266 research outputs found

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Weakly Ionized Medium

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    Ambient interstellar material may become entrained in outflows from massive stars as a result of shear flow instabilities. We study the linear theory of the Kelvin - Helmholtz instability, the simplest example of shear flow instability, in a partially ionized medium. We model the interaction as a two fluid system (charged and neutral) in a planar geometry. Our principal result is that for much of the relevant parameter space, neutrals and ions are sufficiently decoupled that the neutrals are unstable while the ions are held in place by the magnetic field. Thus, we predict that there should be a detectably narrower line profile in ionized species tracing the outflow compared with neutral species since ionized species are not participating in the turbulent interface with the ambient ISM. Since the magnetic field is frozen to the plasma, it is not tangled by the turbulence in the boundary layer.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Cooling, Gravity and Geometry: Flow-driven Massive Core Formation

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    We study numerically the formation of molecular clouds in large-scale colliding flows including self-gravity. The models emphasize the competition between the effects of gravity on global and local scales in an isolated cloud. Global gravity builds up large-scale filaments, while local gravity -- triggered by a combination of strong thermal and dynamical instabilities -- causes cores to form. The dynamical instabilities give rise to a local focusing of the colliding flows, facilitating the rapid formation of massive protostellar cores of a few 100 M_\odot. The forming clouds do not reach an equilibrium state, though the motions within the clouds appear comparable to ``virial''. The self-similar core mass distributions derived from models with and without self-gravity indicate that the core mass distribution is set very early on during the cloud formation process, predominantly by a combination of thermal and dynamical instabilities rather than by self-gravity.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Ap

    Space Velocities of Southern Globular Clusters. IV. First Results for Inner-Galaxy Clusters

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    We have measured the absolute proper motions of four low-latitude, inner-Galaxy globular clusters. These clusters are: NGC 6266 (M62), NGC 6304, NGC 6316 and NGC 6723. The proper motions are on the Hipparcos system, as no background extragalactic objects are found in these high-extinction regions. The proper-motion uncertainties range between 0.3 and 0.6 mas/yr. We discuss the kinematics of these clusters and of three additional bulge clusters -- NGC 6522, NGC 6528 and NFC 6553 -- whose proper motions with respect to bulge stars had been determined previously. We find that all of the clusters have velocities that confine them to the bulge region. Of the three metal poor clusters ([Fe/H] < -1.0), NGC 6522, and NGC 6723 have kinematics consistent with halo membership. The third cluster, NGC 6266 however, appears to belong to a rotationally-supported system. Of the four metal rich clusters ([Fe/H] >= -1.0), NGC 6304 and NGC 6553 also have kinematics consistent with membership to a rotationally-supported system. NGC 6528 has kinematics, metallicity and mass that argue in favor of a genuine Milky-Way bar cluster. NGC 6316's kinematics indicate membership to a hotter system than the bar.Comment: 4 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in A

    Age Constraints for an M31 Globular Cluster from Main Sequence Photometry

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    We present a color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the globular cluster SKHB-312 in the Andromeda galaxy (M31), obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. The cluster was included in deep observations taken to measure the star formation history of the M31 halo. Overcoming a very crowded field, our photometry of SKHB-312 reaches V ~ 30.5 mag, more than 1 mag below the main sequence turnoff. These are the first observations to allow a direct age estimate from the turnoff in an old M31 cluster. We analyze its CMD and luminosity function using a finely-spaced grid of isochrones that have been calibrated using observations of Galactic clusters taken with the same camera and filters. The luminosity difference between the subgiant and horizontal branches is ~0.2 mag smaller in SKHB-312 than in the Galactic clusters 47 Tuc and NGC 5927, implying SKHB-312 is 2-3 Gyr younger. A quantitative comparison to isochrones yields an age of 10 +2.5/-1 Gyr

    Effects of Non-Circular Motions on Azimuthal Color Gradients

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    Assuming that density waves trigger star formation, and that young stars preserve the velocity components of the molecular gas where they are born, we analyze the effects that non-circular gas orbits have on color gradients across spiral arms. We try two approaches, one involving semi-analytical solutions for spiral shocks, and another with magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation data. We find that, if non-circular motions are ignored, the comparison between observed color gradients and stellar population synthesis models would in principle yield pattern speed values that are systematically too high for regions inside corotation, with the difference between the real and the measured pattern speeds increasing with decreasing radius. On the other hand, image processing and pixel averaging result in systematically lower measured spiral pattern speed values, regardless of the kinematics of stellar orbits. The net effect is that roughly the correct pattern speeds are recovered, although the trend of higher measured Ωp\Omega_p at lower radii (as expected when non-circular motions exist but are neglected) should still be observed. We examine the Martinez-Garcia et al. (2009) photometric data and confirm that this is indeed the case. The comparison of the size of the systematic pattern speed offset in the data with the predictions of the semi-analytical and MHD models corroborates that spirals are more likely to end at Outer Lindblad Resonance, as these authors had already found.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, accepted to Ap

    An ammonia spectral map of the L1495-B218 filaments in the Taurus molecular cloud. I. Physical properties of filaments and dense cores

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    We present deep NH3 observations of the L1495-B218 filaments in the Taurus molecular cloud covering over a 3° angular range using the K-band focal plane array on the 100 m Green Bank Telescope. The L1495-B218 filaments form an interconnected, nearby, large complex extending over 8 pc. We observed NH3 (1, 1) and (2, 2) with a spectral resolution of 0.038 km s−1 and a spatial resolution of 31''. Most of the ammonia peaks coincide with intensity peaks in dust continuum maps at 350 and 500 μm. We deduced physical properties by fitting a model to the observed spectra. We find gas kinetic temperatures of 8–15 K, velocity dispersions of 0.05–0.25 km s−1, and NH3 column densities of 5 × 1012 to 1 × 1014 cm−2. The CSAR algorithm, which is a hybrid of seeded-watershed and binary dendrogram algorithms, identifies a total of 55 NH3 structures, including 39 leaves and 16 branches. The masses of the NH3 sources range from 0.05 to 9.5 M{{M}_{\odot }}. The masses of NH3 leaves are mostly smaller than their corresponding virial mass estimated from their internal and gravitational energies, which suggests that these leaves are gravitationally unbound structures. Nine out of 39 NH3 leaves are gravitationally bound, and seven out of nine gravitationally bound NH3 leaves are associated with star formation. We also found that 12 out of 30 gravitationally unbound leaves are pressure confined. Our data suggest that a dense core may form as a pressure-confined structure, evolve to a gravitationally bound core, and undergo collapse to form a protostar

    Giant Molecular clouds: what are they made from, and how do they get there?

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    We analyse the results of four simulations of isolated galaxies: two with a rigid spiral potential of fixed pattern speed, but with different degrees of star-formation induced feedback, one with an axisymmetric galactic potential and one with a `live' self-gravitating stellar component. Since we use a Lagrangian method we are able to select gas that lies within giant molecular clouds (GMCs) at a particular timeframe, and to then study the properties of this gas at earlier and later times. We find that gas which forms GMCs is not typical of the interstellar medium at least 50 Myr before the clouds form and reaches mean densities within an order of magnitude of mean cloud densities by around 10 Myr before. The gas in GMCs takes at least 50 Myr to return to typical ISM gas after dispersal by stellar feedback, and in some cases the gas is never fully recycled. We also present a study of the two-dimensional, vertically-averaged velocity fields within the ISM. We show that the velocity fields corresponding to the shortest timescales (that is, those timescales closest to the immediate formation and dissipation of the clouds) can be readily understood in terms of the various cloud formation and dissipation mechanisms. Properties of the flow patterns can be used to distinguish the processes which drive converging flows (e.g.\ spiral shocks, supernovae) and thus molecular cloud formation, and we note that such properties may be detectable with future observations of nearby galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Turbulent Control of the Star Formation Efficiency

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    Supersonic turbulence plays a dual role in molecular clouds: On one hand, it contributes to the global support of the clouds, while on the other it promotes the formation of small-scale density fluctuations, identifiable with clumps and cores. Within these, the local Jeans length \Ljc is reduced, and collapse ensues if \Ljc becomes smaller than the clump size and the magnetic support is insufficient (i.e., the core is ``magnetically supercritical''); otherwise, the clumps do not collapse and are expected to re-expand and disperse on a few free-fall times. This case may correspond to a fraction of the observed starless cores. The star formation efficiency (SFE, the fraction of the cloud's mass that ends up in collapsed objects) is smaller than unity because the mass contained in collapsing clumps is smaller than the total cloud mass. However, in non-magnetic numerical simulations with realistic Mach numbers and turbulence driving scales, the SFE is still larger than observational estimates. The presence of a magnetic field, even if magnetically supercritical, appears to further reduce the SFE, but by reducing the probability of core formation rather than by delaying the collapse of individual cores, as was formerly thought. Precise quantification of these effects as a function of global cloud parameters is still needed.Comment: Invited review for the conference "IMF@50: the Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecke

    The Frequency of Mid-Infrared Excess Sources in Galactic Surveys

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    We have identified 230 Tycho-2 Spectral Catalog stars that exhibit 8 micron mid-infrared extraphotospheric excesses in the MidCourse Space Experiment (MSX) and Spitzer Space Telescope Galactic Legacy MidPlane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) surveys. Of these, 183 are either OB stars earlier than B8 in which the excess plausibly arises from a thermal bremsstrahlung component or evolved stars in which the excess may be explained by an atmospheric dust component. The remaining 47 stars have spectral classifications B8 or later and appear to be main sequence or late pre-main-sequence objects harboring circumstellar disks. Six of the 47 stars exhibit multiple signatures characteristic of pre-main-sequence circumstellar disks, including emission lines, near-infrared K-band excesses, and X-ray emission. Approximately one-third of the remaining 41 sources have emission lines suggesting relative youth. Of the 25 GLIMPSE stars with SST data at >24 microns, 20 also show an excess at 24 microns. Three additional objects have 24 micron upper limits consistent with possible excesses, and two objects have photospheric measurements at 24 microns. Six MSX sources had a measurement at wavelengths >8 microns. We modeled the excesses in 26 stars having two or more measurements in excess of the expected photospheres as single-component blackbodies. We determine probable disk temperatures and fractional infrared luminosities in the range 191 < T < 787 and 3.9x10^-4 < L_IR/L_* < 2.7x10^-1. We estimate a lower limit on the fraction of Tycho-2 Spectral Catalog main-sequence stars having mid-IR, but not near-IR, excesses to be 1.0+-0.3%.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Diffusion in supersonic, turbulent, compressible flows

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    We investigate diffusion in supersonic, turbulent, compressible flows. Supersonic turbulence can be characterized as network of interacting shocks. We consider flows with different rms Mach numbers and where energy necessary to maintain dynamical equilibrium is inserted at different spatial scales. We find that turbulent transport exhibits super-diffusive behavior due to induced bulk motions. In a comoving reference frame, however, diffusion behaves normal and can be described by mixing length theory extended into the supersonic regime.Comment: 11 pages, incl. 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E (a high-resolution version is available at http://www.aip.de./~ralf/Publications/p21.abstract.html