176 research outputs found

    Smart Specialisation, seizing new industrial opportunities

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    This study offers a novel analytical approach to inform the regional search for new industrial opportunities, as promoted by smart specialisation in the EU Cohesion policy context. The analysis departs from the challenges of practicing smart specialisation and its entrepreneurial discovery process in a dynamic perspective. It argues that the adoption of a dynamic approach to identify new opportunities implies mapping regional business and innovation assets as well as, assessing their position within the global technological and industrial landscape. The study brings a case study of Lombardy region, spurring the S3 Lab initiative (in collaboration with Baden-Württemberg, Catalonia and Lapland), together with a comparative analysis of its technological profile. The empirical study combines patent data from OECD REGPAT and territorial proprietary micro-data from Lombardy region on firm creation in emerging industries (EI) – new industrial sectors or existing sectors evolving into new industries (European Cluster Observatory). These industries represent a priority area for Lombardy's innovation-led development strategy. The initial observations confirm the importance of such industries in the region; they represent more than one-third of employment, almost a half of the regional value-added and feature together the majority of start-ups, suggesting the relevance of the regional strategic development choices. Also, in terms of productive advantages, Lombardy ranks high in some key EI. The mapping of technological competences through patent indicators, e.g. specialisation, diversification and ability to specialise in fast-growing and niche fields gives relevant insights on the technological potential of the region, providing further guidance for better targeted interventions.JRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen

    Microbial Consortium Associated with the Antarctic Marine Ciliate Euplotes focardii: An Investigation from Genomic Sequences

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    We report the characterization of the bacterial consortium associated to Euplotes focardii, a strictly psychrophilic marine ciliate that was maintained in laboratory cultures at 4 °C after its first isolation from Terra Nova Bay, in Antarctica. By Illumina genome analyser, we obtained 11,179 contigs of potential prokaryotic origin and classified them according to the NCBI’s prokaryotic attributes table. The majority of these sequences correspond to either Bacteroidetes (16 %) or Proteobacteria (78 %). The latter were dominated by gamma- (39 %, including sequences related to the pathogenic genus Francisella), and alpha-proteobacterial (30 %) sequences. Analysis of the Pfam domain family and Gene Ontology term variation revealed that the most frequent terms that appear unique to this consortium correspond to proteins involved in “transmembrane transporter activity” and “oxidoreductase activity”. Furthermore, we identified genes that encode for enzymes involved in the catabolism of complex substance for energy reserves. We also characterized members of the transposase and integrase superfamilies, whose role in bacterial evolution is well documented, as well as putative antifreeze proteins. Antibiotic treatments of E. focardii cultures delayed the cell division of the ciliate. To conclude, our results indicate that this consortium is largely represented by bacteria derived from the original Antarctic sample and may contribute to the survival of E. focardii in laboratory condition. Furthermore, our results suggest that these bacteria may have a more general role in E. focardii survival in its natural cold and oxidative environment

    Metadynamics for perspective drug design: Computationally driven synthesis of new protein-protein interaction inhibitors targeting the EphA2 receptor

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    Metadynamics (META-D) is emerging as a powerful method for the computation of the multidimensional freeenergy surface (FES) describing the protein-ligand binding process. Herein, the FES of unbinding of the antagonist N-(3α-hydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oyl)-L-β-homotryptophan (UniPR129) from its EphA2 receptor was reconstructed by META-D simulations. The characterization of the free-energy minima identified on this FES proposes a binding mode fully consistent with previously reported and new structure-activity relationship data. To validate this binding mode, new N-(3α-hydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oyl)-L-β-homotryptophan derivatives were designed, synthesized, and tested for their ability to displace ephrin-A1 from the EphA2 receptor. Among them, two antagonists, namely compounds 21 and 22, displayed high affinity versus the EphA2 receptor and resulted endowed with better physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties than the parent compound. These findings highlight the importance of free-energy calculations in drug design, confirming that META-D simulations can be used to successfully design novel bioactive compounds

    NMDARs Mediate the Role of Monoamine Oxidase A in Pathological Aggression

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jneurosci.org/content/32/25/8574Converging evidence shows that monoamine oxidase A (MAO A), the key enzyme catalyzing serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) degradation, is a primary factor in the pathophysiology of antisocial and aggressive behavior. Accordingly, male MAO A-deficient humans and mice exhibit an extreme predisposition to aggressive outbursts in response to stress. As NMDARs regulate the emotional reactivity to social and environmental stimuli, we hypothesized their involvement in the modulation of aggression mediated by MAO A. In comparison with WT male mice, MAO A KO counterparts exhibited increases in 5-HT and NE levels across all brain regions, but no difference in glutamate concentrations and NMDAR binding. Notably, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of MAO A KO mice exhibited higher expression of NR2A and NR2B, as well as lower levels of glycosylated NR1 subunits. In line with these changes, the current amplitude and decay time of NMDARs in PFC was significantly reduced. Furthermore, the currents of these receptors were hypersensitive to the action of the antagonists of the NMDAR complex (dizocilpine), as well as NR2A (PEAQX) and NR2B (Ro 25-6981) subunits. Notably, systemic administration of these agents selectively countered the enhanced aggression in MAO A KO mice, at doses that did not inherently affect motor activity. Our findings suggest that the role of MAO A in pathological aggression may be mediated by changes in NMDAR subunit composition in the PFC, and point to a critical function of this receptor in the molecular bases of antisocial personality

    Benzisothiazolinone Derivatives as Potent Allosteric Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors That Functionally Mimic Sulfenylation of Regulatory Cysteines

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    We describe a set of benzisothiazolinone (BTZ) derivatives that are potent inhibitors of monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL), the primary degrading enzyme for the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol (2-AG). Structure-activity relationship studies evaluated various substitutions on the nitrogen atom and the benzene ring of the BTZ nucleus. Optimized derivatives with nanomolar potency allowed us to investigate the mechanism of MGL inhibition. Site-directed mutagenesis and mass spectrometry experiments showed that BTZs interact in a covalent reversible manner with regulatory cysteines, Cys201 and Cys208, causing a reversible sulfenylation known to modulate MGL activity. Metadynamics simulations revealed that BTZ adducts favor a closed conformation of MGL that occludes substrate recruitment. The BTZ derivative 13 protected neuronal cells from oxidative stimuli and increased 2-AG levels in the mouse brain. The results identify Cys201 and Cys208 as key regulators of MGL function and point to the BTZ scaffold as a useful starting point for the discovery of allosteric MGL inhibitors

    UniPR1331, a small molecule targeting Eph/ephrin interaction, prolongs survival in glioblastoma and potentiates the effect of antiangiogenic therapy in mice

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant brain tumor, showing high resistance to standard therapeutic approaches that combine surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. As opposed to healthy tissues, EphA2 has been found highly expressed in specimens of glioblastoma, and increased expression of EphA2 has been shown to correlate with poor survival rates. Accordingly, agents blocking Eph receptor activity could represent a new therapeutic approach. Herein, we demonstrate that UniPR1331, a pan Eph receptor antagonist, possesses significant in vivo anti-angiogenic and anti-vasculogenic properties which lead to a significant anti-tumor activity in xenograft and orthotopic models of GBM. UniPR1331 halved the final volume of tumors when tested in xenografts (p<0.01) and enhanced the disease-free survival of treated animals in the orthotopic models of GBM both by using U87MG cells (40 vs 24 days of control, p<0.05) or TPC8 cells (52 vs 16 days, p<0.01). Further, the association of UniPR1331 with the anti-VEGF antibody Bevacizumab significantly increased the efficacy of both monotherapies in all tested models. Overall, our data promote UniPR1331 as a novel tool for tackling GBM

    Aggiornamenti in tema di tutela della salute occupazionale dei lavoratori della sanitĂ 

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    The board of the Thematic Section on Preventive Medicine for Health Care Workers of the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene (SIMLII) programmed a national conference on occupational risks of health care workers to be held in late 2009. Main topics will be: a) biohazards; b) biomechanical risk; c) psychosocial factors. Three different working groups were established to tackle critical aspects and suggest practical recommendations to occupational health professionals. Preliminary issues are presented while final results will be presented at the conference on September 2009. © PI-ME, 2008

    Expanding the Arsenal of FGFR Inhibitors: A Novel Chloroacetamide Derivative as a New Irreversible Agent With Anti-proliferative Activity Against FGFR1-Amplified Lung Cancer Cell Lines

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    Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFR1–4) have a critical role in the progression of several human cancers, including Squamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (SQCLC). Both non-selective and selective reversible FGFR inhibitors are under clinical investigation for the treatment of patients with tumors harboring FGFR alterations. Despite their potential efficacy, the clinical development of these drugs has encountered several challenges, including toxicity, and the appearance of drug resistance. Recent efforts have been directed at development of irreversible FGFR inhibitors, which have the potential to exert superior anti-proliferative activity in tumors carrying FGFR alterations. With this in mind, we synthetized, and investigated a set of novel inhibitors possessing a warhead potentially able to covalently bind a cysteine in the P-loop of FGFR. Among them, the chloroacetamide UPR1376 resulted able to irreversible inhibit FGFR1 phosphorylation in FGFR1 over-expressing cells generated from SQCLC SKMES-1 cells. In addition, this compound inhibited cell proliferation in FGFR1-amplified H1581 cells with a potency higher than the reversible inhibitor BGJ398 (infigratinib), while sparing FGFR1 low-expressing cells. The anti-proliferative effects of UPR1376 were demonstrated in both 2D and 3D systems and were associated with the inhibition of MAPK and AKT/mTOR signaling pathways. UPR1376 inhibited cell proliferation also in two BGJ398-resistant cell clones generated from H1581 by chronic exposure to BGJ398, although at concentrations higher than those effective in the parental cells, likely due to the persistent activation of the MAPK pathway associated to NRAS amplification. Combined blockade of FGFR1 and MAPK signaling, by UPR1376 and trametinib respectively, significantly enhanced the efficacy of UPR1376, providing a means of circumventing resistance to FGFR1 inhibition. Our findings suggest that the insertion of a chloroacetamide warhead on a suitable scaffold, as exemplified by UPR1376, is a valuable strategy to develop a novel generation of FGFR inhibitors for the treatment of SQCLC patients with FGFR alterations

    The past, present, and future of the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a community-driven standard for the organization of data and metadata from a growing range of neuroscience modalities. This paper is meant as a history of how the standard has developed and grown over time. We outline the principles behind the project, the mechanisms by which it has been extended, and some of the challenges being addressed as it evolves. We also discuss the lessons learned through the project, with the aim of enabling researchers in other domains to learn from the success of BIDS
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