615 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of the quasi-projectile mass with measured neutrons

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    The investigation of the isospin dependence of multifragmentation reactions relies on precise reconstruction of the fragmenting source. The criteria used to assign free emitted neutrons, detected with the TAMU Neutron Ball, to the quasi-projectile source are investigated in the framework of two different simulation codes. Overall and source-specific detection efficiencies for multifragmentation events are found to be model independent. The equivalence of the two different methods used to assign experimentally detected charged particles and neutrons to the emitting source is shown. The method used experimentally to determine quasi-projectile emitted free neutron multiplicity is found to be reasonably accurate and sufficiently precise as to allow for the study of well-defined quasi-projectile sources.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    The Role of Spatial Exploration and Territoriality in Establishing Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Hierarchies, and Their Effects upon Underlying Stress Physiology

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    Territoriality, spatial exploration and social hierarchy are strictly related behaviors in gregarious fishes, and are often under-appreciated in farms where the individuals are confined within crowded spaces. In this study, we investigated the role of spatial exploration, elucidating the importance of time upon forming the social organization, and the role of the territoriality in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), using two experimental approaches. In the first approach, three fish were placed sequentially in the aquarium with an interval of two days (sequential model), while in the second (simultaneous model), two fish were simultaneously placed in an aquarium divided by a barrier which was removed after a certain period of time. To study the effect of social stress and spatial perception in the two models, we monitored behavior (aggressive acts and feeding priority), integrated with the evaluation of physiological and cellular stress parameters, such as phagocytosis, cortisol, glucose, and blood osmolarity levels. After the establishment of the social hierarchy in the "sequential model", we observed that the levels of cortisol and an immunological cell-mediated marker were higher in subordinate individuals than in the dominant ones. We observed a different modulation of phagocytic activity in peritoneal cavity cells between dominant and subordinates, demonstrating that social stress acts upon immune response. Differently from the first model, no behavioral, physiological, or phagocytic differences were found between the two fish involved in the simultaneous model, where both fish acted as co-dominants, defending their territory. The study achieved a deeper understanding of the role of spatial exploration, territorial dominance and intraspecific interaction in gilthead seabream, and elucidated the link between them and physiological stress indicators. The results highlight aspects of interest to the aquaculture industry, showing the importance of a greater focus on rearing conditions, finding solutions to mitigate crowding effects and promoting the quality of aquacultural products

    Novel technique to extract experimental symmetry free energy information of nuclear matter

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    A new method of accessing information on the symmetry free energy from yields of fragments produced in Fermi-energy heavy-ion collisions is proposed. Furthermore, by means of quantum fluctuation analysis techniques, correlations between extracted symmetry free-energy coefficients with temperature and density were studied. The obtained results are consistent with those of commonly used isoscaling techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures Heavy-ion nuclear reactions at Fermi energies, Nuclear equation of State, Fragmentatio

    Tornillos at Vulcano: Clues to the dynamics of the hydrothermal system

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    The number of tornillo events has recently increased at the Vulcano Island, Italy. While only 15 tornillos were recorded during 2004–2006, 584 events occurred in 2007–2008. They were located just below La Fossa Crater at depths ranging between 0.1 and 1 km b.s.l. During two intervals in 2007–2008 increases in the number of tornillos took place at the same time as temperature and geochemical anomalies were observed. The spectral content of the tornillos, generally characterized by one–two dominant spectral peaks near 6 and 10 Hz, varied over time, with changes also noted in the quality factors. The simplest source mechanism proposed for tornillos is the free eigenvibration of a fluid volume within a crack or a conduit. Based on this model, we propose a causal relationship between the temperature and geochemical anomalies and the increases in numbers of tornillos. As the amount of hydrothermal fluids increases during the anomalies, the upward flux of fluids grows. The consequent changes in the pressure, temperature and dynamics of the system of cracks and conduits result in the generation of tornillos. Based on the fluid-filled crack/conduit model, the shallow depths of the sources and the values of the quality factors, the fluid within the resonant crack/conduit was inferred to be an ash–gas or water droplet–gas mixture. Moreover, the observed variations in the wavefield can be caused by small changes in the location of the source, in the source mechanism, or in the medium in between the source and the seismic station. Finally, another peculiar feature of tornillos is the amplitude modulation that can be explained as a result of a beating phenomenon.Published377-3933V. Proprietà chimico-fisiche dei magmi e dei prodotti vulcaniciJCR Journalreserve

    Deletion of the miR172 target site in a TOE-type gene is a strong candidate variant for dominant double-flower trait in Rosaceae

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    Double flowers with supernumerary petals have been selected by humans for their attractive appearance and commercial value in several ornamental plants, including Prunus persica (peach), a recognized model for Rosaceae genetics and genomics. Despite the relevance of this trait, knowledge of the underlying genes is limited. Of two distinct loci controlling the double-flower phenotype in peach, we focused on the dominant Di2 locus. High-resolution linkage mapping in five segregating progenies delimited Di2 to an interval spanning 150858bp and 22 genes, including Prupe.6G242400 encoding an euAP2 transcription factor. Analyzing genomic resequencing data from single- and double-flower accessions, we identified a deletion spanning the binding site for miR172 in Prupe.6G242400 as a candidate variant for the double-flower trait, and we showed transcript expression for both wild-type and deleted alleles. Consistent with the proposed role in controlling petal number, Prupe.6G242400 is expressed in buds at critical times for floral development. The indelDi2 molecular marker designed on this sequence variant co-segregated with the phenotype in 621 progenies, accounting for the dominant inheritance of the Di2 locus. Further corroborating the results in peach, we identified a distinct but similar mutation in the ortholog of Prupe.6G242400 in double-flower roses. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these two genes belong to a TARGET OF EAT (TOE)-type clade not represented in Arabidopsis, indicating a divergence of gene functions between AP2-type and TOE-type factors in Arabidopsis and other species. The identification of orthologous candidate genes for the double-flower phenotype in two important Rosaceae species provides valuable information to understand the genetic control of this trait in other major ornamental plants. Significance Statement We used peach as a model to gain insight into the molecular basis of double flowers, an important trait in many ornamental plants. We propose that a deletion causes a TOE-type transcription factor to escape miR172-mediated repression, in turn resulting in an increased number of petals, as corroborated by results on the orthologous gene in rose

    Magnetic Core Loss of Ultrahigh Strength FeCo Alloys

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    Hiperco® 50 alloy heat treated between 450 and 650 °C exhibits superior mechanical properties. We report the measurements of the ac core loss at various frequencies up to 4500 Hz of the Hiperco® 50 alloy samples annealed at 450 and 650 °C. The 650 °C annealed specimens have lower ac core loss than the 450 °C annealed ones. The total core loss, consisting of contributions from hysteresis core loss and eddy-current core loss, depends on the frequency f as af+bf2. The eddy current loss of a single laminate is minor compared to the hysteresis loss

    Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve

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    A basic feature of the nuclear equation of state is not yet understood: the dependence of the nuclear caloric curve on the neutron-proton asymmetry. Predictions of theoretical models differ on the magnitude and even the sign of this dependence. In this work, the nuclear caloric curve is examined for fully reconstructed quasi-projectiles around mass A=50. The caloric curve extracted with the momentum quadrupole fluctuation thermometer shows that the temperature varies linearly with quasi-projectile asymmetry (N-Z)/A. An increase in asymmetry of 0.15 units corresponds to a decrease in temperature on the order of 1 MeV. These results also highlight the importance of a full quasi-projectile reconstruction in the study of thermodynamic properties of hot nuclei
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