228 research outputs found
Are children with unrecognised psychiatric disorders being excluded from school? A secondary analysis of the British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Surveys 2004 and 2007
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Cambridge University Press via the DOI in this record.Background
There is limited research that explores the association between exclusion from school and mental health, but it seems intuitively plausible that the recognition of mental difficulties by key teachers and parents would influence the likelihood of exclusion from school Methods
A secondary analysis of the British Child and Adolescent Mental Health (BCAMH) survey 2004, (n=7997) and the 2007 follow-up (n= 5326) was conducted. Recognition of difficulty was assessed via a derived variable that combined the first item of the Impact supplement of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) which asked parents and teachers if they thought that the child has difficulties with emotions, behaviour and concentration, and the presence / absence of psychiatric disorder measured by the Development and Well-being Assessment (DAWBA). Results
Adjusted logistic regression models demonstrated that children with recognised difficulties were more likely to be excluded [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 5.78, confidence interval (CI) 3.45-9.64, p<0.001], but children with unrecognised difficulties [adjusted OR 3.58 (1.46-8.81) p<0.005] or recognised subclinical difficulties [adjusted OR 3.42 (2.04-5.73) p<0.001] were also more likely to be excluded than children with no difficulties. Children with conduct disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were most likely to be excluded compared to other types of disorder. Conclusion
Exclusion from school may result from a failure to provide timely and effective support rather than a failure to recognise psychopathology.This paper presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) for the South West Peninsula
En La Plata (Argentina) hay algunos sistemas hortícolas bajo cubierta que no responden al modelo convencional; estos sistemas “agroecológicos” se caracterizan en general por mayor grado de diversidad vegetal, tanto cultivada como espontánea y un bajo uso de agroquímicos. Esto favorece la presencia de organismos benéficos como los carábidos y las arañas, al propiciar condiciones microambientales más heterogéneas. Algunos estudios señalaron que sistemas con una alta complejidad de microhábitats tienen una mayor abundancia, riqueza y estructuras de la comunidad más complejas que aquellos sistemas simplificados [1, 2]. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la abundancia, riqueza, estructura y composición de la comunidad de carábidos y arañas en un invernáculo en transición agroecológica. Se muestreó un invernáculo con un manejo basado en principios agroecológicos. La entomofauna se recolectó con trampas “pitfall” durante la primavera-verano. Se colocaron 12 trampas distribuidas en tres transectas. En cuanto a la abundancia y riqueza se capturaron un total de 98 carábidos de 4 especies y 174 arañas de 5 familia.
La estructura de la comunidad de carábidos y arañas es claramente escalonada (Figura 1).
Las prácticas de manejo como el uso de agroquímicos y el laboreo del suelo, cambian las condiciones edáficas, eliminando o transformando el componente vegetal [1, 3] y alterando la abundancia, riqueza, estructura y composición de la comunidad de carábidos y arañas [1, 2]. En general, en este trabajo se pudo evidenciar que una mayor heterogeneidad de la vegetación determina las condiciones de hábitat [1, 3]. La presencia de varios cultivos y de vegetación espontánea, sumado al escaso laboreo y al bajo uso de agroquímicos, asegura un ambiente estable que favorece una mayor abundancia y riqueza de carábidos y arañas. Ambas estructuras del ensamble (carábidos y arañas) presentaron una dominancia de tipo escalonada entre las especies y familias presentes en el sistema, en las cuales, si bien existen variaciones en el grado de dominancia, las mismas son poco bruscas. Esto es compatible con sistemas de una importante diversidad y complejidad microambiental [2]. Las arañas constituyen un grupo predador por excelencia, ocupando exclusivamente este nivel trófico. Las Lycosidae mostraron una dominancia relativa de más del 50%, Hahniidae se mostró como dominante y Tetragnathidae mostró una dominancia muy importante. En cuanto a los carábidos se encontraron dos especies eudominantes: Scarites anthracinus y Aspidoglossa intermedia, una especie dominante: Paranortes cordicollis y una recedente: Loxandrus planicollis. Los carábidos hallados, independientemente de sus preferencias de hábitat, fueron de hábito predador, siendo las dos más dominantes además fosores. Las familias y especies presentes estuvieron en relación con las características de manejo del sistema. En estos sistemas “agroecológicos” el manejo de la biodiversidad vegetal y el manejo ecológico del suelo generan las condiciones propicias para la presencia de estos enemigos naturales (arañas y carábidos), y de esta manera se potencia el proceso de regulación biótica de plagas
Efectos del amoníaco, sulfuro y taninos sobre la actividad de un lodo anaeróbico
La toxicidad es un efecto adverso no necesariamente letal. Un indicador del deterioro de la actividad bacteriana que cuantifica la concentración de tóxico es el IC50 (50% Inhibiting Concentration). En este trabajo, se analizan los efectos individuales de amoníaco, sulfuro y taninos sobre lodo cloacal anaeróbico con miras a su aplicación para el tratamiento de efluentes de curtiembre, determinando la Actividad Metanogénica Específica (AME) de los lodos y el IC50 de cada tóxico utilizado. Los ensayos de AME se realizaron de acuerdo a DET (1994). La AME del lodo cloacal de los ensayos Control fueron de 0.0525 y 0.0827 g DQO-CH4/g SSV.d a 20°C y 30°C. Se han determinado los IC50 de amoníaco, sulfuro y taninos para lodo cloacal floculento, siendo sus valores de: 1132 mg N-NH3/L, 154 mg S/L y 163 mg tanino/L para 20°C y 1107 mg N-NH3/L, 269 mg S/L y 306 mg tanino/L para 30°C.Toxicity is an adverse effect not necessarily lethal. The deleterious action of a toxic substance on bacterial activity can be quantified by measuring IC50, i.e. the toxic concentration which causes fifty per cent inhibition of biomass activity. This paper deals with evaluation of toxic action of ammonia, sulfide and tannins on anaerobic domestic sludge in order to the potential application of its results to tannery wastewater treatment. Specific Methanogenic Activity (SMA) of sludge and IC50 of each toxic substance were measured. SMA assays were carried out according to DET (1994). The SMA values of sludge control tests were 0.0525 y 0.0827 g COD-CH4/g VSS.d, at 20°C and 30°C. The IC50 of ammonia, sulfide and tannins were determined for flocculent sludge, being its values 1132 mg N-NH3/L, 154 mg S/L y 163 mg tannins/L at 20°C and 1107 mg N-NH3/L, 269 mg S/L and 306 mg tannins/L at 30°C.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES
Efectos del amoníaco, sulfuro y taninos sobre la actividad de un lodo anaeróbico
La toxicidad es un efecto adverso no necesariamente letal. Un indicador del deterioro de la actividad bacteriana que cuantifica la concentración de tóxico es el IC50 (50% Inhibiting Concentration). En este trabajo, se analizan los efectos individuales de amoníaco, sulfuro y taninos sobre lodo cloacal anaeróbico con miras a su aplicación para el tratamiento de efluentes de curtiembre, determinando la Actividad Metanogénica Específica (AME) de los lodos y el IC50 de cada tóxico utilizado. Los ensayos de AME se realizaron de acuerdo a DET (1994). La AME del lodo cloacal de los ensayos Control fueron de 0.0525 y 0.0827 g DQO-CH4/g SSV.d a 20°C y 30°C. Se han determinado los IC50 de amoníaco, sulfuro y taninos para lodo cloacal floculento, siendo sus valores de: 1132 mg N-NH3/L, 154 mg S/L y 163 mg tanino/L para 20°C y 1107 mg N-NH3/L, 269 mg S/L y 306 mg tanino/L para 30°C.Toxicity is an adverse effect not necessarily lethal. The deleterious action of a toxic substance on bacterial activity can be quantified by measuring IC50, i.e. the toxic concentration which causes fifty per cent inhibition of biomass activity. This paper deals with evaluation of toxic action of ammonia, sulfide and tannins on anaerobic domestic sludge in order to the potential application of its results to tannery wastewater treatment. Specific Methanogenic Activity (SMA) of sludge and IC50 of each toxic substance were measured. SMA assays were carried out according to DET (1994). The SMA values of sludge control tests were 0.0525 y 0.0827 g COD-CH4/g VSS.d, at 20°C and 30°C. The IC50 of ammonia, sulfide and tannins were determined for flocculent sludge, being its values 1132 mg N-NH3/L, 154 mg S/L y 163 mg tannins/L at 20°C and 1107 mg N-NH3/L, 269 mg S/L and 306 mg tannins/L at 30°C.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES
Trophic ecology of common bottlenose dolphins in a pelagic insular environment inferred by stable isotopes
The common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is a top marine predator widely dispersed in coastal and pelagic habitats and with a generalist feeding behavior. Yet, information on the trophic ecology of animals inhabiting pelagic environments is still scarce. Using carbon (& delta;C-13: C-13/C-12) and nitrogen (& delta;N-15: N-15/N-14) stable isotope ratios, we identified and quantified the main groups of prey assimilated by bottlenose dolphins inhabiting an oceanic habitat (Madeira Island, East Atlantic). Bottlenose dolphins assimilated pelagic, schooling fish (such as blue jack mackerel, Trachurus picturatus) and mesopelagic and demersal squids, which reinforces the pelagic dietary composition of insular/oceanic dolphins. Also, intra-seasonal differences were found in their stable isotope ratios, which suggest intraspecific variability in the feeding behavior among individuals living in the same area. Sex was not the main factor contributing to these differences, suggesting the lack of trophic niche segregation between adult males and females in this offshore environment. Nonetheless, further studies including different life stages and information on the ecophysiological requirements are necessary to disclose the factors responsible for the observed variability. This study showed that insular dolphins fed primarily on economically important pelagic prey, highlighting the need of developing management strategies that integrate conservation in fisheries plans.NORTE01-0145-FEDER-000031; M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000001-OOM; LA/P/0069/2020; M1420-09-5369-FSE-000002info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Respuesta agronómica de diferentes cultivares tintos de vid en zona templada
Se presenta la respuesta varietal de 6 cultivares tintos de vid, con riego deficitario controlado, en zona cálida: Barbera, Graciano, Mencía, Pinot noir, Petit verdot y Tempranillo. Teniendo en cuenta que en zona cálida hay que escoger cultivares de ciclo largo, recolección tardía, capaces de madurar manteniendo alta la acidez real y total, se concluye que los más idóneos para su cultivo en zona cálida son Barbera, por su alta acidez y Petit verdot y Graciano por su larga maduración y acidez equilibrada. Tempranillo, si bien en este trabajo presenta una respuesta adecuada, para equivalente maduración sacarimétrica a las anteriores posee menor acidez e IPT. Mencía madura mejor en situaciones frescas que en zona cálid
Investigación básica y aplicada en bases de datos deductivas
Con el proyecto presente: “investigación básica y aplicada en Bases de Datos Deductivas”; se pretende avanzar en el estudio, aplicaciones y desarrollo de técnicas para el procesamiento de consultas recursivas para bases de datos deductivas, tendientes a ofrecer alternativas de nuevas prestaciones en Bases de datos relacionales.
Constituyendo, por sus características en un encuentro entre conceptos teóricos provenientes de la Lógica Computacional, y del Álgebra Relacional para bases de datos; con técnicas de programación y desarrollo para la implementación de algoritmos concretos de aplicación.
Cabe destacar también que toda la investigación y desarrollo se formaliza y documenta con técnicas de especificación formal del método RAISE. El presente proyecto está categorizado con categoría “A”, la máxima, que lo sitúa en la línea de prioridades de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNJu; y se enmarca dentro de un proyecto general de la línea PICTO tendiente a implementar una base de datos de composición de alimentos para Argentina y Latinoamérica.
Otro aspecto que contempla el presente proyecto es el de contribuir a la formación de recursos humanos; ya que como parte del mismo se desarrolla una tesis de maestría en Ingeniería del Software y un proyecto final para el grado de Ingeniero Informático.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
Denudation and geomorphic change in the Anthropocene; a global overview
The effects of human activity on geomorphic processes, particularly those related to denudation/sedimentation, are investigated by reviewing case studies and global assessments covering the past few centuries. Evidence we have assembled from different parts of the world, as well as from the literature, show that certain geomorphic processes are experiencing an acceleration, especially since the mid-twentieth century. This suggests that a global geomorphic change is taking place, largely caused by anthropogenic landscape changes.
Direct human-driven denudation (through activities involving excavation, transport, and accumulation of geological materials) has increased by a factor of 30 between 1950 and 2015, representing a ten-fold increase of per capita effect. Direct plus indirectly human-induced denudation (triggered by land surface alteration) is presently at least one order of magnitude greater than denudation due to purely natural processes.
The activity of slope movements, which represent an important contribution to denudation, sediment generation and landscape evolution, also shows a clear intensification. Frequency of hazardous events and disasters related to slope movements (an indirect measure of process frequency) in specific regions, as well as at continental and global levels, has grown considerably, in particular after the mid-twentieth century. Intense rainstorm events are often related to slope movement occurrence, but the general increasing trend observed is not satisfactorily explained by climate.
Sedimentation has augmented considerably in most regions and all kinds of sedimentation environments. Although the link between denudation and sedimentation is not direct and unequivocal, it is safe to assume that if sedimentation rates increase in different regions during a given period, denudation must have increased too, even though their magnitudes could be different. This augmentation, particularly marked from the second half of the last century onwards, appears to be determined mainly by land surface changes, in conjunction with climate change.
The changes observed suggest: a) there is evidence at a global scale of a growing response of geomorphic systems to socio-economic drivers, being Gross Domestic Product density, a good indicator of the human potential to cause such impacts; b) Land use/cover changes enhance effects of climate change on global denudation/sedimentation and landslide/flood frequency, and appear to be a stronger controlling factor; c) Our findings point to the existence of a global geomorphic change. This manifestation of global change is especially evident since the ?great geomorphic acceleration? that began in the middle of the 20th century, and constitutes one of the characteristics of the proposed Anthropocene.This work was supported, at different stages, by projects: FEDER, AEI, CGL2017-82703-R (Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigacion, Spain) and PICT2011-1685; MTM2014-56235-C2-2215 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovacion, Argentina). We also thank Dr. Anthony R. Berger for critical review and writing assistance
Prediction of fatty acid composition in intact and minced fat of European autochthonous pigs breeds by near infrared spectroscopy
The fatty acids profile has been playing a decisive role in recent years, thanks to technological, sensory and health demands from producers and consumers. The application of NIRS technique on fat tissues, could lead to more efficient, practical, and economical in the quality control. The study aim was to assess the accuracy of Fourier Transformed Near Infrared Spectroscopy technique to determine fatty acids composition in fat of 12 European local pig breeds. A total of 439 spectra of backfat were collected both in intact and minced tissue and then were analyzed using gas chromatographic analysis. Predictive equations were developed using the 80% of samples for the calibration, followed by full cross validation, and the remaining 20% for the external validation test. NIRS analysis of minced samples allowed a better response for fatty acid families, n6 PUFA, it is promising both for n3 PUFA quantification and for the screening (high, low value) of the major fatty acids. Intact fat prediction, although with a lower predictive ability, seems suitable for PUFA and n6 PUFA while for other families allows only a discrimination between high and low values.IRTA acknowledge the Consolidated Research Group (2021 SGR 00461) and CERCA Program to partially support this work
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