268 research outputs found

    Variability of Forebrain Commissures in Callosal Agenesis: A Prenatal MR Imaging Study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Agenesis of the corpus callosum, even when isolated, may be characterized by anatomic variability. The aim of this study was to describe the types of other forebrain commissures in a large cohort of randomly enrolled fetuses with apparently isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum at prenatal MR imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All fetuses with apparent isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum undergoing prenatal MR imaging from 2004 to 2014, were evaluated for the presence of the anterior or a vestigial hippocampal commissure assessed in consensus by 2 pediatric neuroradiologists. RESULTS: Overall, 62 cases of agenesis of the corpus callosum were retrieved from our data base. In 3/62 fetuses (4.8%), no forebrain commissure was visible at prenatal MR imaging, 23/62 fetuses (37.1%) presented with only the anterior commissure, and 20/62 fetuses (32.3%) showed both the anterior commissure and a residual vestigial hippocampal commissure, whereas in the remaining 16/62 fetuses (25.8%), a hybrid structure merging a residual vestigial hippocampal commissure and a rudiment of the corpus callosum body was detectable. Postnatal MR imaging, when available, confirmed prenatal forebrain commissure findings. CONCLUSIONS: Most fetuses with apparent isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum showed at least 1 forebrain commissure at prenatal MR imaging, and approximately half of fetuses also had a second commissure: a vestigial hippocampal commissure or a hybrid made of a hippocampal commissure and a rudimentary corpus callosum body. Whether such variability is the result of different genotypes and whether it may have any impact on the long-term neurodevelopmental outcome remains to be assessed. AC : anterior commissure ACC : agenesis of the corpus callosum CC : corpus callosum GA : gestational age HC : hippocampal commissure HS : hybrid structur

    Nuovi dati sui Gastrotrichi marini della Sicilia

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    I gastrotrichi marini popolano quasi esclusivamente le sabbie costiere, soprattutto dell’infralitorale superiore. Le specie conosciute sono circa 520, delle quali 163 rinvenute anche in Italia. Per la Sicilia sono segnalate una quarantina di specie, molte raccolte negli anni ‘90. Nel settembre 2022 abbiamo intrapreso nuove indagini, focalizzandoci sulla costa del canale di Sicilia e sul golfo di Mondello. Sono state investigate dieci località prelevando in ciascuna 1-2 litri di sedimento. L’analisi tassonomica è stata condotta nel laboratorio da campo creato a Sciacca. Gli animali sono stati estratti mediante narcotizzazione/decantazione e i gastrotrichi rinvenuti montati su vetrino e studiati a fresco utilizzando microscopia Nomarski. Nel complesso sono state rinvenute oltre 40 specie con una media di 11 ± 6,8 specie per località. La gastrotricofauna, divisa più o meno equamente tra l’ordine Macrodasyida e Chaetonotida, è stata documentata con oltre 2500 fotografie. La Località Le Solette (Menfi, AG) è risultata la più ricca con ben 22 specie, seguita da Mondello (PA) con 19. Valori di ricchezza specifica che figurano tra i più elevanti in assoluto, e che sono da mettere in relazione con il tipo di substrato di queste località: sabbia pulita a granulometria media-fine, la più idonea alla vita di questi micrometazoi. Complessivamente, la fauna documentata nel 2022 risulta costituita per la maggior parte da specie già note per la Sicilia, ma non mancano le novità, sia a livello regionale (e.g., Mesodasys littoralis Remane, 1951, Tetranchyroderma antenniphora Hummon & Todaro, 2010, T. polyprobolostomum Hummon, Todaro, Balsamo & Tongiorgi, 1996, Halichaetonotus margaretae Hummon, Balsamo & Todaro, 1992, Heteroxenotrichula subterranea (Remane, 1934), Xenotrichula punctata Wilke, 1954) sia in senso assoluto. Gli esemplari dei generi Dolychodasys Gagne, 1977 e Lepidodasys Remane, 1926 da noi rinvenuti apparterrebbero infatti a specie nuove per la scienza. La conferma verrà dalle analisi molecolari ancora in corso. I risultati ottenuti indicano che le conoscenze sulla fauna a gastrotrichi della Sicilia non sono complete e invogliano a proseguire le indagini lungo altri tratti costieri

    Use of Artificial Intelligence as an Innovative Method for Liver Graft Macrosteatosis Assessment

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    The worldwide implementation of a liver graft pool using marginal livers (ie, grafts with a high risk of technical complications and impaired function or with a risk of transmitting infection or malignancy to the recipient) has led to a growing interest in developing methods for accurate evaluation of graft quality. Liver steatosis is associated with a higher risk of primary nonfunction, early graft dysfunction, and poor graft survival rate. The present study aimed to analyze the value of artificial intelligence (AI) in the assessment of liver steatosis during procurement compared with liver biopsy evaluation. A total of 117 consecutive liver grafts from brain-dead donors were included and classified into 2 cohorts: ≥30 versus <30% hepatic steatosis. AI analysis required the presence of an intraoperative smartphone liver picture as well as a graft biopsy and donor data. First, a new algorithm arising from current visual recognition methods was developed, trained, and validated to obtain automatic liver graft segmentation from smartphone images. Second, a fully automated texture analysis and classification of the liver graft was performed by machine-learning algorithms. Automatic liver graft segmentation from smartphone images achieved an accuracy (Acc) of 98%, whereas the analysis of the liver graft features (cropped picture and donor data) showed an Acc of 89% in graft classification (≥30 versus <30%). This study demonstrates that AI has the potential to assess steatosis in a handy and noninvasive way to reliably identify potential nontransplantable liver grafts and to avoid improper graft utilization

    The Italian real-life post-stroke spasticity survey: Unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A

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    The present national survey seeking to identify unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A focused on the use of OnabotulinumoxinA, since this is the brand with the widest range of licensed indications in Italy. Physicians from twenty-four Italian neurorehabilitation units compiled a questionnaire about \u201creal-life\u201d post-stroke spasticity management. OnabotulinumtoxinA was reported to be used in the following average doses: upper limb 316.7 \ub1 79.1 units; lower limb 327.8 \ub1 152.3; upper and lower limb 543.7 \ub1 123.7 units. Of the physicians surveyed, 37.5% felt that increasing the frequency of OnabotulinumtoxinA injection would improve its efficacy; 70.8% use electrical stimulation/electromyography guidance (one fourth of injections with no instrumental guidance). Instrumental evaluation was used by 41.7% of the physicians. The participants expressed the view that early identification of post-stroke spasticity would be facilitated by the availability of a post-stroke checklist, and that this should be used by physiotherapists (91.7%), physiatrists (58.3%), family doctors (50%), stroke unit physicians (25%), patients and caregivers (79.2%). According to our findings, the management of poststroke spasticity has several unmet needs that, were they addressed, might improve these patients\u2019 clinical outcomes and quality of life. These needs concern patient follow-up, where a clearly defined pathway is lacking; furthermore, there is a need to use maximum doses per treatment and to ensure early intervention on post-stroke spasticity

    Quantitative historical analysis uncovers a single dimension of complexity that structures global variation in human social organization

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    Do human societies from around the world exhibit similarities in the way that they are structured, and show commonalities in the ways that they have evolved? These are long-standing questions that have proven difficult to answer. To test between competing hypotheses, we constructed a massive repository of historical and archaeological information known as "Seshat: Global History Databank." We systematically coded data on 414 societies from 30 regions around the world spanning the last 10,000 years. We were able to capture information on 51 variables reflecting nine characteristics of human societies, such as social scale, economy, features of governance, and information systems. Our analyses revealed that these different characteristics show strong relationships with each other and that a single principal component captures around three-quarters of the observed variation. Furthermore, we found that different characteristics of social complexity are highly predictable across different world regions. These results suggest that key aspects of social organization are functionally related and do indeed coevolve in predictable ways. Our findings highlight the power of the sciences and humanities working together to rigorously test hypotheses about general rules that may have shaped human history

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA repair genes as risk factors associated to prostate cancer progression

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    Background Besides serum levels of PSA, there is a lack of prostate cancer specific biomarkers. It is need to develop new biological markers associated with the tumor behavior which would be valuable to better individualize treatment. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes involved in DNA repair and prostate cancer progression.Methods A total of 494 prostate cancer patients from a Spanish multicenter study were genotyped for 10 SNPs in XRCC1, ERCC2, ERCC1, LIG4, ATM and TP53 genes. The SNP genotyping was made in a Biotrove OpenArray® NT Cycler. Clinical tumor stage, diagnostic PSA serum levels, and Gleason score at diagnosis were obtained for all participants. Genotypic and allelic frequencies were determined using the web-based environment SNPator.Results SNPs rs11615 (ERCC1) and rs17503908 (ATM) appeared as risk factors for prostate cancer aggressiveness. Patients wild homozygous for these SNPs (AA and TT, respectively) were at higher risk for developing cT2b – cT4 (OR = 2.21 (confidence interval (CI) 95% 1.47 – 3.31), p < 0.001) and Gleason scores ≥ 7 (OR = 2.22 (CI 95% 1.38 – 3.57), p < 0.001), respectively. Moreover, those patients wild homozygous for both SNPs had the greatest risk of presenting D’Amico high-risk tumors (OR = 2.57 (CI 95% 1.28 – 5.16)).Conclusions Genetic variants at DNA repair genes are associated with prostate cancer progression, and would be taken into account when assessing the malignancy of prostate cancer.This work was subsidized by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad from Spain), ID: PI12/01867. Almudena Valenciano has a grant from the Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (ICIC)

    Outcomes and Risk Score for Distal Pancreatectomy with Celiac Axis Resection (DP-CAR): An International Multicenter Analysis

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    Background: Distal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) is a treatment option for selected patients with pancreatic cancer involving the celiac axis. A recent multicenter European study reported a 90-day mortality rate of 16%, highlighting the importance of patient selection. The authors constructed a risk score to predict 90-day mortality and assessed oncologic outcomes. Methods: This multicenter retrospective cohort study investigated patients undergoing DP-CAR at 20 European centers from 12 countries (model design 2000–2016) and three very-high-volume international centers in the United States and Japan (model validation 2004–2017). The area under receiver operator curve (AUC) and calibration plots were used for validation of the 90-day mortality risk model. Secondary outcomes included resection margin status, adjuvant therapy, and survival. Results: For 191 DP-CAR patients, the 90-day mortality rate was 5.5% (95 confidence interval [CI], 2.2–11%) at 5 high-volume (≥ 1 DP-CAR/year) and 18% (95 CI, 9–30%) at 18 low-volume DP-CAR centers (P = 0.015). A risk score with age, sex, body mass index (BMI), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, multivisceral resection, open versus minimally invasive surgery, and low- versus high-volume center performed well in both the design and validation cohorts (AUC, 0.79 vs 0.74; P = 0.642). For 174 patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, the R0 resection rate was 60%, neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies were applied for respectively 69% and 67% of the patients, and the median overall survival period was 19&nbsp;months (95 CI, 15–25&nbsp;months). Conclusions: When performed for selected patients at high-volume centers, DP-CAR is associated with acceptable 90-day mortality and overall survival. The authors propose a 90-day mortality risk score to improve patient selection and outcomes, with DP-CAR volume as the dominant predictor