1,212 research outputs found

    Genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii isolates from pigs intended for human consumption in Brazil

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    AbstractThis study genetically Toxoplasma gondii isolates obtained from pigs intended for human consumption in northeastern Brazil; multilocus PCR-RFLP and sequencing techniques were utilized. Bioassays were conducted using the brain and tongue of 20 pig heads purchased at butcher shops in the city of Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil. Overall, 11 T. gondii isolates designated TgPgBr06-16 were identified. Application of multilocus PCR-RFLP with seven molecular markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, C22-8, PK1 and Apico) identified six different genotypes. Isolates TgPgBr 06, 08, 11, 12, 14 and 15 were indistinguishable by this technique, forming a single genotype; the remaining isolates were characterized as distinct genotypes. However, when five genetic markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB and c22-8) were employed in multilocus PCR-sequencing, all eleven strains of T. gondii were shown to be different. All isolates differed from Type I, II and III clonal genotypes using both genotyping techniques. These results demonstrate that the multilocus PCR-RFLP assay underestimated the true diversity of the T. gondii population in this study. Thus, DNA sequencing is the preferred technique to infer the genetic diversity and population structure of T. gondii strains from Brazil. Moreover, it is necessary to develop new molecular markers to group and characterize atypical T. gondii isolates from South America

    Pulgas-de-Água (Daphnia spp.)

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    Daphnia spp. (pulgas-de-água) - Os organismos do género Daphnia são micro-crustáceos planctónicos de água doce pertencentes à ordem Cladocera (classe Branchiopoda), que ocorrem em ecossistemas lênticos. Devem o nome de “pulga-de-água” aos movimentos natatórios irregulares, análogos aos saltos das pulgas “verdadeiras”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prediction of the potential distribution of Drosophila suzukii on Madeira Island using the maximum entropy modeling.

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    ABSTRACT: Drosophila suzukii is one of the main pests that attack soft-skinned fruits and cause significant economic damage worldwide. Madeira Island (Portugal) is already affected by this pest. The present work aimed to investigate the potential distribution of D. suzukii on Madeira Island to better understand the limits of its geographical distribution on the island using the Maximum Entropy modeling (MaxEnt). The resultant model provided by MaxEnt was rated as regular discrimination with the area under the curve (AUC, 0.7–0.8). Upon scrutinizing the environmental variables with the greatest impact on the distribution of D. suzukii, altitude emerged as the dominant contributor, with the highest percentage (71.2%). Additionally, elevations ranging from 0 to 500 m were identified as appropriate for the species distribution. With the results of the model, it becomes possible to understand/predict which locations will be most suitable for the establishment of the analyzed pest and could be further applied not only for D. suzukii but also for other species that hold the potential for substantial economic losses in this insular region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Screening for Drought Tolerance in Thirty Three Taro Cultivars

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    Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] is a root crop which is an important staple food in many regions of the world, producing 10.5 million tonnes on 1.4 million hectares a year. The crop is cultivated in wet (rain fed) or irrigated conditions, requiring on average 2,500 mm water per year, and in many countries it is cultivated in flooded plots. It is estimated that taro production could decrease by 40% as a result of the increase in drought and other severe events. In this work, thirty three accessions, including local cultivars, selected and hybrid lines were submitted to long duration drought stress and screened for tolerance. Twelve physiological, morphological and agronomic traits were measured at harvest, and subject to multivariate analysis. Stress indices, Water Use Efficiency and Factorial Analysis were useful for discriminating accessions regarding drought tolerance and yield stability, and drought tolerant and susceptible cultivars were identified. Our results confirm that different taro cultivars have different drought avoidance and tolerance strategies to cope with water scarcity. Better yield performers minimised biomass and canopy loss, while tolerance was observed in cultivars that presented low potential yield, but efficiently transferred resources to enhance corm formation. Among the 33 accessions, two local cultivars showed high yield stability and could be considered as suitable parents for breeding programs, while two others are well adapted to drought, but with overall low yield potential

    Description Of The Hemipenial Morphology Of Tupinambis Quadrilineatus Manzani And Abe, 1997 (squamata, Teiidae) And New Records From Piauí, Brazil

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    Few data are available on the morphology of the hemipenis of teiid lizards, especially those of the recentlydefined genus Tupinambis, a widely-distributed group of large-bodied lizards. This study provides an illustrated description of the hemipenis of Tupinambis quadrilineatus, which is similar to that of other representatives of the Tupinambinae subfamily. New records of the species from the state of Piauí, in northeastern Brazil, are also presented. © Marcélia Basto da Silva et al.3616172Avila-Pires, T.C.S., (1995) Lizards of Brazilian Amazonia (Reptilia: Squamata), p. 706. , Zoologische VerhandelingenBarreto, L., Arzabe, C., Lima, Y.C.C., Herpetofauna da região de Balsas (2007) Cerrado Norte do Brasil, pp. 221-229. , In: Barreto L (Ed), USEB, PelotasBöhme, W., Zur Genitalmorphologie der Sauria: Funktionelle und stammesgeschichtliche Aspekte (1988) Bonner Zoologische Monographien, 27, pp. 1-176Colli, G.R., Péres Jr., A.K., Cunha, H.J., A new species of Tupinambis (Squamata: Teiidae) from Central Brazil, with an analysis of morphological and genetic variation in the genus (1998) Herpetologica, 54 (4), pp. 477-492Cope, E.D., On the hemipenes of the Sauria (1896) Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 48, pp. 461-467Costa, H.C., São Pedro, V.A., Péres, A.K., Feio, N.R., Reptilia, Squamata, Teiidae, Tupinambis longilineus: Distribution extension (2008) Check List, 4, pp. 267-268Dal Vechio, F., Recoder, R., Rodrigues, M.T., Zaher, H., The herpetofauna of the Estação Ecológica de Uruçuí-Una, state of Piauí, Brazil (2013) Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 53 (16), pp. 225-243. , doi: 10.1590/S0031-10492013001600001Dowling, H.G., Duellman, W.E., (1978) Systematic Herpetology: A Synopsis of Families and Higher Categories, p. 118. , HISS Publications, New YorkFerreira, L.V., Pereira, J.L.G., Avila-Pires, T.C.S., Chaves, P.P., Cunha, D.A., Furtado, C.S., Primeira ocorrência de Tupinambis quadrilineatus Manzani, Abe, 1997 (Squamata: Teiidae) no bioma Amazônia (2009) Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Ciências Naturais, 4 (3), pp. 355-361Fitzgerald, L.A., Cook, J.A., Aquino, A.J., Molecular phylogenetics and conservation of Tupinambis (Sauria: Teiidae) (1999) Copeia, pp. 894-905. , doi: 10.2307/1447965Guimarães, T.C.S., Figueiredo, G.B., Salmito, W.E., Geographic distribution: Tupinambis quadrilineatus (2007) Herpetological Review, 38 (3), pp. 353-354Harvey, M.B., Ugueto, G.N., Gutberlet, R.L., Review of Teiid Morphology with a Revised Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Teiidae (Lepidosauria: Squamata) (2012) Zootaxa, pp. 1-156. , http://zoobank.org/References/457C2AD0-E5CF-4A41-B6CB-11722700BC5FLangstroth, R.P., Adiciones probables y confirmadas para la saurofauna boliviana (2005) Kempffiana, 1 (1), pp. 101-128Levington, A.E., McDiarmid, R., Moody, S., Nickerson, M., Rosado, J., Sokol, O., Voris, H., Museum acronyms (1980) Second edition, Herpetological Review, 11, pp. 93-102Lima, A.C., Pimenta, F.E., Reptilia, Squamata, Teiidae, Tupinambis longilineus: Distribution extension (2008) Check List, 4, pp. 240-243Manzani, P.R., Abe, A., A new species of Tupinambis Daudin, 1802 (Squamata: Teiidae) from Brazil (1997) Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Série, Zoologia, 382, pp. 1-10Manzani, P.R., Abe, A., Sobre dois novos métodos de preparação de hemipênis de serpentes (1988) Memórias do Instituto Butantan, 50 (1), pp. 15-20Manzani, P.R., Abe, A.S., A new species of Tupinambis Daudin, 1803 from southeastern Brazil (Squamata, Teiidae) (2002) Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 60, pp. 295-302Mesquita, D.O., Colli, G.R., França, F.G.R., Vitt, L.J., Ecology of a Cerrado lizard assemblage in the Jalapão region of Brazil (2006) Copeia 2006, (3), pp. 460-471. , doi: 10.1643/0045-8511(2006)2006[460:EOACLA]2.0.CO;2Moreira, L.A., Fenolio, D.B., Silva, H.L.R., Silva Jr., N.J., A preliminary list of the Herpetofauna from termite mounds of the cerrado in the Upper Tocantins river valley (2009) Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 49 (15), pp. 183-189. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0031-10492009001500001&script=sci_arttextMyers, C.H., Williams, E.E., McDiarmid, R.W., A new anoline lizard (Phenacosaurus) from the highland of Cerro de la Neblina, Southern Venezuela (1993) American Museum Novitates 3070, pp. 1-15Pesantes, O.S., A method for preparing the hemipenis of preserved snakes (1994) Journal of Herpetology, 28, pp. 93-95. , doi: 10.2307/1564686Recoder, R., Nogueira, C., Composição e diversidade de répteis na região sul do Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas, Brasil Central (2007) Biota Neotropica, 7 (3), pp. 267-278. , doi: 10.1590/S1676-06032007000300029Recoder, R.S., Junior, M.T., Camacho, A., Nunes, P.M.S., Mott, T., Valdujo, P.H., Ghellere, J.M., Rodrigues, M.T., Répteis da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, Brasil Central (2011) Biota Neotropica, 11 (1), pp. 263-282. , doi: 10.1590/S1676-06032011000100026Savage, J.M., On terminology for the description of the hemipenis of squamate reptiles (1997) Herpetological Journal, 7, pp. 23-25. , doi: 10.1590/S1984-46702011000400005Silva Jr., N.J., Silva, H.L.R., Rodrigues, M.T., Valle, N.C.U., Costa, M.C., Castro, S.P., Linder, E.T., Sites Jr., J.W., A fauna de vertebrados do vale do alto rio Tocantins em áreas de usinas hidrelétricas (2005) Estudos, 32, pp. 57-101Silveira, A.L., Reptilia, Squamata, Teiidae, Tupinambis quadrilineatus: Distribution extension and geographic distribution map (2009) Check List, 5 (3), pp. 442-445Taylor, J.F., Genus Tupinambis, Tegus (2003) Reptilia, 27, pp. 43-49Vitt, L.J., Cadwell, J.P., Colli, G.R., Garda, A.A., Mesquita, D.O., França, F.G.R., Shepard, D.B., Silva, V.N., Uma atualização do guia fotográfico dos répteis e anfíbios da região do Jalapão no Cerrado brasileiro (2005) Special Publications in Herpetology, San Noble Oklahoma Museum of Nature History, 2, pp. 1-24Werneck, F.P., Colli, G.R., The lizard assemblage from seasonally dry tropical forest enclaves in the Cerrado biome, Brazil, and its association with the pleistocenic arc (2006) Journal of Biogeography, 33, pp. 1983-1992. , doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2006.01553.xZaher, H., Prudente, A.L.C., Hemipenis of Siphlophis (Serpentes, Xenodontinae) and Techniques of Hemipenial Preparation in Snakes: A Response to Dowling (2003) Herpetological Review, 34, pp. 302-30

    An ‛Aukward' Tale: A Genetic Approach to Discover the Whereabouts of the Last Great Auks.

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    One hundred and seventy-three years ago, the last two Great Auks, Pinguinusimpennis, ever reliably seen were killed. Their internal organs can be found in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Denmark, but the location of their skins has remained a mystery. In 1999, Great Auk expert Errol Fuller proposed a list of five potential candidate skins in museums around the world. Here we take a palaeogenomic approach to test which-if any-of Fuller's candidate skins likely belong to either of the two birds. Using mitochondrial genomes from the five candidate birds (housed in museums in Bremen, Brussels, Kiel, Los Angeles, and Oldenburg) and the organs of the last two known individuals, we partially solve the mystery that has been on Great Auk scholars' minds for generations and make new suggestions as to the whereabouts of the still-missing skin from these two birds

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de cultivares de café arábica em Minas Gerais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade fenotípicas para a produtividade de cultivares de cafeeiro do grupo Catuaí, pela metododologia de Annicchiarico. Foram instalados e conduzidos experimentos em Três Pontas, Campos Altos e Capelinha, em Minas Gerais. O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por 15 cultivares do grupo Catuaí e cinco testemunhas. As avaliações da produtividade foram realizadas em seis colheitas nas safras de 2003/2004 a 2008/2009. Posteriormente, foi realizada a análise conjunta dos três locais e a avaliação da adaptabilidade e da estabilidade das cultivares. Na safra 2008/2009, foi avaliado o percentual de frutos chochos e a percentagem de grãos em peneira alta. As cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 30, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 72 são mais promissoras, pois aliam maiores estabilidade e adaptabilidade em ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis com alta média de produtividade. As cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 100, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86, Rubi MG 1192 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 têm o mais alto percentual de peneira alta. Todas as progênies têm baixo percentual de grãos chocho