2,108 research outputs found

    First record of Selene dorsalis (Gill; 1862) (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) in the Canary Islands (Central-east Atlantic)

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    We report the capture of a specimen of Selene dorsalis (Gill; 1862); a rare species in waters north of the Cape Verde Islands and Senegal. This is the first time that it has been recorded among the ichthyofauna of the Canary Islands.Se informa de la captura de un ejemplar de Selene dorsalis (Gill; 1862); especie rara en las aguas al norte de las islas de Cabo Verde y Senegal. Es la primera cita de esta especie para la ictiofauna de las islas Canarias.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Development and evaluation of a mechanistic model of post-absorptive nitrogen partitioning in lactating goats

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    [EN] Context. Goats contribute to global warming through emission of nitrous oxide from urine and faeces. To reduce nitrogen (N) excretion, improvements of N efficiency of goats is necessary. Aims. The aim of the present study was to develop and evaluate a dynamic mechanistic research-oriented model that explicitly represents N partition into faeces, urine and milk in dairy goats fed total mixed rations. Methods. Data from five N-balance dairy-goat experiments were used to develop a mechanistic dynamic model of post-absorptive N partition. Various representations considering either mass action or Michaelis-Menten kinetics of N usage for milk were proposed. Key results. The data for faecal and urine N responses were best fit by a straight line; whereas, data for milk N responses were best fit by curvilinear saturating curve. The model with curvilinear saturating curve had more precise parameter estimates, with the predicted N excretion in faeces (15.6 g/day), urine (15.4 g/day) and milk N output (11.7 g/day) being very close to the observed values, namely, 15.31 g N/day in faeces, 18.78 g N/day in urine and 12.24 g N/day in milk. Independent datasets with 12 studies were used to evaluate the model. The model tended to under-predict faecal N outflow at a lower N intake level and urinary N outflow at a higher N intake level, with the lowest mean bias for milk N outflow. Conclusions. The final chosen model was adequate to represent faecal, urinary and milk N outflows in dairy goats. Implications. The model has provided a mechanistic description of N usage, which is useful to frame and test hypotheses of physiological regulation of N use by goats, and focus on a more efficient transfer of dietary N into milk, reducing the N excretion in faeces and urine.This work is supported by a Climate Change Mitigation Project LIFE16/CCM/ES/000088. The authors thank Dr Ranga Appuhamy, Professor Ermias Kebreab and Professor Mark Hanigan for the many helpful recommendations in model definition, building and computer simulation-language implementation.Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Castro, J. (2020). Development and evaluation of a mechanistic model of post-absorptive nitrogen partitioning in lactating goats. Animal Production Science. 60(4):510-523. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN19132510523604Aguilera, J. F., Prieto, C., & FonollÁ, J. (1990). Protein and energy metabolism of lactating Granadina goats. 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Effect of rice bran as a replacement for oat grain in energy and nitrogen balance, methane emissions, and milk performance of Murciano-Granadina goats. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(1), 280-290. doi:10.3168/jds.2015-9472Criscioni, P., Marti, J. V., Pérez-Baena, I., Palomares, J. L., Larsen, T., & Fernández, C. (2016). Replacement of alfalfa hay ( Medicago sativa ) with maralfalfa hay ( Pennisetum sp.) in diets of lactating dairy goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 219, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2016.05.020Dennis, J. E., Gay, D. M., & Walsh, R. E. (1981). An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 7(3), 348-368. doi:10.1145/355958.355965Dijkstra, J., Oenema, O., van Groenigen, J. W., Spek, J. W., van Vuuren, A. M., & Bannink, A. (2013). Diet effects on urine composition of cattle and N2O emissions. Animal, 7, 292-302. doi:10.1017/s1751731113000578Doepel, L., Pacheco, D., Kennelly, J. J., Hanigan, M. D., López, I. 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Effect of lemon leaves on energy and C–N balances, methane emission, and milk performance in Murciano-Granadina dairy goats. Journal of Animal Science, 96(4), 1508-1518. doi:10.1093/jas/sky028Fernández, C., Pérez-Baena, I., Marti, J. V., Palomares, J. L., Jorro-Ripoll, J., & Segarra, J. V. (2019). Use of orange leaves as a replacement for alfalfa in energy and nitrogen partitioning, methane emissions and milk performance of murciano-granadina goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 247, 103-111. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.11.008Harmeyer, J., & Martens, H. (1980). Aspects of Urea Metabolism in Ruminants with Reference to the Goat. Journal of Dairy Science, 63(10), 1707-1728. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(80)83132-8Kebreab, E., France, J., Mills, J. A. N., Allison, R., & Dijkstra, J. (2002). A dynamic model of N metabolism in the lactating dairy cow and an assessment of impact of N excretion on the environment1. 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    γ-Radonifying operators and UMD-valued Littlewood–Paley–Stein functions in the Hermite setting on BMO and Hardy spaces

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    AbstractIn this paper we study Littlewood–Paley–Stein functions associated with the Poisson semigroup for the Hermite operator on functions with values in a UMD Banach space B. If we denote by H the Hilbert space L2((0,∞),dt/t), γ(H,B) represents the space of γ-radonifying operators from H into B. We prove that the Hermite square function defines bounded operators from BMOL(Rn,B) (respectively, HL1(Rn,B)) into BMOL(Rn,γ(H,B)) (respectively, HL1(Rn,γ(H,B))), where BMOL and HL1 denote BMO and Hardy spaces in the Hermite setting. Also, we obtain equivalent norms in BMOL(Rn,B) and HL1(Rn,B) by using Littlewood–Paley–Stein functions. As a consequence of our results, we establish new characterizations of the UMD Banach spaces

    Statistical disclosure control in tabular data

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    Data disseminated by National Statistical Agencies (NSAs) can be classified as either microdata or tabular data. Tabular data is obtained from microdata by crossing one or more categorical variables. Although cell tables provide aggregated information, they also need to be protected. This chapter is a short introduction to tabular data protection. It contains three main sections. The first one shows the different types of tables that can be obtained, and how they are modeled. The second describes the practical rules for detection of sensitive cells that are used by NSAs. Finally, an overview of protection methods is provided, with a particular focus on two of them: “cell suppression problem” and “controlled tabular adjustment”.Postprint (published version

    Prevalence of asthma and rhinitis symptoms in a Coruña (Spain)

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    Ponencia presentada en el IV Congreso de la Sociedad de Pediatría de Galicia, Verín, 2004[Resumen] Introducción. El asma y la rinitis son dos enfermedades con elevada prevalencia en la infancia, con tendencia a incrementarse en los últimos años. En ambas es frecuente el infradiagnóstico. Objetivo. Verificar la prevalencia de síntomas de asma y rinitis en la población infantil. Material y métodos. Hemos realizado, mediante cuestionario escrito, un estudio transversal siguiendo la metodología del International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), de prevalencia de sintomatología de asma y rinitis en el área de A Coruña. Resultados. Han sido incluidos 3.017 niños y niñas de 6 y 7 años (tasa de respuesta del 73,9%), y 2.981 de 13 y 14 años (tasa de respuesta del 93,6%). Refirieron haber presentado sibilancias alguna vez el 25,3% de los niños y niñas de 13 y 14 años y el 37,2% de los de 6 y 7 años. Han presentado asma en alguna ocasión el 18,5% de los adolescentes y el 13,7 % del grupo de menor edad. La prevalencia de rinitis alguna vez fue del 30,4% a los 6 y 7 años y del 47,3% a los 13 y 14 años. La mayor prevalencia de rinitis se produjo en el otoño. Conclusiones. El asma y la rinitis son especialmente frecuentes en nuestra población, superior a la observada en la mayoría de poblaciones españolas estudiadas.[Abstract] Introduction. The prevalence of asthma and rhinitis is high in childhood and has been increasing in the last few years. In both diseases underdiagnosis is frequent. Objective. To asses the prevalence of asthma and rhinitis symptoms in childhood. Material and methods. We performed a cross-sectional study using a written questionnaire, following the methodology of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), on the prevalence of symptoms of asthma and rhinitis in La Coruña. Results. A total of 3017 boys and girls aged 6-7 years old (response rate 73.9 %) and 2981 boys and girls aged 13-14 years old (response rate 93.6 %) were included. The prevalence of “wheezing at some time” was 25.3% in adolescents aged 13-14 years old and was 37.2 % in children aged 6-7 years. The prevalence of “asthma at some time” was 18.5% in adolescents and 13.7% in children. The prevalence of “rhinitis at some time” was 30.4% in the group aged 6-7 years and 47.3% in the group of adolescents. The prevalence of rhinitis was highest in autumn. Conclusions. The prevalence of asthma and rhinitis is high in our population and is higher than that observed in most Spanish populations studied


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    Computer security has been presented as a primary instrument when safeguarding the most important asset in current organizations such as data and information, due to its value within proper knowledge management. In this sense, the institutions of higher education must responsibly handle the information of the actors that interrelate in it, such as students, teachers and administrative staff. The main objective of this article is to present a documentary research carried out to explore the deficiencies, risks and vulnerabilities in computer security that different organizations have, especially higher education institutions. This research work is framed within the epistemic current of positivism, applying the hypothetical-deductive method, with qualitative approach, aimed at developing an exploratory research work that proposes to address the situation on methods, techniques and strategies used for the identification of vulnerabilities and computer risks as a pillar cross-cutting scope of any organization, not only in the areas of technology but also in administrative areas. It was possible to show, thanks to the documentary analysis, that computer security must be taken into account in higher education institutions both to safeguard information concerning the operation of this, as to make your community aware of the proper handling of personal information that results in an adequate digital culture, and for this you can use different strategies, including artificial intelligence techniques to identify threats or characterize vulnerabilities.La seguridad informática se ha presentado como un instrumento primordialal momento de salvaguardar el activo más importante en las actuales organizacionescomo son los datos y la información, debido a su valor dentro deuna adecuada gestión del conocimiento. En ese sentido, las instituciones deeducación superior deben manejar de forma responsable la información delos actores que en ella se interrelacionan, como son los estudiantes, docentes y personaladministrativo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal presentar una investigacióndocumental realizada para explorar las deficiencias, riesgos y vulnerabilidades enseguridad informática que poseen diferentes organizaciones, en especial las institucionesde educación superior. Este trabajo de investigación está enmarcado dentro dela corriente epistémica del positivismo, aplicando el método hipotético deductivo, conenfoque cualitativo, orientado a desarrollar un trabajo de investigación de corte exploratorioque propone abordar la situación sobre los métodos, técnicas y estrategiasusadas para la identificación de las vulnerabilidades y riesgos informáticos como pilarde alcance transversal de toda organización, no solo en las áreas de tecnología sinotambién en áreas administrativas. Se pudo evidenciar, gracias al análisis documental,que la seguridad informática debe ser tenida en cuenta en las instituciones de educaciónsuperior tanto para resguardar información concerniente al funcionamiento deesta, como para concientizar a su comunidad en el manejo adecuado de la informaciónpersonal que redunda en una adecuada cultura digital, y para ello se pueden usardiferentes estrategias, entre ellas las técnicas de inteligencia artificial para identificaramenazas o caracterizar vulnerabilidades