16 research outputs found

    Differences in Weight Status and Energy-Balance Related Behaviors among Schoolchildren across Europe: The ENERGY-Project

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    Background: Current data on the prevalence of overweight and energy-balance behaviors among European children is necessary to inform overweight prevention interventions. Methodology/Principal Findings: A school-based survey among 10–12 year old children was conducted in seven European countries using a standardized protocol. Weight, height, and waist circumference were measured; Engagement in physical activity, sedentary and dietary behaviors, and sleep duration were self-reported. Descriptive analyses were conducted, looking at differences according to country, gender, and parental education. 7234 children (52%girls; 11.6±0.7 years) participated. 25.8% and 5.4% of boys, and 21.8% and 4.1% of girls were overweight (including obese) and obese (according to International Obesity Task Force criteria), respectively. Higher prevalence of overweight/obesity was observed in Greece, Hungary, Slovenia and Spain than in Belgium, Netherlands and Norway. Large differences between countries were found in intakes of sugar-sweetened beverages, breakfast, active transport, TV and computer time. More favorable overweight status and behavior patterns were found in girls than boys and in children of higher educated parents than in children of lower educated parents. Conclusions/Significance: High levels and striking differences in overweight status and potential risk behaviors were found among schoolchildren across Europe

    Fetal anomaly scan potentially will replace routine AFAFP assays for the detection of neural tube defects.

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    Contains fulltext : 52170.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVES: Introduction of the second-trimester fetal anomaly scan and the decision to offer this scan to every woman in the 18th-22nd week of pregnancy necessitates a re-evaluation of the diagnostic value of the measurement of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrations in the amniotic fluid (AF) for the detection of neural tube defects (NTDs). METHODS: In this study of 6501 women who underwent amniocentesis, amniotic fluid AFP (AFAFP) concentrations were measured. The women were divided into three categories: group I, without any increased risk of fetal NTD (N = 6188); group II, with an increased risk of fetal NTD (N = 258); and group III, with a clinically diagnosed fetal NTD with known AFAFP concentrations (N = 55). RESULTS: In 27 women of group I (0.4%), the MoM (multiple of the median) level was > 2.5 times the median AFP concentration for the corresponding gestational age, and in two fetuses this was related to NTD. In two pregnancies of group II (0.8%), an increased AFAFP was related to NTD. In group III, 44 of the 55 (80%) samples had an increased AFAFP. CONCLUSION: In the near future, it is likely that imaging will replace AFAFP assays for the detection of fetal NTDs because high quality ultrasound imaging will detect NTDs accurately

    Top incomes in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom over the 20th Century

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    A method is developed for using income-tax data to investigate the evolution of the highest incomes over virtually the entire 20th century. The income shares of the top 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1, and 0.05 percent are analysed for the UK and the Netherlands. For considering the top shares among themselves the "Pareto–Lorenz coefficient" is proposed. Between the two countries, the top shares appear to undergo a strikingly similar and strong decline up to the mid-1970s. Since then British top shares have increased significantly while Dutch shares remained basically unchanged. This outcome parallels similar results for the US and France obtained by Piketty and Saez and poses interesting questions for research

    Hepatitis B in Moroccan-Dutch: a qualitative study into determinants of screening participation.

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    Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) leads to an increased risk for liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. In the Netherlands, chronic HBV prevalence in the general population is 0.20%, but 3.77% in first generation immigrants. Our aim was to identify determinants associated with the intention to participate in HBV testing among first generation Moroccan immigrants, one of the two largest immigrant groups targeted for screening