2,145 research outputs found

    The Story of the Puerto Rican-Chicano Committee

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    The concept or idea for The Puerto Rican-Chicano Committee (PRCC) came from UB student Alberto O. Cappas, who also was the original founder of PODER, at the time known as the Puerto Rican Organization for Dignity, Elevation, and Responsibility

    Cultura da cidadão: Arquitetura, cidade e crianças. Experiências em San Jose, Costa Rica

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    Tener ciudades humanizadas con calidad de vida para todos depende, definitivamente de proponer un cambio en los niños y jóvenes desde el inicio a través de los procesos educativos, utilizando nuevas formas de aprender de una manera lúdica y participativa. Este artículo presenta talleres realizados en San José, Costa Rica: en escuela pública, escuela privada y espacio público. Actividades que permiten identificar los aportes de esta población en las soluciones sostenibles de las ciudades con base en lo compartido y aprendido en los talleres. Se concluye que los conocimientos adquiridos se asimilaron, generando opinión, sentido crítico y creativo al respectoTo have humanized cities with quality of life for all depends on the change of children and young people through educational processes, using new ways to learn in a playful and participative way. This article presents workshops held in San José, Costa Rica: in public school, private school and public space. Activities that allow the identification of the contributions of this population in the sustainable solutions of the cities based on the shared and learned in the workshops. In conclusion, the acquired knowledge was assimilated and it generated opinion, critical and creative sense in this respectTer cidades humanizados com qualidade de vida para todos passa pela proposta de uma alteração, desde cedo, dos processos educacionais nas crianças e nos jovens, utilizando novas formas de aprendizagem divertidas e participativas. Este artigo apresenta workshops realizados em San Jose, Costa Rica: nas escolas públicas, escolas particulares e em espaço público. Atividades que permitem identificar as contribuições da população das cidades com base na partilha e a aprendizagem nas oficinas. Conclui-se que o conhecimento adquirido foi assimilado, criando opiniões e pensamento crítico e criativo nesse âmbit

    Is it all about supply? Demand-side effects on the Spanish electricity market following Covid-19 lockdown policies

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    A key characteristic of electricity prices is their sensitivity to changes in supply and demand. In this sense, the Covid-19 lockdown policies modified electricity consumption patterns at both business and household levels, affecting the shape and position of the electricity demand curve and, thus, leading to a direct effect on electricity prices. However, could this demand-side effect be greater than other supply-induced effects? Is it persistent over time? This paper uses a synthetic bidding approach and concludes that the strict lockdown phase had a strong, immediate – but not persistent – effect on the Spanish electricity price. Furthermore, a high share of renewable energy and a reduction in fossil fuel and emission prices have also proven crucial in driving prices down, though lockdown policies had more impact on prices.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ( PID2019-108718 GB-I00 ) and Gobierno Vasco ( IT1461-22 ). The author also acknowledges the editor and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments

    Corporate Entrepreneurship: Building a Knowledge-Based View of the Firm

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    Increasing globalisation and dynamism in the economy has made it necessary for established companies to regenerate themselves and renew their ability to compete. This is the goal of Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) activities, which involve extending the firm’s domain of competence and corresponding opportunity set, through internally generated new resource combinations. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the way the process of CE is developed within the organizations. In order to achieve this, a model relating key components of the CE process (opportunity, initiative and capability) to five phases of knowledge creation taken from Nonaka & Takeuchi is proponed.organizational knowledge creation; corporate entrepreneurship; knowledge-base view; innovation; development of capabilities

    Is renewable energy a cost-effective mitigation resource? An application to the Spanish electricity market

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    This paper evaluates the net effect of renewable energy policy in Spain from 2002 to 2017 and calculates its cost-effectiveness in terms of CO2 emission reductions in the production of electricity. Our conclusions indicate that although the phasing out of Feed-in Tariffs reduced the regulatory costs, it also limited renewable participation in the electricity market, leading to an increased electricity price and higher emissions. According to our results, the joint effect of (i) the value of avoided emissions due to renewable energy participation and (ii) the merit order effect was able to compensate for the regulatory costs (subsidies) up until 2010, while the sign of the net effect was reversed from 2011 to 2017. Finally, we find that the economic implications of emission reductions are highly dependent on how the social cost of carbon is measured. © 2018 Elsevier LtdWe would like to thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund ( ECO2015-64467-R , MINECO/FEDER), the Basque Government (DEUI, IT-783-13 ) and the University of the Basque Country ( PES14/63 ) for financial support. Cristina Pizarro-Irizar acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain ( ECO2015-68023 ). We also thank Gabriel Peto for his research assistanc

    Synthesis, physicochemical and photophysical characterization of 4-(1-Pyrenyl)-Butyl-α-d-mannopyranoside

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.Glycolipids are biomolecules composed of a lipid chain (lipophilic) and a monosaccharide or oligosaccharide as hydrophilic group. Their chemical structure and biological role make them undoubtedly good candidates for a large and continuously growing number of biotechnological applications. Mannose is a carbohydrate present on membrane glycolipids of a wide number of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses) and specifically recognized by several lectins. We synthesized a mannose derivative linked through a short methylene chain to a pyrene moiety which behaves as a surfactant, able to aggregate, and retains the photophysical properties of pyrene: showing comparable absorption and emission spectra, having lower fluorescence quantum yield and the ability to form excimer, and finally the ability to produce O-2((1)Delta(g)) with high quantum yields. Thus, this novel molecule would open future applications for detection (fluorescence) or inactivation (singlet oxygen) of bacterial pathogens, viruses, tumor cells, or particular cells.http://ref.scielo.org/pcn4d

    How accurately do adult patients report their absence seizures?

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    We depend upon self-reporting to determine seizure frequency for epilepsy management decisions, but people often misreport their seizures. Here, we determined misreporting rates in adults with absence seizures, undergoing inpatient video-EEG telemetry (VET) or outpatient ambulatory electroencephalography (aEEG). Under-reporting rates were based on VET data, where behavior could be assessed, whilst over-reporting was assessed using both VET and aEEG. Forty-two patients (31 female and 11 males, median age 28.5 years) and 759 reported absence seizures were included in this study. Overall, only 24% of the 759 reported seizures had an associated EEG correlate, indicating a high over-reporting rate, which occurred in 57% of patients. Age, sex, time of epilepsy, VET versus aEEG, epilepsy syndrome or medication were not significant predictors of over-reporting. In the VET group in which we could assess both over- and under-reporting (22 patients), only 2 patients correctly reported their seizures, and patients were predominantly over-reporters or under reporters, not both. Only 26% of 423 absence seizures were reported. Use of zonisamide or valproate was associated with under-reporting, possibly through an impact on attention. These findings indicate that self-reported AS are a poor measure to use for treatment decisions due to both over- and under-reporting

    Human metapneumovirus: Mechanisms and molecular targets used by the virus to avoid the immune system

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work was supported by Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnolígica (CONICYT) N◦21151028 and FONDECYT (N◦1070352 and N◦1170964) and the Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy (P09/016-F).Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a respiratory virus, first reported the year 2001. Since then, it has been described as one of the main etiological agents that causes acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRTIs), which is characterized by symptoms such as bronchiolitis, wheezing and coughing. Susceptible population to hMPV-infection includes newborn, children, elderly and immunocompromised individuals. This viral agent is a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA enveloped virus, that belongs to the Pneumoviridae family and Metapneumovirus genus. Early reports-previous to 2001-state several cases of respiratory illness without clear identification of the responsible pathogen, which could be related to hMPV. Despite the similarities of hMPV with several other viruses, such as the human respiratory syncytial virus or influenza virus, mechanisms used by hMPV to avoid the host immune system are still unclear. In fact, evidence indicates that hMPV induces a poor innate immune response, thereby affecting the adaptive immunity. Among these mechanisms, is the promotion of an anergic state in T cells, instead of an effective polarization or activation, which could be induced by low levels of cytokine secretion. Further, the evidences support the notion that hMPV interferes with several pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and cell signaling pathways triggered by interferon-associated genes. However, these mechanisms reported in hMPV are not like the ones reported for hRSV, as the latter has two non-structural proteins that are able to inhibit these pathways. Several reports suggest that viral glycoproteins, such as G and SH, could play immune-modulator roles during infection. In this work, we discuss the state of the art regarding the mechanisms that underlie the poor immunity elicited by hMPV. Importantly, these mechanisms will be compared with those elicited by other common respiratory viruses. © 2018 Frontiers Media S.A. All rights reserved.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2018.02466/ful

    El valor de la demostración en la educación secundaria

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    A lo largo de la licenciatura de Matemáticas (que terminamos el curso pasado), el rigor ha sido la característica predominante: siempre se ha demostrado todo lo afirmado o utilizado. Este hecho hizo que no concibiéramos unas matemáticas sin demostraciones. Con este enfoque de las matemáticas iniciamos nuestro periodo de prácticas (correspondientes a la asignatura "Prácticas de la Enseñanza" de quinto curso) y nos enfrentamos por primera vez con la realidad educativa: no todo lo que se le explica a los alumnos debe ser objeto de demostración. Mediante esta comunicación pretendemos compartir nuestras reflexiones sobre el valor de la demostración en las matemáticas de la Enseñanza Secundaria

    Renewable energy regulation and structural breaks: An empirical analysis of Spanish electricity price volatility

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    International experience proves that electricity prices have undergone major changes in volatility since the entry of green technologies. The intermittency of renewable sources is one of the reasons for these changes, as it leads to higher volatility in periods of higher participation by renewables. We argue that the development of the regulatory system promoting renewable electricity also plays a crucial role. We raise a question that deserves attention: could an incentive scheme induce higher share of renewables and lower volatility simultaneously? In this paper, we conduct an empirical analysis with Spanish data. We analyze possible ensuing structural changes in Spanish electricity spot price volatility from January 2002 to December 2017. We identify two structural breaks linked to important measures related to renewable electricity: (i) the abolishment of the feed-in tariff scheme; and (ii) the establishment of a more market-oriented regulation based on investment and operating costs. We conclude that stable regulatory policies reduce volatility even though the presence of renewable sources is greater. Furthermore, market-based policy measures achieve lower volatility, encouraging good integration of intermittent renewable electricity. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.Financial support from Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional under research grant ECO2015-64467-R (MINECO/FEDER) and from Dpto. de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco under research grant IT1336-19 is acknowledged. Cristina Pizarro-Irizar also acknowledges financial support from Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad under research grant ECO2015-68023 , Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under research grant RTI2018-093352-B-I00 , Gobierno Vasco through the BERC 2018-2021 program and by Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad MINECO through BC3 Maria de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714 . All the authors are grateful for the valuable comments made by participants in the 41st International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics and the 14th Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics