810 research outputs found

    Feedback can be superior to observational training for both rule-based and information-integration category structures

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    The effects of two different types of training on rule-based and information-integration category learning were investigated in two experiments. In observational training, a category label is presented, followed by an example of that category and the participant's response. In feedback training, the stimulus is presented, the participant assigns it to a category and then receives feedback about the accuracy of that decision. Ashby, Maddox, and Bohil (2002) reported that feedback training was superior to observational training when learning information-integration category structures, but that training type had little effect on the acquisition of rule-based category structures. These results were argued to support the COVIS dual-process account of category learning. However, a number of non-essential differences between their rule-based and information-integration conditions complicate interpretation of these findings. Experiment 1 controlled, between category structures, for participant error rates, category separation, and the number of stimulus dimensions relevant to the categorization. Under these more controlled conditions, rule-based and information-integration category structures both benefitted from feedback training to a similar degree. Experiment 2 maintained this difference in training type when learning a rule-based category that had otherwise been matched, in terms of category overlap and overall performance, with the rule-based categories used in Ashby et al. These results indicate that differences in dimensionality between the category structures in Ashby et al. is a more likely explanation for the interaction between training type and category structure than the dual-system explanation they offered

    Real-Time Statistical Speech Translation

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    This research investigates the Statistical Machine Translation approaches to translate speech in real time automatically. Such systems can be used in a pipeline with speech recognition and synthesis software in order to produce a real-time voice communication system between foreigners. We obtained three main data sets from spoken proceedings that represent three different types of human speech. TED, Europarl, and OPUS parallel text corpora were used as the basis for training of language models, for developmental tuning and testing of the translation system. We also conducted experiments involving part of speech tagging, compound splitting, linear language model interpolation, TrueCasing and morphosyntactic analysis. We evaluated the effects of variety of data preparations on the translation results using the BLEU, NIST, METEOR and TER metrics and tried to give answer which metric is most suitable for PL-EN language pair.Comment: machine translation, polish englis

    Preparing Books for Children from Birth to Age Six: The Approach of Appropriateness for the Child

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    Children’s books must primarily be appropriate for children so that they could be a significant stimulus in children’s lives. In other words, it is essential that the concepts child reality, literary criteria and artist sensitivity be reflected in books in order to create children’s books. From birth to age 6, the fact that children’s books are written in such a standpoint can help children in this age range have love and habit of reading. In this respect, this article proposes that children’s books from birth to age 6 be written primarily according to the principle of appropriateness for children.  With this respect, firstly, the conceptual framework of the principle of appropriateness was established through scientific evidence, and then this principle was reflected in the design, contextual and didactic attributes of children’s books from birth to age 6. While forming this conception, birth-24 months, 24-48 months and 48-64 months age groups which Piaget adopted in Cognitive Theory were prioritized. Thus, an approach to write and publish books appropriate for children of these age groups and in different development levels has been developed. Keywords: Appropriateness for children, Child Reality, Literary Criteria, Artist Sensitivity, Children’s books

    Milkfish culture in freshwater pens

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    Full Issue - CER Vol. 1

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    Tropical savannas and dry forests

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordIn the tropics, research, conservation and public attention focus on rain forests, but this neglects that half of the global tropics have a seasonally dry climate. These regions are home to dry forests and savannas (Figures 1 and 2), and are the focus of this Primer. The attention given to rain forests is understandable. Their high species diversity, sheer stature and luxuriance thrill biologists today as much as they did the first explorers in the Age of Discovery. Although dry forest and savanna may make less of a first impression, they support a fascinating diversity of plant strategies to cope with stress and disturbance including fire, drought and herbivory. Savannas played a fundamental role in human evolution, and across Africa and India they support iconic megafauna. Pennington et al. introduce seasonally dry biomes in the tropics – savannahs and dry forests

    Due process in dual process: Model-recovery simulations of decision-bound strategy analysis in category learning

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Behavioral evidence for the COVIS dual-process model of category learning has been widely reported in over a hundred publications (Ashby and Valentin, 2016). It is generally accepted that the validity of such evidence depends on the accurate identification of individual participants’ categorization strategies, a task that usually falls to Decision Bound analysis (Maddox and Ashby, 1993). Here, we examine the accuracy of this analysis in a series of model-recovery simulations. In Simulation 1, over a third of simulated participants using an Explicit (conjunctive) strategy were misidentified as using a Procedural strategy. In Simulation 2, nearly all simulated participants using a Procedural strategy were misidentified as using an Explicit strategy. In Simulation 3, we re-examined a recently-reported COVIS-supporting dissociation (Smith et al., 2014), and found that these misidentification errors permit an alternative, single-process, explanation of the results. Implications for due process in the future evaluation of dual-process theories, including recommendations for future practice, are discussed


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    İZMİR İLİ KARANFİL ÜRETİM ALANLARINDA FUSARİUM SOLGUNLUĞU (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi) VE MÜCADELESİ Ceren CER Doktora Tezi, Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Seher BENLİOĞLU 2021, 171 sayfa Dünyada ve ülkemizde karanfil üretiminde karşılaşılan en yaygın ve tahripkâr biyotik etmen, Fusarium solgunluğuna sebep olan Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi (Fod)’dir. Bu tez çalışmasında, 2016 yılı Nisan-Ağustos ayları arasında İzmir’in örtü altı kesme çiçek karanfil alanlarında yapılan survey ve izolasyon çalışmaları sonunda hastalığın bulunma oranının ortalama %55 civarında olduğu saptanmış, toplam 100 Fusarium spp. izolatı elde edilmiştir. Klasik ve moleküler tanı çalışmaları sonucunda izolatların 84’ü Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi, 16’sı ise Fusarium proliferatum olarak tanılanmıştır. Irka özgü primer çiftleri ile yapılan PCR testleri sonucunda ise 84 Fod izolatının 67’sinin Fod ırk 2, 16’sının da Fod ırk 1/8 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Karanfil Solgunluğu ile mücadele çalışmalarında, in vitro’da en iyi sonucu prochloraz ve bromuconazole, in vivo’da ise %71,22 etki ile bromuconazole vermiştir. Toprak dezenfeksiyonu uygulamalarının 1. yılında %78,32 etki ile solarizasyon, 2.ci’de % 77,2 ile dazomet, 3.cü’de % 86,30 ile dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) en iyi uygulamalar oluştur. Fungisit denemelerinde 1. yıl fide bulaşıklığının çok yüksek ve parseller arasında varyasyonun yüksek olması, 2. yılda ise hastalığın çok düşük olması nedeniyle beklenen sonuçlar elde edilememiştir.İÇİNDEKİLER KABUL VE ONAY SAYFASI.............................................................................. iii BİLİMSEL ETİK BİLDİRİM SAYFASI ................................................................v ÖZET .................................................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ix ÖNSÖZ ...................................................................................................................xi İÇİNDEKİLER .................................................................................................... xiii KISALTMALAR VE SİMGELER DİZİNİ........................................................ xvii ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ...............................................................................................xix ÇİZELGELER DİZİNİ ...................................................................................... xxiii EKLER DİZİNİ................................................................................................. xxvii 1. GİRİŞ ...................................................................................................................1 2. KAYNAK ÖZETLERİ ........................................................................................8 2.1. Karanfilde Fusarium Solgunluğu Konusunda Ülkemizde Yapılan Araştırmalar ...................................................................................................8 2.2. Karanfilde Fusarium Solgunluğu Konusunda Dünyada Yapılan Araştırmalar .................................................................................................11 2.2.1. Fod’nin Hastalık Fizyolojisi ve Bazı Karanfil Çeşitlerinin Hastalığa Reaksiyonu Üzerine Yapılan Araştırmalar ..................................................11 2.2.2. Fod’nin Irkları ve Vejetatif Uyum Gruplarının Klasik ve Moleküler Yöntemlerle Çalışıldığı Araştırmalar...........................................................13 2.2.3. Fod’nin Mücadelesi Üzerine Yapılan Araştırmalar .....................................19 3. MATERYAL VE YÖNTEM .............................................................................29 3.1. Materyal ..........................................................................................................29 3.1.1. Bitkisel Materyal..........................................................................................29 3.1.2. Fungal Materyal ...........................................................................................29 3.1.3. Moleküler Çalışmalarda Kullanılan Materyaller..........................................29 xiv 3.1.4. Fungisitler ve Biyolojik Preparatlar ............................................................ 29 3.1.5. Toprak Dezenfeksiyonu Çalışmalarında Kullanılan Materyaller................ 30 3.2. Yöntem........................................................................................................... 30 3.2.1. Survey Çalışmaları ...................................................................................... 30 3.2.2. İzolasyon Çalışmaları .................................................................................. 31 3.2.3. Elde Edilen İzolatların Patojenisite Çalışmaları ve Virulenslik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi .......................................................................... 33 Karanfil gövde parçalarına inokulasyon yöntemi..................................... 33 Köksüz karanfil çeliklerine spor süspansiyonunun inokulasyonu............ 34 Karanfil fideleri ile yürütülen patojenisite çalışmaları............................. 35 3.2.4. Patojen İzolatların Tanılanması................................................................... 37 Tek spor izolatların elde edilmesi............................................................. 37 Klasik tanılama......................................................................................... 37 Moleküler tanılama................................................................................... 38 3.2.5. Karanfil Solgunluğu ile Mücadele Çalışmaları ........................................... 40 In vitro’da fungisitlerin etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi ................................ 40 In vivo’da bazı fungisitlerin etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi.......................... 41 Arazi çalışmaları....................................................................................... 43 4. BULGULAR ..................................................................................................... 59 4.1. Survey Çalışmaları ......................................................................................... 59 4.2. İzolasyon Çalışmaları ..................................................................................... 59 4.3. Elde Edilen İzolatların Patojenisite Çalışmaları ve Virulenslik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi ................................................................................................ 60 4.3.1. Karanfil Gövde Parçalarına İnokulasyon Yöntemi ..................................... 60 4.3.2. Köksüz Karanfil Çeliklerine Spor Süspansiyonunun İnokulasyonu ........... 62 4.3.3. Karanfil Fideleri ile Yürütülen Patojenisite Çalışmaları ............................. 63 xv 4.4. Patojen İzolatların Tanılanması.......................................................................65 4.4.1. Klasik Tanılama ...........................................................................................65 4.4.2. Moleküler Tanılama .....................................................................................83 4.5. Karanfil Solgunluğu ile Mücadele Çalışmaları...............................................97 4.5.1. In vitro’da Fungisitlerin Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi..................................97 4.5.2. In vivo’da Bazı Fungisitlerin Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi ........................101 4.5.3.Arazi Çalışmaları.........................................................................................104 2015-2016 üretim sezonu çalışmaları......................................................104 2016-2017 üretim sezonu çalışmaları......................................................108 2017-2018 üretim sezonu çalışmaları......................................................113 5. TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ.................................................................................122 KAYNAKLAR ....................................................................................................152 EKLER.................................................................................................................165 ÖZGEÇMİŞ .........................................................................................................16