540 research outputs found

    Performance of Vertically Stacked Horizontal Si Nanowires Transistors: A 3D Monte Carlo / 2D Poisson Schrodinger Simulation Study

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    In this paper we present a simulation study of 5nm vertically stacked lateral nanowires transistor (NWTs). The study is based on calibration of drift-diffusion results against a Poisson-Schrodinger simulations for density-gradient quantum corrections, and against ensemble Monte Carlo simulations to calibrate carrier transport. As a result of these calibrated results, we have established a link between channel strain and the device performance. Additionally, we have compared the current flow in a single, double and triple vertically stacked lateral NWTs

    Meningkatkan Pendapatan Peternak Melalui Usaha Domba dan Nilai Jual: Improving the Farmers' Income Through Sheep Business and Sale Value

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    Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Tanjung Parang Kabupaten Pandeglang Propinsi Banten, tahun 2017. Penelitian menggunakan metoda survai terhadap 20 peternak domba, dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui meningkatkan pendapatan peternak melalui usaha domba dan nilai jual. Data primer dan data sekunder, kemudian dianalisa secara deskripif, kuantitatif dan analisis ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan peternak usaha domba 2017 sebesar Rp.6.041.000,- nilai R/C sebesar 1,3. Usaha domba tahun 2018 peternak tidak mendaptkan keuntungan, mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp.-3.495.000/tahun dan nilai R/C sebesar 0,66. Secara ekonomi peternak mengalami kerugian. Bila tenaga kerja peternak tidak diasumsikan kedalam biaya produksi maka peternak mendapatkan keuntungan yang sesuai dengan kondisi usaha. Usaha domba di peternak perlu perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan, pemberian pakan yang berkualitas, pemilihan bibit betina produktif dan pejanttan unggul, sehingga produktivitas domba meningkat dan nilai jual domba tinggi. Peternak untuk menutupi kebutuhan ekonomi hariannya bekerja sebagai petani, buruh tani, dagang dan lainnya. Kata kunci:  meningkatkan, pendapatan, peternak, nilai jua

    Genetic Variation of Eight Indonesian Swamp-Buffalo Populations Based on Cytochrome b Gene Marker

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    Genetic variation is a major concern in animal genetic resources conservation program. This study aimed to analyze genetic variation and phylogeography of eight Indonesian swamp-buffalo populations based on cytochrome b gene marker. A total of 78 DNA fragment samples originating from eight Indonesian swamp-buffalo populations were used in this study, namely Bombana Island, Bombana mainland, Kolaka, Konawe, North Toraja, West Nusa Tenggara, Banten, and Aceh with 11, 10, 13, 14, 10, 10, 5, and 5 samples, respectively. The cytochrome b gene sequence and genetic variation parameters were analyzed in MEGA software (ver 6), and DnaSP software (ver 5.10.01). The results of this study showed that all DNA-fragment samples were successfully amplified by PCR technique with the size target (906 bp). Based on the distribution of all samples, it was found 9 polymorphic sites, and 10 haplotypes with the haplotype diversities were 0.6590. The average of genetic distances between populations ranged from 0.0000-0.002. They were grouped into two main clusters. The first cluster consisted of Aceh, North Toraja, West Nusa Tenggara, Banten, Kolaka, and Konawe populations, meanwhile, the second cluster consisted of Bombana Island, Bombana mainland, Kolaka, and Konawe populations. The results of the study were concluded that eight Indonesian local swamp-buffalo populations were grouped into two main clusters where Bombana Island and Bombana mainland populations were specific breeds because they were only found in the second cluster and also had specific nucleotides sites on the 57 nucleotides which C base changed to T. The results of this study were useful in formulating the program of conservation and utilization of Indonesian buffalo genetic resources, especially in the buffalo population with specific breeds

    Decolorization of reactive red-120 by using macrofungus and microfungus

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    The objectives of the study are to investigate the growth of Aspergillus sp. and Pleurotus sp. and decolorization of Reactive Red – 120 in Minimal Salt Solution (MSS). The growths of fungi were measured every 3 days by using spectrophotometer at 540 nm. For decolorization, the fungi were cultured in 10 mg/L and 20 mg/L of dye concentration. Furthermore, pH of 5, 7 and 9 were used to determine the optimum pH for dye decolorization. The 10 mg/L concentration and pH 5 were chosen as optimum conditions with the maximum performance of reactive dye decolorization ranging of 60%-70%. The Aspergillus sp. was more efficient todecolourize synthetic dye Reactive Red – 120 when compared to Pleurotus sp. This study contributes to the knowledge of mycoremediation and product of mycoremediation kit that could be developed and applied in industry.Keywords: aspergillus sp.; dye decolorization; mycoremediation; pleurotus sp.; reactive red – 120; synthetic dye

    Developmental research of sustainable technologies to minimise problematic road embankment settlements

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    Challenging, problematic and non-uniform ground conditions are a night mare to geotechnical engineers tasked with the design and construction of buildings and transport infrastructure. These often suffer undesirable structural settlements. Designing within the current understanding of geotechnics; settlement in peat and organic soils need to be recognised to include the known “primary and secondary consolidation characteristics” and the lesser known “tertiary consolidation phase”. These eventually contribute cumulatively to the consequential uneven and hazardous “bumpy road” surfaces. Undulating flexible road pavements result primarily from the transference of the heavy self-weight of the embankment fill to yielding and non-uniform subgrade. The adoption of conventional design/repair methods such as pile, vertical drain, soil replacement and soil stabilisation are expensive and inappropriate in very soft ground conditions. These then lead to unjustifiably high and repetitive maintenance costs. There being no one quick fix solution for all; pragmatic research must necessarily identify the best/progressively improved practical and sustainable solution. A viable solution is to develop criteria and explore the concept of a “masonry arch bridge structure/lintel-column structure” and adopting sustainable materials through pragmatic searching for appropriate recyclable waste materials. This will lead to the basis for a sustainable, innovative, strong, stiff, permeable composite mat structure that can be used on soft and/or yielding ground conditions. Conceptual lightweight fill technology including the popularly used expanded polystyrene (EPS) and the innovative composite mats recently being developed by the research team are outlined

    Empowerment of Sheep Farmers Groups and Increasing Their Economic Values

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    The research was conducted at the Cinyurup Village, Juhut Village, Karang Tengah District, in the Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province in 2019. The research used a survey method. The study was conducted through interviews and questionnaires for 3 groups of farmers and one group of independent farmers: (1) Karya Mandiri farmers Group of 25 farmers, (2) Cinyurup Mandiri farmers group of 17 farmers, (3) Taruna Mandiri farmers group of 7 farmers (4) Independent farmers included 9 breeders, total number of respondents was 57 breeders. Based on the information that the sheep population was large, it becomes a criterion for consideration of the study area. Primary and secondary data are analyzed descriptively, quantitatively and economically. The purpose of this study were to determine the empowerment of sheep breeders and to increase their economic value. The results of the study showed that, the profit in the group I was IDR.3.101,625 with R/C of 1.5 higher, the profits of the group II and III amounted to IDR.2.339.875 with R/C 1.4, and IDR.1,174,000 with R/C 1.3 lower, respectively. The profit for independent farmers amounted to IDR.1,606,250 with R/C of 1.3 and there was an increase in the value of profits compared to the group III. Sheep business operated by both the 3 groups of farmers and independent farmers is economically feasible. Lambs are still maintained as a sustainable investment to produce offspring for the following year. To increase sheep business, it is necessary to empower farmers to be more active and move towards commercial businesses directly. Keywords: sheep breeders, empowerment, and economic valu

    Comparison on Accuracy of Logistic, Gompertz and Von Bertalanffy Models in Predicting Growth of New Born Calf Until First Mating of Holstein Friesian Heifers

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    The body weight records of 1221 heifers were used in this study collected from PT Taurus DairyFarm Sukabumi from year 2001 until 2011. The records that could be used for analysis were 373 out of1221 heifers, having completed data from birth to first mating period. Three different models i.e,Logistic, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy were performed to analyze the growth rate of heifers. Theresults showed that the three models had different accuracy and heavily depend on age, environment andduration of recording. The body weights of sexual maturity and on certain ages were affected by theduration of recording. The Gompertz model was performed as the simpliest model in form ofcalculation. On the other hand, the Logistic was more difficult to calculate. All models indicated highaccuracy with the determination coefficient (R2) more than 90%. Based on the comparison, theGompertz and Logistic model are recommended for predicting the growth rate of heifers from birth tosexual maturity

    Kurva Pertumbuhan Sapi Perah Fries Hollands dari Lahir Sampai Umur Kawin Pertama dengan Model Matematika Logistic

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    Tujuan utama dalam pembuatan model kurva pertumbuhan adalah untuk deskripsi dan prediksi. Tujuan deskripsi merupakan upaya untuk bisa mempermudah interpretasi dari proses pertumbuhan ternak menjadi hanya beberapa parameter, sedangkan tujuan prediksi lebih fokus bagaimana metode untuk memprediksi dari beberapa parameter. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat model kurva pertumbuhan sapi perah Fries Hollands dari lahir sampai siap kawin yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi skala industri peternakan sapi perah. Data bobot badan sapi betina yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil penimbangan bobot badan dari sapi perah Fries Hollands yang dipelihara oleh PT Taurus Dairy Farm Sukabumi dari tahun 2001 sampai 2011, sejumlah 1221 ekor, individu yang mempunyai data lengkap dari lahir sampai umur kawin pertama sebanyak 373 ekor. Sedangkan untuk data BPPTU Baturraden 214 ekor data kelahiran sampai ternak siap untuk dikawinkan pertama kali dari 2010 sampai 2011. Data dianalisis menggunakan program SAS 9.2 dengan prosedur NLIN (Non Linear). Kurva yang dihasilkan dapat dipakai sebagai standar kurva pertumbuhan sapi perah Fries Hollands di Indonesia dari lahir hingga siap kawin. Model matematik Logistic dapat dipakai untuk menduga kurva pertumbuhan karena mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang tinggi dengan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) lebih dari 90%


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    The aim of the study was to produce polyclonal antibody (rabbit anti-ovPAG) which could detect PAG in the urine of pregnant ewes. Twelve rabbits were immunized against ovPG DEAE-TrisHCl (DT), DEAE-NaCl 20mM (DN2), DEAE-NaCl 40mM (DN4), DEAE-NaCl 80mM (DN8), DEAE-NaCl 160mM (DN16), DEAE-NaCl 320mM (DN32) and DEAE-NaCl 1M (DN1) and NaCl 0.9 % as a placebo. The 0.5 ml of isolate (purified from ovine cotyledon) was emulsified in equal volume with complete and incomplete Freud’s adjuvant. The mixture of each isolate and adjuvant was injected at mutiple sites along the dorsal area of rabbits by subcutaneous route. Blood were collected from marginal ear vein, starting before first injection (baseline) and every 14 days. Rabbit anti-ovPAG were measured using Modified ELISA Technique. By using Western Blot Technique, DN32 showed the best immune response among others and also could differenciate ovPAG in the urine of pregnant ewes It could be concluded that ovPAG DN32 is a specific source of rabbit anti-ovPAG production. Protein of ovPAG at molecular weight 31 kDa is a pregnancy protein marker of garut sheep and could be developed as a major protein for producing antibodi
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