36 research outputs found

    Intensidad turística en ciudades medianas y pequeñas españolas. Investigación de turismo urbano mediante un indicador cuantitativo: Indicador de Intensidad Turística

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    Urban tourism has experienced significant growth in recent decades, generating situations of overtourism and tourismophobia. In Spain, cities such as Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia, and Madrid face the effects of excess tourism on a daily basis, even in times of the pandemic. The objective of this study is to determine whether an increase in tourism intensity has also occurred in small and medium-sized Spanish cities and, if so, to develop an assessment of the phenomenon. To this end, a Tourism Intensity Index (TII) has been designed and applied to international tourist flows and statistically tested (through cluster analysis and Student’s ‘t’ test), permitting not only a confirmation of the phenomenon but its characterization during the period 2003-2020 and its interpretation from a geographical perspective. This research shows that tourist intensity is a phenomenon that extends also to medium and small Spanish cities.En las últimas décadas el turismo urbano ha experimentado un importante crecimiento generando situaciones de overtourism y turismofobia. En España, ciudades como Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca o Madrid afrontan diariamente los efectos de los excesos turísticos, incluso en tiempos de pandemia. Precisamente, es objetivo de este estudio determinar si también se está produciendo un incremento de la intensidad turística en las ciudades españolas de tamaño medio y pequeño y, en caso positivo, desarrollar una valoración del fenómeno. Para ello, se ha diseñado un Indicador de Intensidad Turística (ITT) cuyos resultados, aplicados a los flujos de turismo internacional y testeados estadísticamente (análisis clúster y prueba “t”-Student), han permitido no solo confirmar el fenómeno sino también caracterizarlo durante el periodo cronológico 2003-2020 e interpretarlo desde una perspectiva geográfica. Esta investigación muestra que la intensidad turística es un fenómeno que también deben afrontar las ciudades españolas pequeñas y medianas que han experimentado en los últimos años un importante crecimiento turístico.This research forms part the competitive project “Culture and territory in Spain: Processes and impacts in small and medium-sized cities” (references CSO2017-83603-C2-1-R and CSO2017-83603-C2-2 -R), financed by the State Research Program “Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society” of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, 2013-2016

    Tourist intensity in medium and small Spanish cities. Urban tourism research using a quantitative indicator: Tourism Intensity Index (TII)

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    Urban tourism has experienced significant growth in recent decades, generating situations of overtourism and tourismophobia. In Spain, cities such as Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia, and Madrid face the effects of excess tourism on a daily basis, even in times of the pandemic. The objective of this study is to determine whether an increase in tourism intensity has also occurred in small and medium-sized Spanish cities and, if so, to develop an assessment of the phenomenon. To this end, a Tourism Intensity Index (TII) has been designed and applied to international tourist flows and statistically tested (through cluster analysis and Student’s ‘t’ test), permitting not only a confirmation of the phenomenon but its characterization during the period 2003-2020 and its interpretation from a geographical perspective. This research shows that tourist intensity is a phenomenon that extends also to medium and small Spanish cities

    A identidade maya-poqomchi’ guatemalteca em suas manifestações espirituais e religiosas

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    Guatemala es un país caracterizado por una diversidad cultural considerable. Entre los más de veinte grupos mayas que pueblan su geografía, los poqomchi´es que habitan en Alta y Baja Verapaz han mantenido gran parte de su idiosincrasia particular, heredada de los antiguos mayas. El principal objeto de este artículo es analizar los aspectos más destacados de la espiritualidad y religiosidad poqomchi´, como herencia del pueblo maya del que proceden y producto tanto de la interacción con otros colectivos mayas cercanos como del sincretismo como respuesta de supervivencia. Para ello, nos basaremos en la observación sistemática y participante y la entrevista, para llegar a la conclusión de cómo aún en la actualidad los principales rasgos de la espiritualidad poqomchi´ continúan vigentes, no exentos de la influencia de los pueblos con los que comparte espacio.Guatemala is a country of considerable cultural diversity. Among the more than twenty Mayan groups that populate its territory, the Poqomchi´ who inhabit Alta and Baja Verapaz have preserved a great deal of their particular idiosyncrasy inherited from the ancient Maya. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the most important aspects of Poqomchi´ spirituality and religiosity as the legacy of the ancient Maya from whom they descend, as well as a product both of their constant interaction with other Mayan groups and syncretism as a survival mechanism. For this purpose, it is based on systematic participant observation and interviews which have led to conclude that the main features of Poqomchi´ spirituality remain alive even today, although not free from the influence of the peoples with whom they share space.A Guatemala é um país caracterizado por uma diversidade cultural considerável. Entre os mais de 20 grupos maias que povoam sua geografia, os poqomchi’es que habitam na Alta e Baixa Verapaz têm mantido grande parte de sua idiossincrasia, herdada dos antigos maias. O principal objetivo deste artigo é analisar os aspectos mais destacados da espiritualidade e religiosidade poqomchi’, como herança do povo maia do qual procedem e produto tanto da interação com outros grupos maias próximos quanto do sincretismo como resposta de sobrevivência. Para isso, tomaremos como base a observação sistemática e participante e a entrevista para chegar à conclusão de como ainda na atualidade os principais traços da espiritualidade poqomchi’ continuam vigentes, não isentos da influência dos povos com os quais compartilham espaço.Este artículo es el resultado de las investigaciones etnográficas llevadas a cabo por el investigador dentro del grupo HUM 556 (Universidad de Huelva, España), Mundialización e Identidad, y forma parte de una investigación sobre la esencia identitaria, los procesos de preservación cultural y transculturación de los pueblos mayas de Guatemala

    Racial Discrimination, Black Identity, and Critical Consciousness in Spain

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    This article analyzes the relationship of racial discrimination on the identity and critical consciousness of 1369 African and Afro-descendant respondents to the frst nationwide survey conducted in Spain in 2020. The survey not only showed the scope of experiences of discrimination based on skin color but has also opened the way for testing whether these experiences of racial discrimination end up afecting the identity and critical consciousness of black people, Africans, or Afro-descendants, based on the questions included in the survey and the rejection–identifcation hypothesis. According to the statistical models obtained by discriminant analysis, racial discrimination helps to strengthen racial identity. Having been discriminated by skin color was the variable that most diferentiated those who self-identifed with their country of origin from those who did not and the second most predictive of self-recognition as a black or Afro-descendant person. But when the infuences of racial discrimination on racial identity and critical consciousness were jointly analyzed, applying structural equation modeling, the latter outweighed the former: racial discrimination contributes to the awakening black activism. Less clear seems to be the infuence of racial identity on critical consciousness

    The effects of economic crisis in the framing and evolution of spanish public opinion towards immigration

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    This paper deals with the effects of economic crisis in the change of attitudes towards immigration, by means of a longitudinal approach via survey data. The analysis of dimensions and indicators of xenophobia corroborates the negative effect of economic turmoil and labor threat in the increase of xenophobia, in tune with Intergroup Conflict Theory. Although in 2012, rejection to immigration drew back, whereas ambivalence extended and became tenuous tolerance. In its explanation stands out the lowering of both real and perceived presence of immigrant population, confirming the effect attributed to the out-group size. Other subjects related to the framing of attitudes add themselves: the image of immigration transmitted by the mass media and political discourses, in addition to mutual knowledge (in accordance with the Theory of Intergroup Contact)

    New-old discourses on immigration and its lived experience reflect of racism, xenophobia and xenophile in nowadays immigrant Spain

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    In this article we deal with the first results of the qualitative phase of the MEXEES 3 Project that aims at the improvement of xenophobia measurement via survey. The more comprehensive research has been oriented by four specific objectives: 1. To develop more efficient indicators for registering the forms of xenophobia (and xenophile); 2. To analyze the factors affecting its manifestation or concealment; 3. To inquire about the main experiential axes of today’s xenophobic discourse and its correspondence with theoretical knowledge, 4. To test which survey design favors the declaration of xenophobic attitudes or attitudes against immigration. Although the qualitative study has provided some relevant materials for the first three objectives, here we focus mainly on the third. Together with the reflection over our methodological design and implementation, we highlight some of the concrete experiences of xenophobia and xenophile that arose whilst qualitatively interviewing natives and foreigners. Both the prevalence and actualization of the dimensions underlined in the literature are detected (the one of national-cultural identity, the one of competence for limited resources, and the one related with citizen security); to these is added the emergence of some variants related to the pre sent context of high immigration visibility in Spain, in daily life, in political discourses and the medi

    Impacto de las prácticas curriculares en contabilidad en los estudiantes universitarios: un estudio empírico en España: Impact of curricular internships in accounting on university students: an empirical study in Spain

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    Various organizations, commissions and committees highlight the importance of teaching future accounting professionals through the combination of theoretical training and professional practice. The university must guarantee an accounting profession through graduates who can respond to the needs and global changes of the society. Curricular internships, conducive to experiential learning, allow the student to integrate classroom learning with professional practice, as well as to translate abstract theoretical concepts into reality. An increasing number of universities include the subject of internships within their curricula. All of this makes it interesting to analyse the impact these internships have on university students. This article presents, through factor analysis and the technique of structural equations, a model that comprehensively evaluates the impact of curricular internships in the accounting field on students. The information necessary to estimate the model was obtained through a questionnaire presented to students at the end of their internship period. The survey was completed by 279 students belonging to the Degrees in Business Administration and Management and in Economics at the Autonomous University of Madrid.Diversas organizaciones, comisiones y comités destacan la importancia de la enseñanza de los futuros profesionales de la contabilidad mediante la combinación de la formación teórica y la práctica profesional. La universidad debe garantizar una profesión contable a través de graduados que puedan responder a las necesidades y cambios globales de la sociedad. Las prácticas curriculares, propicias para el aprendizaje experiencial, permiten al estudiante integrar el aprendizaje en el aula con la práctica profesional, así como trasladar a la realidad conceptos teóricos abstractos. Cada vez son más las universidades que incluyen la asignatura de prácticas dentro de sus planes de estudio. Todo ello hace interesante analizar el impacto que estas prácticas tienen en los estudiantes universitarios. En este artículo se presenta, mediante análisis factorial y la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales, un modelo que evalúa de forma exhaustiva el impacto de las prácticas curriculares en el ámbito contable sobre los estudiantes. La información necesaria para estimar el modelo se obtuvo a través de un cuestionario presentado a los estudiantes al final de su período de prácticas. La encuesta fue cumplimentada por 279 estudiantes pertenecientes a los Grados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y en Economía de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Convergencias y divergencias de los discursos e imágenes de la inmigración en etapas de bonanza y de crisis

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    En este artículo se presentan algunos de los resultados de dos investigaciones encadenadas. Ambas centradas en el estudio de la memoria migratoria y las formas de xenofobia informadas por autóctonos y foráneos en España. La primera hecha en una etapa de bonanza económica (2006-08); la segunda, en momentos de crisis (2010-12). En concreto, se sintetiza el análisis comparativo de los materiales cualitativos reunidos en ambos proyectos, que se acompaña del contraste aportado por los datos estadísticos, de encuesta y otras fuentes disponibles. El contexto actual de acentuada crisis económica y financiera ha supuesto una oportunidad investigadora para comprobar si el aumento de la competencia (por el empleo, las prestaciones y ayudas públicas) propicia el recrudecimiento de los discursos e imágenes negativas de la inmigración. Se revelan varias de las razones detrás de la formas de xenofobia y su reverso, las xenofilias, en las coordenadas de espacio y tiempo referidas