131 research outputs found

    Durabilité agro-écologique des exploitations agricoles dans la commune de Gogounou au Bénin

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    Cette recherche a pour objectif d’évaluer la durabilitĂ© agro-Ă©cologique de dix-neuf (19) exploitations agricoles de la commune de Gogounou au Nord BĂ©nin. C’est une commune de grande production et des exploitations qui connaissent de grandes extensions de superficies cultivĂ©es avec l’introduction du matĂ©riel agricole du troisiĂšme niveau de la mĂ©canisation agricole proposĂ© par le programme de promotion de la mĂ©canisation agricole. La mĂ©thode IDEA (Indicateurs de DurabilitĂ© des Exploitations Agricoles) de Vilain (2008), a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour Ă©valuer cette dimension de la durabilitĂ©. Les scores de durabilitĂ©s, par indicateur puis par composante, dĂ©terminĂ©s avec les modalitĂ©s proposĂ©es par la dite mĂ©thode, rĂ©vĂšlent une bonne durabilitĂ© agro-Ă©cologique (avec un score de 74,3 / 100) des exploitations dans leur Ă©tat actuel. Les composantes «diversitĂ© domestique» et «pratiques agricoles» contribuent fortement Ă  ce niveau de durabilitĂ© alors que la composante «organisation de l’espace» constitue un facteur limitant. Par ailleurs, la mauvaise gestion des matiĂšres organiques cumulĂ©e Ă  la facilitĂ© d’accĂšs aux intrants chimiques (engrais et pesticides) ont nĂ©gativement contribuĂ© aux scores de durabilitĂ© agro-Ă©cologiques. Limiter l’accĂšs aux intrants chimiques et donc faciliter l’accĂšs aux intrants compatibles Ă  une agriculture durable seraient entre autres des leviers d’actions Ă  envisager. L’évaluation de la durabilitĂ© agro-Ă©cologique de ces exploitations met en Ă©vidence les caractĂ©ristiques et pratiques agricoles favorables et dĂ©favorables qu’il faille, maximiser d’une part et, dĂ©courager d’autre part, pour Ă©viter les situations extrĂȘmes en matiĂšre de prĂ©servation de la diversitĂ© biologique et plus globalement d’agriculture durable.Mots-clĂ©s: indicateurs de durabilitĂ©, systĂšme de culture, mĂ©canisation, Gogounou, BĂ©nin. Agro-ecological sustainability of farms in the commune of Gogounou in BeninThis research aims to evaluate the agro-ecological sustainability of nineteen (19) were operating in the agricultural town Gogounou in northern Benin. It is a common high production and farm acreage experiencing exponential expansions grown with the introduction of agricultural machinery in the third level of agricultural mechanization offered by the promotion of agricultural mechanization program. The IDEA method (Agricultural Holdings Sustainability Indicators) Villain (2008), was used to assess this dimension of sustainability. Scores durabilities by indicator and by component, determined with the terms proposed by the method reveal good agro-ecological sustainability (with a score of 74.3 / 100) holdings in their current state. Components "domestic diversity" and "farming practices" contribute greatly to this level of durability while the component "space organization" is a limiting factor. In addition, poor management of cumulative organic matter to the ease of access to chemical inputs (fertilizers and pesticides) contributed negatively to agro-ecological sustainability scores. Limit access to chemical inputs and thus facilitate access to compatible inputs for sustainable agriculture would, among other actions levers to consider. The evaluation of the agro-ecological sustainability of these farms highlights the features and favorable and unfavorable farming practices that we should, on the one hand and maximize discourage other, to avoid extreme situations in preserving biodiversity and globally sustainable agriculture.Keywords: sustainability indicators, culture system, mechanization, Gogounou, Beni

    Combining indoor residual spraying with chlorfenapyr and long-lasting insecticidal bed nets for improved control of pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae: an experimental hut trial in Benin.

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    BACKGROUND: Neither indoor residual spraying (IRS) nor long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are able to fully interrupt transmission in holoendemic Africa as single interventions. The combining of IRS and LLINs presents an opportunity for improved control and management of pyrethroid resistance through the simultaneous presentation of unrelated insecticides. METHOD: Chlorfenapyr IRS and a pyrethroid-impregnated polyester LLIN (WHO approved) were tested separately and together in experimental huts in southern Benin against pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus. The bed nets were deliberately holed with either six or 80 holes to examine the effect of increasing wear and tear on protectiveness. Anopheles gambiae were genotyped for the kdr gene to assess the combination's potential to prevent the selection of pyrethroid resistance. RESULTS: The frequency of kdr was 84%. The overall mortality rates of An. gambiae were 37% and 49% with the six-hole and 80-hole LLINs, respectively, and reached 57% with chlorfenapyr IRS. Overall mortality rates were significantly higher with the combination treatments (82-83%) than with the LLIN or IRS individual treatments. Blood feeding (mosquito biting) rates were lowest with the 6-hole LLIN (12%), intermediate with the 80-hole LLIN (32%) and highest with untreated nets (56% with the 6-hole and 54% with the 80-hole nets). Blood feeding (biting) rates and repellency of mosquitoes with the combination of LLIN and chlorfenapyr IRS showed significant improvement compared to the IRS treatment but did not differ from the LLIN treatments indicating that the LLINs were the primary agents of personal protection. The combination killed significantly higher proportions of Cx. quinquefasciatus (51%, 41%) than the LLIN (15%, 13%) or IRS (32%) treatments. CONCLUSION: The chlorfenapyr IRS component was largely responsible for controlling pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes and the LLIN component was largely responsible for blood feeding inhibition and personal protection. Together, the combination shows potential to provide additional levels of transmission control and personal protection against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes, thereby justifying the additional resources required. Chlorfenapyr has potential to manage pyrethroid resistance in the context of an expanding LLIN/IRS strategy

    Chemical composition and insecticidal activity of plant essential oils from Benin against Anopheles gambiae (Giles)

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    BACKGROUND: Insecticide resistance in sub-Saharan Africa and especially in Benin is a major public health issue hindering the control of the malaria vectors. Each Anopheles species has developed a resistance to one or several classes of the insecticides currently in use in the field. Therefore, it is urgent to find alternative compounds to conquer the vector. In this study, the efficacies of essential oils of nine plant species, which are traditionally used to avoid mosquito bites in Benin, were investigated. METHODS: Essential oils of nine plant species were extracted by hydrodistillation, and their chemical compositions were identified by GC-MS. These oils were tested on susceptible “kisumu” and resistant “ladji-Cotonou” strains of Anopheles gambiae, following WHO test procedures for insecticide resistance monitoring in malaria vector mosquitoes. RESULTS: Different chemical compositions were obtained from the essential oils of the plant species. The major constituents identified were as follows: neral and geranial for Cymbopogon citratus, Z-carveol, E-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol and E-p-mentha-2,8-dienol for Cymbopogon giganteus, piperitone for Cymbopogon schoenanthus, citronellal and citronellol for Eucalyptus citriodora, p-cymene, caryophyllene oxide and spathulenol for Eucalyptus tereticornis, 3-tetradecanone for Cochlospermum tinctorium and Cochlospermum planchonii, methyl salicylate for Securidaca longepedunculata and ascaridole for Chenopodium ambrosioides. The diagnostic dose was 0.77% for C. citratus, 2.80% for E. tereticornis, 3.37% for E. citriodora, 4.26% for C. ambrosioides, 5.48% for C. schoenanthus and 7.36% for C. giganteus. The highest diagnostic doses were obtained with S. longepedunculata (9.84%), C. tinctorium (11.56%) and C. planchonii (15.22%), compared to permethrin 0.75%. A. gambiae cotonou, which is resistant to pyrethroids, showed significant tolerance to essential oils from C. tinctorium and S. longepedunculata as expected but was highly susceptible to all the other essential oils at the diagnostic dose. CONCLUSIONS: C. citratus, E. tereticornis, E. citriodora, C. ambrosioides and C. schoenanthus are potential promising plant sources for alternative compounds to pyrethroids, for the control of the Anopheles malaria vector in Benin. The efficacy of their essential oils is possibly based on their chemical compositions in which major and/or minor compounds have reported insecticidal activities on various pests and disease vectors such as Anopheles

    Study of the seroprevalence, associated risk factors and the haematological values of infected Chlamydia abortus small ruminants in Benin Republic

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    Chlamydia abortus is one of the causative agents. The aim of this study was to determine for the first time the serological prevalence and hematological parameters in small ruminants positive for Chlamydia abortus in Benin, mainly in the department of OuĂ©mĂ©. It covered five sites, namely Akpro-MissĂ©rĂ©tĂ©, Avrankou, Adjarra, SĂšmĂš-Kpodji and Dangbo in the OuĂ©mĂ© department. A total of 385 sera (200 sheep and 185 goats) from subjects showing signs of reproductive loss were tested using the indirect Elisa method. Of the 385 sera tested, 30 (7,79%) were positive for Chlamydia abortus. Similarly, the blood of animals tested positive was analyzed for hematological parameters using Sysmex XN-Series automated blood analyzer. Different variations with significant differences in some hematological parameters of the red line and those of the white line, depending on the study sites, species, age and physiological stage of the animals (hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume for the red line at the sites, lymphocytes and basophils for the white line at the sites; hemoglobin for the red lineage and lymphocytes for the white lineage at species level; lymphocytes at age level; lymphocytes, monocytes and basophils for the white lineage at physiological stage level) were observed in animals suffering from C. abortus.En la RepĂșblica de BenĂ­n, el aborto es uno de los problemas reproductivos de las explotaciones de pequeños rumiantes, y Chlamydia abortus es uno de los agentes causales. El objetivo de este estudio era determinar por primera vez la prevalencia serolĂłgica y los parĂĄmetros hematolĂłgicos en pequeños rumiantes positivos a Chlamydia abortus en BenĂ­n, principalmente en el departamento de OuĂ©mĂ©. AbarcĂł cinco emplazamientos, a saber, Akpro-MissĂ©rĂ©tĂ©, Avrankou, Adjarra, SĂšmĂš-Kpodji y Dangbo, en el departamento de OuĂ©mĂ©. Se analizaron 385 sueros (200 ovejas y 185 cabras) de sujetos que presentaban signos de pĂ©rdida reproductiva mediante el mĂ©todo Elisa indirecto. De los 385 sueros analizados, 30 (7,79%) resultaron positivos para Chlamydia abortus. Del mismo modo, se analizĂł la sangre de los animales con resultados positivos para determinar los parĂĄmetros hematolĂłgicos utilizando el analizador de sangre automatizado Sysmex XN-Series. Se observaron variaciones con diferencias significativas en algunos parĂĄmetros hematolĂłgicos de la lĂ­nea roja y los de la lĂ­nea blanca, en funciĂłn de los lugares de estudio, la especie, la edad y el estadio fisiolĂłgico de los animales (hemoglobina, volumen corpuscular medio para la lĂ­nea roja en los lugares, linfocitos y basĂłfilos para la lĂ­nea blanca en los lugares; hemoglobina para la lĂ­nea roja y linfocitos para la lĂ­nea blanca a nivel de especie; linfocitos a nivel de edad; linfocitos, monocitos y basĂłfilos para la lĂ­nea blanca a nivel de estadio fisiolĂłgico) se observaron en los animales afectados por C. abortus

    Performance environnementale et economique dans la production de la grande morelle (Solanum macrocarpon) au Sud du Benin : Une evaluation des efficacites technique, allocative, economique

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’analyser les efficacitĂ©s technique, allocative et Ă©conomique dans la production de la grande morelle. Pour cela, une  Ă©tude descriptive et analytique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un Ă©chantillon de 126 maraĂźchers des sites de production de HouĂ©yiho, de SĂšmĂš-Kpodji et de  Ouidah au sud du BĂ©nin. Les efficacitĂ©s technique et Ă©conomique ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©es respectivement Ă  l’aide des modĂšles frontiĂšres stochastiques translogarithmique et fonction de coĂ»t dual avec la spĂ©cification Cobb-Douglas. Le modĂšle de rĂ©gression tobit a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© afin d’identifier les facteurs dĂ©terminants les efficacitĂ©s des producteurs. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que les facteurs main-d’oeuvre et engrais chimique sont sur-utilisĂ©s, ce qui entraĂźne des inefficacitĂ©s dans la production. Les efficacitĂ©s technique, allocative et Ă©conomique sont respectivement en moyenne de 0,689 ; 0,882 et de 0,607. L’ñge du producteur, la superficie emblavĂ©e, la contribution de la grande morelle dans le revenu, le niveau d’instruction et la formation technique sont les principaux dĂ©terminants des efficacitĂ©s technique, allocative et Ă©conomique des producteurs de la grande morelle. Sur la base des rĂ©sultats obtenus, il importe d’amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© des producteurs et augmenter ainsi leur profit par la recherche de moyens de lutte efficace et le renforcement de l’encadrement technique des producteurs. Mots clĂ©s : efficacitĂ©s, frontiĂšres stochastiques, fonctions translog, fonction Cobb-Douglas, Solanum macrocarpon. English title: Environmental and economic performance in the production of the great nightshade (<i>Solanum Macrocarpon</i>) in southern Benin: An assessment of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies The objective of this study is to analyse the technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in the production of Solanum macrocarpon in Southern-Benin. For this purpose, a descriptive and analytical study was conducted among 126 Solanum macrocarpon growers in Cotonou, SĂšmĂš-kpodji and Ouidah. The technical and economic efficiencies were estimated respectively using translogarithmic stochastic frontier models and dual cost function with the Cobb-Douglas specification. The Tobit regression model was used to identify the determinants of producers efficiencies. The results show that labor and chemical fertilizers are overused, leading to inefficiencies in production. The averages of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies are 0.689; 0.882 and 0.607 respectively. The age of the producer, the surface grown, the contribution of solanum in the income, the educational level and the training in farming are the principal determinants of the technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of the solanum’s producers. On the basis of result obtained, it is important to improve the efficiency of the producers and thus to increase their profit by the search for effective means of pest control and the reinforcement of producer’s technical framing. Key words: efficiency, stochastic frontier analysis, translog function, Cobb-Douglas function, Solanum macrocarpon

    Loss of protection with insecticide-treated nets against pyrethroid-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes once nets become holed: an experimental hut study

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An important advantage of pyrethroid-treated nets over untreated nets is that once nets become worn or holed a pyrethroid treatment will normally restore protection. The capacity of pyrethroids to kill or irritate any mosquito that comes into contact with the net and prevent penetration of holes or feeding through the sides are the main reasons why treated nets continue to provide protection despite their condition deteriorating over time. Pyrethroid resistance is a growing problem among Anopheline and Culicine mosquitoes in many parts of Africa. When mosquitoes become resistant the capacity of treated nets to provide protection might be diminished, particularly when holed. An experimental hut trial against pyrethroid-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus was therefore undertaken in southern Benin using a series of intact and holed nets, both untreated and treated, to assess any loss of protection as nets deteriorate with use and time. RESULTS: There was loss of protection when untreated nets became holed; the proportion of mosquitoes blood feeding increased from 36.2% when nets were intact to between 59.7% and 68.5% when nets were holed to differing extents. The proportion of mosquitoes blood feeding when treated nets were intact was 29.4% which increased to 43.6-57.4% when nets were holed. The greater the number of holes the greater the loss of protection regardless of whether nets were untreated or treated. Mosquito mortality in huts with untreated nets was 12.9-13.6%; treatment induced mortality was less than 12%. The exiting rate of mosquitoes into the verandas was higher in huts with intact nets. CONCLUSION: As nets deteriorate with use and become increasingly holed the capacity of pyrethroid treatments to restore protection is greatly diminished against resistant Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes


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    Use of the HEC RAS model for the analysis of exceptional floods in the Ouémé basin

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    The OuĂ©mĂ© River basin extends over almost half of Benin's territory, entirely located in a humid tropical climate. This river system includes a deltaic zone (delta of the OuĂ©mĂ©) known for its high agricultural potential and thus subject to a socio-economic development agenda. The OuĂ©mĂ© delta is facing recurrent floods that maintain rural agricultural population into a retrograding crisis with significant damages such as losses of properties. The objective of this study is to improve decision-making in the OuĂ©mĂ© basin through the simulation of exceptional floods using the HEC-RAS model. The HEC RAS model is a conceptual model, which works through mathematical and physical formulas to implement environmental phenomena for forecasting, understanding and analysis purposes. The model inputs used are basin GIS data, hydro-meteorological data, characteristics of existing hydraulic structures, etc. The targeted outputs include 1D/2D/3D view plans with support of satellite images, tables, graphs and curves. It is worth mentioning that the model provides outputs compatible with other tools, such as civil engineering (Civil 3D, Revit, Infraworks, etc.) and GIS, that help to expand the valorization fields. The implementation of the model in the OuĂ©mĂ© basin has made it possible to note: (i) that the recurring effect of losses and damages is justified by the settlement of the population on the river banks; (ii) that there is an important agricultural production in areas of high flood risk; (iii) that depending on the occurrence of the phenomenon, the flooded extent and the height of submersion remains variable, and more important for extreme flooding; (iv) about 12.07 % occurrence of river flood against 13.24 % for flash flood at a return period of 30 years. Moreover, it is very relevant to note that most of flood waters converge to the western part of the basin (an area with a low risk of flooding, stretched over 63.68 km2) and to the eastern part around the DamĂš-Wogon depression (an area at high risk of flooding, stretched over 10.49 km2).</p

    Cotton pest management practices and the selection of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae population in Northern Benin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyrethroid insecticides, carbamate and organophosphate are the classes of insecticides commonly used in agriculture for crop protection in Benin. Pyrethroids remain the only class of insecticides recommended by the WHO for impregnation of bed nets. Unfortunately, the high level of pyrethroid resistance in <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.l., threatens to undermine the success of pyrethroid treated nets. This study focuses on the investigation of agricultural practices in cotton growing areas, and their direct impact on larval populations of <it>An. gambiae </it>in surrounding breeding sites.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The protocol was based on the collection of agro-sociological data where farmers were subjected to semi-structured questionnaires based on the strategies used for crop protection. This was complemented by bioassay tests to assess the susceptibility of malaria vectors to various insecticides. Molecular analysis was performed to characterize the resistance genes and the molecular forms of <it>An. gambiae</it>. Insecticide residues in soil samples from breeding sites were investigated to determine major factors that can inhibit the normal growth of mosquito larvae by exposing susceptible and resistant laboratory strains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There is a common use by local farmers of mineral fertilizer NPK at 200 kg/ha and urea at 50 kg/hectare following insecticide treatments in both the Calendar Control Program (CCP) and the Targeted Intermittent Control Program (TICP). By contrast, no chemicals are involved in Biological Program (BP) where farmers use organic and natural fertilizers which include animal excreta.</p> <p>Susceptibility test results confirmed a high resistance to DDT. Mean mortality of <it>An. gambiae </it>collected from the farms practicing CCP, TICP and BP methods were 33%, 42% and 65% respectively. <it>An. gambiae </it>populations from areas using the CCP and TICP programs showed resistance to permethrin with mortality of 50% and 58% respectively. By contrast, bioassay test results of <it>An. gambiae </it>from BP areas gave a high level of susceptibility to permethrin with an average mortality of 94%.</p> <p>Molecular analysis identified <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s, and <it>An. arabiensis </it>with a high predominance of <it>An. gambiae s.s </it>(90%). The two molecular forms, M and S, were also determined with a high frequency of the S form (96%).</p> <p>The <it>Kdr </it>gene seemed the main target- site resistance mechanism detected in CCP, TICP, and BP areas at the rates ranging from 32 to 78%. The frequency of <it>ace-1R </it>gene was very low (< 0.1).</p> <p>The presence of inhibiting factors in soil samples under insecticide treatments were found and affected negatively in delaying the development of <it>An. gambiae </it>larval populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This research shows that <it>Kdr </it>has spread widely in <it>An. gambiae</it>, mainly in CCP and TICP areas where pyrethroids are extensively used. To reduce the negative impact of pesticides use in cotton crop protection, the application of BP-like programs, which do not appear to select for vector resistance would be useful. These results could serve as scientific evidence of the spread of resistance due to a massive agricultural use of insecticides and contribute to the management of pesticides usage on cotton crops hence reducing the selection pressure of insecticides on <it>An. gambiae </it>populations.</p
