601 research outputs found

    Themes and Moral Values of Stories From the Sub-continent Published in Youtube

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    YouTube, a popular video site in the Internet, publishes children stories which can be used for the teaching of English. Many children stories published in YouTube are based on famous fairy tales like “Goldilock and the Tree Bears,” “The Three Little Pigs,” and “The Frog Prince.” Many other children stories, especially those from the Sub-continent, are based on the less famous tales. Examples of these stories include “The Four Friends,” “The Wise Son,” and “Whispering Palms.” Although these children stories are not well-known, with their clear English pronunciation and English subtitles they offer useful resources for the teaching of English. This paper presents the results of content analysis of a sample of 10 children stories from the latter category, that is children stories from the Sub-continent. The analysis was focussed on the themes and moral values. The results of analysis show that the children stories contain everyday life and animal life themes which are close to children life. The children stories also contain moral values which promote the importance of friendship, respect to other people, and love of natural environment. With examples of themes and moral values as such, the children stories from the Sub-continent are relevant with the mission in the development of character. Thus, when used in the English classroom, the video-based children stories from the Subcontinuent published in YouTube not only provide useful materials for the teaching of English, but they also contribute to the development of students\u27 good character

    Research Studies in Second Language Writing and in Contrastive Rhetoric

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    The major aim of this article is to review studies of second language writing. The first part deals mainly with the process of writing in the second and first languages. The second part concerns contrastive rhetoric. In this second part, the findings of research studies on the relationship of first and second language rhetoric will be presented. Included in the discussion are research studies on contrastive rhetoric in the Indonesian context. The last section of this article concludes the discussion and proposes the implementation of more research on the relationship between Indonesian rhetoric and English rhetoric in essays written by Indonesian learners of English

    Digital Elevation Modeling of Inaccessible Slope by Using Close-range Photogrammetric Data

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    Digital Elevation Model (DEM) currently is extensively used extensively in various applications such as for natural hazard assessment and monitoring of high risk areas. DEM data source of inaccessible areas can be collected by using several methods, but mostly are costly and requires sophisticated instruments. Due to these conditions, close-range photogrammetry offers a low cost alternative solution. Materials presented in this thesis are based on the experiments to explain the application of close-range photogrammetry with the aid of commercial digital pocket camera as DEM data collection tools, applied on inaccessible slope areas. The analysis covers calibration of the camera and surveying instruments, DEM data collections, data processing and visualization, together with DEM quality measures. The data collections are accomplished on several study areas with different topographical characteristics by using close-range photogrammetry technique. The sampling points were selected on stereo model, by using three types of sampling methods. The DEM quality measures are assessed by following elevation interpolation error and volumetric difference error analyses. The representation of the DEM is generated using TIN-based (Triangular Irregular Network) approach. The result shows that the method is able to be applied for three dimensional (3D) modeling of potentially unstable slope areas, with accuracy of less than 15 cm in RMS for elevation error and is less than 1% in volume error. The result has indicated that topographical condition has not affected the accuracy of generated DEM. Improvement of point density radically enhances the DEM’s quality, up to a certain level of point density beyond which the increment of the accuracy is not significant. The difference setting of focal length has also influences the quality of captured images, and drastically affects the accuracy of the DEM. If the accuracy of the DEM is a matter of concern, the preferred sampling method is selective sampling, while if accuracy and DEM’s time generation are the concern the most effective sampling method is regular sampling method. Since there was no permanent points on the observed slope surface, velocity and direction of landslide could not be accurately determined. However the distribution of massmovement and elevation changed on the slope surfaces can be modeled through spatialcalculation of overlaying DEMs together with profiling of cross-section and longitudinalsection of the generated DEMs


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    THE VALUES OF CHARACTER BUILDING IN SERAT TRIPAMA AND ITS RELEVANCY WITH LEARNING APPRECIATION OF JAVANESE LITERATURE (A Heuristic and Hermeneutic Study) Bambang Cahyono , Andayani , Supana [email protected] ABSTRACT This is a study about the values ofcharacter building aiming at (1) describing and explaining semiotic meaning of heuristic and hermeneutic aspects in Serat Tripama by K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagara IV; (2) describing and explaining the values of character building in Serat Tripama by K.G.P.A.A Mangkunagara IV; (3) describing and explaining the relevancy between Serat Tripama by K.G.P.A.A Mangkunagara IV and learning appreciation of Javanese language in school. This is a qualitative study which employs phenomenology strategy which portrays the real situation of learning to appreciate Serat Tripama as a work of literature. The data in this study are divided into premier and secondary data. The premier data are the text of Serat Tripama and the result of interviewing the informant. Meanwhile, the secondary data are garnered from book and journal. The techniques of collecting the data consist of observing the document of Serat Tripama by KGPAA Mangkunegara IV (1809-1881) and interviewing the informant. Purposive sampling technique is employed in sapling technique. In analyzinh the data, content analysis technique is used. The technique comprises from exploring, comprehending, and discussing the messages of Serat Tripama holistically. The findings of this study are (1) the heuristic and hermeneutic meaning in Serat Tripama portrays that Sumantri, Kumbakarna, and Basukarna are figures having good and noble characters as a role model of life; (2) the values of character building in Serat Tripama are (a) Sumantri has brave, responsible, faithful, sacrificing, and patriotoic characteristics; (b) Kumbakarna is a faithful nationalist; and (c) Kumbakarna has strong determination, reverbing the goods of other characteristics; (3) the characters shown by the three figures of Serat Tripama are useful to be correlated with character-building values for young generations because the values can be exemplified, and implemented in any field and competence. The difference just lays on the term and action to implement. However, conceptually, the characters are still relevant with nowadays life. Keywords: the values of character building, Serat Tripama, Learning of Appreciation t

    Comparative study of encapsulated rhizome extract of Alpinia purpurata (Zingeberaceae) in alginate and alginate-chitosan

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    Encapsulation is a coating process of bioactive compound. Alpinia purpurata has been well known as lengkuas merah an Asian tropical herbal which contain phenylpropanoid, phenolic and flavonoid. Phenolic and flavonoid compounds is an agent that can be used as anti cancer. This research aim is to create a product of Alpinia purpurata extract which encapsulated in alginate or alginate-chitosan. Theproduct of encapsulated has been observed towards SEM ( Scanning Electron Microscophy) and spectrocophy Infra-Red method. Encapsulated product of lengkuas merah extract made through extrusion method in alginate and chitosan with ratio 1:1 (w/w) then dripped in 2% CaCl2.The Alpinia purpurata/alginate/chitosan microcapsules (APCAM) is better than alginate microcapsules (APAM)


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    Despite the increasing research in second language acquisition, a gap seems to exist between researchers' technical knowledge and teachers' practical knowledge. This is evident from a review of research studies in form-focused instruction summarized in this article. Additional review of articles in the teaching of writing also leads to a similar conclusion. The theoretical development of the writing process does not seem to provide many insights for teachers to apply the process approach to the teaching of writing. The results of the two reviews then indicate that an attempt is required to relate second language research to teaching. Theoretical-pedagogical research, action research, and participatory research are referred to as models of research that can bridge the gap. A review of sample studies recently conducted demonstrates how the integration between technical and practical knowledge can be achieved through the three types of research


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of rhetorical strategies in English persuasive essays written by Indonesian university students of English as a foreign language. This study also examined to what extent overall proficiency in English composition was predictive of the rhetorical strategies used in English persuasive essays. Two groups of undergraduate students were involved: the first- and fourth-year students in the English department of the State University of Malang, Indonesia. This study showed that that there was a statistically significant difference between the rhetorical strategies used in English persuasive essays written by the first- and fourth-year students. In general, the fourth-year students were more successful than the first-year students in using the superstructure of argument, the Toulmin model of informal reasoning, and the persuasive appeals. This study also showed that there was a positive significant correlation between the students' overall proficiency in English composition and the rhetorical strategies used in English persuasive essays


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    Writing as one of the four language skills is a very important skill for communication, especially in a written form. In universities in Indonesia, writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is taught to the students of the English departments. Through the teaching of EFL writing, the students will be able to learn to write according to the academic conventions. The process of writing through systematic teaching is called ‘coached writing.’ In this digitization era, however, students also become users of social media. Social media have so many users that they are referred to as ‘crowd.’ The crowd in social media communicate and they might be willing to be involved in some activities initiated by some users. These particular users try to attract the crowd in activities such as crowd funding, crowd sourcing, crowd translating, and crowd writing, This article reports the result of a study which investigated the differences between the products of coached writing and those of crowd writing. It also discusses some implications of crowd writing practices so that EFL teachers will be aware of the phenomenon and its effects on ethical and academic issues


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    One of the ways to develop English teachers' professional competence is by sending them to study in a graduate program in English language education. Sending English teachers to pursue their higher level of education is one of the policies taken by the Government of East Java to improve English teachers' professional competence. In response to the Government of East Java's policy, teachers were selected to study in a graduate program with a sandwich study. The sandwich takes the format of "in-house training" held at State University of Malang and overseas study in Angeles University Foundation, Philippine. This article explores the English teachers' feelings, expectations, and perspectives on professional development with regard to the opportunity in studying overseas. The results of the study show that studying overseas contributed to professional development of the English teachers participating in the sandwich study program during their graduate education

    The Overall Proficiency in English Composition of Indonesian University Students of EFL

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    This study was aimed at examining the students' overall proficiency in English composition across university-year cohorts and across academic options. The participants were undergraduate students of Universitas Negeri Malang. They were asked to write persuasive essays on whether violence as exposed on TV programs should be restricted. The essays were evaluated using the ESL Composition Profile. The results showed that that there was a significant difference between the first- and fourth-year students' overall proficiency in English composition. In addition, there was no significant difference between the overall proficiency in English composition of the students taking the thesis option and those taking non-thesis option. The instructional program and writing curriculum appeared to play an important role in developing the students' over-all proficiency in English composition. However, the thesis prerequisite courses provided to prepare the students to write a thesis proposal did not seem to affect their overall proficiency in English composition