59 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of the Conservation Reserve Program on Honey Bee Health

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    Insect pollinators are critically important for maintaining U.S. food production and ecosystem health. The upper Midwest is home to more than 40 percent of all U.S. honey bee colonies and is considered by many beekeepers to be America’s last beekeeping refuge. Beekeepers come to this region because their honey bees require high-quality grassland and bee-friendly agricultural crops to make honey and to improve bee health. Agricultural grassland, such as those enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), support flowers that provide bees with the pollen and nectar they need. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) formed a partnership to assess the impact of the CRP on honey bee health and determine how the costeffectiveness of the CRP could be improved to promote pollinator habitat. This USGS assessment has generated important findings that could improve USDA’s program delivery and demonstrates the importance of the CRP to honey bees, beekeepers, agricultural producers, and the public (Otto and others, 2017, 2018)


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    O presente artigo analisa a base principiológica do Direito Ambiental, parte-se dos princípios acautelatórios – precaução e prevenção - no contexto da sociedade do risco, definida pelo sociólogo Ulrich Beck, a sua importância/justificativa do princípio intergeracional, vez que as profundas transformações ocorridas na sociedade pós-moderna impactam o meio ambiente, e o princípio da reparação integral. Há, portanto, um paradoxo, entre os benefícios dos avanços tecnológicos e os riscos trazidos por ele, na medida em que, embora as grandes transformações na vida social contemporânea signifiquem avanços e vantagens, por outro, traz inúmeros efeitos negativos, o que acarreta novos riscos imensuráveis. Assim, o Direito Ambiental, inserido na sociedade do risco, onde a dinâmica social, econômica, política e jurídica é complexa, os riscos não mais são diversos, mas advém de várias frentes. Nesse sentido, o artigo parte da jurimetria a fim de verificar quantitativamente o número de demandas judiciais julgadas pelo STJ a partir do ano de 2010, na matéria ambiental com fundamento principiológico. Portanto, o objetivo do artigo é analisar em que medida a principiologia pode contribuir para o Direito Ambiental nesse contexto da sociedade do risco. Para tanto, vale-se do método dedutivo, com pesquisa bibliográfica a fim de respaldar o artigo

    New primary renal diagnosis codes for the ERA-EDTA

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    The European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry has produced a new set of primary renal diagnosis (PRD) codes that are intended for use by affiliated registries. It is designed specifically for use in renal centres and registries but is aligned with international coding standards supported by the WHO (International Classification of Diseases) and the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (SNOMED Clinical Terms). It is available as supplementary material to this paper and free on the internet for non-commercial, clinical, quality improvement and research use, and by agreement with the ERA-EDTA Registry for use by commercial organizations. Conversion between the old and the new PRD codes is possible. The new codes are very flexible and will be actively managed to keep them up-to-date and to ensure that renal medicine can remain at the forefront of the electronic revolution in medicine, epidemiology research and the use of decision support systems to improve the care of patients

    Blood pressure in chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) controversies conference

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    In September 2017, KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) convened a Controversies Conference titled Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The purpose of the meeting was to consider which recommendations from the 2012 KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Blood Pressure in CKD should be reevaluated based on new evidence from clinical trials. Participants included a multidisciplinary panel of clinical and scientific experts. Discussions focused on the optimal means for measuring blood pressure (BP) as well as managing BP in CKD patients. Consistent with the 2012 Guideline, the conference did not address BP management in patients on maintenance dialysis

    A comparison of honey bee-collected pollen from working agricultural lands using light microscopy and ITS metabarcoding

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    Taxonomic identification of pollen has historically been accomplished via light microscopy but requires specialized knowledge and reference collections, particularly when identification to lower taxonomic levels is necessary. Recently, next-generation sequencing technology has been used as a cost-effective alternative for identifying beecollected pollen; however, this novel approach has not been tested on a spatially or temporally robust number of pollen samples. Here, we compare pollen identification results derived from light microscopy and DNA sequencing techniques with samples collected from honey bee colonies embedded within a gradient of intensive agricultural landscapes in the Northern Great Plains throughout the 2010–2011 growing seasons. We demonstrate that at all taxonomic levels, DNA sequencing was able to discern a greater number of taxa, and was particularly useful for the identification of infrequently detected species. Importantly, substantial phenological overlap did occur for commonly detected taxa using either technique, suggesting that DNA sequencing is an appropriate, and enhancing, substitutive technique for accurately capturing the breadth of bee-collected species of pollen present across agricultural landscapes. We also show that honey bees located in high and low intensity agricultural settings forage on dissimilar plants, though with overlap of the most abundantly collected pollen taxa. We highlight practical applications of utilizing sequencing technology, including addressing ecological issues surrounding land use, climate change, importance of taxa relative to abundance, and evaluating the impact of conservation program habitat enhancement efforts

    Improving the Sampling Strategy for Point-to-Point Line-Of-Sight Modelling in Urban Environments

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    Visibility modelling calculates what an observer could theoretically see in the surrounding region based on a digital model of the landscape. In some cases it is not necessary, nor desirable, to compute the visibility of an entire region (i.e. a viewshed), but instead it is sufficient and more efficient to calculate the visibility from point-to-point, or from a point to a small set of points, such as computing the intervisibility of predators and prey in an agent based simulation. This paper explores how different line-of-sight (LoS) sample ordering strategies increases the number of early target rejections, where the target is considered to be obscured from view, thereby improving the computational efficiency of the LoS algorithm. This is of particular importance in dynamic environments where the locations of the observers, targets and other surface objects are being frequently updated. Trials were conducted in three UK cities, demonstrating a robust five-fold increase in performance for two strategies (hop, divide and conquer). The paper concludes that sample ordering methods do impact overall efficiency, and that approaches which disperse samples along the LoS perform better in urban regions than incremental scan methods. The divide and conquer method minimises elevation interception queries, making it suitable when elevation models are held on disk rather than in memory, while the hopping strategy was equally fast, algorithmically simpler, with minimal overhead for visible target cases