618 research outputs found

    Phasespace Correlations of Antideuterons in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    In the framework of the relativistic quantum molecular dynamics approach ({\small RQMD}) we investigate antideuteron (d\overline{d}) observables in Au+Au collisions at 10.7~AGeV. The impact parameter dependence of the formation ratios d/p2\overline{d}/\overline{p}^2 and d/p2{d}/{p}^2 is calculated. In central collisions, the antideuteron formation ratio is predicted to be two orders of magnitude lower than the deuteron formation ratio. The d\overline{d} yield in central Au+Au collisions is one order of magnitude lower than in Si+Al collisions. In semicentral collisions different configuration space distributions of p\overline{p}'s and d\overline{d}'s lead to a large ``squeeze--out'' effect for antideuterons, which is not predicted for the p\overline{p}'s

    Antibaryons in massive heavy ion reactions: Importance of potentials

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    In the framework of RQMD we investigate antiproton observables in massive heavy ion collisions at AGS energies and compare to preliminary results of the E878 collaboration. We focus here on the considerable influence of the *real* part of an antinucleon--nucleus optical potential on the antiproton momentum spectra

    Analytic generalized description of a perturbative nonparaxial elegant Laguerre-Gaussian phasor for ultrashort pulses in the time domain

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    An analytic expression for a polychromatic phasor representing an arbitrarily short elegant Laguerre-Gauss (eLG) laser pulse of any spot size and LG mode is presented in the time domain as a nonrecursive, closed-form perturbative expansion valid to any order of perturbative correction. This phasor enables the calculation of the complex electromagnetic fields for such beams without requiring the evaluation of any Fourier integrals. It is thus straightforward to implement in analytical or numerical applications involving eLG pulses

    Unmasking features of the auto-epitope essential for β(1)-adrenoceptor activation by autoantibodies in chronic heart failure

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    AIMS: Chronic heart failure (CHF) can be caused by autoantibodies stimulating the heart via binding to first and/or second extracellular loops of cardiac β(1)-adrenoceptors. Allosteric receptor activation depends on conformational features of the autoantibody binding site. Elucidating these features will pave the way for the development of specific diagnostics and therapeutics. Our aim was (i) to fine-map the conformational epitope within the second extracellular loop of the human β(1)-adrenoceptor (β(1) EC(II)) that is targeted by stimulating β(1)-receptor (auto)antibodies and (ii) to generate competitive cyclopeptide inhibitors of allosteric receptor activation, which faithfully conserve the conformational auto-epitope. METHODS AND RESULTS: Non-conserved amino acids within the β(1) ECII loop (compared with the amino acids constituting the ECII loop of the β(2)-adrenoceptor) were one by one replaced with alanine; potential intra-loop disulfide bridges were probed by cysteine-serine exchanges. Effects on antibody binding and allosteric receptor activation were assessed (i) by (auto)antibody neutralization using cyclopeptides mimicking β(1) ECII ± the above replacements, and (ii) by (auto)antibody stimulation of human β(1)-adrenoceptors bearing corresponding point mutations. With the use of stimulating β(1)-receptor (auto)antibodies raised in mice, rats, or rabbits and isolated from exemplary dilated cardiomyopathy patients, our series of experiments unmasked two features of the β(1) ECII loop essential for (auto)antibody binding and allosteric receptor activation: (i) the NDPK(211-214) motif and (ii) the intra-loop disulfide bond C(209)↔C(215). Of note, aberrant intra-loop disulfide bond C(209)↔C(216) almost fully disrupted the functional auto-epitope in cyclopeptides. CONCLUSIONS: The conformational auto-epitope targeted by cardio-pathogenic β(1)-receptor autoantibodies is faithfully conserved in cyclopeptide homologues of the β(1) EC(II) loop bearing the NDPK(211-214) motif and the C(209)↔C(215) bridge while lacking cysteine C(216). Such molecules provide promising tools for novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in β(1)-autoantibody-positive CHF

    Paper Session I-A - Learning about Life on Space Station

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    The International Space Station as humanity’s outpost in low Earth orbit, is an ideal platform for studying how to live in space, as well as to conduct research to learn more about life. A long-duration microgravity platform such as ISS allows the study of biological and physiological processes free of the one constant force to which they have been subjected since the origin of life on Earth: gravity. Although construction of ISS is still under way, the US Laboratory Module Destiny has been outfitted with its full complement of 10 research facilities, two of them dedicated to life sciences research. In the coming years, Destiny will be joined by the European Space Agency’s Columbus and by Japan’s Kibo research modules with additional facilities, and then by the Centrifuge Accommodation Module containing a centrifuge for variable gravity research. Research has been ongoing for only 2 of its planned 15 years of orbital life, so we have clearly just opened the door to learning about life on Space Station

    The rodent research animal holding facility as a barrier to environmental contamination

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    The rodent Research Animal Holding Facility (RAHF), developed by NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) to separately house rodents in a Spacelab, was verified as a barrier to environmental contaminants during a 12-day biocompatibility test. Environmental contaminants considered were solid particulates, microorganisms, ammonia, and typical animal odors. The 12-day test conducted in August 1988 was designed to verify that the rodent RAHF system would adequately support and maintain animal specimens during normal system operations. Additional objectives of this test were to demonstrate that: (1) the system would capture typical particulate debris produced by the animal; (2) microorganisms would be contained; and (3) the passage of animal odors was adequately controlled. In addition, the amount of carbon dioxide exhausted by the RAHF system was to be quantified. Of primary importance during the test was the demonstration that the RAHF would contain particles greater than 150 micrometers. This was verified after analyzing collection plates placed under exhaust air ducts and rodent cages during cage maintenance operations, e.g., waste tray and feeder changeouts. Microbiological testing identified no additional organisms in the test environment that could be traced to the RAHF. Odor containment was demonstrated to be less than barely detectable. Ammonia could not be detected in the exhaust air from the RAHF system. Carbon dioxide levels were verified to be less than 0.35 percent

    On being the right size as an animal with plastids

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    Plastids typically reside in plant or algal cells—with one notable exception. There is one group of multicellular animals, sea slugs in the order Sacoglossa, members of which feed on siphonaceous algae. The slugs sequester the ingested plastids in the cytosol of cells in their digestive gland, giving the animals the color of leaves. In a few species of slugs, including members of the genus Elysia, the stolen plastids (kleptoplasts) can remain morphologically intact for weeks and months, surrounded by the animal cytosol, which is separated from the plastid stroma by only the inner and outer plastid membranes. The kleptoplasts of the Sacoglossa are the only case described so far in nature where plastids interface directly with the metazoan cytosol. That makes them interesting in their own right, but it has also led to the idea that it might someday be possible to engineer photosynthetic animals. Is that really possible? And if so, how big would the photosynthetic organs of such animals need to be? Here we provide two sets of calculations: one based on a best case scenario assuming that animals with kleptoplasts can be, on a per cm2 basis, as efficient at CO2 fixation as maize leaves, and one based on14 CO2 fixation rates measured in plastid-bearing sea slugs. We also tabulate an overview of the literature going back to 1970 reporting direct measurements or indirect estimates of the CO2 fixing capabilities of Sacoglossan slugs with plastids

    37th New England Intercollegiate Geological Excursion: October 10, 11, and 12, 1941, Northampton, Mass

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    Trip A: Structure and age relations of pre-Triassic rocks near the north end of Triassic area; Trip B: Quaternary deposits of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts; Trip C: Geology of Quabbin Reservoir and Winsor (Quabbin) Dam; Trip D: Types of Triassic rocks and their significance in the vicinity of Mount Toby; Trip E: Varved clays in vicinity of South Hadley; Tip F: Quarries in diabase and serpentine ( Black Marble ) near Westfield, Massachusetts, and their mineralog

    Integralni pristup sustavima energetske elektronike

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    Today\u27s power electronics systems are typically manufactured using non-standard parts, resulting in labor-intensive manufacturing processes, increased cost and poor reliability. As a possible way to overcome these problems, this paper discusses an integrated approach to design and manufacture power electronics systems to improve performance, reliability and cost effectiveness. Addressed in the paper are the technologies being developed for integration of both power supplies and motor drives. These technologies include the planar metalization to eliminate bonding wires, the integration of power passives, the integration of current sensors, the development of power devices to facilitate integration as well as to improve performance, and the integration of necessary CAD tools to address the multidisciplinary aspects of integrated systems. The development of Integrated Power Electronics Modules (IPEMs) is demonstrated for two applications: (1) 1 kW asymmetrical half-bridge DC-DC converter and (2) 1–3 kW motor drive for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). Electrical and thermal design tradeoffs of IPEMs and related enabling technologies are described in the paper.Današnji sustavi energetske elektronike se obično proizvode iz nestandardnih dijelova. Posljedica toga je laboratorijska proizvodnja elektroničkih učinskih pretvarača, povećani troškovi i smanjena pouzdanost. Jedan od mogućih načina prevladavanja ovih poteškoća jest integralni pristup projektiranju i proizvodnji sustava energetske elektronike. Posebice se razmatraju tehnologije razvijene za integraciju učinskih krugova i motora. Ove tehnologije uključuju postupke planarne metalizacije za izbjegavanje žičanih vodova, integraciju pasivnih dijelova učinskih krugova, integraciju strujnih senzora, te razvoj takvih poluvodičkih komponenata koje olakšavaju integraciju i poboljšavaju karakteristike uređaja. Pri projektiranju, zbog multidisciplinarnih aspekata integriranih sustava, treba primijeniti nužne CAD alate. Razvoj integriranih modula elektroničkih učinskih pretvarača (engl. integrated power electronics modules, IPEM) ilustriran je na dvije primjene: (1) istosmjerni pretvarač snage 1 kW u asimetričnom polumosnom spoju i (2) elektromotorni pogon snage 1 . . . 3 kW za grijanje, ventilaciju i klimatizaciju (engl. heating, ventilation and air conditioning, HVAC). Na IPEM-u objašnjeni su projektantski i tehnološki kompromisi električkog i toplinskog projekta