437 research outputs found

    Analysis of unmitigated large break loss of coolant accidents using MELCOR code

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    In the framework of severe accident research activity developed by ENEA, a MELCOR nodalization of a generic Pressurized Water Reactor of 900 MWe has been developed. The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of MELCOR code calculations concerning two independent unmitigated large break loss of coolant accident transients, occurring in the cited type of reactor. In particular, the analysis and comparison between the transients initiated by an unmitigated double-ended cold leg rupture and an unmitigated double-ended hot leg rupture in the loop 1 of the primary cooling system is presented herein. This activity has been performed focusing specifically on the in-vessel phenomenology that characterizes this kind of accidents. The analysis of the thermal-hydraulic transient phenomena and the core degradation phenomena is therefore here presented. The analysis of the calculated data shows the capability of the code to reproduce the phenomena typical of these transients and permits their phenomenological study. A first sequence of main events is here presented and shows that the cold leg break transient results faster than the hot leg break transient because of the position of the break. Further analyses are in progress to quantitatively assess the results of the code nodalization for accident management strategy definition and fission product source term evaluation

    A wireless method to obtain the impedance from scattering parameters

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    The coaxial wire method is a common and appreciated choice to assess the beam coupling impedance (BCI) of an accelerator element. Nevertheless, the results obtained from wire measurements could be inaccurate due to the presence of the stretched conductive. The aim of this work is to establish a solid technique to obtain the BCI from electromagnetic simulations, without modifications of the device under test. In this framework, we identified a new relation to get the resistive wall beam coupling impedance of a circular chamber directly from the scattering parameters. Furthermore, a possible generalization of the method to arbitrary cross section geometries has been studied and validated with numerical simulations

    Measurements and calibration of the stripline BPM for the ELI-NP facility with the stretched wire method

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    A methodology has been developed to perform electrical characterization of the stripline BPMs for the future Gamma Beam System of ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. Several prototype units are extensively benchmarked and the results are presented in this paper. The BPM sensitivity function is determined using a uniquely designed motorized test bench with a stretched wire to measure the BPM response map. Here, the BPM feedthroughs are connected to Libera Brilliance electronics and the wire is fed by continuous wave signal, while the two software-controlled motors provide horizontal and vertical motion of the BPM around the wire. The electrical offset is obtained using S-parameter measurements with a Network Analyzer (via the “Lambertson” method) and is referenced to the mechanical offse

    Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for liquid and solid targets

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    Introduction Monte-Carlo simulations can be used to assess isotope production on small medical cyclotrons. These simulations calculate the particle interactions with electric and magnetic fields, as well as the nuclear reactions. The results can be used to predict both yields and isotopic contaminations and can aid in the optimum design of target material and target geometry [1,2]. FLUKA is a general-purpose tool widely used in many applications from accelerator shielding to target design, calorimetry, activation, dosimetry, detector design, neutrino physics, or radiotherapy [3,4]. In this work, we applied the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA to determine the accuracy of predicting yields of various isotopes as compared to experimental yields. Material and Methods The proton beam collimation system, as well as the liquid and solid target of the TR13 cyclotron at TRIUMF, has been modeled in FLUKA. The proton beam parameters were initially taken from the cyclotron design specifications and were optimized against experimental measurements from the TR13. Data from irradiations of different targets and with different beam currents were collected in order to account for average behavior, see FIG. 1. Yields for a pencil proton beam as well as a beam spread out in direction and energy have been calculated and have been compared to experimental results obtained with the TR13. Results and Conclusion The reactions listed in TABLE 1 were assessed. For most reactions a good agreement was found in the comparison between experimental and simulated saturation yield. TABLE 1 only shows the yields simulated with a proton beam with a spread in both direction and energy. In most cases, the simulated yield is slightly larger or comparable. Only the calculated yield for 55Co was significantly lower by a factor of 4.2. This is still a good agreement considering that FLUKA was originally a high-energy physics code. It may indicate that the FLUKA internal cross-section calculation for this isotope production needs some optimization. In summary, we conclude that FLUKA can be used as a tool for the prediction of isotope production as well as for target design

    Quadrupole scan emittance measurements for the ELI-NP compton gamma source

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    The high brightness electron LINAC of the Compton Gamma Source at the ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Roma- nia is accelerating a train of 32 bunches with a nominal total charge of 250 pC and nominal spacing of 16 ns . To achieve the design gamma flux, all the bunches along the train must have the designed Twiss parameters. Beam sizes are mea- sured with optical transition radiation monitors, allowing a quadrupole scan for Twiss parameters measurements. Since focusing the whole bunch train on the screen may lead to permanent screen damage, we investigate non-conventional scans such as scans around a maximum of the beam size or scans with a controlled minimum spot size. This paper discusses the implementation issues of such a technique in the actual machine layou

    Thermal issues for the optical transition radiation screen for the ELI-NP compton gamma source

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    A high brightness electron LINAC is being built in the Compton Gamma Source at the ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. To achieve the design luminosity, a train of 32 bunches, 16 ns spaced, with a nominal charge of 250 pC will collide with a laser beam in two interaction points. Electron beam spot size is measured with Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) profile monitors. In order to measure the beam properties, the OTR screens must sustain the thermal and mechanical stress due to the energy deposited by bunches. This paper is an ANSYS study of the issues due to the high energy transferred to the OTR screens. Thermal multicycle analysis will be shown; each analysis will be followed by a structural analysis in order to investigate the performance of the materia

    Terrestrial gamma dose rate mapping (Euganean Hills, Italy): comparison between field measurements and HPGe gamma spectrometric data

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    Terrestrial gamma radiation is mostly due to radionuclides in soil and rocks, primarily the 238U, 235U and 232Th radioactive families and 40K. This radiation contributes 15% to public exposure from all ionizing radiation sources, considering global population. Moreover, it can be used to estimate radon flux and included as one of the quantities relevant to the geogenic radon hazard model. Therefore, effort has been put into developing maps of terrestrial gamma dose rate at the regional, national or European scale, using different input data and methods. In the present work, two distinct approaches to map terrestrial gamma dose rate have been tested in the Euganean Hills district of NE Italy. The first one is based on 41 in situ measurements of ambient dose equivalent rates using a rate meter equipped with a NaI scintillator probe. The second one estimates terrestrial gamma dose rate from the U, Th and K activity concentrations in rock samples collected at the same locations of the dose rates measurements. The results obtained indicate good agreement between the two approaches, and as such suggest that the UNSCEAR 2008 prescription to derive ambient dose equivalent rate from laboratory gamma measurements produces reliable data, provided that cosmic and fall-out contributions are included. Moreover, the study proved that mapping the ambient dose equivalent rate (or terrestrial gamma dose rate) using only one database – i.e. either measured data or estimates derived from radionuclide activity concentration – yields valid results

    Frontiers of beam diagnostics in plasma accelerators: measuring the ultra-fast and ultra-cold

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    Advanced diagnostics are essential tools in the development of plasma-based accelerators. The accurate measurement of the quality of beams at the exit of the plasma channel is crucial to optimize the parameters of the plasma accelerator. 6D electron beam diagnostics will be reviewed with emphasis on emittance measurement, which is particularly complex due to large energy spread and divergence of the emerging beams, and on femtosecond bunch length measurements

    Coherence properties and diagnostics of betatron radiation emitted by an externally-injected electron beam propagating in a plasma channel

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    A 3-dimensional time-domain simulation of X-ray produced by a laser wakefield accelerated electron beam was performed in order to know its properties like intensity, spectrum, divergence and coherence. Particular attention was paid to the coherence around the acceleration axis. The broad spectrum of betatron radiation (1–10 keV) leads to a short coherence length. Nevertheless we observe that under particular detection condition the spatial coherence has a characteristic enlargement. We give a simplified interpretation of this effect in terms of phase shift of the electric field on a virtual detector. Moreover we describe a near field scattering technique to characterize the betatron radiation. This diagnostics will be used to map the transverse spatio-temporal coherence of X-ray radiation in the laser wakefield accelerator under development at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF)
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