224,171 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Upah, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Keadilan Organisasi Terhadap Intensitas Turnover Pada C.v. Purnama Jaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel upah, lingkungan kerja dan keadilan organisasi terhadap intensitas turnover karyawan C.V. Purnama Jaya. Populasi dari penelitian adalah semua karyawan C.V. Purnama Jaya sebanyak 31 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dengan menggunakan bantuan SPSS 23.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa upah, lingkungan kerja dan keadilan organisasi mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap intensitas turnover karyawan C.V. Purnama Jaya. Variabel lingkungan kerja memiliki pengauh yang lebih dominan terhadap intensitas turnover karyawan C.V. Purnama Jaya

    Automatic Cover Letter Generator System from CVs

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    The proposed system comes to overcome the problem of writing a C.V. Cover letter which requires some linguistic skills and a lot of experience in this domain in addition to its cost in term of time and money. The ACLGS solved the problem by developing an auto generated cover letter based on the user C.V. regardless its format. The ACLGS takes the user C.V. and the carrier announcement that contains the job requirements and the skills needed as input. The system solved the problem by building a template as a frame of slots each slot contains a required skill for the job; the system extracted the required information from the user CV and fills the slots in an automatic fashion. The ACLGS applies the Information retrieval methodologies to extract information with intelligence trends to mine the user C.V. in terms of part of speech tags and some of indicator words that the system used to recognize the proper data and required information. In addition, the system specifies a set of features for each slot in the form. The user C.V. clustered into a number of categories (e.g. Personal information, Qualifications, Experience, Skill, Rewords, and Publications). These categories are used as additional features for the extracted information and data. The system took into account the problem of sentence coherence and improves the output document through using pre-specified sentences that inserted into the output document based on the extracted information discovered from the user C.V

    Using regular expressions to express bowing patterns for string players

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    The study of bowing is critically important for string players. Traditional bowing annotations are a valuable part of orchestral and individual documentation, but they do not help the performer to search a piece for other passages that should be bowed the same way, or to identify alternative bowing styles. We introduce a notation based on regular expressions that describes patterns of notes in the music, as well as the bowing to be applied to the pattern. These expressions support complex bowings, and not just single annotations without musical context. The notation is simpler than general tools for regular expressions used in some software, and is suitable for use by students and musicians. We have developed a music editor that implements the notation and edits documents in Lilypond. The approach has been evaluated by experimenting with the editor on six violin sonatas by Mozart. The experiments demonstrate that the regular expression notation is successful at finding passages and inserting the bowings; that the patterns occur a number of times; and the bowings can be inserted automatically and consistently

    Bowing models for string players

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    A bowing is a sequence of bow motions that enable a piece of music to be played on a string instrument with an appropriate interpretation and sound. Traditional notation shows only the bow direction for a few notes. We propose a bowing model, which contains information about the bowings of all the notes, and we show how the bowing model can be represented in software and describe how algorithms can use it to perform several tasks that help the performer. The model, and the algorithms, are suitable both for offline editing of music and for presentation on an electronic display during performance. In particular, software can show or hide bowings on various notes, according to the performer's needs; it can calculate a full bowing; it can modify a bowing based on preferences indicated by the performer; and it can allow bowings to be archived and searched. This approach is not prescriptive: the performer is in full control of all artistic decisions, while the software carries out repetitive tasks

    Letter from Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Letter from Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) to Geraldine Ferraro. Senator DeConcini attached a letter from a Dutch academic, Dr. C.V. Lafeber. Dr. C.V. Lafeber included a plan for Polish and Dutch foreign policy. Letters have handwritten notes.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_international/1334/thumbnail.jp

    An Update on What is Happening in Orthopaedics in 2018: A Look Into the Future of Orthopaedics

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    Guest Comment by Dr. C.V. Anathakrishna


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum industri pengolahan tanaman Biofarmaka C.V. M4. Bersaudara di Kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus pengolahan tanaman biofarmaka di C.V. M4. Bersaudara milik Ibu Kameliati Madran Jumain di Jalan Bangaris Kelurahan Tanjung Pinang Kota Palangka Raya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah gambaran umum industri pengolahan tanaman Biofarmaka CV. M4. Brsaudara yaitu: (1) Pemilihan dan pengambilan tanaman biofarmaka, (2) Pengupasan, (3) Pemotongan, (4) Penjemuran, (5) Mencetak logo kemasan, (6) Pengemasan. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine an overview of the plant processing industry of Biopharmaca C.V. M4. Brothers in Palangka Raya City. This research is using a case study method of processing biopharma plants at C.V. M4. Brothers owned by Mrs Kameliati Madran Jumain on Bangaris street, Tanjung Pinang Sub-district, Palangka Raya City. The results of this study are an overview of the plant processing industry Biopharmaca CV. M4. Brothers, which is: (1) Selection and collection of biopharmace plants, (2) Stripping, (3) Cutting, (4) Drying, (5) Printing packaging logos, (6) Packaging

    Using compound earcons to represent hierarchies

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    Previous research on non-speech audio messages called <i>earcons</i> showed that they could provide powerful navigation cues in menu hierarchies. This work used <i>hierarchical</i> earcons. In this paper we suggest <i>compound</i> earcons provide a more flexible method for presenting this information. A set of sounds was created to represent the numbers 0-4 and dot. Sounds could then be created for any node in a hierarchy by concatenating these simple sounds. A hierarchy of four levels and 27 nodes was constructed. An experiment was conducted in which participants had to identify their location in the hierarchy by listening to an earcon. Results showed that participants could identify their location with over 97% accuracy, significantly better than with hierarchical earcons. Participants were also able to recognise previously unheard earcons with over 97% accuracy. These results showed that compound earcons are an effective way of representing hierarchies in sound
