335 research outputs found

    Dredging - How can we manage it to minimize impacts

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    Sediment plumes generated by dredging can impact sensitive receptors at significant distances from the work area. Potential impacts would normally be identified and quantified through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) prior to project implementation; that may also include a degree of project optimization to reduce impacts. However, there are significant uncertainties in predicting the potential impacts at the EIA stage; key components of the dredging programme such as the dredge methodology, dredge schedule, sediment spill sources and climatic conditions encountered during dredging may not be well defined, and this will typically be reflected in the accuracy of the predictions and potentially also in the choice of mitigation measures. Proactive and informed management of the dredging programme as it is executed can often significantly reduce the risk of or minimise the negative impacts. By better understanding which components of a given programme are critical in terms of potential impacts, the programme can be optimised to minimise the risks. Through modelling and monitoring during execution, impacts may be predicted before being realized, and the dredging programme may be optimized to achieve the environmental objectives while maintaining desired production rates. An example is presented describing a combination of monitoring, both of the dredge plume and at receptor sites, and dredge plume modeling to guide the dredging works

    Rating the incidence of iatrogenic vascular injuries in thoracic and lumbar spine surgery as regards the approach: A PRISMA-based literature review

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    Purpose: To assess the rate, timing of diagnosis, and repairing strategies of vascular injuries in thoracic and lumbar spine surgery as their relationship to the approach. Methods: PubMed, Medline, and Embase databases were utilized for a comprehensive literature search based on keywords and mesh terms to find articles reporting iatrogenic vascular injury during thoracic and lumbar spine surgery. English articles published in the last ten years were selected. The search was refined based on best match and relevance. Results: Fifty-six articles were eligible, for a cumulative volume of 261 lesions. Vascular injuries occurred in 82% of instrumented procedures and in 59% during anterior approaches. The common iliac vein (CIV) was the most involved vessel, injured in 49% of anterior lumbar approaches. Common iliac artery, CIV, and aorta were affected in 40%, 28%, and 28% of posterior approaches, respectively. Segmental arteries were injured in 68% of lateral approaches. Direct vessel laceration occurred in 81% of cases and recognized intraoperatively in 39% of cases. Conclusions: Incidence of iatrogenic vascular injuries during thoracic and lumbar spine surgery is low but associated with an overall mortality rate up to 65%, of which less than 1% for anterior approaches and more than 50% for posterior ones. Anterior approaches for instrumented procedures are at risk of direct avulsion of CIV. Posterior instrumented fusions are at risk for injuries of iliac vessels and aorta. Lateral routes are frequently associated with lesions of segmental vessels. Suture repair and endovascular techniques are useful in the management of these severe complications

    A Rationale for Schistosomiasis Control in Elementary Schools of the Rainforest Zone of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    In 2001, a World Health Assembly resolution urged member states to ensure treatment against schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in endemic areas with the goal of attaining a minimum target of at least 75% of all school-aged children by 2010. In the highly endemic Rainforest Zone of Pernambuco (ZMP), northeast Brazil, the Schistosomiasis Control Program has registered a cumulative coverage of only 20% of the population at risk, which jeopardizes the accomplishment of the minimum target for that area. Demographic and parasitological data from a representative municipality of the ZMP provide evidence that the current, community-based approach to control can be complemented with school-based actions. In the most troubled municipalities, individual diagnosis and treatment could be focused on school-aged children rather than whole populations without compromising the principles of the primary health care system. Local health and education teams should be encouraged to include school-based interventions to scale up coverage and achieve a rapid impact on infection

    Cytokine Storm in COVID-19: Immunopathogenesis and Therapy

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    A cytokine storm is a hyperinflammatory state secondary to the excessive production of cytokines by a deregulated immune system. It manifests clinically as an influenza-like syndrome, which can be complicated by multi-organ failure and coagulopathy, leading, in the most severe cases, even to death. The term cytokine storm was first used in 1993 to describe the graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. It was then reused to define the adverse syndromes secondary to the administration of immunostimulating agents, such as anti-CD28 antibodies or bioengineered immune cells, i.e., CAR T-cell therapy. Currently, the concept of cytokine storm has been better elucidated and extended to the pathogenesis of many other conditions, such as sepsis, autoinflammatory disease, primary and secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and multicentric Castleman disease. Moreover, cytokine storm has recently emerged as a key aspect in the novel Coronavirus disease 2019, as affected patients show high levels of several key pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IP-10, GM-CSF, MCP-1, and IL-10, some of which also correlate with disease severity. Therefore, since the onset of the pandemic, numerous agents have been tested in the effort to mitigate the cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients, some of which are effective in reducing mortality, especially in critically ill patients, and are now becoming standards of care, such as glucocorticoids or some cytokine inhibitors. However, the challenge is still far from being met, and other therapeutic strategies are being tested in the hope that we can eventually overcome the disease

    Soil-transmitted helminths and haemoglobin status among Afghan children in World Food Programme assisted schools

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    In recent years there have been major socio-economic changes within Afghanistan such that the present public health burden of soil-transmitted helminths (STH), especially that within school-aged children, remains to be determined. A baseline parasitological survey was therefore carried out in four defined areas of Afghanistan to better assess the distribution, prevalence and intensity of STH infections prior to a nationwide de-worming campaign beginning within World Food Programme assisted schools. A cross-sectional examination of 1001 children aged between 8 and 15 years old revealed that approximately half (47.2%) were infected with at least one STH. Infections with Ascaris lumbricoides were most widespread (40.9%) and elevated prevalences were detected in urban environments; for example, schoolchildren in Kabul were more likely to be infected (OR=2.2, 95% CI 1.6-3.0) than elsewhere and these infections were often of higher intensity (OR=7.6, 95% CI 4.9-11.8). Trichuris trichiura (9.9%) and hookworms (0.7%), previously unknown from Afghanistan, were encountered. The blood haemoglobin concentration of surveyed children was also assessed: 4% resulted to be anaemic (Hb<11 g dl−1), and 0.4% to be severely anaemic (Hb<7 g dl−1

    Does organic farming increase raspberry quality, aroma and beneficial bacterial biodiversity?

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    Plant-associated microbes can shape plant phenotype, performance, and productivity. Cultivation methods can influence the plant microbiome structure and differences observed in the nutritional quality of differently grown fruits might be due to variations in the microbiome taxonomic and functional composition. Here, the influence of organic and integrated pest management (IPM) cultivation on quality, aroma and microbiome of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruits was evaluated. Differences in the fruit microbiome of organic and IPM raspberry were examined by next-generation sequencing and bacterial isolates characterization to highlight the potential contribution of the resident-microflora to fruit characteristics and aroma. The cultivation method strongly influenced fruit nutraceutical traits, aroma and epiphytic bacterial biocoenosis. Organic cultivation resulted in smaller fruits with a higher anthocyanidins content and lower titratable acidity content in comparison to IPM berries. Management practices also influenced the amounts of acids, ketones, aldehydes and monoterpenes, emitted by fruits. Our results suggest that the effects on fruit quality could be related to differences in the population of Gluconobacter, Sphingomonas, Rosenbergiella, Brevibacillus and Methylobacterium on fruit. Finally, changes in fruit aroma can be partly explained by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by key bacterial genera characterizing organic and IPM raspberry fruit

    Blood-Based Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Progression: An Overview

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    Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque deposition and neurofibrillary tangle accumulation in the brain. Although several studies have been conducted to unravel the complex and interconnected pathophysiology of AD, clinical trial failure rates have been high, and no disease-modifying therapies are presently available. Fluid biomarker discovery for AD is a rapidly expanding field of research aimed at anticipating disease diagnosis and following disease progression over time. Currently, Aβ1–42, phosphorylated tau, and total tau levels in the cerebrospinal fluid are the best-studied fluid biomarkers for AD, but the need for novel, cheap, less-invasive, easily detectable, and more-accessible markers has recently led to the search for new blood-based molecules. However, despite considerable research activity, a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the main blood-based biomarker candidates is still lacking. In this narrative review, we discuss the role of proteins, lipids, metabolites, oxidative-stress-related molecules, and cytokines as possible disease biomarkers. Furthermore, we highlight the potential of the emerging miRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) as diagnostic tools, and we briefly present the role of vitamins and gut-microbiome-related molecules as novel candidates for AD detection and monitoring, thus offering new insights into the diagnosis and progression of this devastating disease

    The Reliability of Anamnestic Data in the Management of Clostridium Tetani Infection in Elderly

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    Background: Tetanus infection remains a significant complication of wounds. Because most tetanus treatment guidelines rely on anamnestic data collected directly from patients, the congruence between anamnesis and laboratory evidence must be verified, especially in the elderly population. Aim: Assess, in both the geriatric population (&gt;65) and the non-geriatric one, the reliability of anamnestic data for managing patients with tetanus-risk wounds, identified categories of populations most exposed to non-vaccination coverage, and assessed the agreement of the Tetanos Quick Stick (TQS) results with the therapy performed (administration of tetanus vaccine or immunoglobulin). Methods: In this retrospective single-center observational study, patients were asked their immunization status against tetanus vaccination. The decision to administer a vaccine or immunoglobulin was therefore clinical and based on anamnestic criteria. The TQS test was then given to patients who were unaware of their immunity status. Patients who thought they knew it but were not sure were given the TQS test to determine whether the anamnestic collection was supported by the test. The TQS test results were compared with the anamnestic data. Results: Most patients, geriatric and not geriatric, did not know their immune status. Among those who reported knowing their immune status, there was no agreement between the vaccine coverage declared by patients and the TQS test results (p &lt; 0.001), mainly in geriatric patients but also in the control group. Elderly and women had significantly lower positive TQS test results (p &lt; 0.001). There was a statistically significant discrepancy (p &lt; 0.001) between the therapy based on anamnestic data and the TQS test results. Conclusion: The reliability of anamnestic data for the management of patients with tetanus-risk wounds is low and decreases with age, becoming minimal in geriatric patients. Elderly and women are less likely to have an effective vaccination status against tetanus
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