49 research outputs found

    Anteprojeto industrial: das estrategias empresariais a engenharia

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 1995Proposta de um modelo atual de elaboração de anteprojetos industriais, tendo em conta as estratégias empresariais, baseado em pesquisas empíricas efetivadas com empresas do Brasil e Portugal, visando proporcionar uma ferramenta adequada ao ambiente de globalização da economia que se está vivenciando, e uma bibliografia padrão para cursos de graduação e pós-graduação relativos ao assunto

    Utilização da técnica de programação por objetivos para planejamento em crédito industrial

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção

    Estudo comparativo de canais de transmissão de conhecimento em clusters têxteis e de vestuário de Santa Catarina - Brasil e do Norte de Portugal

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    Há consenso entre investigadores especializados, de que os processos de aprendizagem colaborativa em clusters são cruciais para a formação da vantagem competitiva ao nível individual das empresas e no conjunto que forma o aglomerado produtivo. Neste artigo pretendeu-se identificar e analisar os canais de aprendizagem tecnológica em dois clusters têxteis e de vestuário: um localizado em Santa Catarina, no Brasil, e outro na região Norte de Portugal. Para tanto foi realizada uma investigação de cunho exploratório nos referidos clusters. Os dados primários foram obtidos através de entrevistas com sujeitos-chaves. A recolha dos dados primários foi realizada com base num questionário com dez categorias de indicadores de transmissão do conhecimento. Foi possível constatar semelhanças e diferenças entre canais de transmissão de conhecimento nos clusters avaliados. A partir deste trabalho de investigação abrem-se novas perspetivas para a promoção de estudos mais profundos e que abranjam outros tipos de aglomerações industriais. Ressalta-se a importância de estudos relacionados com a promoção de políticas que minimizem as dificuldades no compartilhamento de conhecimento, e simultaneamente favoreçam a interação e a criação de parcerias voltadas para a inovação e consequentemente a geração de ganhos sustentáveis

    Important aspects to the development of the supply chain management to promote innovation

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    The new economy, also called knowledge economy, shifts radically the basis of competition and highlights the merger of firms; the cooperation, without eliminating the role of competition; the customized and flexible production systems. It also points out the collective efficiency, which demands a new model of management of network relationships. In this context, profound changes in organizational structures are observed leading to the obsolescence of isolated companies and the emergence of networks of companies and supply chain managements. Based on this new paradigm of competitiveness, the objective of this article is to present relevant aspects of the development of supply chain managements to promote the innovation. This is an academic research, which encompasses technical and bibliographic procedures. The conquest of dynamic competitiveness depends on the growing search for optimal systems both in and out of the organizational boundary. In this context the creation of a new model of competitiveness with emphasis on the competition among supply chains highlights that organizations are part of a transitional stage which in the beginning focused on an individual efficiency and nowadays concentrates the attention on a collective efficiency. The supply chain management to promote the innovation must be focused on aspects related to technologies, to the processes involving value creation for the customer, and also on aspects related to human talent, especially in the integration of people to share the same objectives. The casting of variables that should be considered during the planning of supply chain management development to promote the innovation is: customer orientation, knowledge flow, structure, degree of relationships, and the use of information and communication technologies. It was also observed that the implementation of the concept of SCM to improve the innovation demands significant changes not only in internal procedures but also in external ones mainly due to the partnership between customers and suppliers

    The learning channels in an interorganizational network in Brazil: evidences from vertical games

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    The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze the learning channels most used in Vertical Games, an interorganizational network in Brazil which aims to stimulate relations among companies that operate in the digital games market and other institutions, such as the government, universities, researches institutes, non-profit organizations and distributors. The research was based on survey data collected from primary sources by means of a questionnaire answered by Vertical Games members. The questionnaire presented nine categories of classification of collaborative learning channels. A Likert scale with seven levels was used to measure the effectiveness of the learning channels, considering level 1 as completely inefficient and level 7 as very efficient. To analyze the results of field research, the average of the grades given by each interview were calculated. The results obtained reveal high levels of collaborative learning and show that the most important channels of learning within the Vertical Games are: relationship between small and medium sized enterprises and the leading and innovative companies, recruitment of staff (employees) from companies outside the Vertical Games, motivation for knowledge sharing among companies, management culture open to knowledge from outside the Vertical Games, technical training promoted by the companies, and relationships with innovative organizations outside the Vertical Games. We conclude that corporate participation in Vertical Games facilitates access to resources and locally available expertise. Also, allows the deepening of learning processes that enable strengthening of the competitiveness of the digital games sector. The research reinforces the proposition that business networks can provide collaborative learning environments. It is believed that this study contributes to the empirical theoretical development in a growing segment in the global economy.The authors would like express their acknowledgments to National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES), Federal University of Santa Catarina, University of Vale do Itajaí and to the president of Vertical Games, Dennis Kerr Coelho This work was financed by National Funds- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under Project Pest-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

    Knowledge transmission channels: evidences from Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Italy

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    The process of globalization and the change on technological paradigm have important effects in the modeling of new patterns of competition. In this context there is a consensus among specialized researchers that the collaborative learning processes in clusters are crucial for the configuration at the competitive advantage of the companies individually and to the group that forms the cluster. This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the knowledge transmission channels in textile and clothing clusters located in Brazil and in Europe. Primary data was obtained through interviews with key individuals. The collection of primary data was carried out based on a questionnaire with ten categories of indicators of knowledge transmission. Secondary data was also collected through a literature review and through international organizations sites. Similarities related to the use of the main knowledge transmission channels are observed in all cases. The main similarities are: influence of suppliers of machinery, equipment and raw materials; imitation of products and best practices; training promoted by technical institutions and businesses; and cluster companies being open to acquire new knowledge. The main differences lie in the relationship between companies, where in Europe the intensity of this relationship is bigger when compared to Brazil. The differences also occur in importance and frequency of the relationship with the government, with the cultural environment, and with the activities of research and development. It is also found factors that reduce the importance of geographical proximity in transmission of knowledge, and in generating trust and the establishment of collaborative behavior. This was the reality found in the studied clusters, that currently go through a process of adaptation to the changes in the real world

    Gestão estratégica do conhecimento: uma proposta de formação profissional

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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de desenvolver uma proposta de formação profissional, no nível de Especialização, voltada para atender às demandas dos profissionais do conhecimento. Para o alcance do objetivo proposto, faz-se uma análise sobre a demanda pelas organizações de profissionais que desenvolvam processos relacionados à gestão do conhecimento. Apresenta-se uma discussão sobre habilidades necessárias ao profissional envolvido com a gestão estratégica do conhecimento. Traça-se, ainda, um panorama dos cursos de formação para os profissionais do conhecimento. E, a partir de uma análise das informações levantadas, é desenvolvida a matriz curricular do curso proposto. Recomenda-se que a matriz curricular envolva questões relacionadas a habilidades conceituais, interpessoais e técnicas. Destaca-se, por fim, a importância de um diálogo frequente entre as organizações e a academia, para que os cursos ofertados venham ao encontro das necessidades demandadas pelo mercado.This article aims to develop a proposal for professional training as a post-degree course geared to meet the demands of knowledge workers. To achieve the proposed objective an analysis on the demand for professionals who develop processes related to knowledge management was made. It presents a discussion on the necessary skills by the professional involved with the strategic knowledge management. An overview of training courses aimed at knowledge worker is drawn and, from an analysis of the collected information, the curriculum of the proposed course is developed. It is recommended that the curriculum involves issues related to conceptual, interpersonal and technical skills. Finally, it is emphasized the importance of a regular dialogue between organizations and academia to ensure that the courses offered will meet the needs of demands by organizations

    Qualidade externa e interna dos serviços: Avaliação por meio da Escala Servqual e Modelo Gap

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    O setor de serviços destaca-se cada vez mais na economia mundial. O desafio é conseguir vantagem competitiva perante seus concorrentes. A cada dia o cliente torna-se mais exigente e crítico em relação aos serviços recebidos. Um bom desempenho em serviços reforça a competitividade e estabelece um relacionamento com o cliente, consolidando a marca, a comunicação com o mercado. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos avaliar a qualidade dos serviços prestados em uma empresa prestadora de serviços na Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul – RS e, também, identificar os itens das dimensões da qualidade que superam as expectativas dos clientes e funcionários. Para a coleta dos dados, foi elaborado um questionário adaptado do modelo Servqual para a mensuração da qualidade percebida.  Os dados foram analisados por intermédio do software Sphinx e Statistica 7.0. Os resultados mostraram que a empresa apresenta muitas falhas que precisam ser melhoradas.Palavras-chave: Clientes. Funcionários. Satisfação.

    Análise e avaliação de hotéis

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    Apresenta proposta de análise paramétrica de empreendimentos em hotelaria. Os índices e parâmetros sugeridos fornecerão ao analista, tanto de instituições de fomento quanto de empresas empreendedoras, a visão global do empreendimento hoteleiro, orientando-o na comparação com outros investimentos similares e facilitando o processo de tomada de decisão.It presents a proposal for parametric analysis of hotel enterprise. The index and parameters suggested will provide the analist from foment institutionsand entrepreneurs with a global overview of the hotel business allowing them to compare it to other similar investiments and facilitating the decision making process


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    Para as organizações manterem-se competitivas em um mercado que está em constante mudança, é preciso ofertar soluções inovadoras ao mercado, atendendo às necessidades do consumidores. Para gerar inovações alinhadas às estratégias empresariais são necessários processos de coordenação das atividades dos diferentes setores da empresa, em outras palavras, é preciso que seja desenvolvido um processo de inovação na organização. Na última década o design thinking vem sendo utilizado para promover a inovação nas organizações, neste contexto, surge o questionamento se a área realmente contribui para gerar inovação e se abrange toda a gama de tipos de inovação. Com isso, o objetivo do trabalho é caracterizar o design thinking como um modelo de inovação. A pesquisa tem caráter teórico conceitual, através do desenvolvimento de uma revisão da literatura sobre inovação, e análise de publicações com dados empíricos sobre design thinking. A análise dos dados empíricos evidenciou que o design thinking é indicado para inovações abertas, sendo possível gerar inovações de várias naturezas (radical, semirradical e incremental) e tipos (produto, serviço, processo, organizacional e de marketing). A pesquisa concluiu, com base nos requisitos essenciais de um processo de inovação e nas principais características de um modelo de inovação, que o design thinking pode ser caracterizado como um modelo de inovação.To organizations stay competitive, it’s important offer innovative solutions to the market, meeting the consumer’s needs. To create innovations aligned with the business strategies, processes are required to coordinate the activities of different departments of the company, in other words, is necessary to develop an innovation process in the organization. Over last decade the design thinking has been used to promote innovation in the organizations, so, the question is if the design thinking can help to create innovation in the organizations, and if it can generate all the types of innovation. Thus, the objective of this study is to characterize design thinking as a model of innovation. The research is theoretical and conceptual, through a review of the literature of innovation and analysis of publications with empirical evidence of design thinking. The analysis of empirical data showed that design thinking is indicated to open innovation, and is able to generate radical innovations, semi radical innovations and incremental innovations, and can be used to develop different types of innovation (product, service, process, organizational and marketing). Based in the essential requirements of an innovation process and the main features of a model of innovation, the research concluded that the design thinking could be characterized as a model of innovation