64 research outputs found

    Populism and Pop Cultures: Podemos, the Political Use of Music and the Party as a 'Pop Product'

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    The role of 'popular cultures' and symbolic aspects such as narratives, imaginaries, audio and visual products in the emergence, success, and development of populism is poorly explored in literature. This article aims at investigating the relationship between populism and popular cultures by analyzing the case of the Spanish party Podemos. From the beginning, for the founding nucleus of Podemos it was crucial to try to be hegemonic, to match common sense, popular attitudes and identities, and to go beyond the traditional boundaries inside which the alternative left was enclosed. The article focuses on the relationship between the political evolution of the party and its use of music as a political tool and a ground for cultural debate. The link emerges between these political uses of music and the trajectory of the party, where the latter influences the former. Moreover, by debating on the political role of music, Podemos leaders delved deeper into he wider issue of the relationship between political hegemony and popular cultures, and discussed it

    Ragionare per casi: dinamiche di innovazione nelle politiche locali con i rom e i sinti

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    Quando si compone un libro come questo, frutto di un lungo lavoro collettivo e di una delicata tessitura di sensibilità ed esperienze differenti, si rischia di rimanere storditi dall’insieme di idee, suggerimenti, consigli e indicazioni che ciascuno apporta1. Quando abbiamo pensato all’indice, ci intrigava l’idea di raccogliere casi interessanti, di farli esprimere in prima persona, di lavorare con gli autori su una forma espressiva capace di problematizzare le esperienze (...)

    Ripensare le politiche a livello locale dentro il quadro di una tutela nazionale delle minoranze

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    La condizione giuridica di Rom e Sinti in Italia mette in luce alcune sfide fondamentali che si aprono agli amministratori locali. Sono le sfide dell’inclusione e della lotta alla discriminazione. Vero è che gli amministratori locali oggi sono soli, e dotati di poca expertise e conoscenza per affrontare l’insieme di problemi che abbiamo visto di- panarsi nel corso dell’intero volume. Lo scenario cambierebbe nel caso in cui fosse approvata una legge di riconoscimento dello statuto di mi- noranza. Cambierebbe nel senso che vi sarebbero più strumenti a disposizione degli enti locali, e vi sarebbe maggiore chiarezza nelle linee d’indirizzo. Questo capitolo intende, perciò, riprendere alcune delle principali sfide che si pongono al disegno, alla programmazione e all’implementazione di politiche pubbliche a livello locale, mettendo in luce i punti di contatto con il nuovo quadro che si potrebbe aprire se l’Italia adottasse le indicazioni più volte segnalate dal Consiglio d’Europa. Dopo aver affrontato il primo nodo fondamentale, quello della conoscenza reciproca e del riconoscimento, riprenderemo il tema delicato del sostegno abitativo, per ricavarne un criterio rilevante più in generale: quello della varietà di strumenti da usare nei confronti di que- sta minoranza assai eterogenea al proprio interno. Vedremo in seguito alcune indicazioni relative alla mediazione dei conflitti che si producono nei territori, e la rilevanza di politiche sociali nel contrasto ai fenomeni di devianza. Indicazioni più di carattere istituzionale saranno sviluppate in seguito, con riferimento alla situazione di alta frammentazione attua- le; il punto sarà esemplificato in seguito guardando più attentamente alle politiche di scolarizzazione. Termineremo con alcune indicazioni di metodo relative all’implementazione delle politiche, e all’esigenza di mantenere aperte le tensioni fra le diverse “polarità” che caratterizzano le politiche sociali (...)

    La acción colectiva de los trabajadores precarios: elaboración simbólica, identidad colectiva, relación con los sindicatos y con la dimensión política. Una comparación entre Italia y España

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    Negli ultimi anni la crisi economica ha colpito con forza l’intero Sud Europa, esasperando dinamiche di impoverimento e precarizzazione di lungo periodo. In Italia e in Spagna, tra gli altri, si è assistito a mobilitazioni contro la precarietà lavorativa e esistenziale. In questo contributo vengono presi in esame i movimenti contro la precarietà in Italia e in Spagna, allo scopo di analizzarne la genesi, gli sviluppi e le prospettive future. In particolare, il paper si concentra sulle rivendicazioni dei movimenti, l’autorappresentazione, la struttura delle alleanze e le strategie di azione, mettendo in luce i risultati delle proteste e i repertori discorsivi e di azione.In the last years, the economic crisis heavily hit all the Southern European States, exacerbating well rooted dynamics of impoverishment and precarization. In Italy and Spain, among others, social movements against labour and existential precarity developed and took the streets, receiving a high degree of media attention. In this paper we focus on the movements against precarity in Italy and Spain, in order to analyse their genesis, developments, and future opportunities. In particular, the paper focuses on the movements’ claims, their self-representation, the structure of alliances and their strategies of action, highlighting the results of the protests and the repertories of discourse and action.Il lavoro di Alberta Giorgi è stato finanziato dalla Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [grant number SFRH/BPD/77552/2011]

    Association between preoperative evaluation with lung ultrasound and outcome in frail elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgery for hip fractures: study protocol for an Italian multicenter observational prospective study (LUSHIP)

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    Hip fracture is one of the most common orthopedic causes of hospital admission in frail elderly patients. Hip fracture fixation in this class of patients is considered a high-risk procedure. Preoperative physical examination, plasma natriuretic peptide levels (BNP, Pro-BNP), and cardiovascular scoring systems (ASA-PS, RCRI, NSQIP-MICA) have all been demonstrated to underestimate the risk of postoperative complications. We designed a prospective multicenter observational study to assess whether preoperative lung ultrasound examination can predict better postoperative events thanks to the additional information they provide in the form of "indirect" and "direct" cardiac and pulmonary lung ultrasound signs

    Populism and Pop Cultures: Podemos, the Political Use of Music and the Party as a 'Pop Product'

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    The role of 'popular cultures' and symbolic aspects such as narratives, imaginaries, audio and visual products in the emergence, success, and development of populism is poorly explored in literature. This article aims at investigating the relationship between populism and popular cultures by analyzing the case of the Spanish party Podemos. From the beginning, for the founding nucleus of Podemos it was crucial to try to be hegemonic, to match common sense, popular attitudes and identities, and to go beyond the traditional boundaries inside which the alternative left was enclosed. The article focuses on the relationship between the political evolution of the party and its use of music as a political tool and a ground for cultural debate. The link emerges between these political uses of music and the trajectory of the party, where the latter influences the former. Moreover, by debating on the political role of music, Podemos leaders delved deeper into he wider issue of the relationship between political hegemony and popular cultures, and discussed it

    Back to the Origin? Popular Sovereignty from French Revolution to Current Anti-Corruption Movements: the Spanish Case in Historical Perspective

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    Analyses of the Spanish mobilization cycle between 2011 and 2013 concur with considering the critiques of corruption (and the growing discredit of traditional parties), one of the two key factors that has been determining in the emergence of the 15-M movement (the Indignados), the other being the economic crisis. This article investigates the link between anti-corruption from below and the claim for popular sovereignty in the Spanish case. In Spain movements' requests and discourses have found a clear translation on the electoral plan. Podemos, a party founded in 2014, considers itself the electoral expression of 15-M. For these reasons, the analysis focuses on Podemos and its anti-corruption discourse as well. The analysis is conducted in a historical perspective. Popular sovereignty has been the fundamental claim of the first social movements born in Europe in the second half of the eighteenth century. A historical comparison is carried out between the anti-corruption frames of democratic movements between 1760 and 1848 and the present ones, giving particular attention to their nexus with the claim for popular sovereignty

    Il Movimento 5 Stelle e la fine della politica

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    The 5 Star Movement includes and conveys some important trends in contemporary politics and society: the relativization of the left/right antinomy; interclassism; the elimination of conflict; the centrality of leadership, communication and marketing; the political and media populism; the counter-democracy of social movements; the co-presence of participatory methods and verticalization of the decision making processes. Within this heterogeneity, two elements seem dominant. First, the 5SM foreshadows the end of politics as autonomous specialized subsystem. The culture it expresses and its styles of political action and organization evoke the neutralization of politics by technology, science, market and community. Second, the most important link between 5SM and contemporary social processes lies in its relation to the dynamics of informational capitalism. The way M5S organizes and communicates closely recalls the organizational and rhetorical styles of firms in high-tech sectors. M5S considers the political form it prefigures as the most functional to the capacity of these firms to shape social relationships. The Movement also includes ambivalences and tensions that characterize production, work and consumption in these economic sectors: autonomy/heteronomy; verticality/horizontality, cooperation/competition, community/market, participation/anti-conflictualism. Beyond the specific destinies of this single party, it will be interesting to watch the evolution of the political form and the relationship between society and politics that it foreshadows

    L\u2019euroscetticismo, la critica dell\u2019Unione Europea e lo spazio della politica. Un confronto tra Front National, Movimento 5 Stelle e L\u2019Altra Europa con Tsipras

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    In the academic literature and the media the positions of political parties on European politics are represented as a field polarized in pro-European and eurosceptics. Euroscepticism is thus considered a dimension of the political competition that absorbs the left-right cleavage. Is it appropriate to include in a single political front parties which are alternative to each other on the ideological and programmatic angle? The article addresses this issue by comparing the manifestos for the European elections of 2014 of three political forces differently positioned along the left-right axis: the Front National, the Five Star Movement and The Other Europe with Tsipras. Evidence of this analysis goes in a different direction from that currently prevailing in literature: euro-criticism and opposition to the integration principle cannot be overlapped, and the differences between left and right are not reabsorbed by an europeanism or anti-europeanism cleavage. The criticism towards EU stated by the radical right, the radical left and a political movement that defines itself as extraneous to the traditional political categories, such as the FSM, takes on the traits of a request for a return of the political, opposed to the apparent becoming technics and administration of the national and supranational politics
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