96 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Heru Cahyono NIM : S431402013 EFEKTIVITAS SISTEM MANAJEMEN KINERJA MEMEDIASI PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL DAN KOMITMEN PEGAWAI TERHADAP KINERJAACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE (KPP Pratama di Wilayah Kanwil DJP D.I. Yogyakarta) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah efektivitas sistem manajemen kinerja memediasi pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan komitmen pegawai terhadap kinerja. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah pegawai KPP Pratama di wilayah Kanwil DJP D.I. Yogyakarta, yang bertugas sebagai account representative. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan didapatkan 159 account representative sebagai sampel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Metode analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling dengan Partial Least Squares (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan transformasional, komitmen pegawai dan efektivitas sistem manajemen kinerja memiliki pegaruh positif dan signifikan dengan kinerja. Selain itu, penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa efektivitas sistem manajemen kinerja memediasi pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan komitmen karyawan terhadap kinerja. Kata kunci: Gaya kepemimpinan transformational, komitmen pegawai, efektivitas sistem manajemen kinerja, kinerja, account representativ

    Konsep Pasar Syariah Dalam Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the concept of the Islamic market within the scope of Islamic Business Ethics. The Islamic market is a meeting place between sellers and buyers to make transactions for goods and services under Islamic law which includes the fields of aqidah, morality, and amaliyah. The things that are prohibited in trading transactions on the market according to Islamic Business Ethics are transactions in the substance haram category (haram li-zatihi) and the Haram category other than the substance (haram li-gairihi). Abstrak Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran tentang konsep pasar syariah dalam ruang lingkup Etika Bisnis Islam. Pasar syariah adalah tempat bertemunya antara penjual dan pembeli untuk melakukan transaksi atas barang dan jasa sesuai dengan syariat Islam yang meliputi bidang aqidah, akhlaq dan amaliyyah. Hal-hal yang dilarang dalam transaksi perdagangan di pasar menurut Etika Bisnis Islam adalah transaksi dalam kategori haram zatnya (haram li-zatihi) dan kategori Haram selain zatnya (haram li gairihi).   &nbsp

    Memaksimalkan Nilai Pendidikan Islam dan Komunikasi dalam Upaya Mensukseskan Perekonomian Di Era 4.0

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    The purpose of the implementation of this research is to determine the maximum value of Islamic Education and Communication in Efforts to Succeed the Economy in the Era of 4.0 in Parungjaya Village. because basically the economy is an important factor in people's lives. Both in meeting individual needs and society in general. The progress of a society can be seen from the ability of Islamic education, communication and economy. The higher the economic level of the community, the more prosperous the community's life is. This research uses a qualitative approach through case studies. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis steps include data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The data sources needed to collect and process in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the parties who are used as research informants. This type of data includes information and information about the condition of the community in Parungjaya Village. And secondary data, namely various books containing public policy theory, theory of public policy implementation, as well as various documents and writings on the condition of the Parung Jaya village community as well as other data relevant to the needs and objectives of the study. Parungjaya Village itself, education has been very good, it can be seen from the awareness of the community who are aware of the importance of education. However, public interest in higher education is still lacking because they prefer to work. As well as religious activities that are already running actively in every block every week. However, from these activities the residents still lack enthusiasm to participate. Likewise, pottery is one of the superior products. Although in modern times like today, more sophisticated and modern tools have begun to erode. Like utensils made of clay etc. What is very unfortunate for them at this time is the lack of the next generation of pottery craftsmen. Based on the research results obtained, the author of Parung Jaya Village has implemented a comprehensive socialization and motivation strategy. Abstrak Tujuan  pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui maksimalnya Nilai Pendidikan Islam Dan Komunikasi Dalam Upaya Mensukseskan Perekonomian Di Era 4.0 Di Desa Parungjaya. karena pada dasarnya ekonomi merupakan faktor penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Baik dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan individu maupun masyarakat secara umum. Kemajuan suatu masyarakat dapat dilihat dari kemampuan pendidikan islam, komunikasi dan ekonomi. Semakin tinggi tingkat ekonomi masyarakat semakin sejahtera kehidupan masyarakatnya.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun langkah-langkah analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi. sumber data yang diperlukan untuk menghimpun dan diolah dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yaitu para pihak yang dijadikan informan penelitian. Jenis data ini meliputi informasi dan keterangan mengenai keadaan masyarakat di desa parungjaya. Dan data sekunder yaitu berbagai buku yang berisi teori kebijakan publik, teori implementasi kebijakan publik, serta berbagai dokumen dan tulisan mengenai keadan masyarakat desa parung jaya dan juga data lainnya yang relevan dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan penelitian.  Desa Parungjaya sendiri, pendidikan sudah sangat baik, terlihat dari kesadaran masyarakat yang sadar akan pentingnya pendidikan, Namun minat masyarakat terhadap pendidikan perguruan tinggi masih kurang karena lebih memilih untuk bekerja.  Serta kegiatan keagamaan sudah berjalan aktif di setiap blok setiap pekan. Namun dari kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut masih kurangnya antusias warga untuk turut serta. Begitu juga dengan gerabah merupakan salah satu produk unggulan. Meskipun pada jaman modern seperti saat ini, mulai tergerus oleh alat- alat yang lebih canggih dan modern. Seperti halnya perkakas yang terbuat dari tnah liat dll. Yang sangat disayangkan oleh mereka saat ini adalah kurangnya generasi penerus pengrajin gerabah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, penulis Desa Parung Jaya sudah menjalankan strategi sosialisi dan motivasi secara menyeluruh


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran dari Rumah Belajar Yatim Piatu dan Dlu’afa Darul Aitam dalam memberdayakan pemuda putus sekolah di Desa Joho Kecamatan Wates Kabupaten Kediri.Terdapat prosentase cukup besar angka putus sekolah di Desa Joho yang terjadi pada pemuda dan anakdengan faktor penyebabnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan metode penelitian kualitatif,pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dari pengurus Rumah BelajarDarul Aitam yang melibatkan lima orang perwakilan dari Darul Aitam. Selanjutnya data dianalisismengikuti teknik analisis Miles and Huberman yaitu Pengumpulan Data, Reduksi Data, Penyajian Datadan Analisis Data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Belajar Yatim Piatu dan Dlu’afa DarulAitam telah mengupayakan pemberdayaan bagi pemuda yang mengalami putus sekolah. Selain itu DarulAitam juga menangungi anak yatim piatu dan kaum dlu’afa. Anak yang mengalami putus sekolahdiberdayakan dengan cara memberikan bantuan berupa tambahan pendidikan di rumah belajar, pemberianketerampilan,memberikan modal usaha dengan harapan dapat memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik.Keterampilan yang diberikan Darul Aitam berupa keterampilan menjahit, keterampilan memesak,keterampilan komputer dan keterampilan otomotif.Kata Kunci: Darul Aitam, Putus sekolah,Pemberdayaan.AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe the role of  Darul Aitam in empower youth of attrition at Joho Wates Kediri East Java, empowerment have included the provide educational assistance and skills. There ishight prosentation youth dropping out of scholl. Methods used is descriptive qualitative, the data collectionwas done by observation, interviews and documentation. Data sources obtained from the local and youth inDarul Aitam. The result of the study shows that the educational institutions and social Darul Aitam haveseek empowerment for youth dropping out. In addition Darul Aitam also oversee its orphans and thedlu’afa. Children dropping out empowered by granting assistance and ease to continue their education atthe next up to senior high school to hope having a better life. In addition to providing assistance to continuetheir education at the next, Darul Aitam impart skills of sewing, cooking, computer and automotive for boysthat children can be economic independent.Keywords:Darul Aitam, Dropping out of shcool, empowering

    Rasionalitas Tuntutan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Untuk Otonomi Khusus

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    The demand for autonomy in East Kalimantan seems premature since it does not have a strong legal basis. The demand for autonomy was raised after the cancelation of Act No.33/2004 on Financial Balance between Central and Local Government. On the one hand, the demand for autonomy seems reasonably well-justified that even though Kalimantan Timur is a natural resource rich province, yet its people are still living under poverty. From environmental viewpoint, the demand also seems reasonable. With the right to manage natural resources independently, Kalimantan Timur will be able to control the extraction of its resources, so as not to cause damage to the environment. On the other hand, the demand contains fundamental weaknesses with regards to capacity for implementing a good governance and the readiness of local human resources. There are still doubts about the relative size of the budget that cannot be absorbed and the lack of transparency in the use of development funds in the province

    Prevention of Goods and Services Procurement Fraud and Its Implications on Good Government Governance

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    The fact that the number of corruption cases in Indonesia is increasing from year to year shows a phenomenon that has attracted the attention of a number of parties. Most of these cases involve the government, especially in terms of purchasing goods and services, which has implications for the development of effective governance. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence fraud prevention in purchasing goods and services, as well as their influence on effective government management. The research data is primary data obtained through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS IBM 26 software. The population of this study is employees Civil Servants (PNS) in the Mamberamo Raya Regency Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) which has main tasks and functions in the procurement of goods and services as well as internal audits. The research sample is 70 samples using purposive sampling method. The results of the study show that internal control has no significant effect on the prevention of fraud in the procurement of goods and services, the effectiveness of internal audit has a significant effect on the prevention of fraud in the procurement of goods and services. Meanwhile, internal control and internal audit effectiveness have little effect on good government governance partially, and prevention of fraud in the procurement of goods and services has a significant effect on good government governance. The effect of internal control, internal audit on good government governance has a small effect if partially but if simultaneously it has a large influence while Internal control

    The Effectiveness of Zakah, Infaq, Sadaqah (ZIS) Management by BAZDA to Improve the Welfare of Society in Central Java

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    The big potential of Zakah, infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Central Java is one of the instruments for reducing poverty and improving the welfare of the society. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of management ZIS optimally so as to make a significant contribution to poverty reduction and improved well-being. Regulation No. 23 of 2011 on the management of Zakah has provided the legal basis which is very strong in the management of Zakah, by collecting, distributing, and accountability of it.The unit of analysis in this study is the Bazda in Central Java Province.  The sample is four districts/cities, including: the city and regency of Semarang, Jepara and Demak district. In addition, the study respondents aremanagers of Bazda, muzzaki, and mustahik in four districts/cities.The findings show that all Bazda have already had database on muzaki and mustahik, but still incomplete, so it cannot be done for the sake of collecting and mapping the distribution of ZIS effectively and efficiently. Moreover, the condition of the building, infrastructure and operational funds sourced budgets have not been able to support the operations and performance of the collection, distribution and reporting effectively and efficiently. Distribution and utilization of ZIS is dominated for the fulfillment of consumer needs and focused on the areas of health, education and social, while, empowering productive business activities is still slightly low, so that it is necessary to have a paradigm shift in the management of the ZIS to make mustahikbecome more productive. It is required a coordinated and integrated cooperation between Bazda District/City, Baz Districts, the regency/state, enterprises, SOEs and private agencies in order to collect ZIS effectively and efficiently and not only dominated merely by the civil servants. Reporting and accountability system, so far, has been conducted in a transparent and accountable through a written report to the District / City Government and Parliament, but some Bazdado not provide it to mustahikin detail, either in book form or through the WEB. Only the district of Jepara which has a complete reporting system, regular, detailed and printed in book form to be sent to the Government, Parliament, and the muzaki of related parties


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    The Blue Whistling-Thrush (Myophoneus caeruleus) is a member of Turdidae family which is comprised of six races distributed from Turkestan up to India and China, Southeast Asia, Malay Peninsula, Sumatera, and Java. This bird can be found around large rivers or between ridges in the forests. On 13 December 2012, we conducted an observation around the Kakek Bodo Waterfall’s camping ground and tourism site, Prigen, Pasuruan. The observation resulted in the sightings of five endemic bird species (the Olive-backed Tailorbird, Crescent-chested Babbler, Yellow-throated Hanging-parrot, Javan Banded-pitta, Lesser Forktail), and a bird with minimal record bird in Java, the Thick-billed Flowerpecker. Another result of the observation is a new data on the diet of the Blue Whistling-thrush. This species is known to prey on snails, beetles, maggots, worms, and water bugs; however, that one bird we observed was preying on a snake (from the genus Dendrelaphis). This species had also been reported to scavenge for leftovers thrown away by food vendors in the tourism site, so that its behavior has gradually changed.Keywords: Blue Whistling-thrush, Dendrelaphis snake, diet, Kakek Bodo waterfall


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    Chestnut-bellied Hill-Partridge (Arborophila javanica) is an endemic species of Java, and also one of four endemic partridge species in the Greater Sunda islands. This species is constituted by three subspecies which differ in the color pattern of their head. The first reported sighting of Chestnut-bellied Hill-Partridge (Arborophila javanica lawuana) in Cangar is by Nijman in 2003, and for these past ten years the observation data has been inadequately obtained by local birdwatchers although its call is remarkable ; the call might be frequently heard by birdwatchers but got missed. Several information about this bird has been collected, including its sound recording that we used during observations. Observations were conducted around Cangar tourism object, particularly along the main road linking Pacet (Mojokerto) and Batu (Malang). The observations resulted in the data on its behavior and the best observation spot, that is in Lemahbang.Keywords: Chestnut-bellied Hill-Partridge, endemic bird, observation spot, Tahura Raden Soerjo
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