24 research outputs found

    Giant slope scars and mass transport deposits across the Rhodes Basin, eastern Mediterranean: Depositional and tectonic processes

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    High-resolution multichannel seismic reflection profiles and multibeam mosaic maps of the seafloor are used to document the presence of two prominent regions representing major sediment failure(s) and the subsequent gravity-driven mass transport across the southwestern continental margin of Anatolia. These regions are characterized by very sugged morphology (referred to as Scars 1 and 2), where the upper slope regions include several concave, interconnected steep seafloor escarpments marked by semi-circular indentations that link with one another by cusp-like features creating a sharp and very narrow curvilinear zone. The slope face across the rugged region there are numerous sharply irregular pinnacles/protrusions on the seafloor, consisting of exposed older bedrock successions. Scars 1 and 2 occupy seafloor areas of 1947 km2 and 1350 km2, solid volumes of 214–257 km3 and 92–111 km3, and masses of 467–681 Gt and 245–294 Gt, respectively, with a total solid volume of 307–368 km3 and a mass of 812–975 Gt. Mass transport deposits are identified at various stratigraphic levels across the Rhodes Basin characterized by chaotic seismic reflector configurations with zones of contorted and convoluted reflector geometries. The base of this facies is characterized by erosional down-cutting. The thickest and the regionally most extensive such deposits are found at the base of Unit 1, immediately above the upper bounding surface of the Messinian evaporites (the Top Erosional Surface or the former M-reflector). The lower mass transport deposit (L–MTD) is calculated to have a volume 205–171 km3, or a solid mass of 543–452 Gt, assuming that porosities of 40–50% and average grain density of 2.67 t m−3. Comparisons between the total mass of the L–MTD and the estimated masses of sediments mobilized across Scars 1 and 2 (812–975 Gt) indicate that there is ~360–432 Gt deficit in the calculated mass of the L–MTD. The missing sediments represent 17.5–21.0% of the total mass contained within Unit 1 across the present-day Rhodes Basin. This mismatch is remarkably large: it may arise from the uncertainties involved in the estimations of the masses of sediments contained in Scars 1 and 2; however, it is also possible that some of the gravity driven mass transports transitioned into turbidity currents, thus travelled great distances across the Rhodes Basin, and that some of these turbidity currents crossed the basin longitudinally, and exited it at its southwestern deeper regions (i.e., the present-day Strabo Trench). This is particularly plausible because the physiography of the Rhodes Basin was dramatically different during the early Pliocene and the southern and southwestern portions of the basin provided a possible exit route

    The uppermost Pleistocene–Holocene mud drape across the Marmara Sea: quantification of detrital supply from southern Marmara rivers

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    The Marmara Sea (area 11,350 km2; volume 3,378 km3; central basins >1100 m deep) straddles the North Anatolian Transform Fault separating the Eurasian and Aegean-Anatolian tectonic plates. Along with the shallow straits of Dardanelles and Bosphorus (depths ~63 m and ~40 m, respectively), the Marmara Sea forms the only marine connection between the Black Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. During Pleistocene glacial stages, the modern straits were subaerial valleys and the modern Marmara basin was occupied by the landlocked Propontis Lake. Previous researchers attributed major portions of a widely distributed uppermost Pleistocene–Holocene mud blanket (locally >10–25 m thick; volume 43–47 km3) to transport of suspended load through one or both of the straits, as either the Aegean Sea (at ~13.8 cal ka) or the Neoeuxine Lake (today's Black Sea, at ~11.1 cal ka) began to spill into the Marmara basin. To test these suggestions, the thicknesses and volume of the mud blanket were determined from >5000 line-km of airgun, sparker and boomer profiles and >100 cores, and compared with the contemporary supply from local rivers to decide, by difference, if the straits might have had a significant role. Volume calculations for the detrital supply from rivers rely on (1) decades of daily water- and sediment-discharge data from gauging stations, acquired before 20th century dam construction and, independently, (2) the BQART model which uses a variety of hydrological, geomorphic, geological and climate data. These calculations demonstrate that >85–90% of the detritus in the offshore mud blanket was supplied by steep rivers (Kocasu River and its tributaries) and mountainous streams draining the highlands of the southern Marmara region. Geochemistry of the <38 μm fraction supports this source. Any input through the Dardanelles has been sporadic and limited to perhaps ~5 Gt of suspended load (equivalent to ~5.2 km3 of porous mud when deposited) because of changing directions and rates of flow since the Last Glacial Maximum. Resedimentation through mass wasting and transgressive shoreface erosion appear to be minor compared with river supply. The isolated nature of the Marmara basin and its supply from mostly a single watershed afford an opportunity to verify the reliability of this type of hindcast analysis, based upon sediment-discharge data and catchment models – analysis which cannot be completed with a comparable level of certainty along open marine coastlines elsewhere

    The Role Of Oroclinal Bending In The Structural Evolution Of The Central Anatolian Plateau: Evidence Of A Regional Changeover From Shortening To Extension

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    The NW-SE striking extensional Inonu-Eskisehir Fault System is one of the most important active shear zones in Central Anatolia. This shear zone is comprised of semi-independent fault segments that constitute an integral array of crustal-scale faults that transverse the interior of the Anatolian plateau region. The WNW striking Eskisehir Fault Zone constitutes the western to central part of the system. Toward the southeast, this system splays into three fault zones. The NW striking Ilica Fault Zone defines the northern branch of this splay. The middle and southern branches are the Yeniceoba and Cihanbeyli Fault Zones, which also constitute the western boundary of the tectonically active extensional Tuzgolu Basin. The Sultanhani Fault Zone is the southeastern part of the system and also controls the southewestern margin of the Tuzgolu Basin. Structural observations and kinematic analysis of mesoscale faults in the Yeniceoba and Cihanbeyli Fault Zones clearly indicate a two-stage deformation history and kinematic changeover from contraction to extension. N-S compression was responsible for the development of the dextral Yeniceoba Fault Zone. Activity along this structure was superseded by normal faulting driven by NNE-SSW oriented tension that was accompanied by the reactivation of the Yeniceoba Fault Zone and the formation of the Cihanbeyli Fault Zone. The branching of the Inonu-Eskisehir Fault System into three fault zones (aligned with the apex of the Isparta Angle) and the formation of graben and halfgraben in the southeastern part of this system suggest ongoing asymmetric extension in the Anatolian Plateau. This extension is compatible with a clockwise rotation of the area, which may be associated with the eastern sector of the Isparta Angle, an oroclinal structure in the western central part of the plateau. As the initiation of extension in the central to southeastern part of the Inonu-Eskisehir Fault System has similarities with structures associated with the Isparta Angle, there may be a possible relationship between the active deformation and bending of the orocline and adjacent areas.WoSScopu

    Interaction between faulting and sedimentation in the Sea of Marmara, western Turkey

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    The Aegean region is one of the most rapidly deforming continental areas in the world. In the Sea of Marmara, interaction between strike-slip and extensional faulting has led to a complicated style of local deformation. To the east, the continental plate containing eastern and central Turkey is moving westward with respect to Eurasia, with little internal deformation. Tectonic deformation is restricted to a narrow zone along the dominantly strike-slip North Anatolian fault. However, in the vicinity of the Sea of Marmara, both surface mapping of faults and earthquake fault plane solutions indicate that extensional motions, presumably related to back arc extension behind the Hellenic subduction zone, create a much wider zone of deformation which reaches hundreds of kilometers in width. We use a regional grid of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles to map the fault systems as they cross the Sea of Marmara and show how they divide the Sea of Marmara into separate deep basins with distinctive sediment sources and depositional styles. In the southern Sea of Marmara these basins are half graben, formed on north dipping fault planes, which have trapped sediment coming into the Sea of Marmara from the south. No evidence is found in the data set for the existence of a single strike-slip fault through the Sea of Marmara or for the existence of a northern boundary fault along the Tekirda and Central Marmara basins. We conclude that a single strike-slip fault would be incapable of accommodating the relative motion and extension observed between western Turkey and Eurasia