intact female and ovariectomized female. Each group is split in four subgroups fed different diets. Oxidative status will be studied monitoring Nrf2’s activation with in vivo bioluminescent imaging. The inflammatory and immune response will be assessed using calprotectin and lactoferrin levels in faecal samples that are non-invasive techniques. The trial is still in progress: on the 62nd day, animals will be sacrificed after a challenge in order to measure the different effects of diets and +/- oestrogen on stress response. Finally, the post mortem analysis will be carried on extract organs. Data obtained will be analysed using statistical procedures and results will improve the knowledge about interaction between omega-3 fatty acids and animals’ oxidative status

    Shipping and Air Quality in Italian Port Cities: State-of-the-Art Analysis of Available Results of Estimated Impacts

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    Populated coastal areas are exposed to emissions from harbour-related activities (ship traffic, loading/unloading, and internal vehicular traffic), posing public health issues and environmental pressures on climate. Due to the strategic geographical position of Italy and the high number of ports along coastlines, an increasing concern about maritime emissions from Italian harbours has been made explicit in the EU and IMO (International Maritime Organization, London, UK) agenda, also supporting the inclusion in a potential Mediterranean emission control area (MedECA). This work reviews the main available outcomes concerning shipping (and harbours') contributions to local air quality, particularly in terms of concentration of particulate matter (PM) and gaseous pollutants (mainly nitrogen and sulphur oxides), in the main Italian hubs. Maritime emissions from literature and disaggregated emission inventories are discussed. Furthermore, estimated impacts to air quality, obtained with dispersion and receptor modeling approaches, which are the most commonly applied methodologies, are discussed. Results show a certain variability that suggests the necessity of harmonization among methods and input data in order to compare results. The analysis gives a picture of the effects of this pollution source, which could be useful for implementing effective mitigation strategies at a national level

    Multi-Year Concentrations, Health Risk, and Source Identification, of Air Toxics in the Venice Lagoon

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    This work presents and discusses the results of multi-year measurements of air toxics concentrations from different sites of Venice Lagoon. The aim of the study is the characterization of the air quality of the area, in terms of PM10, PM10-bound metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations, even with the individuation of the related inhalation risk and the identification of the main contaminants' sources. The study moreover provides an important multi-years trend of chemical characterization of the Venice Lagoon. Sampling for PM10 and its metal content was carried out between 2010 and 2015, using low volume sequential aerosol samplers; V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Cd, Sb, Tl, and Pb were measured by ICP-MS. Samples for PAHs concentration in gas and particle phases were collected from 2010 to 2014, using a high-volume air sampler that allows to sample both phases simultaneously. Samples for PAHs determinations were analyzed by GC-HRMS. Concentrations of air toxics have been studied with the use of enrichment factor, the coefficient of divergence, and the Mann-Kendal test, to individuate eventual local divergences, seasonal and other temporal trends. The inhalation risk assessment has been achieved by the calculation of the cumulative incremental carcinogenic risk for all the air toxics analyzed. The sources' identification and impact evaluation have been carried out using the atmospheric vanadium concentration, to calculate the primary contribution of ship traffic to PM10, the Positive Matrix Factorization, and the Diagnostic Ratios, with the aim of evaluating the impact of construction activities of M.o.S.E, (Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico-Electromechanical Experimental Module) as well as of ship traffic and other possible air toxics' sources. Temporal trends indicate a slight decrease of PAHs and PM10 and of its content of Pb, Zn, Sb. Sharp increases of As and Cd during 2014 and 2015 may be due to local sources like emissions from the construction yard, ship, and road traffic. The cumulative incremental carcinogenic risk was below the unconditionally acceptable risk; Co and As are the most important contributors among metals, followed by Cd and Ni while the PAH congeners that most contribute to the carcinogenic risk were benzo(a)pyrene and dibenzo(A,H)anthracene

    Traditional farmers’ varieties: a valuable source of genetic variability for biofortification programs

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    Several studies underlined the superiority from a nutritional point of view of ancient varieties. In the last years the interest for landraces has been growing, for this reason preservation and valorisation of these genetic sources is very important. In particular these varieties are source of precious genetic variability interesting from a scientific point of view to preserve biodiversity but also for biofortification programs aimed to support small rural communities, where the particular maize germplasm has been developed. In this work we characterized from the nutritional point of view 13 ancient Italian varieties and one coming from Spain (Millo Corvo). In this pre-breeding work we demonstrate the nutritional superiority of ancient varieties if compared with modern hybrids. In particular Spinato di Gandino is the best variety for milling properties and for oil, protein, and total phosphorus content; Storo is the best variety for calorific value and for carotenoids and free phosphorus content. Using these varieties in the next future we will start a bio-fortification program aimed to obtain new populations with improved yields and high nutritional value

    Prevalence of frailty in surgical older patients and its impact on assisted discharge

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    Background & aim. An increasing number of older persons is today undergoing emergency and elective surgical procedures. Frailty is a highly prevalent condition and a predictor of postoperative adverse outcomes. This study is aimed at measuring the prevalence of frailty among older persons awaiting for surgical procedures, and the activation of services supporting protected discharge from the hospital in individuals with high vulnerability to stressors. Methods. A prospective observational study was conducted in patients aged 65 years and older waiting for surgery. Frailty was measured using the criteria proposed by Robinson and colleagues. Length of stay and care services activated at the discharge recorded. Results. A total of 1,144 patients were recruited. Two-hundred and seventeen (19%) patients were defined as frail, and 395 (34.5%) were pre-frail. The average length of post-operative stay was 5 days. Only 39 (3.4%) patients received care plan assuring a protected discharge. Among these, 35 (89.7%) were frail, 4 (10.3%) pre-frail. The variable most strongly correlated with the activation of services supporting an assisted discharge was the dependence in activities of daily living (ρ = 0.27, p < 0.001). Conclusions. Frailty is a highly prevalent condition among persons undergoing emergency and elected surgery procedures. Nevertheless, services supporting assisted discharge on the territory are quite infrequently activated. An improved integration of care services bridging hospital and community is necessary and therefore a lack of continuity of health and social care. Further research should focus on the postoperative management of the frail elderly patient

    A Heat Pump-Based Multi-source Renewable Energy System for the Building Air Conditioning: The IDEAS Project Experience

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    The current paper presents the state-of-the-art of the ongoing IDEAS research project, funded under the Horizon 2020 EU framework programme. The project involves fourteen partners from six European countries and proposes a multi-source cost-effective renewable energy system for the decarbonisation of the building envelope. The system features a radiant floor fed by a heat pump for the building thermal management. The heat pump can exploit sun, air, and/or ground as thermal sources through the use of photovoltaic/thermal solar panels, air heat exchangers, and shallow ground flat-panel heat exchangers. Thermal energy storage is achieved by means of phase change materials spread along several system components, such as: radiant floor to increase its thermal inertia, solar panels for cooling purposes, ground to enhance soil thermal capacity. Within the project framework, a small- scale building, featuring a plethora of sensors for test purposes, and two large-scale buildings are meant to be equipped with the renewable energy system proposed. The small- scale building is currently in operation, and the first results are discussed in the present work. Preliminary data suggest that while multi-source systems coupled with heat pumps are particularly effective, it is complex to obtain suitable thermal energy storages on urban scale
