2,725 research outputs found

    Out of the frying pan: a young pulsar with a long radio trail emerging from SNR G315.9-0.0

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    The faint radio supernova remnant SNR G315.9-0.0 is notable for a long and thin trail that extends outward perpendicular from the edge of its approximately circular shell. In a search with the Parkes telescope we have found a young and energetic pulsar that is located at the tip of this collimated linear structure. PSR J1437-5959 has period P = 61 ms, characteristic age tau_c = 114 kyr, and spin-down luminosity dE/dt = 1.4e36 erg/s. It is very faint, with a flux density at 1.4 GHz of about 75 uJy. From its dispersion measure of 549 pc/cc, we infer d ~ 8 kpc. At this distance and for an age comparable to tau_c, the implied pulsar velocity in the plane of the sky is V_t = 300 km/s for a birth at the center of the SNR, although it is possible that the SNR/pulsar system is younger than tau_c and that V_t > 300 km/s. The highly collimated linear feature is evidently the pulsar wind trail left from the supersonic passage of PSR J1437-5959 through the interstellar medium surrounding SNR G315.9-0.0.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    1E 1547.0-5408: a radio-emitting magnetar with a rotation period of 2 seconds

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    The variable X-ray source 1E 1547.0-5408 was identified by Gelfand & Gaensler (2007) as a likely magnetar in G327.24-0.13, an apparent supernova remnant. No X-ray pulsations have been detected from it. Using the Parkes radio telescope, we discovered pulsations with period P = 2.069 s. Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we localized these to 1E 1547.0-5408. We measure dP/dt = (2.318+-0.005)e-11, which for a magnetic dipole rotating in vacuo gives a surface field strength of 2.2e14 G, a characteristic age of 1.4 kyr, and a spin-down luminosity of 1.0e35 ergs/s. Together with its X-ray characteristics, these rotational parameters of 1E 1547.0-5408 prove that it is a magnetar, only the second known to emit radio waves. The distance is ~9 kpc, derived from the dispersion measure of 830 pc/cc. The pulse profile at a frequency of 1.4 GHz is extremely broad and asymmetric due to multipath propagation in the ISM, as a result of which only approximately 75% of the total flux at 1.4 GHz is pulsed. At higher frequencies the profile is more symmetric and has FWHM = 0.12P. Unlike in normal radio pulsars, but in common with the other known radio-emitting magnetar, XTE J1810-197, the spectrum over 1.4-6.6 GHz is flat or rising, and we observe large, sudden changes in the pulse shape. In a contemporaneous Swift X-ray observation, 1E 1547.0-5408 was detected with record high flux, f_X(1-8 keV) ~ 5e-12 ergs/cm^2/s, 16 times the historic minimum. The pulsar was undetected in archival radio observations from 1998, implying a flux < 0.2 times the present level. Together with the transient behavior of XTE J1810-197, these results suggest that radio emission is triggered by X-ray outbursts of usually quiescent magnetars.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Polarized radio emission from the magnetar XTE J1810-197

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    We have used the Parkes radio telescope to study the polarized emission from the anomalous X-ray pulsar XTE J1810-197 at frequencies of 1.4, 3.2, and 8.4 GHz. We find that the pulsed emission is nearly 100% linearly polarized. The position angle of linear polarization varies gently across the observed pulse profiles, varying little with observing frequency or time, even as the pulse profiles have changed dramatically over a period of 7 months. In the context of the standard pulsar "rotating vector model," there are two possible interpretations of the observed position angle swing coupled with the wide profile. In the first, the magnetic and rotation axes are substantially misaligned and the emission originates high in the magnetosphere, as seen for other young radio pulsars, and the beaming fraction is large. In the second interpretation, the magnetic and rotation axes are nearly aligned and the line of sight remains in the emission zone over almost the entire pulse phase. We deprecate this possibility because of the observed large modulation of thermal X-ray flux. We have also measured the Faraday rotation caused by the Galactic magnetic field, RM = +77 rad/m^2, implying an average magnetic field component along the line of sight of 0.5 microG.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Six pages with 4 figure

    Radio disappearance of the magnetar XTE J1810-197 and continued X-ray timing

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    We report on timing, flux density, and polarimetric observations of the transient magnetar and 5.54 s radio pulsar XTE J1810-197 using the GBT, Nancay, and Parkes radio telescopes beginning in early 2006, until its sudden disappearance as a radio source in late 2008. Repeated observations through 2016 have not detected radio pulsations again. The torque on the neutron star, as inferred from its rotation frequency derivative f-dot, decreased in an unsteady manner by a factor of 3 in the first year of radio monitoring. In contrast, during its final year as a detectable radio source, the torque decreased steadily by only 9%. The period-averaged flux density, after decreasing by a factor of 20 during the first 10 months of radio monitoring, remained steady in the next 22 months, at an average of 0.7+/-0.3 mJy at 1.4 GHz, while still showing day-to-day fluctuations by factors of a few. There is evidence that during this last phase of radio activity the magnetar had a steep radio spectrum, in contrast to earlier behavior. There was no secular decrease that presaged its radio demise. During this time the pulse profile continued to display large variations, and polarimetry indicates that the magnetic geometry remained consistent with that of earlier times. We supplement these results with X-ray timing of the pulsar from its outburst in 2003 up to 2014. For the first 4 years, XTE J1810-197 experienced non-monotonic excursions in f-dot by at least a factor of 8. But since 2007, its f-dot has remained relatively stable near its minimum observed value. The only apparent event in the X-ray record that is possibly contemporaneous with the radio shut-down is a decrease of ~20% in the hot-spot flux in 2008-2009, to a stable, minimum value. However, the permanence of the high-amplitude, thermal X-ray pulse, even after the radio demise, implies continuing magnetar activity.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 12 pages, 9 figure

    The Triple Pulsar System PSR B1620-26 in M4

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    The millisecond pulsar PSR B1620-26, in the globular cluster M4, has a white dwarf companion in a half-year orbit. Anomalously large variations in the pulsar's apparent spin-down rate have suggested the presence of a second companion in a much wider orbit. Using timing observations made on more than seven hundred days spanning eleven years, we confirm this anomalous timing behavior. We explicitly demonstrate, for the first time, that a timing model consisting of the sum of two non-interacting Keplerian orbits can account for the observed signal. Both circular and elliptical orbits are allowed, although highly eccentric orbits require improbable orbital geometries. The motion of the pulsar in the inner orbit is very nearly a Keplerian ellipse, but the tidal effects of the outer companion cause variations in the orbital elements. We have measured the change in the projected semi-major axis of the orbit, which is dominated by precession-driven changes in the orbital inclination. This measurement, along with limits on the rate of change of other orbital elements, can be used to significantly restrict the properties of the outer orbit. We find that the second companion most likely has a mass m~0.01 Msun --- it is almost certainly below the hydrogen burning limit (m<0.036 Msun, 95% confidence) --- and has a current distance from the binary of ~35 AU and orbital period of order one hundred years. Circular (and near-circular) orbits are allowed only if the pulsar magnetic field is ~3x10^9 G, an order of magnitude higher than a typical millisecond pulsar field strength. In this case, the companion has mass m~1.2x10^-3 Msun and orbital period ~62 years.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Very minor clarifications and rewording. Accepted for publication in the Astrophys.

    VLBA measurement of the transverse velocity of the magnetar XTE J1810-197

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    We have obtained observations of the magnetar XTE J1810-197 with the Very Long Baseline Array at two epochs separated by 106 days, at wavelengths of 6 cm and 3.6 cm. Comparison of the positions yields a proper motion value of 13.5+-1.0 mas/yr at an equatorial position angle of 209.4+-2.4 deg (east of north). This value is consistent with a lower-significance proper motion value derived from infrared observations of the source over the past three years, also reported here. Given its distance of 3.5+-0.5 kpc, the implied transverse velocity corrected to the local standard of rest is 212+-35 km/s (1 sigma). The measured velocity is slightly below the average for normal young neutron stars, indicating that the mechanism(s) of magnetar birth need not lead to high neutron star velocities. We also use Australia Telescope Compact Array, Very Large Array, and these VLBA observations to set limits on any diffuse emission associated with the source on a variety of spatial scales, concluding that the radio emission from XTE J1810-197 is >96% pulsed.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Six pages, 2 figure

    Spin-down evolution and radio disappearance of the magnetar PSR J1622-4950

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    We report on 2.4 yr of radio timing measurements of the magnetar PSR J1622-4950 using the Parkes telescope, between 2011 November and 2014 March. During this period the torque on the neutron star (inferred from the rotational frequency derivative) varied greatly, though much less erratically than in the 2 yr following its discovery in 2009. During the last year of our measurements the frequency derivative decreased in magnitude monotonically by 20\%, to a value of 1.3×1013-1.3\times10^{-13} s2^{-2}, a factor of 8 smaller than when discovered. The flux density continued to vary greatly during our monitoring through 2014 March, reaching a relatively steady low level after late 2012. The pulse profile varied secularly on a similar timescale as the flux density and torque. A relatively rapid transition in all three properties is evident in early 2013. After PSR J1622-4950 was detected in all of our 87 observations up to 2014 March, we did not detect the magnetar in our resumed monitoring starting in 2015 January and have not detected it in any of the 30 observations done through 2016 September.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    X-Ray Observations of Black Widow Pulsars

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    We describe the first X-ray observations of five short orbital period (PB<1P_B < 1 day), γ\gamma-ray emitting, binary millisecond pulsars. Four of these, PSRs J0023+0923, J1124-3653, J1810+1744, and J2256-1024 are `black-widow' pulsars, with degenerate companions of mass 0.1M\ll0.1 M_{\odot}, three of which exhibit radio eclipses. The fifth source, PSR J2215+5135, is an eclipsing `redback' with a near Roche-lobe filling \sim0.2 solar mass non-degenerate companion. Data were taken using the \textit{Chandra X-Ray Observatory} and covered a full binary orbit for each pulsar. Two pulsars, PSRs J2215+5135 and J2256-1024, show significant orbital variability while PSR J1124-3653 shows marginal orbital variability. The lightcurves for these three pulsars have X-ray flux minima coinciding with the phases of the radio eclipses. This phenomenon is consistent with an intrabinary shock emission interpretation for the X-rays. The other two pulsars, PSRs J0023+0923 and J1810+1744, are fainter and do not demonstrate variability at a level we can detect in these data. All five spectra are fit with three separate models: a power-law model, a blackbody model, and a combined model with both power-law and blackbody components. The preferred spectral fits yield power-law indices that range from 1.3 to 3.2 and blackbody temperatures in the hundreds of eV. The spectrum for PSR J2215+5135 shows a significant hard X-ray component, with a large number of counts above 2 keV, which is additional evidence for the presence of intrabinary shock emission and is similar to what has been detected in the low-mass X-ray binary to millisecond pulsar transition object PSR J1023+0038.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Ap

    17 and 24 GHz observations of southern pulsars

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    We present observations of PSRs J0437-4715, J0738-4042, J0835-4510, J0908-4913, J1048-5832, J1622-4950, J1644-4559, J1721-3532 and J1740-3015 at 17 GHz using the Parkes radio telescope. All 9 were detected at 17 GHz, additionally, we detected PSR J0835-4510 and J1622-4950 at 24 GHz. Polarisation profiles of each pulsar and the variation with frequency are discussed. In general, we find that the highly polarised edge components of young pulsars continue to dominate their profiles at 17 GHz. Older pulsars (>10^5 years) appear to be almost completely depolarised. Our detection of PSR J0437-4715 is the highest frequency observation of a millisecond pulsar to date, and implies a luminosity at 17 GHz of 14 {\mu}Jy kpc^2, and a mean spectral index of 2.2. We find that the spectral index of the magnetar PSR J1622-4950 is flat between 1.4 and 24 GHz, similar to the other known radio magnetars XTE J1810-197 and 1E 1547.0-5408. The profile is similar to that at 3.1 GHz, and is highly linearly polarised. Analysis of the frequency evolution of the profile of PSR J0835-4510 show that the profile is made of four components that vary with frequency only in their amplitude. The width and separation of the components remains fixed and the spectral index of each component can be determined independently.Comment: 10 Pages, 17 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA