1,125 research outputs found

    Analysis of Computer Science Communities Based on DBLP

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    It is popular nowadays to bring techniques from bibliometrics and scientometrics into the world of digital libraries to analyze the collaboration patterns and explore mechanisms which underlie community development. In this paper we use the DBLP data to investigate the author's scientific career and provide an in-depth exploration of some of the computer science communities. We compare them in terms of productivity, population stability and collaboration trends.Besides we use these features to compare the sets of topranked conferences with their lower ranked counterparts.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Feature LDA: a supervised topic model for automatic detection of Web API documentations from the Web

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    Web APIs have gained increasing popularity in recent Web service technology development owing to its simplicity of technology stack and the proliferation of mashups. However, efficiently discovering Web APIs and the relevant documentations on the Web is still a challenging task even with the best resources available on the Web. In this paper we cast the problem of detecting the Web API documentations as a text classification problem of classifying a given Web page as Web API associated or not. We propose a supervised generative topic model called feature latent Dirichlet allocation (feaLDA) which offers a generic probabilistic framework for automatic detection of Web APIs. feaLDA not only captures the correspondence between data and the associated class labels, but also provides a mechanism for incorporating side information such as labelled features automatically learned from data that can effectively help improving classification performance. Extensive experiments on our Web APIs documentation dataset shows that the feaLDA model outperforms three strong supervised baselines including naive Bayes, support vector machines, and the maximum entropy model, by over 3% in classification accuracy. In addition, feaLDA also gives superior performance when compared against other existing supervised topic models

    Object Matching in Distributed Video Surveillance Systems by LDA-Based Appearance Descriptors

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    Establishing correspondences among object instances is still challenging in multi-camera surveillance systems, especially when the cameras’ fields of view are non-overlapping. Spatiotemporal constraints can help in solving the correspondence problem but still leave a wide margin of uncertainty. One way to reduce this uncertainty is to use appearance information about the moving objects in the site. In this paper we present the preliminary results of a new method that can capture salient appearance characteristics at each camera node in the network. A Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model is created and maintained at each node in the camera network. Each object is encoded in terms of the LDA bag-of-words model for appearance. The encoded appearance is then used to establish probable matching across cameras. Preliminary experiments are conducted on a dataset of 20 individuals and comparison against Madden’s I-MCHR is reported

    Amortized Variational Inference: When and Why?

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    Amortized variational inference (A-VI) is a method for approximating the intractable posterior distributions that arise in probabilistic models. The defining feature of A-VI is that it learns a global inference function that maps each observation to its local latent variable's approximate posterior. This stands in contrast to the more classical factorized (or mean-field) variational inference (F-VI), which directly learns the parameters of the approximating distribution for each latent variable. In deep generative models, A-VI is used as a computational trick to speed up inference for local latent variables. In this paper, we study A-VI as a general alternative to F-VI for approximate posterior inference. A-VI cannot produce an approximation with a lower Kullback-Leibler divergence than F-VI's optimal solution, because the amortized family is a subset of the factorized family. Thus a central theoretical problem is to characterize when A-VI still attains F-VI's optimal solution. We derive conditions on both the model and the inference function under which A-VI can theoretically achieve F-VI's optimum. We show that for a broad class of hierarchical models, including deep generative models, it is possible to close the gap between A-VI and F-VI. Further, for an even broader class of models, we establish when and how to expand the domain of the inference function to make amortization a feasible strategy. Finally, we prove that for certain models -- including hidden Markov models and Gaussian processes -- A-VI cannot match F-VI's solution, no matter how expressive the inference function is. We also study A-VI empirically. On several examples, we corroborate our theoretical results and investigate the performance of A-VI when varying the complexity of the inference function. When the gap between A-VI and F-VI can be closed, we find that the required complexity of the function need not scale with the number of observations, and that A-VI often converges faster than F-VI

    BDGS: A Scalable Big Data Generator Suite in Big Data Benchmarking

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    Data generation is a key issue in big data benchmarking that aims to generate application-specific data sets to meet the 4V requirements of big data. Specifically, big data generators need to generate scalable data (Volume) of different types (Variety) under controllable generation rates (Velocity) while keeping the important characteristics of raw data (Veracity). This gives rise to various new challenges about how we design generators efficiently and successfully. To date, most existing techniques can only generate limited types of data and support specific big data systems such as Hadoop. Hence we develop a tool, called Big Data Generator Suite (BDGS), to efficiently generate scalable big data while employing data models derived from real data to preserve data veracity. The effectiveness of BDGS is demonstrated by developing six data generators covering three representative data types (structured, semi-structured and unstructured) and three data sources (text, graph, and table data)

    Generalized Species Sampling Priors with Latent Beta reinforcements

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    Many popular Bayesian nonparametric priors can be characterized in terms of exchangeable species sampling sequences. However, in some applications, exchangeability may not be appropriate. We introduce a {novel and probabilistically coherent family of non-exchangeable species sampling sequences characterized by a tractable predictive probability function with weights driven by a sequence of independent Beta random variables. We compare their theoretical clustering properties with those of the Dirichlet Process and the two parameters Poisson-Dirichlet process. The proposed construction provides a complete characterization of the joint process, differently from existing work. We then propose the use of such process as prior distribution in a hierarchical Bayes modeling framework, and we describe a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler for posterior inference. We evaluate the performance of the prior and the robustness of the resulting inference in a simulation study, providing a comparison with popular Dirichlet Processes mixtures and Hidden Markov Models. Finally, we develop an application to the detection of chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer by leveraging array CGH data.Comment: For correspondence purposes, Edoardo M. Airoldi's email is [email protected]; Federico Bassetti's email is [email protected]; Michele Guindani's email is [email protected] ; Fabrizo Leisen's email is [email protected]. To appear in the Journal of the American Statistical Associatio

    Hierarchical Re-estimation of Topic Models for Measuring Topical Diversity

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    A high degree of topical diversity is often considered to be an important characteristic of interesting text documents. A recent proposal for measuring topical diversity identifies three elements for assessing diversity: words, topics, and documents as collections of words. Topic models play a central role in this approach. Using standard topic models for measuring diversity of documents is suboptimal due to generality and impurity. General topics only include common information from a background corpus and are assigned to most of the documents in the collection. Impure topics contain words that are not related to the topic; impurity lowers the interpretability of topic models and impure topics are likely to get assigned to documents erroneously. We propose a hierarchical re-estimation approach for topic models to combat generality and impurity; the proposed approach operates at three levels: words, topics, and documents. Our re-estimation approach for measuring documents' topical diversity outperforms the state of the art on PubMed dataset which is commonly used for diversity experiments.Comment: Proceedings of the 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR2017

    Using Conversation Topics for Predicting Therapy Outcomes in Schizophrenia

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    Previous research shows that aspects of doctor-patient communication in therapy can predict patient symptoms, satisfaction and future adherence to treatment (a significant problem with conditions such as schizophrenia). However, automatic prediction has so far shown success only when based on low-level lexical features, and it is unclear how well these can generalize to new data, or whether their effectiveness is due to their capturing aspects of style, structure or content. Here, we examine the use of topic as a higher-level measure of content, more likely to generalize and to have more explanatory power. Investigations show that while topics predict some important factors such as patient satisfaction and ratings of therapy quality, they lack the full predictive power of lower-level features. For some factors, unsupervised methods produce models comparable to manual annotation

    A cross-center smoothness prior for variational Bayesian brain tissue segmentation

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    Suppose one is faced with the challenge of tissue segmentation in MR images, without annotators at their center to provide labeled training data. One option is to go to another medical center for a trained classifier. Sadly, tissue classifiers do not generalize well across centers due to voxel intensity shifts caused by center-specific acquisition protocols. However, certain aspects of segmentations, such as spatial smoothness, remain relatively consistent and can be learned separately. Here we present a smoothness prior that is fit to segmentations produced at another medical center. This informative prior is presented to an unsupervised Bayesian model. The model clusters the voxel intensities, such that it produces segmentations that are similarly smooth to those of the other medical center. In addition, the unsupervised Bayesian model is extended to a semi-supervised variant, which needs no visual interpretation of clusters into tissues.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted to the International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (2019
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