1,118 research outputs found

    A Bayesian test for the appropriateness of a model in the biomagnetic inverse problem

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    This paper extends the work of Clarke [1] on the Bayesian foundations of the biomagnetic inverse problem. It derives expressions for the expectation and variance of the a posteriori source current probability distribution given a prior source current probability distribution, a source space weight function and a data set. The calculation of the variance enables the construction of a Bayesian test for the appropriateness of any source model that is chosen as the a priori infomation. The test is illustrated using both simulated (multi-dipole) data and the results of a study of early latency processing of images of human faces. [1] C.J.S. Clarke. Error estimates in the biomagnetic inverse problem. Inverse Problems, 10:77--86, 1994.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to Inverse Problem

    Imprinted Networks as Chiral Pumps

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    We investigate the interaction between a chirally imprinted network and a solvent of chiral molecules. We find, a liquid crystalline polymer network is preferentially swollen by one component of a racemic solvent. This ability to separate is linked to the chiral order parameter of the network, and can be reversibly controlled via temperature or a mechanical deformation. It is maximal near the point at which the network loses its imprinted structure. One possible practical application of this effect would be a mechanical device for sorting mixed chiral molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Untwisting of a Strained Cholesteric Elastomer by Disclination Loop Nucleation

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    The application of a sufficiently strong strain perpendicular to the pitch axis of a monodomain cholesteric elastomer unwinds the cholesteric helix. Previous theoretical analyses of this transition ignored the effects of Frank elasticity which we include here. We find that the strain needed to unwind the helix is reduced because of the Frank penalty and the cholesteric state becomes metastable above the transition. We consider in detail a previously proposed mechanism by which the topologically stable helical texture is removed in the metastable state, namely by the nucleation of twist disclination loops in the plane perpendicular to the pitch axis. We present an approximate calculation of the barrier energy for this nucleation process which neglects possible spatial variation of the strain fields in the elastomer, as well as a more accurate calculation based on a finite element modeling of the elastomer.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Chirality transfer and stereo-selectivity of imprinted cholesteric networks

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    Imprinting of cholesteric textures in a polymer network is a method of preserving a macroscopically chiral phase in a system with no molecular chirality. By modifying the elastics properties of the network, the resulting stored helical twist can be manipulated within a wide range since the imprinting efficiency depends on the balance between the elastics constants and twisting power at network formation. One spectacular property of phase chirality imprinting is the created ability of the network to adsorb preferentially one stereo-component from a racemic mixture. In this paper we explore this property of chirality transfer from a macroscopic to the molecular scale. In particular, we focus on the competition between the phase chirality and the local nematic order. We demonstrate that it is possible to control the subsequent release of chiral solvent component from the imprinting network and the reversibility of the stereo-selective swelling by racemic solvents

    Stereo-selective swelling of imprinted cholesteric networks

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    Molecular chirality, and the chiral symmetry breaking of resulting macroscopic phases, can be topologically imprinted and manipulated by crosslinking and swelling of polymer networks. We present a new experimental approach to stereo-specific separation of chiral isomers by using a cholesteric elastomer in which a helical director distribution has been topological imprinted by crosslinking. This makes the material unusual in that is has a strong phase chirality, but no molecular chirality at all; we study the nature and parameters controlling the twist-untwist transition. Adding a racemic mixture to the imprinted network results in selective swelling by only the component of ``correct'' handedness. We investigate the capacity of demixing in a racemic environment, which depends on network parameters and the underlying nematic order

    Untwisting of a cholesteric elastomer by a mechanical field

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    A mechanical strain field applied to a monodomain cholesteric elastomer will unwind the helical director distribution. There is an analogy with the classical problem of an electric field applied to a cholesteric liquid crystal, but with important differences. Frank elasticity is of minor importance unless the gel is very weak. The interplay is between director anchoring to the rubber elastic matrix and the external mechanical field. Stretching perpendicular to the helix axis induces the uniform unwound state via the elimination of sharp, pinned twist walls above a critical strain. Unwinding through conical director states occurs when the elastomer is stretched along the helical axis.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 3 style, 3 EPS figure

    Stress and prevalence of hearing problems in the Swedish working population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current human and experimental studies are indicating an association between stress and hearing problems; however potential risk factors have not been established. Hearing problems are projected to become among the top ten disabilities according to the WHO in the near future. Therefore a better understanding of the relationships between stress and hearing is warranted. Here we describe the prevalence of two common hearing problems, i.e. hearing complaints and tinnitus, in relation to different work-and health-related stressors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 18,734 individuals were invited to participate in the study, out of which 9,756 (52%) enrolled.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results demonstrate a clear and mostly linear relationship between higher prevalence of hearing problems (tinnitus or hearing loss or both) and different stressors, e.g. occupational, poorer self-rated health, long-term illness, poorer sleep quality, and higher burnout scores.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study unambiguously demonstrates associations between hearing problems and various stressors that have not been previously described for the auditory system. These findings will open new avenues for future investigations.</p

    Separate processing of texture and form in the ventral stream : evidence from fMRI and visual agnosia.

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    Real-life visual object recognition requires the processing of more than just geometric (shape, size, and orientation) properties. Surface properties such as color and texture are equally important, particularly for providing information about the material properties of objects. Recent neuroimaging research suggests that geometric and surface properties are dealt with separately, within the lateral occipital cortex (LOC) and the collateral sulcus (CoS), respectively. Here we compared objects that either differed in aspect ratio or in surface texture only, keeping all other visual properties constant. Results on brain-intact participants confirmed that surface texture activates an area in the posterior CoS, quite distinct from the area activated by shape within LOC. We also tested two patients with visual object agnosia, one of whom (DF) performed well on the texture task but at chance on the shape task, while the other (MS) showed the converse pattern. This behavioral double dissociation was matched by a parallel neuroimaging dissociation, with activation in CoS but not LOC in patient DF, and activation in LOC but not CoS in patient MS. These data provide presumptive evidence that the areas respectively activated by shape and texture play a causally necessary role in the perceptual discrimination of these features

    Achieving Consensus in the Development of an Online Intervention Designed to Effectively Support Midwives in Work-Related Psychological Distress: Protocol for a Delphi Study

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    BACKGROUND: The development of an online intervention designed to effectively support midwives in work-related psychological distress will be challenging due to the ethical, practical, and therapeutic issues surrounding its design. Related literature suggests that midwives may require an anonymous, confidential, and therapeutic platform that facilitates amnesty and nonpunitive approaches to remedy ill health. However, it is unclear which requirements may be most salient to midwifery populations. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to describe the design of a Delphi study, intended to achieve expert consensus on the needs of midwives in work-related psychological distress who may be supported via an online intervention. This protocol may also serve as a research framework for similar studies to be modeled upon. METHODS: A heterogeneous sample of at least thirty experts on psychological well-being and distress associated with midwifery work will be recruited. Their opinions regarding the development of an online intervention designed to support midwives in work-related psychological distress will be collected through 2 rounds of questioning, via the Delphi Technique. When 60% (≥18, assuming the minimum is 30) of panelists score within 2 adjacent points on a 7-point scale, consensus will be acknowledged. This Delphi study protocol will invite both qualitative and quantitative outcomes. RESULTS: This study is currently in development. It is financially supported by a full-time scholarship at the Centre for Technology Enabled Health Research at Coventry University (Coventry, UK). The implementation of this Delphi study is anticipated to occur during the autumn of 2015. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study will direct the development of an online intervention designed to support midwives in work-related psychological distress, summarize expert driven consensus, and direct future research
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