9,183 research outputs found

    New Variable Jet Models for HH 34

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    We consider newly derived proper motions of the HH 34 jet to reconstruct the evolution of this outflow. We first extrapolate ballistic trajectories for the knots (starting from their present-day positions and velocities) and find that at ~1000 yr in the future most of them will merge to form a larger-mass structure. This mass structure will be formed close to the present-day position of the HH 34S bow shock. We then carry out a fit to the ejection velocity versus time reconstructed from the observed proper motions (assuming that the past motion of the knots was ballistic) and use this fit to compute axisymmetric jet simulations. We find that the intensity maps predicted from these simulations do indeed match reasonably well the [S II] structure of HH 34 observed in Hubble Space Telescope images

    Spitzer observations of the HH 1/2 system. The discovery of the counterjet

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    We present unpublished Spitzer IRAC observations of the HH 1/2 young stellar outow processed with a high angular resolution deconvolution algorithm, that produces sub-arcsecond (~ 0.6 - 0.8”) images. In the resulting mid-infrared images, the optically invisible counterjet is detected for the first time. The counterjet is approximately half as bright as the jet at 4.5 µm (the IRAC band that best traces young stellar outows) and has a length of ~ 10”. The NW optical jet itself can be followed back in the mid-IR to the position of the exciting VLA 1 source. An analysis of the IRAC colors indicates that the jet/counterjet emission is dominated by collisionally excited H_2 pure rotational lines arising from a medium with a neutral Hydrogen gas density of ~ 1000-2000 cm^(-3) and a temperature ~ 1500 K. The observed jet/counterjet brightness asymmetry is consistent with an intrinsically symmetric outow with extinction from a dense, circumstellar structure of ~ 6” size (along the outow axis), and with a mean visual extinction, A_V ~ 11 mag

    Modeling of the Sub-Tg Relaxation Spectrum of Pd42.5Ni7.5Cu30P20 Metallic Glass

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    In this work we study the mechanical relaxation spectrum of Pd42.5Ni7.5Cu30P20 metallic glass. The effect of aging on the relaxation behavior is analyzed by measuring the internal friction during consecutive heating runs. The mechanical relaxation of the wellannealed glass state is modeled by fitting susceptibility functions to the primary and secondary relaxations of the system. The model is able to reproduce the mechanical relaxation spectrum below the glass transition temperature (sub-Tg) in the frequency- temperature ranges relevant for the high temperature physical properties and forming ability of metallic glasses. The model reveals a relaxation spectrum composed by the overlapping of primary and secondary processes covering a wide domain of times but with a relatively narrow range of activation energies.Postprint (author's final draft

    Strain mapping and nanocrystallite size determination by neutron diffraction in an aluminum alloy (AA5083) severely plastically deformed through equal channel angular pressing

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    Six specimens of an aluminum alloy (AA-5083) extruded by Equal Channel Angular Pressing following two different routes plus a blank sample were examined with a neutron radiation of 1.5448 Å. Macrostrain maps from the (311) reflection were obtained. A clear difference about accumulated macrostrain with the extrusion cycles between the two routes is shown. The diffraction data of annealed specimens did permit to estimate crystallite sizes that range between 89 nm and 115 nm depending on the routes

    Dissipative vortex solitons in 2D-lattices

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    We report the existence of stable symmetric vortex-type solutions for two-dimensional nonlinear discrete dissipative systems governed by a cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. We construct a whole family of vortex solitons with a topological charge S = 1. Surprisingly, the dynamical evolution of unstable solutions of this family does not alter significantly their profile, instead their phase distribution completely changes. They transform into two-charges swirl-vortex solitons. We dynamically excite this novel structure showing its experimental feasibility.Comment: 4 pages, 20 figure

    Local superconducting density of states of ErNi2B2C

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    We present local tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy measurements at low temperatures in single crystalline samples of the magnetic superconductor ErNi2B2C. The electronic local density of states shows a striking departure from s-wave BCS theory with a finite value at the Fermi level, which amounts to half of the normal phase density of states.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluación cuantitativa de la influencia de los espacios de color para la detección automática de células

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    En este artículo proponemos el estudio de los espacios de color en el marco de la segmentación automática de estructuras celulares. En contraste con estudios neuro-físicos orientados a describir la percepción humana del color nosotros desarrollamos un análisis cuantitativo tomando como referencia el resultado de algoritmos de segmentación y plantillas generadas manualmente. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el color tiene una influencia considerable sobre la capacidad de análisis de una imagen y que los espacios de color que además de separar la cromaticidad y luminancia procuran la normalización de las distancias entre colores proveen una mejor representación de la información presente en la imagen a diferencia de los espacios de color tales como el RGB y HSI que han dominado la literatura de procesamiento de imágenes biomédicas en el pasadoIn this paper we study color spaces in the framework of automatic segmentation of cellular structures. In contrast to neuro-physical studies focused on human perception of color we resort to a quantitative evaluation of such impact using as reference segmentation outputs and ground truth images. The results show that color representation has a considerable influence in the capabilities of such algorithms and color spaces that separate chromaticity and luminance components, and normalize color differences, provide a representation of image data better than color spaces such as RGB and HSI used extensively in the field of biomedical image processing in the past
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