2,161 research outputs found

    Effects of backing plates on the electron exposure of thin polymer films

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    The effects of backing plates on the radiation dose received by thin nylon films were calculated using recently developed multilayer electron transport codes. The film dose increased with increasing atomic number of the backing plate. The estimated dose could be off by a factor of 2 or more if the backing plate were ignored in the calculations

    Design of a digital controller for spinning flexible spacecraft

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    An approach to digital control system design is applied to the analysis and design of a practical onboard digital attitude control system for a class of spinning vehicles characterized by a rigid body and two connected flexible appendages. The approach used is to design a continuous-data control system that will provide a satisfactory system response. Then, using the digital redesign method, a digital controller with onboard digital computer is designed to provide a digital control system whose states are similar to those of the continuous system at sampling instants. The simplicity of application of this approach is indicated by example. The example, using spinning Skylab parameters, is used to substantiate the conclusions

    Suppression of electron spin decoherence of the diamond NV center by a transverse magnetic field

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    We demonstrate that the spin decoherence of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond can be suppressed by a transverse magnetic field if the electron spin bath is the primary decoherence source. The NV spin coherence, created in "a decoherence-free subspace" is protected by the transverse component of the zero-field splitting, increasing the spin-coherence time about twofold. The decoherence due to the electron spin bath is also suppressed at magnetic fields stronger than ~25 gauss when applied parallel to the NV symmetry axis. Our method can be used to extend the spin-coherence time of similar spin systems for applications in quantum computing, field sensing, and other metrologies.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Limit cycle analysis of large space telescope with CMG nonlinearity

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    The existence and characteristics of self-sustained oscillations were studied in the Large Space Telescope (LST) system due to the presence of nonlinear gimbal friction in the control moment gyroscopes (CMG's). A continuous data single-axis model of the LST is considered. A solid friction model is used to represent CMG gimbal friction. A rigorous mathematical model is derived for use in a continuous describing function analysis. Conditions for self-sustained oscillations are then determined

    Operation of a 1-Liter-Volume Gaseous Argon Scintillation Counter

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    We have built a gas-phase argon ionization detector to measure small nuclear recoil energies (< 10 keVee). In this paper, we describe the detector response to X-ray and gamma calibration sources, including analysis of pulse shapes, software triggers, optimization of gas content, and energy- and position-dependence of the signal. We compare our experimental results against simulation using a 5.9-keV X-ray source, as well as higher-energy gamma sources up to 1332 keV. We conclude with a description of the detector, DAQ, and software settings optimized for a measurement of the low-energy nuclear quenching factor in gaseous argon. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Funded by Lab-wide LDRD. LLNL-JRNL-415990-DRAFT.Comment: 29 pages, single-column, double-spaced, 21 figure