16 research outputs found

    A Two-Stage Model for Lipid Modulation of the Activity of Integral Membrane Proteins

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    Lipid-protein interactions play an essential role in the regulation of biological function of integral membrane proteins; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we explore the modulation by phospholipids of the enzymatic activity of the plasma membrane calcium pump reconstituted in detergent-phospholipid mixed micelles of variable composition. The presence of increasing quantities of phospholipids in the micelles produced a cooperative increase in the ATPase activity of the enzyme. This activation effect was reversible and depended on the phospholipid/detergent ratio and not on the total lipid concentration. Enzyme activation was accompanied by a small structural change at the transmembrane domain reported by 1-aniline-8-naphtalenesulfonate fluorescence. In addition, the composition of the amphipilic environment sensed by the protein was evaluated by measuring the relative affinity of the assayed phospholipid for the transmembrane surface of the protein. The obtained results allow us to postulate a two-stage mechanistic model explaining the modulation of protein activity based on the exchange among non-structural amphiphiles at the hydrophobic transmembrane surface, and a lipid-induced conformational change. The model allowed to obtain a cooperativity coefficient reporting on the efficiency of the transduction step between lipid adsorption and catalytic site activation. This model can be easily applied to other phospholipid/detergent mixtures as well to other membrane proteins. The systematic quantitative evaluation of these systems could contribute to gain insight into the structure-activity relationships between proteins and lipids in biological membranes

    Novel ATP-Independent RNA Annealing Activity of the Dengue Virus NS3 Helicase

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    The flavivirus nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) bears multiple enzymatic activities and represents an attractive target for antiviral intervention. NS3 contains the viral serine protease at the N-terminus and ATPase, RTPase, and helicase activities at the C-terminus. These activities are essential for viral replication; however, the biological role of RNA remodeling by NS3 helicase during the viral life cycle is still unclear. Secondary and tertiary RNA structures present in the viral genome are crucial for viral replication. Here, we used the NS3 protein from dengue virus to investigate functions of NS3 associated to changes in RNA structures. Using different NS3 variants, we characterized a domain spanning residues 171 to 618 that displays ATPase and RNA unwinding activities similar to those observed for the full-length protein. Interestingly, we found that, besides the RNA unwinding activity, dengue virus NS3 greatly accelerates annealing of complementary RNA strands with viral or non-viral sequences. This new activity was found to be ATP-independent. It was determined that a mutated NS3 lacking ATPase activity retained full-RNA annealing activity. Using an ATP regeneration system and different ATP concentrations, we observed that NS3 establishes an ATP-dependent steady state between RNA unwinding and annealing, allowing modulation of the two opposing activities of this enzyme through ATP concentration. In addition, we observed that NS3 enhanced RNA-RNA interactions between molecules representing the ends of the viral genome that are known to be necessary for viral RNA synthesis. We propose that, according to the ATP availability, NS3 could function regulating the folding or unfolding of viral RNA structures

    Defective Interfering Viral Particles in Acute Dengue Infections

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    While much of the genetic variation in RNA viruses arises because of the error-prone nature of their RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, much larger changes may occur as a result of recombination. An extreme example of genetic change is found in defective interfering (DI) viral particles, where large sections of the genome of a parental virus have been deleted and the residual sub-genome fragment is replicated by complementation by co-infecting functional viruses. While most reports of DI particles have referred to studies in vitro, there is some evidence for the presence of DI particles in chronic viral infections in vivo. In this study, short fragments of dengue virus (DENV) RNA containing only key regulatory elements at the 3′ and 5′ ends of the genome were recovered from the sera of patients infected with any of the four DENV serotypes. Identical RNA fragments were detected in the supernatant from cultures of Aedes mosquito cells that were infected by the addition of sera from dengue patients, suggesting that the sub-genomic RNA might be transmitted between human and mosquito hosts in defective interfering (DI) viral particles. In vitro transcribed sub-genomic RNA corresponding to that detected in vivo could be packaged in virus like particles in the presence of wild type virus and transmitted for at least three passages in cell culture. DENV preparations enriched for these putative DI particles reduced the yield of wild type dengue virus following co-infections of C6–36 cells. This is the first report of DI particles in an acute arboviral infection in nature. The internal genomic deletions described here are the most extensive defects observed in DENV and may be part of a much broader disease attenuating process that is mediated by defective viruses

    COMRADES determines in vivo RNA structures and interactions.

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    The structural flexibility of RNA underlies fundamental biological processes, but there are no methods for exploring the multiple conformations adopted by RNAs in vivo. We developed cross-linking of matched RNAs and deep sequencing (COMRADES) for in-depth RNA conformation capture, and a pipeline for the retrieval of RNA structural ensembles. Using COMRADES, we determined the architecture of the Zika virus RNA genome inside cells, and identified multiple site-specific interactions with human noncoding RNAs.This work was supported by Cancer Research UK (C13474/A18583, C6946/A14492) and the Wellcome Trust (104640/Z/14/Z, 092096/Z/10/Z) to E.A.M. O.Z. was supported by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP, LT000558/2015), the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, ALTF1622-2014), and the Blavatnik Family Foundation postdoctoral fellowship. G.K. and M.G. were supported by Wellcome Trust grant 207507 and UK Medical Research Council. A.T.L.L. and J.C.M. were supported by core funding from Cancer Research UK (award no. 17197 to JCM). J.C.M was also supported by core funding from EMBL. I.G. and L.W.M. were supported by the Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science to I.G. (207498/Z/17/Z). I.J.M., L.F.G. and J.S.-G. were supported by grants R01GM104475 and R01GM115649 from NIGMS. C.K.K was supported by City University of Hong Kong Projects 9610363 and 7200520, Croucher Foundation Project 9500030 and Hong Kong RGC Projects 9048103 and 9054020. C.-F.Q. was supported by the NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Fund 81522025 and the Newton Advanced Fellowship from the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK

    Dengue Virus Capsid Protein Usurps Lipid Droplets for Viral Particle Formation

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    Dengue virus is responsible for the highest rates of disease and mortality among the members of the Flavivirus genus. Dengue epidemics are still occurring around the world, indicating an urgent need of prophylactic vaccines and antivirals. In recent years, a great deal has been learned about the mechanisms of dengue virus genome amplification. However, little is known about the process by which the capsid protein recruits the viral genome during encapsidation. Here, we found that the mature capsid protein in the cytoplasm of dengue virus infected cells accumulates on the surface of ER-derived organelles named lipid droplets. Mutagenesis analysis using infectious dengue virus clones has identified specific hydrophobic amino acids, located in the center of the capsid protein, as key elements for lipid droplet association. Substitutions of amino acid L50 or L54 in the capsid protein disrupted lipid droplet targeting and impaired viral particle formation. We also report that dengue virus infection increases the number of lipid droplets per cell, suggesting a link between lipid droplet metabolism and viral replication. In this regard, we found that pharmacological manipulation of the amount of lipid droplets in the cell can be a means to control dengue virus replication. In addition, we developed a novel genetic system to dissociate cis-acting RNA replication elements from the capsid coding sequence. Using this system, we found that mislocalization of a mutated capsid protein decreased viral RNA amplification. We propose that lipid droplets play multiple roles during the viral life cycle; they could sequester the viral capsid protein early during infection and provide a scaffold for genome encapsidation

    The F1 Motif of Dengue Virus Polymerase NS5 Is Involved in Promoter-Dependent RNA Synthesisâ–¿

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    The mechanism by which viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) specifically amplify viral genomes is still unclear. In the case of flaviviruses, a model has been proposed that involves the recognition of an RNA element present at the viral 5′ untranslated region, stem-loop A (SLA), that serves as a promoter for NS5 polymerase binding and activity. Here, we investigated requirements for specific promoter-dependent RNA synthesis of the dengue virus NS5 protein. Using mutated purified NS5 recombinant proteins and infectious viral RNAs, we analyzed the requirement of specific amino acids of the RdRp domain on polymerase activity and viral replication. A battery of 19 mutants was designed and analyzed. By measuring polymerase activity using nonspecific poly(rC) templates or specific viral RNA molecules, we identified four mutants with impaired polymerase activity. Viral full-length RNAs carrying these mutations were found to be unable to replicate in cell culture. Interestingly, one recombinant NS5 protein carrying the mutations K456A and K457A located in the F1 motif lacked RNA synthesis dependent on the SLA promoter but displayed high activity using a poly(rC) template. Promoter RNA binding of this NS5 mutant was unaffected while de novo RNA synthesis was abolished. Furthermore, the mutant maintained RNA elongation activity, indicating a role of the F1 region in promoter-dependent initiation. In addition, four NS5 mutants were selected to have polymerase activity in the recombinant protein but delayed or impaired virus replication when introduced into an infectious clone, suggesting a role of these amino acids in other functions of NS5. This work provides new molecular insights on the specific RNA synthesis activity of the dengue virus NS5 polymerase

    The yin and yang of hepatitis C: synthesis and decay of hepatitis C virus RNA

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an unusual RNA virus that possesses a striking capacity to persist for life in the majority of infected individuals. In order to persist, HCV must balance viral RNA synthesis and decay in infected cells. In this Review, we focus on interactions between the positive-sense RNA genome of HCV and host RNA-binding proteins and microRNAs (miRNAs) that influence the competing processes of viral RNA synthesis and decay to achieve stable, long-term persistence of the viral genome. We discuss how these processes impact HCV pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies against the virus