939 research outputs found

    A concentration phenomenon for semilinear elliptic equations

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    For a domain \Omega\subset\dR^N we consider the equation -\Delta u + V(x)u = Q_n(x)\abs{u}^{p-2}u with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions and p(2,2)p\in(2,2^*). Here V0V\ge 0 and QnQ_n are bounded functions that are positive in a region contained in Ω\Omega and negative outside, and such that the sets {Qn>0}\{Q_n>0\} shrink to a point x0Ωx_0\in\Omega as nn\to\infty. We show that if unu_n is a nontrivial solution corresponding to QnQ_n, then the sequence (un)(u_n) concentrates at x0x_0 with respect to the H1H^1 and certain LqL^q-norms. We also show that if the sets {Qn>0}\{Q_n>0\} shrink to two points and unu_n are ground state solutions, then they concentrate at one of these points

    The global economic costs of substituting dietary protein from fish with meat, grains and legumes, and dairy

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    This paper estimates the costs to replace fish by protein from meat, from grains and legumes, or from dairy products. We apply the World Trade Model, an input output model of the interactions among major world regions based on comparative advantage, to analyze alternative scenarios about protein content and sources in global diets. We find that the substitution of fish by meat or dairy entails several trillion U.S. dollars of additional costs annually, corresponding to increased use of pastureland, cropland, water, and other factors of production. The price of animal products increases steeply as higher-cost producers need to come online, yielding rents to owners of scarce resources. By contrast, the global economy adjusts at significantly lower costs to the substitution of fish by grains and legumes, but this dietary shift involves substantial modification in the mix of agricultural output and its geographic distribution. There have been few analytic studies able to associate costs and prices directly with specific combinations of dietary options. We provide a flexible economic framework for analyzing alternative scenarios about the present and future production of food. The focus on the provision of protein for the human diet, allowing for substitutions between land-based and aquatic sources, lays the groundwork for subsequent closer examinations of the potential future contribution of aquaculture and, in a yet broader framework, the impact of the coming generation of large dams on fish habitat and freshwater ecosystems more generally. (c) 2019 by Yale UniversityThis work was supported by U.S. National Science Foundation CNH grant #1115025, Impacts of Global Change Scenarios on Ecosystem Services from the World's River


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        By means of a thin sections analysis is made.a first approach of the diagenesis of the Amagá Formation (upper oligocenelower miocene) that outcrops in the southwest of Antioquia The diagenetic paragenesis of the Amagá-Angelópolis and Amagá-Palomos areas are similar. Initially, mechanical deformation of micas and probably kaolinitization of feldspars occur; in the second area there is too chloritization of micas. Cementation was relatively early corresponding to chlorite and hematite coats and siliceous pore cement followed by carbonate basal and pore cements. Later, corrosion and different types of methasomatism take place followed by neomorphic processes. Probably the next processes are pigmentation by Fe oxides and dissolution of carbonate cements that originates secondary porosity it which is isolately destroyed by siliceous and carbonate cements. In the Fredonia-Venecia area, compaction plays a more notorious role, as a consequence the importance of cements and associated methasomatism, decrease.   In eogenesis, prevail anoxic conditions and the carbonates are in the Zone Me. Mesogenesis initially corresponds to low pH metheoric waters; in later stages the carbonates enter in the zone D beginning an abundant precipitation of cements. In telogenesis exist alkaline and oxic conditions. A transition in the hydrologic regimes can be infered passing from metheoric to compactional and possibly thermobaric waters.   Key words: Amagá Formation; diagenetic paragenesis; diagenetic stages; hydrologic regimes.    A partir del estudio de seciones delgadas se hace una aproximación a la diagénesis de la Formación Amagá (Oligocena Superior- Miocena Inferior), aflorante en el suroeste de Antioquia. La paragénesis diagenética para las áreas Amagá-Angelópolis y Amagá-Palomos es similar. Inicialmente se presenta deformación mecánica de micas y probablemente caolinitización de feldespatos; en la segunda área hay también cloritización de micas. La cementación se dio relativamente temprana correspondiendo a cementos peliculares de clorita y hematita y cemento silíceo de poros seguidos por cementos carbonatados de poros y basales. A continuación se produce la corrosión y diferentes tipos de metasomatismo seguidos por procesos neomórficos. Probablemente siguen pigmentos de óxidos de hierro y disolución de cementos carbonatados que genera porosidad secundaria, la cual después es destruida aisladamente por cementos silíceos y carbonatados. En el área de Fredonia-Venecia la compactación jugó un papel más notorio, como consecuencia la importancia de los cementos y del metasomatismo asociado, decrece.   En la eogénesis priman condiciones anóxicas en las que los carbonatos se encuentran en la zona Me. La mesogénesis correspondió inicialmente a aguas meteóricas, de bajo pH; en estados más tardíos los carbonatos entran en la zona D, iniciándose abundante precipitación de cementos. En la telogénesis se tienen condiciones alcalinas y oxidantes. Se infiere en general una variación en los regímenes hidrogeológicos pasando de aguas meteóricas a compactacionales y posiblemente termobáricas.   Palabras clave: Formación Amagá; paragénesis diagenética; etapas diagenéticas; regímenes hidrológicos     &nbsp


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        By means of a thin sections analysis is made.a first approach of the diagenesis of the Amagá Formation (upper oligocenelower miocene) that outcrops in the southwest of Antioquia The diagenetic paragenesis of the Amagá-Angelópolis and Amagá-Palomos areas are similar. Initially, mechanical deformation of micas and probably kaolinitization of feldspars occur; in the second area there is too chloritization of micas. Cementation was relatively early corresponding to chlorite and hematite coats and siliceous pore cement followed by carbonate basal and pore cements. Later, corrosion and different types of methasomatism take place followed by neomorphic processes. Probably the next processes are pigmentation by Fe oxides and dissolution of carbonate cements that originates secondary porosity it which is isolately destroyed by siliceous and carbonate cements. In the Fredonia-Venecia area, compaction plays a more notorious role, as a consequence the importance of cements and associated methasomatism, decrease.   In eogenesis, prevail anoxic conditions and the carbonates are in the Zone Me. Mesogenesis initially corresponds to low pH metheoric waters; in later stages the carbonates enter in the zone D beginning an abundant precipitation of cements. In telogenesis exist alkaline and oxic conditions. A transition in the hydrologic regimes can be infered passing from metheoric to compactional and possibly thermobaric waters.   Key words: Amagá Formation; diagenetic paragenesis; diagenetic stages; hydrologic regimes.    A partir del estudio de seciones delgadas se hace una aproximación a la diagénesis de la Formación Amagá (Oligocena Superior- Miocena Inferior), aflorante en el suroeste de Antioquia. La paragénesis diagenética para las áreas Amagá-Angelópolis y Amagá-Palomos es similar. Inicialmente se presenta deformación mecánica de micas y probablemente caolinitización de feldespatos; en la segunda área hay también cloritización de micas. La cementación se dio relativamente temprana correspondiendo a cementos peliculares de clorita y hematita y cemento silíceo de poros seguidos por cementos carbonatados de poros y basales. A continuación se produce la corrosión y diferentes tipos de metasomatismo seguidos por procesos neomórficos. Probablemente siguen pigmentos de óxidos de hierro y disolución de cementos carbonatados que genera porosidad secundaria, la cual después es destruida aisladamente por cementos silíceos y carbonatados. En el área de Fredonia-Venecia la compactación jugó un papel más notorio, como consecuencia la importancia de los cementos y del metasomatismo asociado, decrece.   En la eogénesis priman condiciones anóxicas en las que los carbonatos se encuentran en la zona Me. La mesogénesis correspondió inicialmente a aguas meteóricas, de bajo pH; en estados más tardíos los carbonatos entran en la zona D, iniciándose abundante precipitación de cementos. En la telogénesis se tienen condiciones alcalinas y oxidantes. Se infiere en general una variación en los regímenes hidrogeológicos pasando de aguas meteóricas a compactacionales y posiblemente termobáricas.   Palabras clave: Formación Amagá; paragénesis diagenética; etapas diagenéticas; regímenes hidrológicos     &nbsp

    Prevalidation of body sway shooting test without the use of weapons

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    El principal objetivo de este estudio es realizar un estudio previo a la validación de un test de medición del equilibrio en tiro olímpico sin el uso de la pistola. Para ello, se han comparado los resultados del análisis del movimiento del centro de presiones (CP) de dos pruebas de equilibrio estático: en la primera prueba se usó una mancuerna para simular la acción de disparo, mientras que en la segunda se usó la pistola. Se encontró una fuerte correlación entre los dos test en todas las variables del CP y una correlación lineal inversa entre el peso corporal y los movimientos del CP. No se encontró relación alguna entre los movimientos del CP y el rendimiento deportivo. El estudio concluye que el test con mancuerna puede ser válido para la medición del equilibrio específico en tiro olímpico y se recomienda profundizar en el estudio con una muestra de mayor tamañoThe main objective of the present work is the pre-validation of a test able to provide reliable body sway measurements in Olympic shooting, without the use of a pistol. For this reason the results of the analysis of the body sway data of two static bipodal balance tests have been compared: during the first a dumbbell was used to simulate shooting, while for the second test a pistol was used. A strong correlation between the two tests regarding all variables was found. A statistically significant inverse linear correlation was also found between body weight and the movements of the COP (centre of pressure). No statistically significant relations were found between the movements of the COP and performance. The study concludes that dumbbell tests could be perfectly reliable for measuring specific body sway on Olympic shooting. Future studies on the validation of the same test with larger sample size are recommende

    Revisiting the Problem of Searching on a Line

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    We revisit the problem of searching for a target at an unknown location on a line when given upper and lower bounds on the distance D that separates the initial position of the searcher from the target. Prior to this work, only asymptotic bounds were known for the optimal competitive ratio achievable by any search strategy in the worst case. We present the first tight bounds on the exact optimal competitive ratio achievable, parameterized in terms of the given bounds on D, along with an optimal search strategy that achieves this competitive ratio. We prove that this optimal strategy is unique. We characterize the conditions under which an optimal strategy can be computed exactly and, when it cannot, we explain how numerical methods can be used efficiently. In addition, we answer several related open questions, including the maximal reach problem, and we discuss how to generalize these results to m rays, for any m >= 2

    A comprehensive RFID solution to enhance inpatient medication safety

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    Errors involving medication administration can be costly, both in financial and in human terms. Indeed, there is much potential for errors due to the complexity of the medication administration process. Nurses are often singled out as the only responsible of these errors because they are in charge of drug administration. Nevertheless, the interventions of every actor involved in the process and the system design itself contribute to errors (Wakefield et al. (1998) [23]). Proper inpatient medication safety systems can help to reduce such errors in hospitals. In this paper, we review in depth two recent proposals (Chien et al. (2010) [7]; Huang and Ku (2009) [12]) that pursue the aforementioned objective. Unfortunately, they fail in their attempt mainly due to their security faults but interesting ideas can be drawn from both. These security faults refer to impersonation and replay attacks that could produce the generation of a forged proof stating that certain medication was administered to an inpatient when it was not. We propose a leading-edge solution to enhance inpatient medication safety based on RFID technology that overcomes these weaknesses. Our solution, named Inpatient Safety RFID system (IS-RFID), takes into account the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure of a hospital and covers every phase of the drug administration process. From a practical perspective, our system can be easily integrated within hospital IT infrastructures, has a moderate cost, is very ease to use and deals with security aspects as a key point.This work was partially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) under the RUBICON grant "Intrusion Detection in Ubiquitous Computing Technologies" awarded to Aikaterini Mitrokotsa.Publicad

    Amputación Pirogoff modificada aplicada a la cirugía oncológica del pie

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    Los sarcomas óseos y de tejidos blandos del pie son infrecuentes, representando menos del 10% de todos los sarcomas de la extremidad inferior. El tratamiento más frecuente de los sarcomas del pie es la amputación por debajo de la rodilla, debido a la imposibilidad de conseguir márgenes amplios, pero en determinados casos de tumores del antepié se puede optar por una amputación parcial del pie con margen amplio. Se presenta una serie de tres casos de amputación de Pirogoff modificada aplicada a la resección oncológica tumoral. La amputación de Pirogoff consiste en una artrodesis calcaneotibial con resección del astrágalo, rotando el calcáneo 90°. La modificación de la técnica de amputación del Pirogoff, en la que se conservan ambos maléolos con escisión de la carilla articular favorece la estabilidad en el plano lateral y ayuda a una más rápida artrodesis. Es muy importante mantener los principios oncológicos de la resección tumoral.Bone and soft-tissue sarcomata of the foot are infrequent neoplasms, representing less than 10% of all lower limb sarcomata. The most frequent therapeutic measure for foot sarcomata is amputation below the knee, due to the difficulty to achieve ample (onco-)-surgical margins, yet in a number of cases of forefoottumours there is an option for partial foot amputation with ample surgical margins. We report a series of three cases of modified Pirogoff's amputation as applied to oncosurgical tumour resection. Pirogoff's amputation is a calcaneo-tibial arthrodesis with resection of the talus and 90° rotation of the calcaneus. The here reported modification of the Pirogoff amputation, in which both malleoli are preserved yet with excision of the articular surface, favours lateral-plane stability and promotes a quicker arthrodesis. It is highly important to observe and maintain the oncologic surgery principles for tumour resection

    Alicante Coastal Management for Sustainable Development

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    Human intervention on the coast has been intense, due to the source of wealth that the coastal areas represent, especially in the form of tourism, which has resulted in a rapid erosion of its beaches. This paper discusses the current state of beach management in the various competent public administrations on the Costa Blanca (SE Spanish-Mediterranean), in relation to urban development and regression on the waterfront. To this end, an analysis has been carried out of the responses to a survey of those responsible for managing each of the 19 coastal municipalities of the Alicante coast, covering 244 km of coastline, 91 beaches and their personnel. Also, an investigation has been conducted as to whether this management’s aim is to protect the coastline and maintain the flora and fauna or just to manage recreation as the main economic activity is tourism. The analysis shows that the beach is simply regarded as a product or service offered to the user thereof. However, local authorities have not detected problems, possibly for two reasons: they do not have sufficient knowledge and this is understandable, given their lack of responsibilities in this area. This causes many beaches to have a high occupancy rate and there is a shift of users towards natural beaches. The study gives us information about the complex administrative process in the coastal system that often proves ineffective on this narrow strip of land