16 research outputs found

    Search for Photoproduction of Axionlike Particles at GlueX

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    We present a search for axionlike particles, a, produced in photon-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of approximately 4 GeV, focusing on the scenario where the a-gluon coupling is dominant. The search uses a → γγ and a → π+π−π0 decays, and a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 168  pb−1 collected with the GlueX detector. The search for a → γγ decays is performed in the mass range of 180 \u3c ma \u3c480  MeV, while the search for a → π+π−π0 decays explores the 600 \u3c ma \u3c 720  MeV region. No evidence for a signal is found, and 90% confidence-level exclusion limits are placed on the a-gluon coupling strength. These constraints are the most stringent to date over much of the mass ranges considered

    Measurement of the J/ Photoproduction Cross Section Over the Full Near-Threshold Kinematic Region

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    We report the total and differential cross sections for J/ψ photoproduction with the large acceptance GlueX spectrometer for photon beam energies from the threshold at 8.2 GeV up to 11.44 GeV and over the full kinematic range of momentum transfer squared, t. Such coverage facilitates the extrapolation of the differential cross sections to the forward (t=0) point beyond the physical region. The forward cross section is used by many theoretical models and plays an important role in understanding J/ψ photoproduction and its relation to the J/ψ-proton interaction. These measurements of J/ψ photoproduction near threshold are also crucial inputs to theoretical models that are used to study important aspects of the gluon structure of the proton, such as the gluon generalized parton distribution of the proton, the mass radius of the proton, and the trace anomaly contribution to the proton mass. We observe possible structures in the total cross section energy dependence and find evidence for contributions beyond gluon exchange in the differential cross section close to threshold, both of which are consistent with contributions from open-charm intermediate states

    Measurement of the decay η′ →π0π0η at MAMI

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    An experimental study of the η′→π0π0η→6γ decay has been conducted with the best up-to-date statistical accuracy, by measuring η′ mesons produced in the γp→η′p reaction with the A2 tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. The results obtained for the standard parametrization of the η′→π0π0η matrix element are consistent with the most recent results for η′→ππη decays, but have smaller uncertainties. The available statistics and experimental resolution allowed, for the first time, an observation of a structure below the π+π- mass threshold, the magnitude and sign of which, checked within the framework of the nonrelativistic effective-field theory, demonstrated good agreement with the cusp that was predicted based on the ππ scattering length combination, a0-a2, extracted from K→3π decays

    Threshold π<sup>0</sup> photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI

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    Polarisation-dependent differential cross sections σTσT associated with the target asymmetry T have been measured for the reaction View the MathML sourceγp→→pπ0 with transverse target polarisation from π0π0 threshold to photon energies of 190 MeV. The data were obtained using a frozen-spin butanol target with the Crystal Ball / TAPS detector set-up and the Glasgow photon tagging system at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. Results for σTσT have been used in combination with our previous measurements of the unpolarised cross section σ0σ0 and the beam asymmetry Σ for a model-independent determination of S- and P -wave multipoles in the π0π0 threshold region, which includes for the first time a direct determination of the imaginary part of the E0+E0+ multipole

    First measurement of the polarization observable E and helicity-dependent cross sections in single π0 photoproduction from quasi-free nucleons

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    The double-polarization observable E and the helicity-dependent cross sections σ1/2 and σ3/2 have been measured for the first time for single π0 photoproduction from protons and neutrons bound in the deuteron at the electron accelerator facility MAMI in Mainz, Germany. The experiment used a circularly polarized photon beam and a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The reaction products, recoil nucleons and decay photons from the π0 meson were detected with the Crystal Ball and TAPS electromagnetic calorimeters. Effects from nuclear Fermi motion were removed by a kinematic reconstruction of the π0N final state. A comparison to data measured with a free proton target showed that the absolute scale of the cross sections is significantly modified by nuclear final-state interaction (FSI) effects. However, there is no significant effect on the asymmetry E since the σ1/2 and σ3/2 components appear to be influenced in a similar way. Thus, the best approximation of the two helicity-dependent cross sections for the free neutron is obtained by combining the asymmetry E measured with quasi-free neutrons and the unpolarized cross section corrected for FSI effects under the assumption that the FSI effects are similar for neutrons and protons

    Neutron polarisation transfer, Cx′, in π+ photoproduction off the proton, d(γ⊙,n→π+)nspec

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    We report a first measurement of the double-polarisation observable, Cx′, in π+ photoproduction off the proton. The double-polarisation observable represents the transfer of polarisation from a circularly polarised photon beam to the recoiling neutron. The MAMI circularly polarised photon beam impinged on a liquid deuterium target cell, with reaction products detected in the Crystal Ball calorimeter. Ancillary apparatus surrounding the target provided tracking, particle identification and determination of recoil nucleon polarisation. The Cx′ observable is determined for photon energies 800-1400 MeV, providing new constraints on models aiming to elucidate the spectrum and properties of nucleon resonances. This is the first determination of any polarisation observable from the beam-recoil group of observables for this reaction. Inclusion of the new data in the database of the SAID partial wave analysis shifted the solution to a new global minima which, not only gives better agreement with the current data, but also improves the description of a range of other single and double polarisation observables for charged pion photoproduction