589 research outputs found

    Analysing Arguments in Networked Conversations: The Context of Student Teachers

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    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the method of meaning implication discourse analysis can be applied in the context of online collaborative reflective practice of student teachers. The method was developed to identify knowledge building in networked contexts. It derives from the model of meaning implication developed by Piaget, and the model of “schematization” proposed by Grize. It also borrows from the knowledge building theory developed by Scardamalia and Bereiter. The method allows understanding knowledge construction as an evolving process of conceptual change and learning through argumentation. We present two studies in which online “conversations” of pre-service teachers are analyzed. Contributions for higher education are discussed.L’objectif de cet article est de démontrer comment la méthode d’analyse du discours fondée sur l’implication signifi ante permet d’analyser la pratique réfl exive d’étudiants en enseignement dans un contexte de collaboration en réseau. Cette méthode a été développée dans le but de repérer la coélaboration de connaissances dans ce contexte. Elle provient du modèle de l’implication signifi ante développé par Piaget ainsi que du modèle de la schématisation proposé par Grize, et s’inspire aussi de la théorie de la coélaboration des connaissances de Scardamalia et Bereiter. La méthode permet de comprendre la construction des connaissances comme étant un processus de changement conceptuel et d’apprentissage rendu possible par l’argumentation. Nous présentons deux études dans lesquelles les « conversations » en réseau d’étudiants en enseignement sont analysées. La contribution que cette méthode peut apporter au domaine de l’éducation universitaire est par la suite discutée

    Relações solo-paisagem: conceitos, evolução e aplicaçõesSoil-landscape relationships: concepts, developments and applications

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    As relações solo-paisagem permitem associar atributos topográficos e tipos de solos, tornando-se úteis na predição de ocorrência dos tipos de solos nas paisagens e auxiliando no estudo detalhado dos solos. Diante disso, esta revisão tem como objetivos gerais conceituar e discutir aspectos da relação solo-paisagem, bem como sua evolução no Brasil e no mundo e suas aplicações aos estudos de solos. Os conceitos das relações solo-paisagem combinam as feições da superfície da terra, componentes de subsuperfície e atributos do solo. Quanto ao surgimento e discussão desse conceito, acredita-se que apesar de não haver registros de relatos sobre os estudos da relação solo-paisagem, especula-se que esses estudos foram iniciado no final do século XIX e registrado com o surgimento do conceito de CATENA. Nesse sentido, vários modelos de paisagem propuseram estudar e entender as relações entre as condições do solo e a topografia, dentre estes pode-se destacar o modelo de superfície geomórfica, unidades de vertente e curvatura do terreno. Apesar da importância e discussão dos conceitos das relações solo-paisagem, poucos trabalhos abordam a temática com vistas a identificar e mapear solos, muito embora estes modelos permitam compreender as relações entre as condições do solo e os aspectos topográficos do terreno. Por outro lado, o uso dos conceitos de superfícies geomórficas, unidades de vertentes e curvatura do terreno nos estudos de solo-paisagem são fundamentais para estudos de gênese, levantamento e classificação de solos, assim como para a obtenção de informações de estimativas de erosão, estabelecimento de manejo, planejamento e uso do solo.Abstract The soil-landscape relationships allow for the association of topographic attributes and soil types, making it useful in predicting the occurrence of soil types in landscapes, and assisting in the detailed study of soils. Thus, this review aims to conceptualize and discuss general aspects of soil-landscape relationship, its evolution in Brazil and around the world, and its application to soil studies. The concepts of soil-landscape relationships combine the features of the earth’s surface, subsurface components and soil attributes. Regarding the emergence and development of these concepts, despite the absence of records concerning the reports of studies of soil-landscape, it is speculated that they began in the late nineteenth century, and were registered with the emergence of the concept of CATENA. In this sense, several models proposed to study the landscape and understand the relationships between soil conditions and topography. Among these models we can highlight the geomorphic surface, slope units and terrain curvature model. Despite the importance and discussion of the concepts of soil-landscape relationships, few studies address the issue with the goal of identifying and mapping soils, although these models allow for the understanding of the relationship between soil conditions and topographical features of the terrain. On the other hand, the use of the concepts of geomorphic surfaces, units of slopes and topographic curvature in the studies of soil-landscape are essential to develop the studies of genesis, surveying and classification of soil. The concepts are also important to obtain estimates of erosion, and to establish management, planning and use of the soil

    Professor Dr. Zeferino Vaz

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    Pronunciamento do Sr. Prof. Dr. Milton Santos de Campos, titular do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, por ocasião da homenagem póstuma prestada pela Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, a seu Ex-Diretore Ex-Professor

    Nota preliminar sobre o emprego da piperazina no tratamento da ascaridíase das galinhas

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    O autor apresenta resultados plenamente satisfatórios da administração de piperazina a três grupos de pintos infestados experimentalmente com Ascaridia galli Schrank, 1788. A droga em solução a 10% foi depositada no inglúvio por meio de sonda esofágica e nas seguintes doses: um grupo recebeu dose única da solução, correspondente à 0,25 g de piperazina; outros dois grupos receberam em doses parceladas respectivamente 0,125 g e 0,08 g de piperazina, em três dias alternados. Um quatro grupo de pintos serviu de testemunho. As aves foram sacrificadas cinco dias após a administração da última dose; as pertencentes ao lote testemunho também foram sacrificadas no final das experiências. O exame de cada ave foi feito procedendo-se a retirada imediata de seus intestinos, fazendo passar através dêles uma corrente de água, tendo-se o cuidado de recolher o resíduo em peneira de malhas finas. Pelo exame cuidadoso dêsse resíduo, pode-se afirmar que, nos três grupos considerados, o efeito anti-helmíntico da piperazina foi evidente.The author reports entirely satisfactory results from the administration of piperazine to three groups of chickens experimentally infested with Ascaridia galli Schrank, 1788. The drug was deposited in crop by means of an oesophagie tube either in a single dosis of 0,25 g or in three partitioned dosis of 0,125 g and 0,08 g given in alternate days. In all cases the anthelmintic effect was very evident.

    Prof. Dr. Dinoberto Chacon de Freitas

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    O artigo não apresenta resumo.

    Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection: a dreaded but still missed diagnosis

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    Strongyloides stercoralis (S. stercoralis), an intestinal nematode, is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions, being less prevalent in temperate climates. The number of infected persons worldwide ranges between 10 million and 100 million people. In Brazil the reported prevalence is 13%. Chronic infection may be asymptomatic or accompanied by gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms. Under immunosuppressive conditions, the infection assumes serious proportions frequently accompanied by septic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and respiratory distress syndrome. The authors report a case of a 50-year-old female patient who was a chronic user of glucocorticoids and had been seeking medical attention for two months because of continuous gastrointestinal symptoms. She was admitted to the emergency room with clinical signs of septic shock and died after four days despite an adequate antibiotic regimen, vasopressor drugs, and ventilatory support. The autopsy revealed the unsuspected finding of  S. stercoralishyperinfection and septicemia

    New Occurrences of Macrofungi (Basidiomycota) in Southern Amazonas, Brazil

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    Macrofungi are organisms that have macroscopic reproductive structures, called ascocarps and basidiocarps, and are important representatives of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, respectively. The Amazon rainforest, as it offers a large number of natural resources, is one of the biomes that has been under great environmental pressure and sustainable use that takes into account social, economic and ecological factors is extremely important for protecting the forest. Given this context, this work aimed to present the characterization of the species that constitute occurrences of macrofungi for the Southern region of the state of Amazonas, contributing to the expansion of the knowledge on the geographical distribution of the specimens found. This survey was carried out at the Tenente Pimenta Jungle Base located 20 kilometers from the Municipality of Humaitá- state of Amazonas. The collections were carried out in two different periods, in the pre-existing trails of the Tenente Pimenta Jungle Base (54th BIS). 115 specimens belonging to 11 families were found, with species belonging to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota being identified. The data related to the collection periods of macroscopic fungi were from August 2019 and November 2019. In August 2019, a dry season in the Amazon, with little rain, 70 specimens of macrofungi were collected. In November, a rainy period in the Amazon, 105 specimens of macrofungi were collected. The data obtained from this research will serve as a basis for further studies in the state of Amazonas, since it is a pioneer in the southern region of the state. There is a great diversity of macrofungi in the study area, however, edaphoclimatic factors are relevant at different periods of the year

    Estudo da ação in vitro do hexahidrato de piperazina, do hexilresorcinol e do octilresorcinol sobre Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788)

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    The authors present an essay dealing with the study of the “in vitro” activity of drugs upon Ascaridia galli. The tested substances with the technique utilized were by the order of their lethal activity: 1) hexilresorcinol; 2) octilresorcinol; 3) piperazine hexahydrate.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês

    Controle da rede geodésica brasileira por meio de satélites do sistema NNSS

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    Orientador: Gunter SeeberTese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: Em 11 pontos da Rede de Triangulação Geodésica Brasileira (RTGB) uma campanha Doppler foi realizada em 16 de abril a 10 de maio de 1985, com o apoio da GTZ-(Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit), IBGE-(Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) e da FINEP_(Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos).O objetivo principal da campanha foi o de comparar as coordenadas da RTGB com as coordenadas obtidas de observações simultâneas Doppler com receptores geodésicos para verificar sua precisão, escala, orientação e homogeneidade. O processamento de dados foi realizado com o programa GEODOPV com modelo em Arco-Curto, empregando efemérides precisas e operacionais para soluções em Ponto Simples e em Multi-Estação. As coordenadas da RTGB foram comparadas com as coordenadas da solução em Multi-Estação com efemérides operacionais, após emprego de 3 parâmetros de transformação tridimensionais.Abstract: On 11 points of the Brazilian Triangulation Geodetic Network (RTGB) a Doppler campaign was carried out from April 16 to May 10 1985 under grant of GTZ (Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit), IBGE (Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) and FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos). The main objective of the campaign was to compare coordinates of the RTGB with coordinates based on simultaneous Doppler observation with Geodetic receivers to verify its accuracy, scale, orientation and homogeneity. The data processing was carried out with the Short-Arc program GEODOP V with Broadcast and Precise Ephemeris for Single Point and Multistation solutions. The RTGB coordinates were compared to Multistation solution with Broadcast Ephemeris after a three dimensional 3- parameters transformation