453 research outputs found

    A Boreing Night of Observations of the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Over the Andes Lidar Observatory

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    A very high-spatial resolution (∼21-23 m pixel at 85 km altitude) OH airglow imager at the Andes Lidar Observatory at Cerro Pach´on, Chile observed considerable ducted wave activity on the night of October 29-30, 2016. This instrument was collocated with a Na wind-temperature lidar that provided data revealing the occurrence of strong ducts. A large field of view OH and greenline airglow imager showed waves present over a vertical extent consistent with the altitudes of the ducting features identified in the lidar profiles. While waves that appeared to be ducted were seen in all imagers throughout the observation interval, the wave train seen in the OH images at earlier times had a distinct leading non-sinusoidal phase followed by several, lower-amplitude, more sinusoidal phases, suggesting a likely bore. The leading phase exhibited significant dissipation via small-scale secondary instabilities suggesting vortex rings that progressed rapidly to smaller scales and turbulence (the latter not fully resolved) thereafter. The motions of these small-scale features were consistent with their location in the duct at or below ∼83-84 km. Bore dissipation caused a momentum flux divergence and a local acceleration of the mean flow within the duct along the direction of the initial bore propagation. A number of these features are consistent with mesospheric bores observed or modeled in previous studies

    Modeling the carbon isotope signatures of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon to unravel mineralization pathways in boreal lake sediments

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    Vertical profiles of the concentration and isotopic composition (δ13C) of methane (CH4) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), as well as of ancillary parameters, were obtained in the top 25 cm sediment column of a seasonally anoxic basin from an oligotrophic boreal lake. Modeling the profiles of CH4 and DIC concentrations and those of their δ13C signatures with reaction-transport equations allowed us to determine the organic matter (OM) degradation rates according to various reactions and to constrain the in situ isotopic fractionation factors and diffusivity coefficients of CH4 and DIC. This exercise reveals inter alia that (i) CH4 production occurs below 5 cm depth, with the highest production rate between 5 and 7.5 cm depth, (ii) all CH4 is produced through hydrogenotrophy, and (iii) methanogenesis yields a production rate of CH4 about three times greater than that of DIC. This latter observation indicates either that fermentation of OM is not the exclusive source of H2 sustaining hydrogenotrophy, or that the commonly assumed model molecule CH2O does not adequately represent the fermenting OM, since its fermentation yields identical rates of CH4 and DIC production. The porewater profiles of Fe and View the MathML source suggest that some H2 may be produced during the reoxidation of reduced sulfur by Fe(III), but the rate of H2 production via this process, if active, would be insignificant in comparison to that required to sustain the estimated rate of hydrogenotrophy. We deduce that the imbalance between CH4 and DIC production rates is rather due to the fermentation of organic substrates that are more reduced than CH2O, i.e., having a negative average carbon oxidation state (COS). From the constraints on reaction rates and on fermentation pathways imposed by the δ13C data, we infer that the organic substrate fermenting between 5 and 7.5 cm depth should have a COS of −1.87. We thus submit that CH4 is produced in the sediments of the seasonally anoxic basin of our boreal lake through hydrogenotrophy coupled to the fermentation of reduced organic substrates that can be represented by a mixture of fatty acids (e.g. C16H32O2; COS of −1.75) and fatty alcohols (e.g., C16H34O; COS of −2.00). This study emphasizes the importance of characterizing the sedimentary OM undergoing mineralization in order to improve diagenetic model predictions of CH4 cycling in boreal lakes and of its significance in climate change

    Elucidating mechanisms of genetic cross-disease associations at the PROCR vascular disease locus

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    Many individual genetic risk loci have been associated with multiple common human diseases. However, the molecular basis of this pleiotropy often remains unclear. We present an integrative approach to reveal the molecular mechanism underlying the PROCR locus, associated with lower coronary artery disease (CAD) risk but higher venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk. We identify PROCR-p.Ser219Gly as the likely causal variant at the locus and protein C as a causal factor. Using genetic analyses, human recall-by-genotype and in vitro experimentation, we demonstrate that PROCR-219Gly increases plasma levels of (activated) protein C through endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) ectodomain shedding in endothelial cells, attenuating leukocyte– endothelial cell adhesion and vascular inflammation. We also associate PROCR-219Gly with an increased pro- thrombotic state via coagulation factor VII, a ligand of EPCR. Our study, which links PROCR-219Gly to CAD through anti-inflammatory mechanisms and to VTE through pro-thrombotic mechanisms, provides a framework to reveal the mechanisms underlying similar cross-phenotype associations

    Conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem sobre avaliação comportamental de dor em paciente crítico

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    Estudo transversal prospectivo que teve como objetivo descrever o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem sobre uma avaliação comportamental de dor. Realizado em hospital privado da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, em novembro de 2011, com profissionais de enfermagem de uma UTI geral adulto. Estes responderam a um questionário com dados sociodemográficos e questões referentes ao conhecimento sobre uma avaliação comportamental de dor. A análise dos dados foi descritiva e a média de acertos por categoria profissional foi comparada por teste Mann-Whitney. Dos 113 participantes, mais de 70% demonstraram ter conhecimento sobre os principais aspectos dessa avaliação e não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as categorias profissionais. Concluiu-se que o conhecimento dos profissionais foi satisfatório, mas pode ser aprimorado.

    To what degree does cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease predict dependence of patients on caregivers?

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with Alzheimer's disease experience a progressive loss of cognitive function, and the ability to independently perform activities of daily life. Sometimes a dependent stage is reached quite early in the disease, when caregivers decide that the patients can no longer be left alone safely. This is an important aspect of Alzheimer's for patients, their families, and also health care providers. Understanding the relationship between a patient's current cognitive status and their need for care may assist clinicians when recommending an appropriate management plan. In this study, we investigated the relationship of cognitive function to dependence on caregivers before the patients reach a severe stage of the disease. METHODS: Data were obtained on 1,289 patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease studied in two randomised clinical trials of galantamine (Reminyl(®)). Cognition was assessed using the cognitive part of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Patients were considered dependent if they required >12 hours of supervision each day or had high care needs. The Disability Assessment for Dementia (DAD) scale was also used as a measure of dependence. Disability was predicted directly using MMSE and ADAS-cog and compared to predictions from converted scores. RESULTS: The odds ratio of dependence was significantly higher amongst the patients with worse cognitive impairment, adjusting for age, gender and antipsychotic medication use. For example, a 4-point difference in ADAS-cog score was associated with an increase of 17% (95% CI 11–23) in the adjusted odds for >12 hours of supervision, and of 35% (95% CI 28–43) for dependence. Disability predicted directly using actual ADAS-cog and scores converted from MMSE values had close agreement using the models developed. CONCLUSION: In patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease, even relatively small degrees of poorer cognitive function increased the risk of losing the ability to live independently

    Validation of Reference Genes for the Relative Quantification of Gene Expression in Human Epicardial Adipose Tissue

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    BACKGROUND: Relative quantification is a commonly used method for assessing gene expression, however its accuracy and reliability is dependent upon the choice of an optimal endogenous control gene, and such choice cannot be made a priori. There is limited information available on suitable reference genes to be used for studies involving human epicardial adipose tissue. The objective of the current study was to evaluate and identify optimal reference genes for use in the relative quantification of gene expression in human epicardial fat depots of lean, overweight and obese subjects. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Some of the commonly used reference genes including 18S, ACTB, RPL27, HPRT, CYCA, GAPDH, RPLPO, POLR2A and B2M were quantified using real-time PCR analysis. The expression stability of these genes was evaluated using Genorm, Normfinder and Bestkeeper algorithms. In addition, the effect of sample size on the validation process was studied by randomly categorizing subjects in two cohorts of n = 2 and n = 33. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: CYCA, GAPDH and RPL27 were identified as the most stable genes common to all three algorithms and both sample sizes. Their use as reference gene pairs might contribute to the enhanced robustness of relative quantification in the studies involving the human epicardial adipose tissue

    Improved Mitochondrial Function with Diet-Induced Increase in Either Docosahexaenoic Acid or Arachidonic Acid in Membrane Phospholipids

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    Mitochondria can depolarize and trigger cell death through the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP). We recently showed that an increase in the long chain n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n3) and depletion of the n6 PUFA arachidonic acid (ARA; 20:4n6) in mitochondrial membranes is associated with a greater Ca2+ load required to induce MPTP opening. Here we manipulated mitochondrial phospholipid composition by supplementing the diet with DHA, ARA or combined DHA+ARA in rats for 10 weeks. There were no effects on cardiac function, or respiration of isolated mitochondria. Analysis of mitochondrial phospholipids showed DHA supplementation increased DHA and displaced ARA in mitochondrial membranes, while supplementation with ARA or DHA+ARA increased ARA and depleted linoleic acid (18:2n6). Phospholipid analysis revealed a similar pattern, particularly in cardiolipin. Tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin was depleted by 80% with ARA or DHA+ARA supplementation, with linoleic acid side chains replaced by ARA. Both the DHA and ARA groups had delayed Ca2+-induced MPTP opening, but the DHA+ARA group was similar to the control diet. In conclusion, alterations in mitochondria membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition caused by dietary DHA or ARA was associated with a greater cumulative Ca2+ load required to induced MPTP opening. Further, high levels of tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin were not essential for normal mitochondrial function if replaced with very-long chain n3 or n6 PUFAs

    Evidence of accelerated ageing in clinical drug addiction from immune, hepatic and metabolic biomarkers

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    Background: Drug addiction is associated with significant disease and death, but its impact on the ageing process has not been considered. The recent demonstration that many of the items available in routine clinical pathology have applicability as biomarkers of the ageing process implies that routine clinical laboratory parameters would be useful as an initial investigation of this possibility. Methods: 12,093 clinical laboratory results 1995-2006 were reviewed. To make the age ranges of the medical and addicted groups comparable the age range was restricted to 15-45 years. Results: 739 drug addicted (DA) and 5834 general medical (GM) age matched blood samples were compared. Significant elevation of immune parameters was noted in the C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total lymphocyte count, serum globulins and the globulin:albumin ratio (P < 0.01). Alanine aminotranferase, creatinine, urea, and insulin like growth factor-1 were also significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the DA group. Albumin, body mass index and dihydroepiandrosterone sulphate were unchanged and cholesterol was lower (all P < 0.05). Conclusion: These data demonstrate for the first time that addiction is associated with an altered profile of common biomarkers of ageing raising the possibility that the ageing process may be altered in this group. Infective and immune processes may be centrally involved. They suggest that addiction forms an interesting model to further examine the contribution of immune suppression and hyperstimulation to the ageing process
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