591 research outputs found

    Trajectory and spacecraft design for a pole-sitter mission

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    This paper provides a detailed mission analysis and systems design of a pole-sitter mission. It considers a spacecraft that is continuously above either the North or South Pole and, as such, can provide real-time, continuous and hemispherical coverage of the polar regions. Two different propulsion strategies are proposed, which result in a near-term pole-sitter mission using solar electric propulsion and a far-term pole-sitter mission where the electric thruster is hybridized with a solar sail. For both propulsion strategies, minimum propellant pole-sitter orbits are designed. Optimal transfers from Earth to the pole-sitter are designed assuming Soyuz and Ariane 5 launch options, and a controller is shown to be able to maintain the trajectory under unexpected conditions such as injection errors. A detailed mass budget analysis allows for a trade-off between mission lifetime and payload mass capacity, and candidate payloads for a range of applications are investigated. It results that a payload of about 100 kg can operate for approximately 4 years with the solar-electric spacecraft, while the hybrid propulsion technology enables extending the missions up to 7 years. Transfers between north and south pole-sitter orbits are also considered to observe either pole when illuminated by the Sun

    Micro-to-macro: astrodynamics at extremes of lengths-scale

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    This paper investigates astrodynamics at extremes of length-scale, ranging from swarms of future `smart dust' devices to the capture and utilisation of small near Earth asteroids. At the smallest length-scales families of orbits are found which balance the energy gain from solar radiation pressure with energy dissipation due to air drag. This results in long orbit lifetimes for high area-to-mass ratio `smart dust' devices. High area-to-mass hybrid spacecraft, using both solar sail and electric propulsion, are then considered to enable `pole-sitter' orbits providing a polar-stationary vantage point for Earth observation. These spacecraft are also considered to enable displaced geostationary orbits. Finally, the potential material resource available from captured near Earth asteroids is considered which can underpin future large-scale space engineering ventures. The use of such material for geo-engineering is investigated using a cloud of unprocessed dust in the vicinity of the Earth-Sun L1L_1 point to fractionally reduce solar insolation

    Trajectory design and optimisation for lunar transfer

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    This paper deals with the design and optimization of transfer trajectories from the Earth to the Moon. In particular, the requirements of the ESMO mission have been considered. This mission, currently in its phase A, is completely designed by European students: because of this, the budget must be kept as low as possible. The mission analysis has thus to focus on low-energy transfers, in order to obtain very low cost trajectories. Two different chemical transfers are considered: a trajectory through L1 lagrangian point, considering a restricted three body problem, and a more complex Belbruno transfer, taking into account the presence of the Sun. Some results, from another low-cost lunar mission, are presented

    Nuclear quantum effects in solids using a colored-noise thermostat

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    We present a method, based on a non-Markovian Langevin equation, to include quantum corrections to the classical dynamics of ions in a quasi-harmonic system. By properly fitting the correlation function of the noise, one can vary the fluctuations in positions and momenta as a function of the vibrational frequency, and fit them so as to reproduce the quantum-mechanical behavior, with minimal a priori knowledge of the details of the system. We discuss the application of the thermostat to diamond and to ice Ih. We find that results in agreement with path-integral molecular dynamics can be obtained using only a fraction of the computational effort.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Accelerating the convergence of path integral dynamics with a generalized Langevin equation

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    The quantum nature of nuclei plays an important role in the accurate modelling of light atoms such as hydrogen, but it is often neglected in simulations due to the high computational overhead involved. It has recently been shown that zero-point energy effects can be included comparatively cheaply in simulations of harmonic and quasi-harmonic systems by augmenting classical molecular dynamics with a generalized Langevin equation (GLE). Here we describe how a similar approach can be used to accelerate the convergence of path integral (PI) molecular dynamics to the exact quantum mechanical result in more strongly anharmonic systems exhibiting both zero point energy and tunnelling effects. The resulting PI-GLE method is illustrated with applications to a double-well tunnelling problem and to liquid water

    Understanding Link Dynamics in Wireless Sensor Networks with Dynamically Steerable Directional Antennas

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    Abstract. By radiating the power in the direction of choice, electronicallyswitched directional (ESD) antennas can reduce network contention and avoid packet loss. There exists some ESD antennas for wireless sensor networks, but so far researchers have mainly evaluated their directionality. There are no studies regarding the link dynamics of ESD antennas, in particular not for indoor deployments and other scenarios where nodes are not necessarily in line of sight. Our long-term experiments confirm that previous findings that have demonstrated the dependence of angleof-arrival on channel frequency also hold for directional transmissions with ESD antennas. This is important for the design of protocols for wireless sensor networks with ESD antennas: the best antenna direction, i.e., the direction that leads to the highest packet reception rate and signal strength at the receiver, is not stable but varies over time and with the selected IEEE 802.15.4 channel. As this requires protocols to incorporate some form of adaptation, we present an intentionally simple and yet efficient mechanism for selecting the best antenna direction at run-time with an energy overhead below 2 % compared to standard omni-directional transmissions.

    Efficient multiple time scale molecular dynamics: using colored noise thermostats to stabilize resonances

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    Multiple time scale molecular dynamics enhances computational efficiency by updating slow motions less frequently than fast motions. However, in practice the largest outer time step possible is limited not by the physical forces but by resonances between the fast and slow modes. In this paper we show that this problem can be alleviated by using a simple colored noise thermostatting scheme which selectively targets the high frequency modes in the system. For two sample problems, flexible water and solvated alanine dipeptide, we demonstrate that this allows the use of large outer time steps while still obtaining accurate sampling and minimizing the perturbation of the dynamics. Furthermore, this approach is shown to be comparable to constraining fast motions, thus providing an alternative to molecular dynamics with constraints.Comment: accepted for publication by the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Natural Aging and Vacancy Trapping in Al-6xxx

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    Undesirable natural aging (NA) in Al-6xxx delays subsequent artificial aging (AA) but the size, composition, and evolution of clustering are challenging to measure. Here, atomistic details of early-stage clustering in Al-1\%Mg-0.6\%Si during NA are studied computationally using a chemically-accurate neural-network potential. Feasible growth paths for the preferred β\beta'' precipitates identify: dominant clusters differing from β\beta'' motifs; spontaneous vacancy-interstitial formation creating 14-18 solute atom β\beta''-like motifs; and lower-energy clusters requiring chemical re-arrangement to form β\beta'' nuclei. Quasi-on-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations reveal that 8-14 solute atom clusters form within 1000 s but that growth slows considerably due to vacancy trapping inside clusters, with trapping energies of 0.3-0.5 eV. These findings rationalize why cluster growth and alloy hardness saturate during NA, confirm the concept of ''vacancy prisons", and suggest why clusters must be dissolved during AA before formation of β\beta''. This atomistic understanding of NA may enable design of strategies to mitigate negative effects of NA

    Perspective: How good is DFT for water?

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    Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) has become established as an indispensable tool for investigating aqueous systems of all kinds, including those important in chemistry, surface science, biology and the earth sciences. Nevertheless, many widely used approximations for the exchange-correlation (XC) functional describe the properties of pure water systems with an accuracy that is not fully satisfactory. The explicit inclusion of dispersion interactions generally improves the description, but there remain large disagreements between the predictions of different dispersion-inclusive methods. We present here a review of DFT work on water clusters, ice structures and liquid water, with the aim of elucidating how the strengths and weaknesses of different XC approximations manifest themselves across this variety of water systems. Our review highlights the crucial role of dispersion in describing the delicate balance between compact and extended structures of many different water systems, including the liquid. By referring to a wide range of published work, we argue that the correct description of exchange-overlap interactions is also extremely important, so that the choice of semi-local or hybrid functional employed in dispersion-inclusive methods is crucial. The origins and consequences of beyond-2-body errors of approximate XC functionals are noted, and we also discuss the substantial differences between different representations of dispersion. We propose a simple numerical scoring system that rates the performance of different XC functionals in describing water systems, and we suggest possible future developments

    Multi-rendezvous Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization with Beam P-ACO

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    The design of spacecraft trajectories for missions visiting multiple celestial bodies is here framed as a multi-objective bilevel optimization problem. A comparative study is performed to assess the performance of different Beam Search algorithms at tackling the combinatorial problem of finding the ideal sequence of bodies. Special focus is placed on the development of a new hybridization between Beam Search and the Population-based Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. An experimental evaluation shows all algorithms achieving exceptional performance on a hard benchmark problem. It is found that a properly tuned deterministic Beam Search always outperforms the remaining variants. Beam P-ACO, however, demonstrates lower parameter sensitivity, while offering superior worst-case performance. Being an anytime algorithm, it is then found to be the preferable choice for certain practical applications.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/lfsimoes/beam_paco__gtoc