90 research outputs found

    Zinc availability and digestive zinc solubility in piglets and broilers fed diets varying in their phytate contents, phytase activity and supplemented zinc source

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary zinc addition (0 or 15 mg/kg of Zn as inorganic or organic zinc) to three maize-soybean meal basal diets varying in their native Zn, phytic P contents and phytase activity (expressed in kg of feed: P− with 25 mg Zn and 1.3 g phytic P, P+ with 38 mg Zn and 2.3 g phytic P or P+/ENZ being P+ including 500 units (FTU) of microbial phytase per kg) in two monogastric species (piglets, broilers). Measured parameters were growth performance, zinc status (plasma, and bone zinc) and soluble zinc in digesta (stomach, gizzard and intestine). The nine experimental diets were fed for 20 days either to weaned piglets (six replicates per treatment) or to 1-day-old broilers (10 replicates per treatment). Animal performance was not affected by dietary treatments (P > 0.05) except that all P− diets improved body weight gain and feed conversion ratio in piglets (P < 0.05). Piglets fed P− diets had a better Zn status than those fed P+ diets (P < 0.05). In both species, Zn status was improved with supplemental Zn (P < 0.05), irrespective of Zn source. Phytase supplementation improved piglet Zn status to a higher extent than adding dietary Zn, whereas in broilers, phytase was less efficient than supplemental Zn. Digestive Zn concentrations reflected the quantity of ingested Zn. Soluble Zn (mg/kg dry matter) and Zn solubility (% of total Zn content) were highest in gizzard contents, which also presented lower pH values than stomach or intestines. The intestinal Zn solubility was higher in piglet fed organic Zn than those fed inorganic Zn (P < 0.01). Phytase increased soluble Zn in piglet stomach (P < 0.001) and intestine (P = 0.1), but not in broiler gizzard and intestinal contents. These results demonstrate (i) that dietary zinc was used more efficiently by broilers than by piglets, most probably due to the lower gizzard pH and its related higher zinc solubility; (ii) that zinc supplementation, irrespective of zinc source, was successful in improving animal's zinc status; and (iii) suggest that supplemented Zn availability was independent from the diet formulation. Finally, the present data confirm that phytase was efficient in increasing digestive soluble Zn and improving zinc status in piglets. However, the magnitude of these effects was lower in broilers probably due to the naturally higher Zn availability in poultry than in swin

    Bioavailability of zinc sources and their interaction with phytates in broilers and piglets

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    Zinc (Zn) is essential for swine and poultry and native Zn concentrations in feedstuffs are too low to meet their Zn requirement. Dietary Zn bioavailability is affected by phytate, phytase and Zn supplemented in organic form is considered as more bioavailable than inorganic sources. A meta-analysis using GLM procedures was processed using broiler and piglet databases to investigate, within the physiological response of Zn, (1) the bioavailability of inorganic and organic Zn sources (Analysis I); (2) the bioavailability of native and inorganic Zn dependent from dietary phytates, vegetal and supplemental phytase activity (Analysis II). Analysis I: the bioavailability of organic Zn relative to inorganic Zn sources ranged, depending on the variable, from 85 to 117 never different from 100 (P > 0.05). The coefficients of determination of the regressions were 0.91 in broilers and above 0.89 in piglets. Analysis II: in broilers, bone Zn was explained by supplemental Zn (linear and quadratic, P 0.05). The coefficients of determination of the regressions were 0.92 in broilers and above 0.92 in piglets. The results from the two meta-analyses suggest that (1) broilers and piglets use supplemented Zn, independent from Zn source; (2) broiler use native Zn and the use is slightly enhanced with supplemental phytase; (3) however, piglets are limited in the use of native Zn because of the antagonism of non-hydrolyzed dietary phytate. This explains the higher efficacy of phytase in improving Zn availability in this speci

    Metal stressors consistently modulate bacterial conjugal plasmid uptake potential in a phylogenetically conserved manner.

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    Published onlineJOURNAL ARTICLEThe environmental stimulants and inhibitors of conjugal plasmid transfer in microbial communities are poorly understood. Specifically, it is not known whether exposure to stressors may cause a community to alter its plasmid uptake ability. We assessed whether metals (Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn) and one metalloid (As), at concentrations causing partial growth inhibition, modulate community permissiveness (that is, uptake ability) against a broad-host-range IncP-type plasmid (pKJK5). Cells were extracted from an agricultural soil as recipient community and a cultivation-minimal filter mating assay was conducted with an exogenous E. coli donor strain. The donor hosted a gfp-tagged pKJK5 derivative from which conjugation events could be microscopically quantified and transconjugants isolated and phylogenetically described at high resolution via FACS and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Metal stress consistently decreased plasmid transfer frequencies to the community, while the transconjugal pool richness remained unaffected with OTUs belonging to 12 bacterial phyla. The taxonomic composition of the transconjugal pools was distinct from their respective recipient communities and clustered dependent on the stress type and dose. However, for certain OTUs, stress increased or decreased permissiveness by more than 1000-fold and this response was typically correlated across different metals and doses. The response to some stresses was, in addition, phylogenetically conserved. This is the first demonstration that community permissiveness is sensitive to metal(loid) stress in a manner that is both partially consistent across stressors and phylogenetically conserved.The ISME Journal advance online publication, 2 August 2016; doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.98.We thank J Magid for access to the CRUCIAL field plot, LK Jensen for technical assistance in the laboratory and SM Milani for assistance in FACS sorting. This work was funded by the Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation Center of Excellence CREAM (Center for Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology). UK is currently supported through an MRC/BBSRC grant (MR/N007174/1)

    Impact of nutrition on nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements in pig manure and emissions in the air

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