2,345 research outputs found


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    This paper examines airport privatization as a whole. Since airport privatization is so complex, this paper begins by laying out the fundamentals of airport privatization and the airport structure in the United States (U.S.). Understanding these crucial fundamentals will help readers comprehend how the supporters of this concept are attempting to revolutionize airports in the U.S. This paper entails an analysis of its corresponding literature, heavily relying on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) since they are two active organizations concerning this topic. This paper also used information from interviews with long-time airport manager, Gary Shafer, who previously wrote his MPA research paper on this same topic. The literature review consists of: the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airport Privatization Pilot Program (APPP), the various airport examples of this concept being implemented in the U.S. and it finally distinguishes where airport privatization is more likely to occur and become a success. This paper will also analyze what the public sector has to gain and lose with airport privatization through a review of case studies and it will also reveal and relate the misconceptions regarding this concept. Proponents of airport privatization argue that this policy aids the public sector by allowing them to relinquish having to operate an airport and opponents of airport privatization believe that the public sector would be relinquishing of a public asset by privatizing its airport

    La innovación de tipo organizacional en las Empresas manufactureras de Cartagena de Indias

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    Este trabajo presenta un análisis de las innovaciones de tipo organizacional en lasempresas. La importancia del trabajo radica en la necesidad de estudiar un fenómenomoderno e importante en el momento para las empresas como es la innovación de tipoorganizacional. Lo que contribuye a conocer ¿el cómo? y ¿por qué? de este fenómenoorganizacional aportando nuevos elementos para el estudio de la innovación en el ámbitode las organizaciones. La metodología utilizada fue la de estudio de casos explicativos.Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las empresas del sector de petroquímicoplásticoaunque no poseen un modelo de gestión de innovación su sistema de calidadles ha permitido desarrollar su capacidad de innovación


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    El presente ensayo es la recopilación de diferentes conceptos de liderazgo, como la capacidad de influenciar un grupo para obtener las metas planteadas. Por consiguiente pretendo dar respuesta a los objetivos propuestos como: Analizar e interpretar en el marco de las organizaciones, los tipos de liderazgo que evidencian y plantear un modelo de liderazgo basado en la justicia y equidad. Sin dejar de lado todas las formas con sus respetivas teorías que tratan de explicar científicamente las hipótesis planteadas por los diferentes géneros y tipos que cada vez es denominado con un nuevo nombre pero que en últimas siguen siendo lo mismo. Por consiguiente, se ha observado cada una de las organizaciones a su interior en aras de evidenciar el tipo existente para tratar de identificarlos con los liderazgos planteados científicamente por John Kotter, experto de la problemática por la ausencia de éste y buscar un modelo frente a un nuevo cambio, por consiguiente se revisado cada una de sus obras con el fin de plantear un nuevo escenario que reúna lo mejora de cada uno de los tradicionales estilos de liderazg

    Limited memory and the essentiality of money

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    This paper investigates the relationship between memory and the essentiality ofmoney. We consider a random matching economy with a large finite population inwhich commitment is not possible and memory is limited in the sense that only afraction m E(0; 1) of the population has publicly observable histories. We show thatno matter how limited memory is, there exists a social norm that achieves the firstbest regardless of the population size. In other words, money can fail to be essentialirrespective of the amount of memory in the economy. This suggests that the emphasison limited memory as a fundamental friction for money to be essential deserves a deeperexamination.

    Money versus memory

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    A well–established fact in monetary theory is that a key ingredient for the essentialityof money is its role as a form of memory. In this paper we study a notion ofmemory that includes information about an agent’s past actions and trading opportunitiesbut, in contrast to Kocherlakota (1998), does not include information aboutthe past actions and trading opportunities of an agent’s past partners. We first showthat the first–best can be achieved with memory even if it only includes informationabout an agent’s very recent past. Thus, money can fail to be essential even if memoryis minimal. We then establish, more interestingly, that if information about tradingopportunities is not part of an agent’s record, then money can be better than memory.This shows that the societal benefit of money lies not only on being a record of pastactions, but also on being a record of past trading opportunities, a fact that has beenoverlooked by the monetary literature.

    2005-1 Monetary Equilibrium with Decentralized Trade and Learning

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    Monetary equilibrium with decentralized trade and learning

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    This paper analyzes the stability of monetary regimes in an economy where fiat money isendogenously created by the government, information about its value is imperfect, and learningis decentralized. We show that monetary stability depends crucially on the speed of informationtransmission in the economy. Our model generates a dynamic on the acceptability of fiat moneythat resembles historical accounts of the rise and eventual collapse of overissued paper money.It also provides an explanation of the fact that, despite its obvious advantages, the widespreaduse of fiat money is only a recent development.


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    Foram conduzidos experimentos com genótipos de cana-de-açúcar das séries RB84, RB85 e RB89, em 17 locais do Estado do Paraná, que pelas características climáticas apresentam uma região apta, com temperatura favorável ao crescimento da cana-de-açúcar e outra com restrições variadas ao cultivo, ao sul do Estado. Os experimentos utilizados são da Fase Experimental (FE) do processo de obtenção de novas variedades do Programa Cana-de-açúcar da RIDESA - PR. Com o objetivo de validar o método usado na avaliação de novos genótipos de cana-de-açúcar, foram identificados aqueles com bom potencial de produção, determinada a adaptabilidade e estabilidade dos mesmos e comparadas as três séries RB. Para a adaptabilidade e estabilidade usou-se o método de Eberhat e Russel e a identificação e comparação dos genótipos foi feita por teste de médias, coeficiente de variação entre as médias dos diferentes locais, freqüência de superioridade aos padrões, apresentados histogramas por faixa de freqüência para cada série. Usou-se as características de TCH (toneladas de colmos de cana-de-açúcar por hectare) e TPH (toneladas de POL por hectare) como indicativo para a escolha dos melhores genótipos. Pelo método usado, é possível a identificação de genótipos superiores nas três séries, A heterogeneidade dos resultados mostra a necessidade da avaliação ser feita no maior número de locais possível. A interação dos genótipos com o ambiente apresenta aumento de produção com a melhoria de ambiente, com magnitude diversa entre eles, pela variação na resposta dos genótipos a esta interação. Quando comparadas as três séries, embora alguns genótipos de séries diferentes tenham os mesmos progenitores, mostram comportamento diferentes e a RB89 foi a que apresentou valores médios de TCH e TPH menores, porém, como as outras séries, esta possui genótipos promissores, isto é, superiores aos padrões, com potencial para serem cultivados no Estado do Paraná, demonstrando a validade da metodologia usada no processo de seleção de variedades de cana-de-açúcar RB.Experiments were done with genotypes of sugar-cane of the series RB84, RB85 and RB89, in 17 places of the State of Paraná, that is bordering area because the climatic characteristics, to the South, for the cultivation of the sugar-cane. The appraised experiments are of the Experimental Phase (FE) of the process of obtaining new varieties of the Programa Cana-de-açúcar of RIDESA - PR. With the objective of validating the method used in the evaluation of new sugar-cane genotype, they were identified those with good production potential, appraised the adaptability and stability of them and compared with the series three RB. For the adaptability and stability was used the method of Eberhat and Russel and the identification and comparison of the genotype was made by test of averages, coefficient of variation among the averages of the different places, superiority frequency from the patterns, as well as histograms for frequency strip for each series. It was used the characteristics of TCH (tons of sugar-cane culm by hectare) and TPH (tons of POL for hectare) as indicative for the choice of the best genotype. For the used method, it is possible the identification of superior genotype in the three series. The heterogeneity of the results exhibit the need of the evaluation to be done in the largest number of possible locality. The interaction of the genotype with the ambient presents production increase with the ambient improvement, with different intensity among them, by the variation in the response of the genotype to this interaction. When compared the three series, although some genotype of different series have the same progenitors, they show different behavior and for RB89 presented medium values of TCH and smaller TPH, even so, as the other series possesses promising genotype, that is superiors to the patterns, with cultivation potential in the Stale of Paraná, demonstrating the validity of the methodology used in its improvement