55 research outputs found

    Acceptor and donor ionization energy levels in O-doped ZnTe

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    The O-doped ZnTe (ZnTe1−xOx) alloys present induce levels through O doping into the host semiconductor gap. ZnTe usually crystallizes in the zinc-blend structure and ZnO in the wurtzite structure under normal conditions. Therefore two possible ZnTe1−xOx phases may coexist, although in different proportions, depending on experimental growth conditions. We present total energy calculations and analyze some of their electronic properties with respect to: the two ordered wurtzite and zinc-blende structures, the concentration (x from 0.0078 to 0.5), the localized basis set (from single-zeta to quadruple-zeta with polarization basis sets), and the variation of the ionization levels with x and with the distance O–Zn

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the Fe-doped CuInS2

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    The Fe-doped CuInS2 could have important applications for photovoltaic or spintronic applications. This material has been analyzed from first principles with the local density and the generalized gradient approximation, as well as with a Hubbard term. The effect on the electronic and magnetic structure has been carried out for both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin alignments. The results compare well with the experimental ones

    Static and dynamic ionization levels of transition metal-doped zinc chalcogenides

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    Transition metal (TM) impurities in semiconductors have a considerable effect on the electronic properties and on the lattice vibrations. The unfilled d shell permits the impurity atoms to exist in a variety of charge states. In this work, the static donor and acceptor ionization energies of ZnX:M, with X = S, Se, Te and M:Sc, Ti, V, Fe, Co, Ni are obtained from first principles total energy calculations and compared with experimental results in the literature where they exist. From these results, many of the TM-doped zinc chalogenides have an amphoteric behavior. To analyze the rule of the deep gap levels in both the radiative and non-radiative processes, the dynamic ionization energies are obtained as a function of the inward and outward M–X displacements. In many cases, the changes in the mass and the force constants resulting from the substitution of an impurity center for a lattice atom are small. When the charge or the environment of the impurity changes, the electron population tend to remain compensated. As consequence, the changes in the lattice vibrational modes are small

    Electronic property analysis of O-doped Cu3SbS3

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    The ternary Cu-Sb-S semiconductors are considered to be sustainable and potential alternative absorber materials in thin film photovoltaic applications. In these compounds, several phases may coexist, albeit in different proportions depending on experimental growth conditions. Additionally, the photovoltaic efficiency could be increased with isoelectronic doping. In this work we analyze the electronic properties of O-doped Cu3SbS3 in two structures: the wittichenite and the skinnerite. We use first-principles within the density functional formalism with two different exchange-correlation potentials. In addition, we estimate the potential of these compounds for photovoltaic applications

    Electronic properties of doped magnesium thioindate ternary spinel in the normal and in the inverse structure

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    We present a theoretical study of the structural and electronic properties of the M-doped MgIn2S4 ternary spinel semiconductor with M = V, Cr, and Mn. All substitutions, in the normal and in the inverse structure, are analyzed. Some of these possible substitutions present intermediate-band states in the band gap with a different occupation for a spin component. It increases the possibilities of inter-band transitions and could be interesting for applications in optoelectronic devices. The contribution to, and the electronic configuration of, these intermediate bands for the octahedral and tetrahedral sites is analyzed and discussed. The study of the substitutional energies indicates that these substitutions are favorable. Comparison between the pure and doped hosts absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens up more photon absorption channels and could therefore increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host

    Symmetry-induced interference effects in metalloporphyrin wires

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    Organo-metallic molecular structures where a single metallic atom is embedded in the organic backbone are ideal systems to study the effect of strong correlations on their electronic structure. In this work we calculate the electronic and transport properties of a series of metalloporphyrin molecules sandwiched by gold electrodes using a combination of density functional theory and scattering theory. The impact of strong correlations at the central metallic atom is gauged by comparing our results obtained using conventional DFT and DFT+U approaches. The zero bias transport properties may or may not show spin-filtering behavior, depending on the nature of the d state closest to the Fermi energy. The type of d state depends on the metallic atom and gives rise to interference effects that produce different Fano features. The inclusion of the U term opens a gap between the d states and changes qualitatively the conductance and spin-filtering behavior in some of the molecules. We explain the origin of the quantum interference effects found as due to the symmetry-dependent coupling between the d states and other molecular orbitals and propose the use of these systems as nanoscale chemical sensors. We also demonstrate that an adequate treatment of strong correlations is really necessary to correctly describe the transport properties of metalloporphyrins and similar molecular magnets

    Intermediate band solar energy conversion in ZnTeO

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    Energy conversion in solar cells incorporating ZnTeO base layers is presented. The ZnTeO base layers incorporate intermediate electronic states located approximately 0.4eV below the conduction band edge as a result of the substitution of O in Te sites in the ZnTe lattice. Cells with ZnTeO base layers demonstrate optical response at energies lower than the ZnTe bandedge, a feature that is absent in reference cells with ZnTe base layers. Quantum efficiency is significantly improved with the incorporation of ZnSe emitter/window layers and transition from growth on GaAs substrates to GaSb substrates with a near lattice match to ZnTe

    Intermediate band to conduction band optical absorption in ZnTeO

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    ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as an intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this study, we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated with transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTeO. The samples used are 4-μm-thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~1019 cm-3, which have been grown on semiinsulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum), the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm-1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(O).Peer Reviewe

    Intermediate band to conduction band optical absorption in ZnTeO

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    ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as an intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this study, we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated with transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTeO. The samples used are 4-mum-thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~10 19 cm -3, which have been grown on semiinsulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum), the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm -1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(O)

    Intermediate Band to Conduction Band optical absorption in ZnTe:O

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    ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this work we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated to transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTe:O. The samples used are 4 ?m thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~ 1019 cm-3, which have been grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~ 0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum) the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm-1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(:O). The absorption for VB to IB transitions is also observed in the same samples through reflectance measurements performed in the visible range using a monochromator. These measurements are compared with the quantum efficiency (QE) from solar cells fabricated under similar conditions