392 research outputs found

    Near-Surface Interface Detection for Coal Mining Applications Using Bispectral Features and GPR

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    The use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for detecting the presence of near-surface interfaces is a scenario of special interest to the underground coal mining industry. The problem is difficult to solve in practice because the radar echo from the near-surface interface is often dominated by unwanted components such as antenna crosstalk and ringing, ground-bounce effects, clutter, and severe attenuation. These nuisance components are also highly sensitive to subtle variations in ground conditions, rendering the application of standard signal pre-processing techniques such as background subtraction largely ineffective in the unsupervised case. As a solution to this detection problem, we develop a novel pattern recognition-based algorithm which utilizes a neural network to classify features derived from the bispectrum of 1D early time radar data. The binary classifier is used to decide between two key cases, namely whether an interface is within, for example, 5 cm of the surface or not. This go/no-go detection capability is highly valuable for underground coal mining operations, such as longwall mining, where the need to leave a remnant coal section is essential for geological stability. The classifier was trained and tested using real GPR data with ground truth measurements. The real data was acquired from a testbed with coal-clay, coal-shale and shale-clay interfaces, which represents a test mine site. We show that, unlike traditional second order correlation based methods such as matched filtering which can fail even in known conditions, the new method reliably allows the detection of interfaces using GPR to be applied in the near-surface region. In this work, we are not addressing the problem of depth estimation, rather confining ourselves to detecting an interface within a particular depth range

    Fabry-Perot interference and spin filtering in carbon nanotubes

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    We study the two-terminal transport properties of a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube with good contacts to electrodes, which have recently been shown [W. Liang et al, Nature 441, 665-669 (2001)] to conduct ballistically with weak backscattering occurring mainly at the two contacts. The measured conductance, as a function of bias and gate voltages, shows an oscillating pattern of quantum interference. We show how such patterns can be understood and calculated, taking into account Luttinger liquid effects resulting from strong Coulomb interactions in the nanotube. We treat back-scattering in the contacts perturbatively and use the Keldysh formalism to treat non-equilibrium effects due to the non-zero bias voltage. Going beyond current experiments, we include the effects of possible ferromagnetic polarization of the leads to describe spin transport in carbon nanotubes. We thereby describe both incoherent spin injection and coherent resonant spin transport between the two leads. Spin currents can be produced in both ways, but only the latter allow this spin current to be controlled using an external gate. In all cases, the spin currents, charge currents, and magnetization of the nanotube exhibit components varying quasiperiodically with bias voltage, approximately as a superposition of periodic interference oscillations of spin- and charge-carrying ``quasiparticles'' in the nanotube, each with its own period. The amplitude of the higher-period signal is largest in single-mode quantum wires, and is somewhat suppressed in metallic nanotubes due to their sub-band degeneracy.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    On the dual structure of the auditory brainstem response in dogs

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    Objective: To use the over-complete discrete wavelet transform (OCDWT) to further examine the dual structure of auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the dog. Methods: ABR waveforms recorded from 20 adult dogs at supra-threshold (90 and 70 dBnHL) and threshold (0-15 dBSL) levels were decomposed using a six level OCDWT and reconstructed at individual scales (frequency ranges) A6 (0-391 Hz), D6 (391-781 Hz), and D5 (781-1563 Hz). Results: At supra-threshold stimulus levels, the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) showed a large amplitude waveform with its prominent wave corresponding in latency with ABR waves II/III; the D6 scale (391-781 Hz) showed a small amplitude waveform with its first four waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II/III, V, and VI; and the D5 scale (781-1563 Hz) showed a large amplitude, multiple peaked waveform with its first six waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. At threshold stimulus levels (0-15 dBSL), the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) continued to show a relatively large amplitude waveform, but both the D6 and D5 scales (391781 and 781-1563 Hz, respectively) now showed relatively small amplitude waveforms. Conclusions: A dual structure exists within the ABR of the dog, but its relative structure changes with stimulus level. Significance: The ABR in the dog differs from that in the human both in the relative contributions made by its different frequency components, and the way these components change with stimulus level. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Experimental study of the astrophysically important Na 23 (α,p) Mg 26 and Na 23 (α,n) Al 26 reactions

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    The Na23(α,p)Mg26 and Na23(α,n)Al26 reactions are important for our understanding of the Al26 abundance in massive stars. The aim of this work is to report on a direct and simultaneous measurement of these astrophysically important reactions using an active target system. The reactions were investigated in inverse kinematics using He4 as the active target gas in the detector. We measured the excitation functions in the energy range of about 2 to 6 MeV in the center of mass. We have found that the cross sections of the Na23(α,p)Mg26 and the Na23(α,n)Al26 reactions are in good agreement with previous experiments and with statistical-model calculations. The astrophysical reaction rate of the Na23(α,n)Al26 reaction has been reevaluated and it was found to be larger than the recommended rate

    Reaction rate for carbon burning in massive stars

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    Carbon burning is a critical phase for nucleosynthesis in massive stars. The conditions for igniting this burning stage, and the subsequent isotope composition of the resulting ashes, depend strongly on the reaction rate for C12+C12 fusion at very low energies. Results for the cross sections for this reaction are influenced by various backgrounds encountered in measurements at such energies. In this paper, we report on a new measurement of C12+C12 fusion cross sections where these backgrounds have been minimized. It is found that the astrophysical S factor exhibits a maximum around Ecm=3.5-4.0 MeV, which leads to a reduction of the previously predicted astrophysical reaction rate

    Measurement of the B0-anti-B0-Oscillation Frequency with Inclusive Dilepton Events

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    The B0B^0-Bˉ0\bar B^0 oscillation frequency has been measured with a sample of 23 million \B\bar B pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B Factory at SLAC. In this sample, we select events in which both B mesons decay semileptonically and use the charge of the leptons to identify the flavor of each B meson. A simultaneous fit to the decay time difference distributions for opposite- and same-sign dilepton events gives Δmd=0.493±0.012(stat)±0.009(syst)\Delta m_d = 0.493 \pm 0.012{(stat)}\pm 0.009{(syst)} ps1^{-1}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    How well do we understand the reaction rate of C burning?

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    Carbon burning plays a crucial role in stellar evolution, where this reaction is an important route for the production of heavier elements. A particle-γ coincidence technique that minimizes the backgrounds to which this reaction is subject and provides reliable cross sections has been used at the Argonne National Laboratory to measure fusion cross-sections at deep sub-barrier energies in the 12C+12C system. The corresponding excitation function has been extracted down to a cross section of about 6 nb. This indicates the existence of a broad S-factor maximum for this system. Experimental results are presented and discussed

    Study of the Alm 26 (d,p) Al 27 Reaction and the Influence of the Al 26 0+ Isomer on the Destruction of Al 26 in the Galaxy

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    The existence of Al26 (t1/2=7.17×105 yr) in the interstellar medium provides a direct confirmation of ongoing nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy. The presence of a low-lying 0+ isomer (Al26m), however, severely complicates the astrophysical calculations. We present for the first time a study of the Al26m(d,p)Al27 reaction using an isomeric Al26 beam. The selectivity of this reaction allowed the study of â.,"=0 transfers to T=1/2, and T=3/2 states in Al27. Mirror symmetry arguments were then used to constrain the Al26m(p,γ)Si27 reaction rate and provide an experimentally determined upper limit of the rate for the destruction of isomeric Al26 via radiative proton capture reactions, which is expected to dominate the destruction path of Al26m in asymptotic giant branch stars, classical novae, and core collapse supernovae

    Probing the Single-Particle Character of Rotational States in F 19 Using a Short-Lived Isomeric Beam

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    A beam containing a substantial component of both the Jπ=5+, T1/2=162 ns isomeric state of F18 and its 1+, 109.77-min ground state is utilized to study members of the ground-state rotational band in F19 through the neutron transfer reaction (d,p) in inverse kinematics. The resulting spectroscopic strengths confirm the single-particle nature of the 13/2+ band-terminating state. The agreement between shell-model calculations using an interaction constructed within the sd shell, and our experimental results reinforces the idea of a single-particle-collective duality in the descriptions of the structure of atomic nuclei