2,566 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Proton Spin Decomposition at a Future Electron-Ion Collider

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    We present a detailed assessment of how well a future Electron-Ion Collider could constrain helicity parton distributions in the nucleon and, therefore, unveil the role of the intrinsic spin of quarks and gluons in the proton's spin budget. Any remaining deficit in this decomposition will provide the best indirect constraint on the contribution due to the total orbital angular momenta of quarks and gluons. Specifically, all our studies are performed in the context of global QCD analyses based on realistic pseudo-data and in the light of the most recent data obtained from polarized proton-proton collisions at BNL-RHIC that have provided evidence for a significant gluon polarization in the accessible, albeit limited range of momentum fractions. We also present projections on what can be achieved on the gluon's helicity distribution by the end of BNL-RHIC operations. All estimates of current and projected uncertainties are performed with the robust Lagrange multiplier technique.Comment: 12 pages, 8 eps figure

    Helicity Parton Distributions at a Future Electron-Ion Collider: A Quantitative Appraisal

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    We present a quantitative assessment of the impact a future electron-ion collider will have on determinations of helicity quark and gluon densities and their contributions to the proton spin. Our results are obtained by performing a series of global QCD analyses at next-to-leading order accuracy based on realistic sets of pseudo-data for the inclusive and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons and protons at different, conceivable center-of-mass system energies.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Active Care - Building Design for Habilitation Centers

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    This paper explores the building design of a Habilitation Center that promotes healthy lifestyles of people with diverse abilities. Habilitation care moves the focus of healthcare from a disease curing approach to lifelong health development. Studies show that the design of healthcare buildings can contribute to improving care and by extension, it is expected that building design can contribute to improving habilitation care. However, in practice, there is limited experience in designing habilitation facilities, particularly concerning emerging healthcare approaches such as health promotion. This paper describes the outcomes of a master thesis that was part of a pre-study for a habilitation center that focused on design strategies and solutions that stimulate physical activity for diverse users. The main research question was: In what way can building design promote active behavior for all types of building users? The study adopted a research by design approach focused on (1) understanding user needs, (2) developing design strategies, and (3) proposing a design solution. The results list several design strategies for habilitation buildings and propose how these can be implemented. These guidelines include strategies for physical movement such as indoor and outdoor exercise areas, climbing walls and access to nature. These results may support the development of the new habilitation center, while also introducing theoretical ideas and design guidelines regarding active design. The study can be used to inspire and discuss the design and development of habilitation centers specifically, and more generally healthcare buildings that adopt new care approaches such as health promotion

    Arbeitsmarktbindung Nichterwerbstätiger: zur Stillen Reserve in Europa

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    In addition to employed and unemployed persons, other groups of the society, namely parts of the so-called non-economically active persons, also often enter gainful employment, although they are generally not taken into account in the theoretical and empirical determinations of a country's labour force. One reason for this is the difficulty to identify empirically this "hidden labour force". Based on the European Household Panel (ECHP) in the years 1994, 1995 and 1996, this study takes a closer look at the hidden labour force by comparing 12 member states of the European Union in both longitudinal and cross-sectional contexts. A method for identifying non-economically active persons who maintain strong links to the labor market - the group of the 'ATTACHED' - is developed and used to analyze both the extent and behavior of the statistically not registered labour supply. The usefulness of such an approach is confirmed by our results, which indicate the relatively high tendency of persons in this group of the ATTACHED to enter into gainful employment. A longitudinal study of the transition into employment in two different years - based on the averages for all 12 countries together, clearly indicates that unemployed persons did not even account for half of the persons who entered into gainful employment. Comparisons of the various countries cast doubt on simple macroeconomic explanations for the behavior of persons in the group of the ATTACHED. A larger percentage than the average of this group is, for example, associated with a higher than average level of unemployment in some, but not all of the EU countries considered. Neben Erwerbslosen nehmen auch sonstige Nichterwerbstätige häufig eine Beschäftigung auf. Diese Personen werden jedoch gewöhnlich nicht bei der empirischen Bestimmung des Arbeitsangebotes erfasst. Ein Grund liegt in der Schwierigkeit ihrer Erhebung, da sie üblicherweise in keinen Registern der Arbeitsverwaltung gezählt werden. Auf Basis des Europäischen Haushaltspanels (ECHP) für die Jahre 1994, 1995 und 1996 geht die vorliegende Untersuchung diesem Phänomen im Vergleich von 12 Staaten der Europäischen Union in Quer- und Längsschnittuntersuchungen nach. Es wird ein Konzept zur Erhebung einer Stillen Reserve im Sinne von Nichterwerbspersonen mit einer besonders hohen Arbeitsmarktbindung entwickelt (die sogenannte Gruppe der ATTACHED). Auf Basis dieses Konzept werden Umfang und Verhalten dieser Gruppe untersucht. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen den gewählten Ansatz und zeigen die vergleichsweise hohe Erwerbsneigung dieser Gruppe (ATTACHED) am Arbeitsmarkt auf. Unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Nichterwerbstätiger, die eine Erwerbsarbeit aufnehmen, ohne als erwerbslos erfasst worden zu sein, wird bei Vergleichen der Übergänge in Erwerbstätigkeit zwischen zwei Jahren deutlich, dass im Durchschnitt der EU-12 Staaten Arbeitslose nicht einmal die Hälfte der Personen ausmachen, die von einem Jahr auf das andere in die Erwerbstätigkeit wechseln. Der Vergleich zwischen den einzelnen Ländern stellt zudem einfache makroökonomische Erklärungsmuster zum Verhalten von Personen in der Gruppe der ATTACHED in Frage. Beispielsweise ist ein überdurchschnittlicher Umfang der ATTACHED in einigen aber nicht allen EU-Länder, mit einer überdurchschnittlichen Erwerbslosigkeit verbunden.Hidden Labour Force, Labour Market Attachment, Employment Transition Rates, Labour Market Performance

    Development of an isotope dilution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry detection method for DNA adducts of selected aromatic amines

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    AbstractPolycyclic aromatic amines (arylamines) are a class of chemical carcinogens that are prevalent in environmental and industrial settings. They are metabolically activated to covalently bond to DNA, forming mutagenic adducts. In order to study the mechanisms of their toxicity, sensitive and selective quantitative LC/MS/MS detection methods were developed to measure the N-(adenin-8-yl)-benzidine adduct and N-(adenin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene in total DNA extract samples. A novel synthetic method using a palladium catalyst was previously developed to prepare authentic and deuterated arylamine-adenine adducts to serve as standards. These standards were then used to develop an HPLC electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, isotope dilution method. Sample detection limits in DNA samples were 22 pg on-column and 51 pg on-column for the N-(adenin-8-yl)-benzidine- and N-(adenin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene-adenine adducts, respectively. This method has applications for the study of DNA adduct formation as a biological marker of exposure to carcinogens and for environmental and workplace monitoring of these aromatic amines

    Interactive time series analytics powered by ONEX

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    Modern applications in this digital age collect a staggering amount of time series data from economic growth rates to electrical household consumption habits. To make sense of it, domain analysts interactively sift through these time series collections in search of critical relationships between and recurring patterns within these time series. The ONEX (Online Exploration of Time Series) system supports effective exploratory analysis of time series collections composed of heterogeneous, variable-length and misaligned time series using robust alignment dynamic time warping (DTW) methods. To assure real-time responsiveness even for these complex and compute-intensive analytics, ONEX precomputes and then encodes time series relationships based on the inexpensive-to-compute Euclidean distance into the ONEX base. Thereafter, based on a solid formal foundation, ONEX uses DTW-enhanced analytics to correctly extract relevant time series matches on this Euclidean-prepared ONEX base. Our live interactive demonstration shows how our ONEX exploratory tool, supported by a rich array of visual interactions and expressive visualizations, enables efficient mining and interpretation of the MATTERS real data collection composed of economic, social, and education data trends across the fifty American states. © 2017 ACM