25 research outputs found

    Ten years of isotopic composition of precipitation at Concordia Station, East Antarctica

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    Oxygen and Hydrogen isotopic composition (delta18O and deltaD) in ice cores has been widely used as a proxy for reconstructing past temperature variations. However, the atmospheric dynamics determining the precipitation isotopic composition on the Antarctic Plateau are yet to be fully understood, as well as the post-depositional processes modifying the pristine snow isotopic signal: both are fundamental for the interpretation of the isotopic records from deep Antarctic ice cores drilled in low accumulation areas in order to improve past temperature reconstructions. Since 2008, daily precipitation has been continuously collected by the winter-over personnel on raised surfaces (height: 1 m) placed in the clean area of Concordia Station on the East Antarctic plateau. Each sample has been analyzed for 18O, D and deuterium excess (d): this represents a unique record, still ongoing, for the isotopic composition of precipitation in inland Antarctica. In order to better comprehend the relationship between local temperature and the isotopic signal of precipitation, temperature data (T2m) from the Dome C Automatic Weather Station of the Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA) were correlated with precipitation sample delta18O, deltaD and d from 2008 to 2017. A significant positive correlation between delta18O and deltaD of precipitation and T2m is observed when using both daily and monthly-averaged data. The measured precipitation isotopic data were also compared to the simulated delta18O, deltaD and d from the isotope-enabled atmospheric general circulation models ECHAM5-wiso and ECHAM6-wiso, with the latter showing significant improvement in simulating the isotopic data of precipitation

    A Nine-year series of daily oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation at Concordia station, East Antarctica

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    The atmospheric processes determining the isotopic composition of precipitation on the Antarctic plateau are yet to be fully understood, as well as the post-depositional processes altering the snow pristine isotopic signal. Improving the comprehension of these physical mechanisms is of crucial importance for interpreting the isotopic records from ice cores drilled in the low accumulation area of Antarctica, e.g., the upcoming Beyond EPICA drilling at Little Dome C. Up to now, few records of the isotopic composition of precipitation in Antarctica are available, most of them limited in time or sampling frequency. Here we present a 9-year long δ18O and δD record (2008-2016) of precipitation at Concordia base, East Antarctica. The snow is collected daily on a raised platform (1 m), positioned in the clean area of the station; the precipitation collection is still being carried out each year by the winter over personnel. A significant positive correlation between isotopes in precipitation and 2-m air temperature is observed at both seasonal and interannual scale; the lowest temperature and isotopic values are usually recorded during winters characterized by a strongly positive Southern Annular Mode index. To improve the understanding of the mechanisms governing the isotopic composition of precipitation, we compare the isotopic data of Concordia samples with on-site observations, meteorological data from the Dome C AWS of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as with high-resolution simulation results from the isotope-enabled atmospheric general circulation models ECHAM5-wiso and ECHAM6-wiso, nudged with the ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalyses respectively

    Effects of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea surface temperature and sea ice extent on the isotope–temperature slope at polar ice core sites

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    Stable water isotopes in polar ice cores are widely used to reconstruct past temperature variations over several orbital climatic cycles. One way to calibrate the isotope–temperature relationship is to apply the present-day spatial relationship as a surrogate for the temporal one. However, this method leads to large uncertainties because several factors like the sea surface conditions or the origin and transport of water vapor influence the isotope–temperature temporal slope. In this study, we investigate how the sea surface temperature (SST), the sea ice extent, and the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) affect these temporal slopes in Greenland and Antarctica for Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ∼ 21 000 years ago) to preindustrial climate change. For that, we use the isotope-enabled atmosphere climate model ECHAM6-wiso, forced with a set of sea surface boundary condition datasets based on reconstructions (e.g., GLOMAP) or MIROC 4m simulation outputs. We found that the isotope–temperature temporal slopes in East Antarctic coastal areas are mainly controlled by the sea ice extent, while the sea surface temperature cooling affects the temporal slope values inland more. On the other hand, ECHAM6-wiso simulates the impact of sea ice extent on the EPICA Dome C (EDC) and Vostok sites through the contribution of water vapor from lower latitudes. Effects of sea surface boundary condition changes on modeled isotope–temperature temporal slopes are variable in West Antarctica. This is partly due to the transport of water vapor from the Southern Ocean to this area that can dampen the influence of local temperature on the changes in the isotopic composition of precipitation and snow. In the Greenland area, the isotope–temperature temporal slopes are influenced by the sea surface temperatures near the coasts of the continent. The greater the LGM cooling off the coast of southeastern Greenland, the greater the transport of water vapor from the North Atlantic, and the larger the temporal slopes. The presence or absence of sea ice very near the coast has a large influence in Baffin Bay and the Greenland Sea and influences the slopes at some inland ice core stations. The extent of the sea ice far south slightly influences the temporal slopes in Greenland through the transport of more depleted water vapor from lower latitudes to this area. The seasonal variations of sea ice distribution, especially its retreat in summer, influence the isotopic composition of the water vapor in this region and the modeled isotope–temperature temporal slopes in the eastern part of Greenland. A stronger LGM AMOC decreases LGM-to-preindustrial isotopic anomalies in precipitation in Greenland, degrading the isotopic model–data agreement. The AMOC strength modifies the temporal slopes over inner Greenland slightly and by a little on the coasts along the Greenland Sea where the changes in surface temperature and sea ice distribution due to the AMOC strength mainly occur.</p

    From atmospheric water isotopes measurement to firn core interpretation in Adélie Land: a case study for isotope-enabled atmospheric models in Antarctica

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    In a context of global warming and sea level rise acceleration, it is key to estimate the evolution of the atmospheric hydrological cycle and temperature in polar regions, which directly influence the surface mass balance of the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. Direct observations are available from satellite data for the last 40 years and a few weather data since the 1950s in Antarctica. One of the best ways to access longer records is to use climate proxies in firn or ice cores. The water isotopic composition in these cores is widely used to reconstruct past temperature variations. We need to progress in our understanding of the influence of the atmospheric hydrological cycle on the water isotopic composition of ice cores. First, we present a 2-year-long time series of vapor and precipitation isotopic composition measurement at Dumont d’Urville Station, in Adélie Land. We characterize diurnal variations of meteorological parameters (temperature, atmospheric water mixing ratio (hereafter humidity) and δ18O) for the different seasons and determine the evolution of key relationships (δ18O versus temperature or humidity) throughout the year: we find that the temperature vs. δ18O relationship is dependent on synoptic events dynamics in winter contrary to summer. Then, this data set is used to evaluate the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM6-wiso (model version with embedded water stable isotopes) in a coastal region of Adélie Land where local conditions are controlled by strong katabatic winds which directly impact the isotopic signal. We show that a combination of continental (79 %) and oceanic (21 %) grid cells leads model outputs (temperature, humidity and δ18O) to nicely fit the observations, at different timescales (i.e., seasonal to synoptic). Therefore we demonstrate the added value of long-term water vapor isotopic composition records for model evaluation. Then, as a clear link is found between the isotopic composition of water vapor and precipitation, we assess how isotopic models can help interpret short firn cores. In fact, a virtual firn core built from ECHAM-wiso outputs explains much more of the variability observed in S1C1 isotopic record than a virtual firn core built from temperature only. Yet, deposition and post-deposition effects strongly affect the firn isotopic signal and probably account for most of the remaining misfits between archived firn signal and virtual firn core based on atmospheric modeling.</p

    A Modeling Perspective on the Lingering Glacial Sea Surface Temperature Conundrum

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    The strong cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 ka BP) provides a rigorous test of climate models' ability to simulate past and future climate changes. We force an atmospheric general circulation model with two recent global LGM sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions, one suggesting a weak and the other a more pronounced cooling, and compare the simulated land surface temperatures (LSTs) to reconstructed data. Our results do not confirm either SST reconstruction. The cold SST data set leads to good agreement between simulated and observed LSTs at low latitudes, but is systematically too cold at mid-latitudes. The opposite is true for the warm SST data set. Differences between the simulated LSTs are caused by varying land surface albedos, which is lower for the warmer SST reconstruction. The inconsistency between reconstructed and simulated climate points to a potentially significant bias in the proxy reconstructions and/or the climate sensitivity of current climate models

    Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of tap waters in France

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    The isotopic compositions of oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) are widely used to locate the geo- graphical origin of biological remains or manufactured products. In this paper, we analyse the distributions of δ18O and δ2H in tap waters sampled across France, and in precipitation interpolated with the Online Isotopes in Precipitation Calculator and modelled with the isotope-enabled ECHAM6-wiso model. Our aim is to provide isoscapes usable in archaeology and forensics and evaluate whether the modelled data could be surrogates for measured ones. The δ18O and δ2H in the 396 tap waters sampled varied spatially within a range of 10‰ and 77‰, respectively. Their consistent distributions followed rules summarized by the effects of altitude and dis- tance from the coast. Their variations along the year were small. Therefore, the database provides a solid ref- erence for δ18O and δ2H of the water supply system at the regional scale. The areas with the most uncommon oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions (Atlantic coast south of Brittany and the highest elevations in the Alps) are the most accurately traceable areas in provenancing studies. The isotopic compositions of modelled precipitation have the same spatial distributions but different absolute values from those of tap waters. There- fore, our results favour the use of statistical isoscapes rather than general circulation model-based isoscapes in provenancing studies