196 research outputs found

    Testing different decoupling coefficients with measurements and models of contrasting canopies and soil water conditions

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    Four different approaches for the calculation of the well established decoupling coefficient Ω are compared using measurements at three experimental sites (Tharandt – spruce forest, Grillenburg and Melpitz – grass) and simulations from the soil-vegetation boundary layer model HIRVAC. These investigations aimed to quantify differences between the calculation routines regarding their ability to describe the vegetation-atmosphere coupling of grass and forest with and without water stress. <br><br> The model HIRVAC used is a vertically highly resolved atmospheric boundary layer model, which includes vegetation. It is coupled with a single-leaf gas exchange model to simulate physiologically based reactions of different vegetation types to changing atmospheric conditions. A multilayer soil water module and a functional parameterisation are the base in order to link the stomata reaction of the gas exchange model to the change of soil water. <br><br> The omega factor was calculated for the basic formulation according to McNaughton and Jarvis (1983) and three modifications. To compare measurements and simulations for the above mentioned spruce and grass sites, the summer period 2007 as well as a dry period in June 2000 were used. Additionally a developing water stress situation for three forest canopies (spruce, pine and beech) and for a grass site was simulated. The results showed large differences between the different omega approaches which depend on the vegetation type and the soil moisture. <br><br> Between the omega values, which were calculated by the used approach, the ranking was always the same not only for the measurements but also for the adapted simulations. The lowest values came from the first modification including doubling factors and summands in all parts of omega equation in relation to the original approach. And the highest values were calculated with the second modification missing one doubling factor in the denominator of the omega equation. <br><br> For example, the averages of omega ranged in the summer period 2007 from 0.11 to 0.19 for the spruce site and moderate soil wetness and from 0.42 to 0.58 for the grass site and higher soil wetness. In the case of the simulated drying out of four different canopies the forest stands showed a similar change of omega from about 0.65 (moderate soil wetness) to 0.1 (low soil wetness). The absolute change of omega for the grass canopy was smaller than for the forest canopies (on average from 0.95 to 0.7). But the differences between the used omega approaches increased. <br><br> Especially the results from the longer period in summer 2007 demonstrate that the various modifications of the decoupling coefficient lead to a change in the long-term quantity of omega. This has, for example, consequences for the description of the coupling of heterogeneous landscapes

    The influence of advection on the short term CO2 budget in and above a forest canopy

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    An experimental micrometeorological set-up was established at the CARBOEU-RO-FLUX site in Tharandt, Germany, to measure all relevant variables for the calculation ofthe vertical and horizontal advective fluxes of carbon dioxide. The set-up includes two aux-iliary towers to measure horizontal and vertical CO 2 and H 2 O gradients through the canopy,and to make ultrasonic wind measurements in the trunk space. In combination with the long-term flux tower an approximately even-sided prism with a typical side-length of 50 m wasestablished. It is shown that under stable (nighttime) conditions the mean advective fluxeshave magnitudes on the same order as the daily eddy covariance (EC) flux, which implies thatthey play a significant, but not yet fully understood, role in the carbon budget equation. Thetwo advective fluxes are opposite and seem to cancel each other at night (at least for thesemeasurements). During the day, vertical advection tends to zero, while horizontal advection isstill present implying a flow of CO 2 out of the control volume. From our measurements, amean daily gain of 2.2 gC m-2 d-1for the horizontal advection and a mean daily loss of2.5 gC m-2 d-1 for the vertical advection is calculated for a period of 20 days. However thelarge scatter of the advective fluxes has to be further investigated. It is not clear yet whether thelarge variability is natural or due to measurement errors and conceptual deficiencies of theexperiment. Similar results are found in the few comparable studies

    The Influence of Advection on the Short Term CO 2 -Budget in and Above a Forest Canopy

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    An experimental micrometeorological set-up was established at the CARBOEURO-FLUX site in Tharandt, Germany, to measure all relevant variables for the calculation of the vertical and horizontal advective fluxes of carbon dioxide. The set-up includes two auxiliary towers to measure horizontal and vertical CO2 and H2O gradients through the canopy, and to make ultrasonic wind measurements in the trunk space. In combination with the long-term flux tower an approximately even-sided prism with a typical side-length of 50 m was established. It is shown that under stable (nighttime) conditions the mean advective fluxes have magnitudes on the same order as the daily eddy covariance (EC) flux, which implies that they play a significant, but not yet fully understood, role in the carbon budget equation. The two advective fluxes are opposite and seem to cancel each other at night (at least for these measurements). During the day, vertical advection tends to zero, while horizontal advection is still present implying a flow of CO2 out of the control volume. From our measurements, a mean daily gain of 2.2 gC m−2 d−1 for the horizontal advection and a mean daily loss of 2.5 gC m−2d−1 for the vertical advection is calculated for a period of 20 days. However the large scatter of the advective fluxes has to be further investigated. It is not clear yet whether the large variability is natural or due to measurement errors and conceptual deficiencies of the experiment. Similar results are found in the few comparable studie

    An approach to combine radar and gauge based rainfall data under consideration of their qualities in low mountain ranges of Saxony

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    An approach to combine gauge and radar data and additional quality information is presented. The development was focused on the improvement of the diagnostic for temporal (one hour) and spatial (1×1 km<sup>2</sup>) highly resolved precipitation data. The method is embedded in an online tool and was applied to the target area Saxony, Germany. The aim of the tool is to provide accurate spatial rainfall estimates. The results can be used for rainfall run-off modelling, e.g. in a flood management system. <br><br> Quality information allows a better assessment of the input data and the resulting precipitation field. They are stored in corresponding fields and represent the static and dynamic uncertainties of radar and gauge data. Objective combination of various precipitation and quality fields is realised using a cost function. <br><br> The findings of cross validation reveal that the proposed combination method merged the benefits and disadvantages of interpolated gauge and radar data and leads to mean estimates. The sampling point validation implies that the presented method slightly overestimated the areal rain as well as the high rain intensities in case of convective and advective events, while the results of pure interpolation method performed better. In general, the use of presented cost function avoids false rainfall amount in areas of low input data quality and improves the reliability in areas of high data quality. It is obvious that the combined product includes the small-scale variability of radar, which is seen as the important benefit of the presented combination approach. Local improvements of the final rain field are possible due to consideration of gauges that were not used for radar calibration, e.g. in topographic distinct regions

    Use of past precipitation data for regionalisation of hourly rainfall in the low mountain ranges of saxony, germany

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    Within the context of flood forecasting we deal with the improvement of regionalisation methods for the generation of highly resolved (1 h, 1x1km(2)) precipitation fields, which can be used as input for rainfall-runoff models or for verification of weather forecasts. Although radar observations of precipitation are available in many regions, it might be necessary to apply regionalisation methods near real-time for the cases that radar is not available or observations are of low quality. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether past precipitation information can be used to improve regionalisation of rainfall. Within a case study we determined typical precipitation Background-Fields (BGF) for the mountainous and hilly regions of Saxony using hourly and daily rain gauge data. Additionally, calibrated radar data served as past information for the BGF generation. For regionalisation of precipitation we used de-trended kriging and compared the results with another kriging based regionalisation method and with Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW). The performance of the methods was assessed by applying cross-validation, by inspection and by evaluation with rainfall-runoff simulations. The regionalisation of rainfall yielded better results in case of advective events than in case of convective events. The performance of the applied regionalisation methods showed no significant disagreement for different precipitation types. Cross-validation results were rather similar in most cases. Subjectively judged, the BGF-method reproduced best the structures of rain cells. Precipitation input derived from radar or kriging resulted in a better matching between observed and simulated flood hydrographs. Simple techniques like IDW also deliver satisfying results in some occasions. Implementation of past radar data into the BGF-method rendered no improvement, because of data shortages. Thus, no method proved to outperform the others generally. The decision, which method is appropriate for an event, should be made objectively using cross-validation, but also subjectively, using the expert knowledge of the forecaster.BMBF/0330700

    Separating the effects of changes in land cover and climate: a hydro-meteorological analysis of the past 60 yr in Saxony, Germany

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    Understanding and quantifying the impact of changes in climate and land use/land cover on water availability is a prerequisite to adapt water management; yet, it can be difficult to separate the effects of these different impacts. In this paper we illustrate a separation and attribution method based on a Budyko framework. We assume that evapotranspiration (<i>E</i><sub>T</sub>) is limited by the climatic forcing of precipitation (<i>P</i>) and evaporative demand (<i>E</i><sub>0</sub>), but modified by land-surface properties. Impacts of changes in climate (i.e., <i>E</i><sub>0</sub>/<i>P</i>) or land-surface changes on <i>E</i><sub>T</sub> alter the two dimensionless measures describing relative water (<i>E</i><sub>T</sub>/<i>P</i>) and energy partitioning (<i>E</i><sub>T</sub>/<i>E</i><sub>0</sub>), which allows us to separate and quantify these impacts. We use the separation method to quantify the role of environmental factors on <i>E</i><sub>T</sub> using 68 small to medium range river basins covering the greatest part of the German Federal State of Saxony within the period of 1950–2009. The region can be considered as a typical central European landscape with considerable anthropogenic impacts. In the long term, most basins are found to follow the Budyko curve which we interpret as a result of the strong interactions of climate, soils and vegetation. However, two groups of basins deviate. Agriculturally dominated basins at lower altitudes exceed the Budyko curve while a set of high altitude, forested basins fall well below. When visualizing the decadal dynamics on the relative partitioning of water and energy the impacts of climatic and land-surface changes become apparent. After 1960 higher forested basins experienced large land-surface changes which show that the air pollution driven tree damages have led to a decline of annual <i>E</i><sub>T</sub> on the order of 38%. In contrast, lower, agricultural dominated areas show no significant changes during that time. However, since the 1990s effective mitigation measures on industrial pollution have been established and the apparent brightening and regrowth has resulted in a significant increase of <i>E</i><sub>T</sub> across most basins. In conclusion, data on both, the water and the energy balance is necessary to understand how long-term climate and land cover control evapotranspiration and thus water availability. Further, the detected land-surface change impacts are consistent in space and time with independent forest damage data and thus confirm the validity of the separation approach

    Large-Eddy Simulation Study of the Effects on Flow of a Heterogeneous Forest at Sub-tree Resolution

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    Abstract The effect of three-dimensional plant heterogeneity on flow past a clearing is investigated by means of large-eddy simulation. A detailed representation of the canopy has been acquired by terrestrial laser scanning for a patch of approximately 328m length and 172m width at the field site “TharandterWald”, near the city of Dresden, Germany. The scanning data are used to produce a highly resolved, three-dimensional plant area distribution representing the actual canopy. Hence, the vegetation maintains a rich horizontal and vertical structure including the three-dimensional clearing. The scanned plant area density is embedded in a larger domain, which is filled with a heterogeneous forest generated by the virtual canopy generator of Bohrer et al. (Tellus B 59:566–576, 2007). Based on forest inventory maps and airborne laser scanning, the characteristics of the actual canopy are preserved. Furthermore, the topography is extracted from a digital terrain model with some modifications to accommodate for periodic boundary conditions. A large-eddy simulation is performed for neutral atmospheric conditions and compared to simulations of a two-dimensional plant area density and an one-year-long field experiment conducted at the corresponding field site. The results reveal a considerable influence of the plant heterogeneity on the mean velocity field as well as on the turbulent quantities. The three-dimensional environment, e.g., the oblique edges combined with horizontal and vertical variations in plant area density and the topography create a sustained vertical and cross-flow velocity. Downstream of the windward forest edge an enhanced gust zone develops, whose intensity and relative position are influenced by the local canopy density and, therefore, is not constant along the edge. These results lead us to the conclusion that the usage of a three-dimensional plant area distribution is essential for capturing the flow features inside the canopy and within the mixing layer above

    Large-Eddy Simulation of inhomogeneous canopy flows using high resolution terrestrial laser scanning data

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    The effect of sub-tree forest heterogeneity in the flow past a clearing is investigated by means of large-eddy simulation (LES). For this purpose, a detailed representation of the canopy has been acquired by terrestrial laser scanning for a patch of approximately 190m length in the field site “Tharandter Wald”, near the city of Dresden, Germany. The scanning data are used to produce a high resolution plant area distribution (PAD) that is averaged over approximately one tree height (30m) along the transverse direction, in order to simplify the LES study. Despite the smoothing involved with this procedure, the resulting two-dimensional PAD maintains a rich vertical and horizontal structure. For the LES study, the PAD is embedded in a larger domain covered with an idealized, horizontally homogeneous canopy. Simulations are performed for neutral conditions and compared to a LES with homogeneous PAD and recent field measurements. The results reveal a considerable influence of small-scale plant distribution on the mean velocity field as well as on turbulence data. Particularly near the edges of the clearing, where canopy structure is highly variable, usage of a realistic PAD appears to be crucial for capturing the local flow structure. Inside the forest, local variations in plant density induce a complex pattern of upward and downward motions, which remain visible in the mean flow and make it difficult to identify the “adjustment zone” behind the windward edge of the clearing

    Evaluation of evapotranspiration methods for model validation in a semi-arid watershed in northern China

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    International audienceThis study evaluates the performance of four evapotranspiration methods (Priestley-Taylor, Penman-Monteith, Hargreaves and Makkink) of differing complexity in a semi-arid environment in north China. The results are compared to observed water vapour fluxes derived from eddy flux measurements. The analysis became necessary after discharge simulations using an automatically calibrated version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) failed to reproduce runoff measurements. Although the study area receives most of the annual rainfall during the vegetation period, high temperatures can cause water scarcity. We investigate which evapotranspiration method is most suitable for this environment and whether the model performance of SWAT can be improved with the most adequate evapotranspiration method. The evapotranspiration models were tested in two consecutive years with different rainfall amounts. In general, the simple Hargreaves and Makkink equations outmatch the more complex Priestley-Taylor and Penman-Monteith methods, although their performance depended on water availability. Effects on the quality of SWAT runoff simulations, however, remained minor. Although evapotranspiration is an important process in the hydrology of this steppe environment, our analysis indicates that other driving factors still need to be identified to improve SWAT simulations

    Characterizing Ecosystem-Atmosphere Interactions from Short to Interannual Time Scales

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    Characterizing ecosystem-atmosphere interactions in terms of carbon and water exchange on different time scales is considered a major challenge in terrestrial biogeochemical cycle research. The respective time series are now partly comprising an observation 5 period of one decade. In this study, we explored whether the observation period is already sufficient to detect cross relationships of the variables beyond the annual cycle as they are expected from comparable studies in climatology. We explored the potential of Singular System Analysis (SSA) to extract arbitrary kinds of oscillatory patterns. The method is completely data adaptive and performs an 10 effective signal to noise separation. We found that most observations (NEE, GP P , Reco, V P D, LE, H, u, P ) were influenced significantly by low frequency components (interannual variability). Furthermore we extracted a set of nonlinear relationships and found clear annual hysteresis effects except for the NEE-Rg relationship which turned out to be the sole linear relationship 15 in the observation space. SSA provides a new tool to investigate these phenomena explicitly on different time scales. Furthermore, we showed that SSA has great potential for eddy covariance data processing since it can be applied as novel gap fillingapproach relying on the temporal time series structure only.JRC.H.2-Climate chang