42 research outputs found

    Municipal Waste Selection and Disposal: Evidences from Lombardy

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    This article exploit a data base of 1.522 observations related to Lombardy’s municipalities to run a cross sectional estimation of the drivers of MW selection. We find no evidence of a significant correlation between the percentage of selected MW selection and market variables such as the unit charge for waste management, a result probably affected by the high degree of integration existing in Lombardy among collectors and disposal operators. On the contrary, we discover robust and significant correlation with a set of geographical, socio-economic, and political variables. Among the latter ones, we have a confirmations on the influence of party competition on the percentage of household recycling, with the left wing ruling parties more addressed to it than the rivals, and on the high correlation existing between MW selection and the implementation of a unit pricing scheme. Other positive correlations with the independent variable are shown by per-capita income, while quite surprisingly the education level of citizens seems to play no role

    Differential Geometry Based Multiscale Models

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    What is the best causal scale space for 3D images

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    Abstract: We study the unique affine invariant morphological scale space in 3D. We discuss its properties and we show that it improves the Dynamic Shape model. We explain the algorithms and we display the first numerical experiments

    An axiomatic approach to image interpolation

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    Conditional image diffusion

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    In this paper, a theoretical framework for the conditional diffusion ofdigitalimagesispresented. Differentapproacheshavebeenproposed to solve this problem by extrapolating the idea of the anisotropic diffusionforagreylevelimagestovector-valuedimages. Then, thediffusion of each channel is conditioned to a direction which normally takes into account information from all channels. In our approach, the diffusion model assumes the a priori knowledge of the diffusion direction during all the process. The consistency of the model is shown by proving the existence and uniqueness of solution for the proposed equation from the viscosity solutions theory. Also a numerical scheme adapted to this equation based on the neighborhood filter is proposed. Finally, we discuss severalapplicationsand we comparethe correspondingnumerical schemes for the proposed model.

    A Survey of Viewpoint Selection Methods for Polygonal Models

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    Viewpoint selection has been an emerging area in computer graphics for some years, and it is now getting maturity with applications in fields such as scene navigation, scientific visualization, object recognition, mesh simplification, and camera placement. In this survey, we review and compare twenty-two measures to select good views of a polygonal 3D model, classify them using an extension of the categories defined by Secord et al., and evaluate them against the Dutagaci et al. benchmark. Eleven of these measures have not been reviewed in previous surveys. Three out of the five short-listed best viewpoint measures are directly related to information. We also present in which fields the different viewpoint measures have been applied. Finally, we provide a publicly available framework where all the viewpoint selection measures are implemented and can be compared against each other

    Minimal surfaces based object segmentation

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