18 research outputs found

    Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation Accelerates Randall's Plaque Formation in a Murine Model

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    Most kidney stones are made of calcium oxalate crystals. Randall\u27s plaque, an apatite deposit at the tip of the renal papilla, is considered to at the origin of these stones. Hypercalciuria may promote Randall\u27s plaque formation and growth. We analyzed whether long-term exposure of Abcc6 mice (a murine model of Randall\u27s plaque) to vitamin D supplementation, with or without a calcium-rich diet, would accelerate the formation of Randall\u27s plaque. Eight groups of mice (including Abcc6 and wild type) received vitamin D alone (100,000 UI/kg every 2 weeks), a calcium-enriched diet alone (calcium gluconate 2 g/L in drinking water), both vitamin D supplementation and a calcium-rich diet, or a standard diet (controls) for 6 months. Kidney calcifications were assessed by 3-dimensional microcomputed tomography, Ό-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission-scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and Yasue staining. At 6 months, Abcc6 mice exposed to vitamin D and calcium supplementation developed massive Randall\u27s plaque when compared with control Abcc6 mice (P < 0.01). Wild-type animals did not develop significant calcifications when exposed to vitamin D. Combined administration of vitamin D and calcium significantly accelerates Randall\u27s plaque formation in a murine model. This original model raises concerns about the cumulative risk of vitamin D supplementation and calcium intakes in Randall\u27s plaque formation

    Parent satisfaction with the Loire Infant Follow-up Team (LIFT) premature and at-risk infant network in the Pays-de-la-Loire area (France)

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    BACKGROUND: The Loire Infant Follow-up Team (LIFT) is a network for caring for premature infants whose gestational age is 34 WA or less and at-risk neonates in the Pays-de-la-Loire area in France. The network aims to screen for clinical anomalies early and to propose adapted care. Trained physicians follow the included children in a standardized manner at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 18 months and 2 years, with a specific examination by psychologists at 2 years. The aim of the study was to assess the satisfaction of the parents of the children followed.METHODS: To evaluate parent satisfaction, a questionnaire from the Consumer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) in its French version was sent to parents whose infants were 2 years old, stratifying on the presence of an anomaly. The questioner had 39 items, with 8 specific items on the network and 31 from the CSS. The questionnaire was mailed twice in September 2006. RESULTS: Out of 300 questionnaires mailed, 269 were returned (rate 89.7 %). The questionnaire was assessed using principal component analysis with 2 dimensions for the 30 items common to all children, one of which covered empathy with physicians and the other with the consulting psychologists at 2 years. The validity was good (Cronbach coefficient, 0.91). The answers to overall questions such as "We are satisfied with the care in the network" scored 16.1±0.7/20, with 90 % "totally agree" or "moderately agree" responses. The "The care is perfect" scored 14.6±0.7/20 with 78 % agreeing with the statement. The total score for 30 general questions was 14.6±3.1 (median, 14.9). The total score was lower for infants with anomalies: 13.7±3.3 versus 14.9±2.9 (P<0.01). The answers with a low score (<10) were given by 22 parents (8.2 %). There was no significant relation between the total score or the satisfaction score and neonatal events. CONCLUSION: A postal survey is helpful to know the views of parents on the follow-up of their infants. This good level of satisfaction seems to stem from the parents feeling they belong to the network, the quality of the relationships with personnel, and the doctors\u27 empathy, as well as the number of contacts between parents and the network coordinator

    Using mid infrared to perform investigations beyond the diffraction limits of microcristalline pathologies: advantages and limitation of Optical PhotoThermal IR spectroscopy

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    Understanding the physico-chemistry related to cristalline pathologies constitutes a challenge in several medical specialities such as nephrology, dermatology or oncology. Regarding nephrology, the chemical diversity of concretions such as kidney stones calls for characterization techniques to determine the chemical composition of concretions. The starting point of this contribution is given by Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy which is routinely used at the hospital to determine the chemical composition of kidney stones as well as ectopic calcifications present in kidney biopsy. For kidney stones, the quantity of sample is sufficient to perform a significant analysis through classical FTIR. For ectopic calcifications, ÎŒ\mu FTIR can be inefficient in the case of ÎŒ\mu calcification in the tissue when their size is less than 10 Ό\mu m. For such samples, Optical PhotoThermal IR (OPT-IR) spectroscopy may constitute a way to overcome this experimental difficulty through the acquisition of IR spectrum with a spatial resolution close to 500 nm.To illustrate such opportunity, we first compare the IR spectrum acquired with a classical experimental set-up related to classical IR spectroscopy to IR spectrum collected with a OPT-IR one for different compounds namely calcium oxalate monohydrate, calcium oxalate dehydrate, calcium phosphate apatite and magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate. Such comparison helps us to assess specificity of OPT-IR. Then, we consider several pathological calcifications associated to hyperoxaluria, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency or the presence of Randall’s plaque. We will see that the nanometer spatial resolution constitutes a major advantage versus a micrometre one. Also, in the case of Randall’s plaque, we show that OPT-IR can determine the chemical composition of microscopic concretion without any kind of preparation. Such experimental fact is clearly a major advantage. Finally, we also extended this first investigation in nephrology by considering breast calcifications. In that case, if the number of chemical phases is quite low compared to the number of chemical phases identified in ectopic calcifications present in kidney (four instead of 24), the challenge is related to the possibility to distinguish between the different calcium phosphate namely amorphous carbonated calcium phosphate, CA and whitlockite.The complete set of data indicates the limitations and the advantages of OPT-IR spectroscopy

    Using mid infrared to perform investigations beyond the diffraction limits of microcristalline pathologies: advantages and limitation of Optical PhotoThermal IR spectroscopy

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    Understanding the physico-chemistry related to cristalline pathologies constitutes a challenge in several medical specialities such as nephrology, dermatology or oncology. Regarding nephrology, the chemical diversity of concretions such as kidney stones calls for characterization techniques to determine the chemical composition of concretions. The starting point of this contribution is given by Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy which is routinely used at the hospital to determine the chemical composition of kidney stones as well as ectopic calcifications present in kidney biopsy. For kidney stones, the quantity of sample is sufficient to perform a significant analysis through classical FTIR. For ectopic calcifications, ÎŒ\mu FTIR can be inefficient in the case of ÎŒ\mu calcification in the tissue when their size is less than 10 Ό\mu m. For such samples, Optical PhotoThermal IR (OPT-IR) spectroscopy may constitute a way to overcome this experimental difficulty through the acquisition of IR spectrum with a spatial resolution close to 500 nm.To illustrate such opportunity, we first compare the IR spectrum acquired with a classical experimental set-up related to classical IR spectroscopy to IR spectrum collected with a OPT-IR one for different compounds namely calcium oxalate monohydrate, calcium oxalate dehydrate, calcium phosphate apatite and magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate. Such comparison helps us to assess specificity of OPT-IR. Then, we consider several pathological calcifications associated to hyperoxaluria, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency or the presence of Randall’s plaque. We will see that the nanometer spatial resolution constitutes a major advantage versus a micrometre one. Also, in the case of Randall’s plaque, we show that OPT-IR can determine the chemical composition of microscopic concretion without any kind of preparation. Such experimental fact is clearly a major advantage. Finally, we also extended this first investigation in nephrology by considering breast calcifications. In that case, if the number of chemical phases is quite low compared to the number of chemical phases identified in ectopic calcifications present in kidney (four instead of 24), the challenge is related to the possibility to distinguish between the different calcium phosphate namely amorphous carbonated calcium phosphate, CA and whitlockite.The complete set of data indicates the limitations and the advantages of OPT-IR spectroscopy

    Severe neonatal hypercalcemia caused by subcutaneous fat necrosis without any apparent cutaneous lesion.

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    International audienceSubcutaneous fat necrosis is a classic, albeit uncommon, cause of neonatal hypercalcemia. It occurs in newborn infants within the first month of life following a complicated delivery. The diagnosis is usually easy because of the presence of red-purple plaques in fatty areas along with firm subcutaneous nodules. A 1-month-old neonate, born strangled by her umbilical cord, presented with diarrhea and hypercalcemia (3.46 mM) with an initial physical examination considered normal. Her biological evaluations were as follows: P = 1.37 mM (1.6-2.2); PTH = 3 ng/L (12-65); 25-OH vitamin D = 87 nM (23-113); (1,25)-OH(2) vitamin D = 192 ng/L (20-46). The third day, a careful exam of the whole cutaneous surface revealed small firm subcutaneous nodules in the ischial region. Despite the absence of any visible skin modification, the association of perinatal stress and high (1,25)-OH(2) vitamin D level with subcutaneous nodules led to the diagnosis of subcutaneous fat necrosis. She was treated with oral prednisone for 45 days. Serum calcium levels normalized within a week, and the nodules disappeared without complications. Conclusion: Subcutaneous fat necrosis may induce severe hypercalcemia without any visible cutaneous lesion