870 research outputs found

    Refracting profiles and generalized holodiagrams

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    The recently developed concept of refracting profiles and that of refraction holodiagrams are combined so that the classical Abramson holodiagrams can be generalized taking into account a wider class of wave fronts and refraction at an interface, whenever regions of caustics are avoided. These holodiagrams are obtained as envelopes of specific families of Cartesian Ovals with an appropriate parametrization. Classical and reflecting holodiagrams are particular cases of this class. Several of the properties of the classical holodiagrams are shared by their richer generalized versionsComment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    A New Approach for Guaranteed State Estimation by Zonotopes

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    18th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlMilano (Italy) August 28 - September 2This paper proposes a methodology for guaranteed state estimation of linear discrete-time systems in the presence of bounded disturbances and noises. This aims at computing an outer approximation of the state estimation domain represented by a zonotope. A new criterion is used to reduce the size of the zonotope at each sample time. An illustrative example is analyzed in order to highlight the advantages of the proposed algorithm

    A new approach for Guaranteed ellipsoidal state estimation

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    The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control 2014. Cape Town, SudáfricaThis paper proposes a new ellipsoid-based guaranteed state estimation approach for linear discrete-time systems with bounded perturbations and bounded measurement noise. This approach is based on the minimization of the radius of the ellipsoidal state estimation set. Firstly, the ellipsoidal state estimation is computed by off-line solving a Linear Matrix Inequality optimization problem. Secondly, a new online method is developed in order to improve the accuracy of the estimation but it leads to an increase of the online computation load. A new scaling technique is proposed to reduce the computation time, while keeping a good accuracy of the state estimation. An illustrative example is analyzed in order to show the advantages of the proposed approach

    Comparison between two state estimation techniqueds for linear systems

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    20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Jul 2017, Toulouse, FranceThis paper presents a comparison in terms of accuracy and complexity between two approaches used for state estimation of linear systems: a classic Kalman filter and a guaranteed set-membership state estimation technique. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the advantages of these techniques and to combine them in the future in a new accurate and simple extension that handles system uncertainties and chance constraints. Two academic examples illustrate the main differences between the compared techniques

    A method to construct refracting profiles

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    We propose an original method for determining suitable refracting profiles between two media to solve two related problems: to produce a given wave front from a single point source after refraction at the refracting profile, and to focus a given wave front in a fixed point. These profiles are obtained as envelopes of specific families of Cartesian ovals. We study the singularities of these profiles and give a method to construct them from the data of the associated caustic.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Architecture to Support Automatic Grading Processes in Programming Teaching

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    La calificación automática de tareas de programación es un tema importante dentro del campo de la innovación educativa que se enfoca en mejorar las habilidades de programación de los estudiantes y en optimizar el tiempo que el profesorado dedica a ello. Uno de los principales problemas vigentes está relacionado con la diversidad de criterios para calificar las tareas de programación. El presente trabajo propone e implementa una arquitectura, basada en el concepto de orquestación de servicios, para soportar varios procesos de calificación automática de tareas de programación. Esto es obtenido a través de las características de modularidad, extensibilidad y flexibilidad que la arquitectura provee al proceso de calificación. La arquitectura define como pieza clave un elemento llamado Grading-submodule, el mismo que provee un servicio de evaluación del código fuente considerando un criterio de calificación. La implementación se ha llevado a cabo sobre la herramienta Virtual Programming Lab; y los resultados demuestran la factibilidad de realización, y la utilidad tanto para el profesorado como para los estudiantes. ---------- ABSTRACT---------- Automatic grading of programming assignments is an important topic in academic research. It aims at improving students’ programming skills and optimizing the time of teaching staff. One important gap is related to the diversity of criteria to grade programming assignments. This work proposes and implements an architecture, based on the services orchestration concept, to support many kinds of grading process of programming assignments. It is achieved due architecture’s features including modularity, extensibility, and flexibility. The cornerstone of the architecture is a new software component named Grading-submodule, which provides of an evaluation service for the source code considering a grading criterion. The implementation has been done on Virtual Programming Lab. Results show workability, and uselfulness for teaching staff and students