67 research outputs found

    Seismic Noise by Wind Farms: A Case Study from the Virgo Gravitational Wave Observatory, Italy

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    We present analyses of the noise wave field in the vicinity of Virgo, the Italian–French gravitational wave observatory located close to Pisa, Italy, with special reference to the vibrations induced by a nearby wind farm. The spectral contribution of the wind turbines is investigated using (1) onsite measurements, (2) correlation of spectral amplitudes with wind speed, (3) directional properties determined via multichannel measurements, and (4) attenuation of signal amplitude with distance. Among the different spectral peaks thus discriminated, the one at frequency 1.7 Hz is associated with the greatest power, and under particular conditions it can be observed at distances as large as 11 km from the wind farm. The spatial decay of amplitudes exhibits a complicated pattern, which we interpret in terms of the combination of direct surface waves and body waves refracted at a deep (≈800 m) interface between the Plio-Pleistocenic marine, fluvial, and lacustrine sediments and the Miocene carbonate basement. We develop a model for wave attenuation that allows determining the amplitude of the radiation from individual turbines, which is estimated on the order of 300–400 μms_1/ √Hz for wind speeds over the 8–14 m=s range. On the basis of this model, we then develop a predictive relationship for assessing the possible impact of future wind farm projects

    Seismic Noise by Wind Farms: A Case Study from the VIRGO Gravitational Wave Observatory, Italy.

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    We present analyses of the noise wavefield in the vicinity of VIRGO, the Italy-France gravitational wave observatory located close to Pisa, Italy, with special reference to the vibrations induced by a nearby wind park. The spectral contribution of the wind turbines is investigated using (i) on-site measurements, (ii) correlation of spectral amplitudes with wind speed, (iii) directional properties determined via multichannel measurements, and (iv) attenuation of signal amplitude with distance. Among the different spectral peaks thus discriminated, the one at frequency 1.7 Hz has associated the greatest power, and under particular conditions it can be observed at distances as large as 11 km from the wind park. The spatial decay of amplitudes exhibits a complicate pattern, that we interpret in terms of the combination of direct surface waves and body waves refracted at a deep (_ 800 m) interface between the plio-pleistocenic marine, fluvial and lacustrine sediments and the Miocene carbonate basement. We develop a model for wave attenuation which allows determining the amplitude of the radiation from individual turbines, which is estimated on the order of 300-400 μms−119 /pHz for wind speeds over the 8-14 m/s range. On the base of this model, we then develop a predictive relationship for assessing the possible impact of future, project wind farms

    A new device for measurement of fibrin clot lysis: application to the Euglobulin Clot Lysis Time

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    BACKGROUND: Determination of clot lysis times on whole blood, diluted whole blood, plasma or plasma fraction has been used for many years to assess the overall activity of the fibrinolytic system. We designed a completely computerised semi-automatic 8-channel device for measurement and determination of fibrin clot lysis. The lysis time is evaluated by a mathematical analysis of the lysis curve and the results are expressed in minute (range: 5 to 9999). We have used this new device for Euglobulin Clot Lysis Time (ECLT) determination, which is the most common test used in laboratories to estimate plasma fibrinolytic capacity. RESULTS: The correlation between ECLT and manual method is very tight : R = 0,99; p < 10(-6). The efficiency scores of the method are <4% in intra-assay and <7% in inter-assay. It allows to achieve the tests on hyperlipaemic samples. This new device has been easily integrated in laboratory routine and allows to achieve several ECLT every day without disturbance of laboratory workflow. CONCLUSIONS: The routine use of this new device could be useful in various situations such as assessment in atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis associated diseases, coagulation survey of liver transplantations, cardiovascular surgery or pharmacological research. It has already provided highly promising results in preliminary studies on the relation between fibrinolysis and cardiovascular risk factors

    Caratteristiche del Rumore Sismico nei pressi del Rilevatore di Onde Gravitazionali VIRGO (Cascina, Pisa)

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    In questo lavoro si presentano i risultati di uno studio sulle caratteristiche del rumore sismico in prossimità del rilevatore di onde gravitazionali VIRGO (Cascina, Pisa), con particolare riferimento alle vibrazioni associate all’azione di un vicino parco eolico. La valutazione delle componenti spettrali del rumore verosimilmente indotte dagli aerogeneratori è stata effettuata mediante (i) Misure dirette alla base di una turbina, (ii) Correlazione fra le ampiezze spettrali del rumore e la velocità del vento; (iii) Determinazione delle proprietà direzionali da misure multicanale, (iv) Misura dell’attenuazione del segnale con la distanza dal parco eolico. Il disturbo provocato dagli aerogeneratori è particolarmente energetico alla frequenza di 1.7 Hz e, in particolari condizioni, è stato osservato fino a distanze di 11 km dal Parco Eolico. Il decadimento spaziale delle ampiezze ha un andamento complesso, che può essere interpretato in termini di una combinazione fra onde superficiali e onde di volume rifratte ad un’interfaccia profonda (~800 m) fra i sedimenti plio-pleistocenici ed i calcari Miocenici. La risposta locale nei dintorni dell’interferometro è stata investigata utilizzando la tecnica dei rapporti spettrali H/V. Si sono così evidenziate due bande di amplificazione imputabili ad effetti di risonanza legati alla geologia a scala locale: il primo intorno alla frequenza di 0.35 Hz, il secondo fra 0.7 e 2.0 Hz. Entrambi i picchi risultano essere essenzialmente omogenei in tutta l’area di studio, a conferma della sostanziale uniformità della struttura geologica

    Combination of MALDI-TOf mass spectrometry and machine learning for rapid antimicrobial resistance screening: the CASE of Campylobacter spp

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    While MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) is widely considered as the reference method for the rapid and inexpensive identification of microorganisms in routine laboratories, less attention has been addressed to its ability for detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Recently, some studies assessed its potential application together with machine learning for the detection of AMR in clinical pathogens. The scope of this study was to investigate MALDI-TOF MS protein mass spectra combined with a prediction approach as an AMR screening tool for relevant foodborne pathogens, such as Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni. A One-Health panel of 224 C. jejuni and 116 C. coli strains was phenotypically tested for seven antimicrobial resistances, i.e., ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, and ampicillin, independently, and were submitted, after an on- and off-plate protein extraction, to MALDI Biotyper analysis, which yielded one average spectra per isolate and type of extraction. Overall, high performance was observed for classifiers detecting susceptible as well as ciprofloxacin- and tetracycline-resistant isolates. A maximum sensitivity and a precision of 92.3 and 81.2%, respectively, were reached. No significant prediction performance differences were observed between on- and off-plate types of protein extractions. Finally, three putative AMR biomarkers for fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides were identified during the current study. Combination of MALDI-TOF MS and machine learning could be an efficient and inexpensive tool to swiftly screen certain AMR in foodborne pathogens, which may enable a rapid initiation of a precise, targeted antibiotic treatment

    Free-standing polyelectrolyte membranes made of chitosan and alginate

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    Free-standing films have increasing applications in the biomedical field as drug delivery systems for wound healing and tissue engineering. Here, we prepared free-standing membranes by the layer-by-layer assembly of chitosan and alginate, two widely used biomaterials. Our aim was to produce a thick membrane and to study the permeation of model drugs and the adhesion of muscle cells. We first defined the optimal growth conditions in terms of pH and alginate concentration. The membranes could be easily detached from polystyrene or polypropylene substrate without any postprocessing step. The dry thickness was varied over a large range from 4 to 35 μm. A 2-fold swelling was observed by confocal microscopy when they were immersed in PBS. In addition, we quantified the permeation of model drugs (fluorescent dextrans) through the free-standing membrane, which depended on the dextran molecular weight. Finally, we showed that myoblast cells exhibited a preferential adhesion on the alginate-ending membrane as compared to the chitosan-ending membrane or to the substrate side.This work was financially supported by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Scholarship SFRH/BD/64601/2009 granted to S.G.C. C.M. is indebted to Grenoble INP for financial support via a postdoctoral fellowship. This work was supported by the European Commission (FP7 Program) via a European Research Council starting grant (BIOMIM, GA 259370 to C.P.). C.P. is also grateful to Institut Universitaire de France and to Grenoble Institute of Technology for financial support. We thank Isabelle Paintrand for her technical help with the confocal apparatus and Patrick Chaudouet for his help with SEM imaging

    The ecological role of ponds in a changing world

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    The fifth conference of the European Pond Conservation Network (Luxembourg, June 2012) brought together researchers, environmental managers, and other stakeholders with the aim to share stateof-the-art knowledge on the ecology, management, and conservation of ponds in the context of the many challenges facing the wider water environment. Although well-known ecological patterns apply to most ponds in Europe and elsewhere, recent data highlight that part of the environmental variables governing pond biodiversity remain specific to climatic/ biogeographic regions and to elevation ranges, suggesting that, in addition to common practice, management plans should include range-specific measures. Beyond the contribution of individual ponds to the aquatic and terrestrial life, connected networks of ponds are vital in the provision of new climate space as a response to global climate change, by allowing the observed northward and/or upward movements of species. In terms of services, ponds offer sustainable solutions to key issues of water management and climate change such as nutrient retention, rainfall interception, or carbon sequestration. While the ecological role of ponds is now well established, authoritative research-based advice remains needed to inform future direction in the conservation of small water bodies and to further bridge the gap between science and practice

    The ecological role of ponds in a changing world

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    The fifth conference of the European Pond Conservation Network (Luxembourg, June 2012) brought together researchers, environmental managers, and other stakeholders with the aim to share stateof-the-art knowledge on the ecology, management, and conservation of ponds in the context of the many challenges facing the wider water environment. Although well-known ecological patterns apply to most ponds in Europe and elsewhere, recent data highlight that part of the environmental variables governing pond biodiversity remain specific to climatic/ biogeographic regions and to elevation ranges, suggesting that, in addition to common practice, management plans should include range-specific measures. Beyond the contribution of individual ponds to the aquatic and terrestrial life, connected networks of ponds are vital in the provision of new climate space as a response to global climate change, by allowing the observed northward and/or upward movements of species. In terms of services, ponds offer sustainable solutions to key issues of water management and climate change such as nutrient retention, rainfall interception, or carbon sequestration. While the ecological role of ponds is now well established, authoritative research-based advice remains needed to inform future direction in the conservation of small water bodies and to further bridge the gap between science and practice

    Seismic Noise by Wind Farms: A Case Study from the VIRGO Gravitational Wave Observatory, Italy.

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    We present analyses of the noise wavefield in the vicinity of VIRGO, the Italy-France gravitational wave observatory located close to Pisa, Italy, with special reference to the vibrations induced by a nearby wind park. The spectral contribution of the wind turbines is investigated using (i) on-site measurements, (ii) correlation of spectral amplitudes with wind speed, (iii) directional properties determined via multichannel measurements, and (iv) attenuation of signal amplitude with distance. Among the different spectral peaks thus discriminated, the one at frequency 1.7 Hz has associated the greatest power, and under particular conditions it can be observed at distances as large as 11 km from the wind park. The spatial decay of amplitudes exhibits a complicate pattern, that we interpret in terms of the combination of direct surface waves and body waves refracted at a deep (_ 800 m) interface between the plio-pleistocenic marine, fluvial and lacustrine sediments and the Miocene carbonate basement. We develop a model for wave attenuation which allows determining the amplitude of the radiation from individual turbines, which is estimated on the order of 300-400 μms−119 /pHz for wind speeds over the 8-14 m/s range. On the base of this model, we then develop a predictive relationship for assessing the possible impact of future, project wind farms.In press(37)4.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journalope
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