549 research outputs found

    Ferromagnetism and Lattice Distortions in the Perovskite YTiO3_3

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    The thermodynamic properties of the ferromagnetic perovskite YTiO3_3 are investigated by thermal expansion, magnetostriction, specific heat, and magnetization measurements. The low-temperature spin-wave contribution to the specific heat, as well as an Arrott plot of the magnetization in the vicinity of the Curie temperature TC≃27T_C\simeq27 K, are consistent with a three-dimensional Heisenberg model of ferromagnetism. However, a magnetic contribution to the thermal expansion persists well above TCT_C, which contrasts with typical three-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnets, as shown by a comparison with the corresponding model system EuS. The pressure dependences of TCT_C and of the spontaneous moment MsM_s are extracted using thermodynamic relationships. They indicate that ferromagnetism is strengthened by uniaxial pressures p∥a\mathbf{p}\parallel \mathbf{a} and is weakened by uniaxial pressures p∥b,c\mathbf{p}\parallel \mathbf{b},\mathbf{c} and hydrostatic pressure. Our results show that the distortion along the aa- and bb-axes is further increased by the magnetic transition, confirming that ferromagnetism is favored by a large GdFeO3_3-type distortion. The c-axis results however do not fit into this simple picture, which may be explained by an additional magnetoelastic effect, possibly related to a Jahn-Teller distortion.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Dominance of the planktonic diatom Thalassiosira minima in recent summers in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, Argentina

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    The diatom Thalassiosira minima was first recorded in the Baha Blanca Estuary in 1992. In 19921993 it exhibited a broad seasonal occurrence. A recent survey (20062007) showed a seasonal appearance restricted mainly to summer together with a greater relative abundance within the phytoplankton. A close connection was found with warmer, more saline and highly turbid conditions experienced in recent summers in the estuary. Whether these changes will impact the estuary trophic dynamics remains an open question

    Effect of annealing on the specific heat of optimally doped Ba(Fe0.92_{0.92}Co0.08_{0.08})2_{2}As2_{2}

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    We report the temperature dependence of the low-temperature specific heat down to 400 mK of the electron-doped Ba(Fe0.92_{0.92}Co0.08_{0.08})2_{2}As2_{2} superconductors. We have measured two samples extracted from the same batch: first sample has been measured just after preparation with no additional heat treatment. The sample shows TcT_{c}=20 K, residual specific heat γ0\gamma_{0}=3.6 mJ/mol K2^{2} and a Schottky-like contribution at low temperatures. A second sample has been annealed at 800 oC^{o}C for two weeks and shows TcT_{c} = 25 K and γ0\gamma_{0}=1.4 mJ/mol~K2^{2}. By subtracting the lattice specific heat, from pure BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}, the temperature dependence of the electronic specific heat has been obtained and studied. For both samples the temperature dependence of Cel(T)C_{el}(T) clearly indicate the presence of low-energy excitations in the system. Their specific heat data cannot be described by single clean s- or d-wave models and the data requires an anisotropic gap scenario which may or may not have nodesComment: SCES 2010, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Superconductivity mediated by a soft phonon mode: specific heat, resistivity, thermal expansion and magnetization of YB6

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    The superconductor YB6 has the second highest critical temperature Tc among the boride family MBn. We report measurements of the specific heat, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and thermal expansion from 2 to 300 K, using a single crystal with Tc = 7.2 K. The superconducting gap is characteristic of medium-strong coupling. The specific heat, resistivity and expansivity curves are deconvolved to yield approximations of the phonon density of states, the spectral electron-phonon scattering function and the phonon density of states weighted by the frequency-dependent Grueneisen parameter respectively. Lattice vibrations extend to high frequencies >100 meV, but a dominant Einstein-like mode at ~8 meV, associated with the vibrations of yttrium ions in oversized boron cages, appears to provide most of the superconducting coupling and gives rise to an unusual temperature behavior of several observable quantities. A surface critical field Hc3 is also observed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 tables, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Micrografía cuantitativa y perfiles de HPLC y FTIR de Melissa officinalis y Nepeta cataria (Lamiaceae) de Argentina

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    Melissa officinalis L., so called "Melissa" or "Toronjil", is a perennial aromatic herb, whose leaves are used in traditional medicine as a carminative, digestive and sedative, both in simple as in mixtures. Meanwhile, Nepeta cataria L., commonly called "Cat mint" or "Toronjil", with some similar properties, often replacing M. officinalis in the market, although their chemical composition is not completely matched, and contains an iridoid potentially toxic (nepetalactone). It is therefore necessary to establish diacritic parameters to differentiate these species, both at crude drug level, mixtures and extracts. Samples from various sources in Argentina were studied and documental specimens are preserved in the Herbarium UNSL. Anatomical sections were analyzed, and quantitative micrographic parameters were obtained, together with HPLC and FTIR spectra from methanolic and aqueous lyophilized extracts. Significant differences were detected in the prevailing smell foliage, morphology of leaves and inflorescences, trichomata type, palisade ratio, veinlet termination number, rosmarinic acid concentration (with distinctive HPLC profiles), and the CO/CH relationships obtained by FTIR from the extracts, that together allow adequate differentiation of both drugs, even when they were ground or powdered.Melissa officinalis L., llamada vulgarmente "melisa" o "toronjil", es una hierba perenne, aromática, cuyas hojas son empleadas en medicina popular como carminativo, digestivo y sedante, tanto en droga simple como en asociación. Por su parte Nepeta cataria L., llamada vulgarmente "menta de los gatos" y también "toronjil", con algunas propiedades similares, sustituye con frecuencia a M. officinalis en el mercado, aunque su composición química no es del todo coincidente y contiene un iridoide potencialmente tóxico (nepetalactona). Por ello es necesario establecer parámetros diacríticos para diferenciar ambas especies, a nivel de droga cruda, mezclas y extractos. Fueron estudiados especímenes de diversas procedencias en Argentina, y los ejemplares documentales son conservados en el Herbario UNSL. Se analizaron cortes anatómicos, se registraron los parámetros micrográficos cuantitativos y se obtuvieron espectros de HPLC y FTIR a partir de extractos metanólicos y acuosos liofilizados. Fueron detectadas diferencias significativas entre ambas especies en cuanto al aroma prevaleciente del follaje, la exomorfología de hojas e inflorescencias, los tipos tricomáticos, la relación de empalizada, el número de terminales de nerviación, la concentración de ácido rosmarínico (con perfiles HPLC distintivos), y las relaciones CO/CH obtenidas por FTIR a partir de los extractos, caracteres que en conjunto permiten una diferenciación adecuada de ambas drogas, aún cuando se presenten molidas o reducidas a polvo.Fil: Petenatti, Marta E.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Gette, María A.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Camí, Gerardo E.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Popovich, Mariana C.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Marchevsky, Eduardo J.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Del Vitto, Luis A.. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Petenatti, Elisa M.. Universidad Nacional de San Lui

    Large single crystal growth of BaFe1.87Co0.13As2 using a nucleation pole

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    Co-doped iron arsenic single crystal of BaFe1.87Co0.13As2 with dimension up to 20 x 10 x 2 mm3 were grown by a nucleation pole: an alumina stick served as nucleation center during growth. The high quality of crystalline was illustrated by the measurements of neutron rocking curve and X-ray diffraction pattern. A very sharp superconducting transition temperature Tc~25 K was revealed by both resistivity and susceptibility measurements. A nearly 100% shielding fraction and bulk nature of the superconductivity for the single crystal were confirmed using magnetic susceptibility data.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Dimensionality Control of Electronic Phase Transitions in Nickel-Oxide Superlattices

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    The competition between collective quantum phases in materials with strongly correlated electrons depends sensitively on the dimensionality of the electron system, which is difficult to control by standard solid-state chemistry. We have fabricated superlattices of the paramagnetic metal LaNiO3 and the wide-gap insulator LaAlO3 with atomically precise layer sequences. Using optical ellipsometry and low-energy muon spin rotation, superlattices with LaNiO3 as thin as two unit cells are shown to undergo a sequence of collective metalinsulator and antiferromagnetic transitions as a function of decreasing temperature, whereas samples with thicker LaNiO3 layers remain metallic and paramagnetic at all temperatures. Metal-oxide superlattices thus allow control of the dimensionality and collective phase behavior of correlated-electron systems

    Rare earth magnetism in CeFeAsO: A single crystal study

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    Single crystals of CeFeAsO, large enough to study the anisotropy of the magnetic properties, were grown by an optimized Sn-flux technique. The high quality of our single crystals is apparent from the highest residual resistivity ratio, RRR = 12, reported among undoped RFeAsO compounds (R=rare earth) as well as sharp anomalies in resistivity, specific heat, C(T), and thermal expansion at the different phase transitions. The magnetic susceptibility chi(T) presents a large easy-plane anisotropy consistent with the lowest crystal electric field doublet having a dominant Gamma_6 character. Curie-Weiss like susceptibilities for magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the crystallographic c-axis do not reveal an influence of a staggered field on the Ce site induced by magnetic ordering of the Fe. Furthermore, the standard signatures for antiferromagnetic order of Ce at T_N = 3.7 K observed in chi(T) and C(T) are incompatible with a Zeeman splitting Delta = 10 K of the CEF ground state doublet at low temperature due to the Fe-magnetic order as previously proposed. Our results can be reconciled with the earlier observation by assuming a comparatively stronger effect of the Ce-Ce exchange leading to a reduction of this Zeeman splitting below 15 K.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, added section on magn. susceptibilit
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