735 research outputs found

    The Anti-Hate Act

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    Indiana Legislation, 194

    The Anti-Hate Act

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    Indiana Legislation, 194

    A fast branch-and-prune algorithm for the position analysis of spherical mechanisms

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comDifferent branch-and-prune schemes can be found in the literature for numerically solving the position analysis of spherical mechanisms. For the prune operation, they all rely on the propagation of motion intervals. They differ in the way the problem is algebraically formulated. This paper exploits the fact that spherical kinematic loop equations can be formulated as sets of 3 multi-affine polynomials. Multi-affinity has an important impact on how the propagation of motion intervals can be performed because a multi-affine polynomial is uniquely determined by its values at the vertices of a closed hyperbox defined in its domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The forward kinematics of doubly-planar Gough-Stewart platforms and the position analysis of strips of tetrahedra

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comA strip of tetrahedra is a tetrahedron-tetrahedron truss where any tetrahedron has two neighbors except those in the extremes which have only one. The problem of finding all the possible lengths for an edge in the strip compatible with a given distance imposed between the strip end-points has been revealed of relevance due to the large number of possible applications. In this paper, this is applied to solve the forward kinematics of 6-6 Gough-Stewart platforms with planar base and moving platform, a problem which is known to have up to 40 solutions (20 if we do not consider mirror configurations with respect to the base as different solutions).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Spectrophotometry of 2 complete samples of flat radio spectrum quasars

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    Spectrophotometry of two complete samples of flat-spectrum radio quasars show that for these objects there is a strong correlation between the equivalent width of the CIV wavelength 1550 emission line and the luminosity of the underlying continuum. Assuming Friedmann cosmologies, the scatter in this correlation is a minimum for q (sub o) is approximately 1. Alternatively, luminosity evolution can be invoked to give compact distributions for q (sub o) is approximately 0 models. A sample of Seyfert galaxies observed with IUE shows that despite some dispersion the average equivalent width of CIV wavelength 1550 in Seyfert galaxies is independent of the underlying continuum luminosity. New redshifts for 4 quasars are given

    Broad P V Absorption in the BALQSO, PG 1254+047: Column Densities, Ionizations and Metal Abundances in BAL Winds

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    This paper discusses the detection of P V 1118,1128 and other broad absorption lines (BALs) in archival HST spectra of the low-redshift BALQSO, PG 1254+047. The P V identification is secured by excellent redshift and profile coincidences with the other BALs, such as C IV 1548,1550 and Si IV 1393,1403, and by photoionization calculations showing that other lines near this wavelength, e.g. Fe III 1123, should be much weaker than P V. The observed BAL strengths imply that either 1) there are extreme abundance ratios such as [C/H] >~ +1.0, [Si/H] >~ +1.8 and [P/C] >~ +2.2, or 2) at least some of the lines are much more optically thick than they appear. I argue that the significant presence of P V absorption indicates severe line saturation, which is disguised in the observed (moderate-strength) BALs because the absorber does not fully cover the continuum source(s) along our line(s) of sight. Computed optical depths for all UV resonance lines show that the observed BALs are consistent with solar abundances if 1) the ionization parameter is at least moderately high, log U >~ -0.6, 2) the total hydrogen column density is log N_H(cm-2) >~ 22.0, and 3) the optical depths in strong lines like C IV and O VI 1032,1038 are >~25 and >~80, respectively. These optical depths and column densities are at least an order of magnitude larger than expected from the residual intensities in the BAL troughs, but they are consistent with the large absorbing columns derived from X-ray observations of BALQSOs. The outflowing BALR, at velocities from -15,000 to -27,000 km/s in PG 1254+047, is therefore a strong candidate for the X-ray absorber in BALQSOs.Comment: 16 pages (LaTeX) plus 8 pages of figures in one file (pg1254_figs.ps.gz), in press with Ap

    Physical Conditions in Circumstellar Gas surrounding SN 1987A 12 Years After Outburst

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    Two-dimensional spectra of Supernova 1987A were obtained on 1998 November 14-15 (4282 days after outburst) with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The slit sampled portions of the inner circumstellar ring at the east and west ansae as well as small sections of both the northern and southern outer rings. The temperature and density at these locations are estimated by nebular analysis of [N II], [O III], and [S II] emission line ratios, and with time-dependent photoionization/recombination models. The results from these two methods are mutually consistent. The electron density in the inner ring is ~ 4000 cm-3 for S II, with progressively lower densities for N II and O III. The electron temperatures determined from [N II] and [O III] line ratios are ~11,000 K and \~22,000 K, respectively. These results are consistent with evolutionary trends in the circumstellar gas from similar measurements at earlier epochs. We find that emission lines from the outer rings come from gas of lower density (n_e \la 2000 cm-3) than that which emits the same line in the inner ring. The N/O ratio appears to be the same in all three rings. Our results also suggest that the CNO abundances in the northern outer ring are the same as in the inner ring, contrary to earlier results of Panagia et al. (1996). Physical conditions in the southern outer ring are less certain because of poorer signal-to-noise data. The STIS spectra also reveal a weak Ha emission redshifted by ~100 km s-1 at p.a. 103\arcdeg that coincides with the recently discovered new regions that are brightening (Lawrence et al. 2000). This indicates that the shock interaction in the SE section of the inner ring commenced over a year before it became apparent in HST images.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, to appear in December 1, 2000 Astrophysical Journa

    Population Models with Diffusion and Constant Yield Harvesting

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    In this paper we discuss reaction-diffusion equations arising in population dynamics with constant yield harvesting in one dimension. We focus on the mathematical models of the logistic growth, the strong Allee effect, and the weak Allee effect and their influence on the existence of positive steady states as well as global bifurcation diagrams. We analyze the equations using the quadrature method and the method of sub-super solutions